Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 54 – The Chase

The dark night enveloped the forest, with only the half-moon offering a faint glimmer of light. Yet, it was inadequate, and the trees loomed ominously like silhouettes against the darkness. Moving at my maximum speed, I had little time to evade the small branches that snagged my clothes and grazed my skin.

The biting cold permeated the surroundings and seeped into my skin, leaving a slick layer of moisture that froze the sweat on my brow. Despite the discomfort, I dared not even scratch my itchy brow, knowing that any obstruction to my vision could prove fatal.

One small mistake, one misstep, and death awaited me. So, I remained vigilant, scanning for any potential threats.

As we ventured deeper, the trees grew more menacingly jagged. I tasted copper in my mouth from biting my cheek earlier, and the cold air stung my nostrils, accompanied by the distant hoot of an owl. Yet, these sounds were drowned out by the thunderous rhythm of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

Despite the dire circumstances, I found myself falling into a rhythm, and the pain in my legs became bearable with familiarity.

However, as I passed a massive tree, just behind it was a young man, perhaps a year or two older than myself. He turned towards us, his expression confused. Without hesitation, I shot out to grab his collar, intending to drag him away from the imminent danger posed by the jade-like girl.

This instinctive act of trying to save someone's life was second nature to me. It seemed inconceivable to walk past someone facing certain death, especially when their demise would, in part, be due to my presence. Unlike those I had slain before, this young man had done me no harm. Though I had no time to think these things through, it was more of a spontaneous decision.

But in that split-second of delay, the chill in the air intensified, hurtling towards me with unprecedented force.

Damn it! I had already faltered, and now there was no turning back!

As my hand tightened around the back of his robe, preparing to pull him to safety, the young man's confusion was replaced by horror as an icicle pierced through his neck. With lightning reflexes, I narrowly avoided the bloodied tip as it grazed past my eye.

With no time to spare, I continued to haul the young man's lifeless body, no longer attempting to save him. His blood splattered across my face, but I pressed forward, sensing more Qi shards hurtling toward me.

What began as an attempt to rescue him quickly devolved into using his corpse as a shield, as a barrage of ice spikes pierced through him. His once bright eyes, now dull and lifeless, bore the brunt of the assault. Thankfully, a cultivator's body proved resilient, sparing me from being skewered.

I tossed his body aside and bolted away, whispering, "Sorry, man."

Despite the chaos, the ice spikes miraculously missed me. A suspicion crept into my mind. Was she toying with me, like a cat with its prey? Or perhaps she was biding her time, conserving her energy, waiting for an opportune moment.

But before I could dwell on it further, a miniature ice spike pierced my shoulder, burrowing through flesh as if guided by her will. Reacting swiftly, I seized the spike and hurled it away, but it looped back towards me like a guided missile, its target now my neck.

As I leaped onto another tree, I decided to halt in a split second, suspending myself in mid-air. At that moment, she caught up and looked at me like a predator awaiting its chance.

Taking the initiative, I slammed my fist into the neighboring giant tree, unleashing the Sonic Fang Fist technique. The tree erupted from the internal shockwaves, hurling debris towards the jade-like assailant.

The explosion created a temporary smoke screen and a deafening noise, but she remained unperturbed. She relied on her Qi senses to track me through the chaos.

"You're quite the schemer," she remarked, her tone devoid of malice.

"Everyone becomes one when their survival is at stake," I retorted calmly, standing my ground. "But if you're hoping to paint me as the villain here, you're barking up the wrong tree, miss bitch."

"What crude language," she remarked.

"Well, you are attempting to kill me. Should I be singing your praises?" I winced as I tried to stem the bleeding, feeling strangely accustomed to the pain.

Had the cold numbed my nerves?

"Shouldn't you be fleeing?" Her silver eyes bore into me, their color shifting like a mesmerizing rainbow from afar.

"Shouldn't you be trying to finish me off?" I shot back, abandoning any pretense of diplomacy. If death was inevitable, I saw no point in sugar-coating my words. And frankly, I had no desire to be friendly with her.

"You could have tried begging, you know. It won't sway me, but it might buy you some time with others. Make them hesitate," the jade-like girl remarked coolly as the ice sword in her hand morphed into a long spear, sparkling like a diamond in the moonlight. With a tilt of her head, the ice spear aimed straight at me, spinning rapidly like a lethal drill. Even at a distance, its menacing energy was palpable.

That thing would tear through flesh and bone like butter, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

"Though I expected more from someone who used another person as a shield. You could have at least attempted to flee after creating that diversion with the tree," she chided.

"Oh? Seems like someone here is even more stupid than she appears," I smirked, realizing she was unaware of my true intentions. Her eyes flickered at my taunts, but I no longer cared.

"Who said I smashed that tree to escape? There were better ways to do that. It was to draw attention, hoping one of my teammates nearby would investigate. But it seems my calculations were off, or perhaps luck wasn't on my side," I shrugged, gazing up at the night sky.

