Cultivating Chai

53: Raw Genius


Alchemist Jun peered at the reddish-gold mixture Xiao Feng was straining before her with curiosity, noting the marked change in color from his last attempt at brewing masala chai.

Lianhua watched as Xiao Feng poured the newly improved iteration of his masala chai into three earthen cups that he had brought along with him.

Steam rose from the piping hot chai, causing Xiao Feng’s lips to curl up in anticipation.

Sure, Lianhua’s Alchemist’s Flame was not something he could borrow on a regular basis. Something told Xiao Feng that Grand Alchemist Xin Wu would not exactly be thrilled to come across the nature of his request, so it would probably be for the best if he didn’t make it a regular occurrence.

That said, it wasn’t as if Lianhua’s father had a monopoly on Alchemist Flames. There had to be other methods of acquiring one and of replenishing it, even if the nature of the flame would be nowhere near as unique or powerful as hers.

On top of that, the Mystic Palms were not an ingredient that he intended to use in the mass-market recipe. No, the Moonlit Dew Plant was already quite effective at making Pudina Chai and he could always find another, far cheaper variant for Masala Chai. Finding an astringent and bitter leaf without the mintiness could only be so difficult.

It all hinged upon the taste of the reddish-gold chai before him. Had he truly amplified the taste and obtained true tea leaves upon the continent of Tian, or had Lianhua’s alchemist flame simply overpowered it to the point where it’s original taste and flavor was completely lost?

Xiao Feng had refused to taste test the Masala Chai, Second Iteration, for that very reason.

“Cheers!” Xiao Feng offered, as he raised his own cup of piping hot masala chai in the air.

Alchemist Jun mimicked his motions, though she seemed too shy to say cheers before another spectator.

Lianhua simply blinked in confusion.

“Uh… what?” She asked.

“Oh right. I think I never told you,” Xiao Feng mused, before nodding in realization. “Well, it’s just a little toast we used to do in my village. It can be to a good meal, or to anything you want.”

“To your future store then,” Lianhua replied after some thought. “Cheers!”

Three cups of masala chai gently clinked together as Lianhua caught on to what Alchemist Jun and Xiao Feng were intending to do.

Xiao Feng took the first sip. His lips were pressed tightly the next moment, as a powerful punch of chai rocked his tastebuds. The heat of the masala hit in almost the exact same moment as he found himself confronted by the most concentrated dose of masala chai he had ever tasted across his two lifetimes.

His eyes were on the verge of watering and just as Xiao Feng thought that he had made a mistake, sweet relief flooded his mouth. No, it had always been there, but his tastebuds had just taken a few moments longer to register the saccharine goodness.

He allowed the piping hot melange to flow down his gullet and what had been heat turned to warmth. A warmth that spread from his stomach and began to suffuse what felt like his entire body.

The juxtaposition that had been contained in the earthen cup was too much for Xiao Feng to resist, as concentrated mystic palm liberally reinforced with firedust diamonds was balanced against the delight that were emberfruit gems coupled with pureflow jam.

Xiao Feng’s gaze flickered to Alchemist Jun as he reached for a second sip. He blinked upon noticing that Alchemist Jun had a tear rolling down her chin, but that didn’t stop her from reaching for a second sip much like he had.

In the span of a minute, the three cultivators had drained the Masala Chai, Second Iteration. Sweat glistened at their foreheads, their breathing reduced to light panting but none of it could stop the slight smiles tugging at the corners of their lips.

“What exactly…,” Alchemist Jun placed the now empty cup back on her table, trepidation flickering across her gaze before she turning to them and continued, …was that?”

Xiao Feng instinctively moved to offer an earnest answer, but then he decided to see how Lianhua was doing first.

When their gaze met, Lianhua could no longer hold back a slight chuckle.

With that, Xiao Feng’s own composure completely cracked as he began to laugh.

A second later, Lianhua joined in and even Alchemist Jun could not help but let a giggle escape, even if she did not understand what was so funny.

“That,” Xiao Feng began, as he finally managed to wrest control over his vocal cords from his own mirth. “Is the result of a martial cultivator’s raw genius meeting a talented alchemist’s resources.”

That got more than a giggle out of Alchemist Jun, before she asked, “I thought Senior Alchemist Lianhua would’ve turned you down when you made that absurd request,” She said, before turning towards the person in question. “You actually agreed?”

A heavy blush colored Lianhua’s cheek as she was confronted by a fellow alchemist.

“My disciple wanted me to demonstrate my capabilities with my Alchemist’s Flame, that is all,” Lianhua sheepishly replied, knowing that her words would not trick anyone. “Also, hey, am I the talented alchemist in that example and you’re the raw genius?” She asked Xiao Feng, navigating the conversation away from her liberal use of her Alchemist’s Flame.

“Ahem, well,” Xiao Feng suddenly found the make of his earthen cup rather fascinating. “Oh right, it’s getting quite late. I’ll go ahead and borrow a training room for all of us, while the both of you can meet me there when you’re ready.”

Lianhua rolled her eyes at Xiao Feng’s melodramatic performance while Alchemist Jun had placed a hand upon her lips to keep her from laughing.

“No, we can just borrow training weapons and shields if we need any. It doesn’t cost much to rent,” Lianhua replied, before taking the lead. “Let’s go. You’re not getting out of this one, raw genius.”

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