Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 30 – Impressing Children with Magic

Impressing Children with Magic


In the morning, everyone besides Damien readied to go to the guild.

“It'll be fine,” Betty said, giving him a kiss.

Bluey and Aurora also wanted kisses, so he obliged, then waved as they walked down the street.

Damien walked across the street, down the alley to Diana's door.

It swung open, and Dora came out, hugging him. “You're here!”

Damien rubbed her head, “Of course I'm here.”

Diana came over, holding Delilah. “Thanks again.” She was wearing a rough brown outfit, with an apron on and a towel over her shoulder.” Seeing that Damien was looking at it, she gave a wistful smile, “I have a washer job today. I'll be back around dusk, so I'll prepare dinner-”

Damien cut her off (having gone over a rough plan with Betty), “That's okay, I'll treat the girls to dinner.”

Diana blushed slightly, then bowed. “Thanks again.”

“Bye Mommy!” Dora said, waving.

Delilah was also waving, while holding onto Damien's hand.

After she was gone, Damien implemented the first stage of the plan. “Do you want to go look at some shops?”

Delilah seemed confused, but Dora nodded. “Yeah! I love the pretty clothing shops!”

Damien held Delilah's hand as they walked, while Dora kept running ahead and then waiting for them to catch up. After they had gone for a few minutes, Dora shouted, “I like this one!” while pointing to one in the distance.

Damien nodded, and followed her in. The shop was....just a generic clothing store that catered to women. I guess to a little girl this is probably great, though. Dora kept holding up dresses (most of which were way too large for her) acting like she was imagining herself in them.

Delilah seemed just excited by the bright colors, looking around at everything. “Pretty.”

Damien smiled, “Yes, they're very pretty.”

Dora brought a blue dress over, holding it up to herself. “What do you think?”

Damien looked. The dress was about twice her height, looking comically large next to her. He suppressed a chuckle, and replied, “I think that's too big for you.”

Dora nodded. “I know, I meant for Mommy.”

Damien had a tear come to his eye. Even now, she's thinking about her mom... “I think your mom would need to try it on, first. Why don't you get one for yourself?”

Dora shook her head “Mommy never gets pretty dresses, she only gets them for me and Delilah.”

Delilah repeated, “Pretty.”

Damien thought. “Well, you and Delilah are growing girls, so you need to get new dresses. Mommies don't grow anymore, so they can keep wearing the same ones.”

Dora nodded, seeming to understand the answer.


“I still wanna get something for Mommy though.”

Damien thought. Hmm, I was supposed to get them a gift, but I guess it's not a bad idea. “Okay, let's find something for her then.”

Dora got a big smile, putting the dress back and then running around looking, while Delilah followed after her.

Damien watched after them for a while, until Dora became glued to a jewelry case. “You find something?”

“Can we get her one of these?” she said, pointing to some bracelets.

Damien looked. They were mostly simple silver bracelets, that only cost a silver each. “Err, yeah, that's fine.”

Dora's grin became even wider.

A clerk came over, and Damien bought one of the bracelets. “Here you go,” he said, handing it over to Dora.

Dora shook her head, “You should hold onto it, I might lose it.”

Well, that's fair. Damien nodded and put the box in his pocket.

After they finished there, they browsed a few more shops, before Delilah grabbed his pants. “Can food?”

Dora giggled at her younger sister. “That means she's hungry.”

Damien smiled at her, “Sure, let's get something!”

Delilah smiled excitedly. “Food!”

Damien wasn't sure what to give them, so he brought them to a food stall and told them to pick out what they wanted. However, this wasn't a great strategy, as Delilah seemed to want everything while Dora seemed too shy to commit to anything.

Damien decided to pick. “Do you want some meat skewers?”

Dora blushed a bit, “I'm...I'm a little tired of rabbit...”

Damien chuckled, “Okay. How about some crepes?”

Dora seemed confused, “I don't know what those are.”

Damien went ahead and got three, and they sat at a bench to eat them. He blew on Delilah's for a while before giving to her, while Dora followed his lead and blew before eating.

Dora's face lit up as she took a bite. “This is so good! It's like fruit, but different.”

Damien nodded. “It still has fruit, just with some cream and in a wrap.”

Dora nodded, before taking another bite.

Delilah also seemed to enjoy her crepe, as evidenced by how messy she was with smashing it into her face.


After a while of eating, Damien cleaned off Delilah's face (and finished off her half-eaten crepe) while she and Dora started running in circles, seemingly full of energy.

“'re an Adventurer, right?” Dora asked suddenly.

Damien nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“I wanna be an Adventurer too, it's so cool!” she replied. “I saw one once, they were using magic to fight a bunch of slimes!”

Damien smiled nervously I probably shouldn't mention Bluey is a slime. Or, used to be one. “I can use some magic too!”

