Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 59 – Promotions & Cool Stuff

As the ships slowly began drifting away from the shore, the disciples and newcomer applicants, who were also on their way to becoming disciples, were in quite a good mood. Some had even begun chatting amongst themselves, displaying a friendly demeanor.

Despite the cozy atmosphere, I couldn't relax and glanced toward the outer elder in charge of this ship. He was unfamiliar to me, unlike the individual who had previously tried to flatter Song Song.

This guy was rather average-looking, with a large crooked nose, a hunched back, and an elderly build. Yet his face seemed no older than forty. With large eyes, he kept a watchful gaze on the other ships, his expression unreadable.

I hesitated to approach someone so overwhelmingly stronger than myself. Nonetheless, I walked closer, ensuring my steps were audible. When the outer elder turned toward me, I bowed my head and clasped my palms and fist in respect. "Honorable elder, would it be disrespectful to inquire about Lady Song Song's whereabouts? She led our team admirably, and many of us wish to express our gratitude."

Fortunately, the other disciples were too engrossed in their activities, and apart from my square-jawed friend, most weren't paying attention to us.

The elder remained silent for a moment, and I braced myself for potential arrogance. However, a knowing look and a small smile graced his face.

"Song Song? Her master has rewarded her and is personally congratulating her for her exceptional exam performance. She is aboard another ship with the inner elder, who has prepared a communication array to connect her with Core Elder Xing Ju," he explained, seeming to relish the opportunity to speak. "Despite initial doubts regarding her status as a Core Disciple, Song Song's leadership capabilities have been showcased during this time, elevating her standing within the inner sect."

"Oh, that's good, she deserves it," I said with a friendly smile.

So far, my name had not been mentioned in this conversation, which was good. Song Song was not the kind of person who would generally steal credit, but she should have known that I wanted no acknowledgment of my part in this whole ordeal. She had said she would take responsibility for any of the murders our team committed, and since she was taking responsibility and adding to her troubles, then she should also take the rewards. I was happy for her.

The outer elder nodded and continued his explanation, "If she doesn't die young, we could be looking at our next sect leader."

As soon as those words left his mouth, any happiness I had felt before came crashing down. My heart shook, recalling Song Song's ideas about certain things and how I had a role in helping her with this!

Unlike in my last world, where a group of people was needed for radical ideas to come to fruition, in this one someone needed to be crazy strong just as they were crazy, and they could make their own rules. The others would have no choice but to follow their leader's directives because she not only had political power over them but actual power.

Song Song was already talented enough. She clearly had a good family background, and her instincts during battle bordered on precognition. Now, with her standing in the sect rising, she would get more resources allocated to her.

A chill went down my spine as I quickly bowed toward the outer elder before he could see my turmoil. "Thank you for your guidance, honorable elder."

"Think nothing of it, kid. I was your age once too," he waved me off, and I was thankful to walk away as my mind was in turmoil.

The Blazing Sun Sect had a vast influence on the world. By land mass, they controlled more than whole continents from Earth, though here it was just a large part of the White Tiger Continent. Their influence was so wide that even territories that were technically not under their jurisdiction would pay tribute to them.

Putting Song Song at the forefront of such power would have her mind and ideas affecting hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people. Usually, the Blazing Sun Sect maintained a decorum to save face and avoid appearing tyrannical. But I knew Song Song cared little about such theatrical ideas.

I took a deep breath and calmed down my racing heart. In my last life, no decision of mine ever led to affecting the lives of over a billion people. But what was done, was done. I couldn't change that.

Walking toward the edge of the crowd, I sat down next to Yang Cho and relaxed.

"Want to bet how long it will take me to get back to my previous size?" Yang Cho asked with a smile. His face still had that square jaw and ripped muscular appearance, so his smile perfectly showed his symmetrical facial muscles.

He looked like Giga Chad's favorite son.

"My bet is at least a couple of months," I said. "While your technique might help put on weight, I've noticed you don't eat much despite your size."

"You fool! You fell for my trap. While I might not eat much in one meal, I often eat a lot during the day and come to snack in the dining hall!" He declared, like an anime detective who had discovered the murderer.

"Then it seems like I must resort to my last plan. I will stand guard in front of the dining hall for those two months to make sure you don't gain weight!" I jokingly added in an over-dramatic manner. Some of our previous teammates who heard us chuckled.

"Hah, I already thought you would use such schemes. So instead, I will hunt for food in the large forest on the sect grounds," he said, stuffing a chicken leg into his mouth. A loud crunching noise came as he bit on the bone, too.