Drawing a shaky breath, I mustered a facade of confusion and defiance, masking the fear creeping in.

I didn't want to die... There was so much left to explore and experience. What a wasted opportunity. But blaming others now would be futile. I alone bore responsibility for my choices.

In my final moments, it would be pathetic to blame the librarian who sent me here, Song Song who left me behind, or even the decision to save Cao Wu. I was an adult and would face the consequences of my actions.

I will take responsibility for my own decisions.

My heart raced, and my hands instinctively adjusted an imaginary tie as if I were back in one of those stifling suits from work.

The ice spear whirred, the air around it shifting ominously.

Perhaps I should attempt to use my Earth Grade Technique, though hers could easily overpower mine, given that she was utilizing her own Qi to wield these techniques.

The javelin hurtled towards me, time slowing to a crawl as the world narrowed to the steady thump of my heartbeat. Despite the apparent sluggishness, I couldn't catch sight of the projectile, knowing evasion was futile.

Then, with a sudden shift in the air, the spear froze in its path, and my eyes focused on the hand adorned with a silver ring on the pinky finger that had grabbed into the projectile. My savior turned towards me.

"I expected more resistance from you." Song Song sighed.

Relief flooded through me, threatening to buckle my knees. Summoning a smile, I managed, "You arrived just in time."

Her intervention had been nothing short of miraculous. A split second later, I would've been a lifeless body on the forest floor.

"Not really," Song Song shrugged. "I've been around for a while. I was just seeing how you handled the situation."

My hopes of her being a guardian angel plummeted. Realistically, her chances of swooping in at the eleventh hour to save me were slim to none.

As I assessed Song Song, a fact that had slipped my mind during our time together resurfaced: This girl was certifiably insane, no matter how one sliced it.

Rather than backing down, I upped the ante, casually leaning against a tree. "Well, then. Let's see a good fight. You wouldn't want to be defeated by someone with lower cultivation, now would you? That'd be embarrassing."

Song Song's smile remained intact, unfazed by my provocation. "I'll give you a show you won't forget."

Turning towards her adversary, she tightened her grip on the ice spear, causing it to crack and shatter into a thousand icy fragments.

"That's quite the technique you have," she complimented her opponent, her tone carrying a hint of genuine admiration.

"Thanks," the jade-like girl responded.

"And at the Qi Gathering stage at such a young age, you're on the verge of breaking into two-star Qi Gathering. That's an extraordinary talent, even surpassing mine," Song Song added.

Her praise wasn't empty; it was accompanied by a piercing intensity in her gaze—the sort of look that would unsettle anyone who received it.

The jade-like beauty straightened, her eyes narrowing as Qi gathered in her palms, forming two translucent ice swords.

Song Song was right; her technique was impressive, unlike anything I'd seen among Qi Gathering disciples. But then again, I wasn't good at discerning their techniques since I couldn't even see the Qi they used.

With a crouch, Song Song prepared to sprint, causing the ground to rumble beneath her. She shot forward like a rocket, leaving a cracked trail behind and kicking up a small dust cloud.

Their movements blurred, a dark and blue flash intertwining as the environment around them froze. Wisely, I retreated behind a tree, seeking cover from their clash.

Muttering under my breath, I brushed aside blades of grass and traced my finger along the wound on my shoulder, gathering blood. Initiating a soft chant, I manipulated the air around me, performing the ritual for a Warming Array—albeit without the core of a tiger monstrous beast, which normally served as fuel.

A translucent yellow square barrier formed, spanning a one-hundred-meter radius around us. Its effects were subtle, primarily warming the surrounding area. While more effective during the day, given its absorption of Qi from the sun, it still functioned somewhat under the moonlight.

Amidst the chaos, a crash reverberated through the forest as the jade-like beauty collided with a tree with such force that it shattered the trunk, sending the giant tree tumbling to the ground.

The jade-like beauty rose to her feet before Song Song could intervene, her icy demeanor contorting into a frown as she drew in a deep breath. The Qi surrounding her surged erratically, starkly from her usual controlled demeanor.

"Attempting to break through during combat? That's a bold move, one I've never seen before," Song Song materialized beside me, her hand on my shoulder as she pulled me behind her.

The other girl remained silent, her actions speaking volumes as her Qi erupted outward.

Breaking through during a battle was perilous and risked shattering one's cultivation. Yet, as the Qi settled, the jade-like beauty appeared revitalized, her gaze sharp and focused.

"Damn, she makes it seem effortless," I muttered under my breath.

"She certainly does," Song Song agreed, her smile widening. "But that's what makes this all so exhilarating. And try not to ramp up the heat from your array too much. While it may momentarily inconvenience her to expel Yang Qi to form her weapons, cranking up the heat tips the scales too much in our favor."

Did she think I had more control over the array's temperature? She was overestimating my abilities as an Array Conjurer.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. There was no reason not to let the jade-like beauty assume that. It might make me a target, but I trusted Song Song to protect me and take advantage of the opening that would create.


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