Those cultivator teeth were really something else.

But enough of that, I had a debate to win!

"It seems like you were the fool all along, friend. There are no animals in the forest in the sect grounds," I added with a victorious smile.

"For real?" He asked, confused.

"Yep, I have been using the place to train and have never seen an animal," I said.

"You train in the forest?" added one of my other teammates, sporting a fresh scar from the previous battle on his cheek. "We have training grounds equipped with everything one could need and big enough to fit everyone."

"I like training alone," I clarified.

Also, I wanted to make sure no one saw what techniques I used. Plus, the training ground sounded like the perfect place for some arrogant young master to start some trouble.

Just as I began to relax, the boat we were on suddenly shook as if it had just hit something. My heart jumped into my throat. I immediately stood up, and whatever idle thoughts had been going through my mind were replaced by thoughts of combat.

Most of the crew might not have reacted as I did, with only myself and a handful of others getting up. But everyone had a cautious look in their gaze, dropping whatever they had in their hands and getting ready for a fight.

We turned toward the outer elder for directions, only to see that he had a teasing smile that turned into a full-blown chuckle when he saw us looking at him.

"It was just a joke, guys," he waved. "Though, keep an eye on the other ships, and you will see what is happening."

Had he just pranked us? An esteemed elder who was often considered the backbone of the Blazing Sun Sect and the only adult here supposed to help us—such a figure had pranked us?

There was no word like "pranking" in this world, showing how foreign such concepts were. The closest one could get to that was saying that they were playing a joke on a friend.

People in general, even respectable elders, came in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Even jokesters like this could become elders as long as they had the power to back it up.

The ship began shaking, and the oars made a squeaky, creaking sound that was quite worrying. This was a concerning sound, and as everyone looked at the elder for answers, he pointed at the other ships beside us.

They too had begun shaking, and suddenly, most people felt a sense of weightlessness that caused them to stumble. Though we were all confused by the sensations, as we looked at the other ships, it became clear what was happening.

The other ships were no longer touching water and slowly rising from the sea. It was strange to see medieval-looking ships levitating, but for some reason, the sight inspired a large smile on my face.

It was so amazing! Flying ships! These ships could fly!

The sound of the water hitting the ship was no longer there, which was weird enough. But as I looked up, my heartbeat quickened as the sky grew closer.

I had been in an airplane before, but this was a whole other deal.

As soon as I began somewhat calming down, another thought came to the forefront of my mind.

There were flying ships in this world?

When Liu Feng finished his acceptance exam, the final part was similar to this, except it was closer to the sect. The last part was just eliminating the trash that did not do so well in the aptitude test. Nobody had come and picked them up in flying ships.

Was the sect showing off and saving face for the explosion incident and deaths that happened in the last part of the exam we were there for? Since the red-haired guy had been around, no doubt the other parts of the exams we were not a part of had their own mishaps.

None of that mattered to me, though. For a second, I forgot all of my worries. I approached the edge of the ship while holding onto the railings tightly.

Like most people out there, I was also quite scared of heights. But such fears were temporarily overwhelmed by being on a FLYING SHIP!!

I looked down at the sea below, and the damp smell of the wet wood drifted upward. So the odor of wet sea corals, salt, and damp wood was not lovely.

I took a step back and removed Speedy from my backpack. "Do you see this, Speedy? It's so cool, right?"

The little turtle looked around, confused and a bit groggy, before snuggling back into my grasp. I couldn't help but chuckle, and I gently placed the little guy back in the backpack so he could continue his nap.

I've been on a small flying boat, but a ship was a whole other experience. There weren't many things I wanted in life except books and a quiet place to study martial techniques, but even I couldn't help but admit that owning my own flying ship would be incredibly cool!

With enough time and reaching a level where I could inscribe my own arrays into items, I would eventually be able to create my own flying ship. If I ever reached such a stage, I could probably fly using my own power by then. But it was different being on a flying ship.

Closing my eyes, I could imagine myself in a future where I was powerful enough to travel on a giant flying ship, even bigger than this one. It would be filled with books, and I would travel the world, seeing exotic places like the Flaming Sea and learning even more exotic and strange martial techniques.

Ah—wouldn't that be nice?

I never before wondered to what lengths I would go to gain power, like how some killed or tortured themselves for such things.

But now, I couldn’t help but wonder what having power could do for me? Power was not the goal, but it was just another piece of the puzzle that was my life in this world.


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