Dora got excited again. “Really!? Can you show me?”

“Show me!” Delilah repeated after her sister.

Damien thought, Well, I guess that should be fine. “Okay, let's go somewhere safe.”


He took them through the city gate, and then a short ways into the grasslands west of Ancona. “Okay, sit down here,” he asked them. He then leaned forward, and cast Fire Breath.

“Wow...” Dora said, in awe.

Delilah was giggling and clapping, seeming to enjoy this as if it was a circus act.

Damien smirked with confidence, then used a small Lightning Bolt.

“Whoa, that ones cool too!” Dora replied, standing up and pointing in the distance after the Lightning Bolt.

Damien entertained them for a while longer, casting a small Flame Wall and zipping around them with Speed Boost, until deciding it was time to go back.

“Mister...can you show us the Adventurer Guild? Mommy says we can't go in, but since you're an Adventurer...” she trailed off.

Damien thought about it. “Um...that's probably fine?”

Dora smiled and nodded excitedly, while Delilah seemed excited that Dora was excited.


They walked back into town, and Damien led them to the guild. However, as they were almost there, he got distracted by Delilah taking off ahead of him.

“Kitty!” she said, running off.

Damien look ahead, and there was indeed a cat ahead of them. It was currently being pet by Liz, who was crouching next to it.

She blushed slightly as she saw him. “Damien...”

Damien gave an awkward smile. “Hey...I remember you said you like petting the cats.”

She blushed a bit more, then nodded. “Yes...” she looked at Delilah and Dora. “Um...I didn't realize you had kids...are they Betty's?”

Damien shook his head, “No, just a...neighbors I was watching today.”

Dora walked up to Liz. “Do you work at the guild? Your outfit is pretty.”

Liz got the same look Betty always had when she saw Dora and Delilah, leaning down next to her. “Thank you dear! And yes I do. Are you interested in becoming a Guild Girl?”

Dora shook her head. “I want to become an Adventurer like Big sis and Mister. I'm gonna cast a bunch of magic,” she said, holding out her palm like Damien had.

Damien blushed slightly while Liz giggled, patting her head. “I'm sure you can once you're older. I'll be waiting!”

Dora smiled and nodded.

While Delilah had been petting the cat, the cat suddenly ran away, bounding onto a rooftop.

“Kitty...” Delilah said, disappointed.

Liz picked her up. “I'm sure she got hungry.”

Delilah turned to look at Liz, then hugged her. “Mommy!”

Liz blushed, patting her head, “I'm not your mommy...”


After talking with Liz a bit more, he decided it was time to grab some dinner and head back (meeting Liz seeming to have satisfied her curiosity about the Guild for now). He bought a few hunks of boar meat (since they had seemed to like it the day before) and headed back to their apartment.

The others were still out, so Damien started cooking it himself, roasting the meat in a pan, and then handing it out.

“You always make such good food,” Dora said, chowing down. “Mommy makes us icky food sometimes.”

Damien chuckled, “I'm sure your mom just wants to make sure you're eating well. I'm just giving you a special treat today.”

Dora nodded. She then set her fork down, seeming to be thinking.

“What's wrong?

Dora looked at him. “Can you be my Daddy? You're really nice, and a cool Adventurer. I know Mommy said she is trying to find one, but I want it to be you.”

Damien gave a wry smile, Why is she asking the same...actually, last time she was just asking if I was going to be, now she wants me to be. Trying to think of a good answer, after a few moments he replied, “I think its still better to let your Mommy decide. Besides, I am away on Adventures a lot, so I wouldn't be able to see you often.”

Dora seemed disappointed. “Even once in a while is better than never,” she replied, then went back to eating.

Damien felt like a knife went through his heart. Continuing to eat in silence, the mood had gotten dark after that.

Delilah seemed to fall asleep halfway through eating, leaning against her chair.

Looking out the window, Damien said, “Your Mom should be home soon, so let's get you back.”

Dora nodded.

Damien picked up the sleeping Delilah, and the three of them went across the street.

They seemed to have perfect timing, as Diana was unlocking the door as they came up. “Oh, how was your day?” she asked. She seemed a bit tired, but smiled at Dora.

Dora, the earlier mood forgotten, started rapid-fire explaining everything they had done that day.

Diana smiled and nodded. “Sounds like you had a fun day. You even wore out Delilah,” she said, taking her from Damien. “I'll put her to bed quick, but can I get you some tea?”

Damien shook his head, “That's okay, I should probably...”

Dora grabbed his shirt. “Mister, can you read me a story before bed?”

Damien looked between her and Diana. “Sure, I can stay and do that.”

As Diana left to put Delilah to bed, Damien was drug by Dora into her room. On the shelf was several worn out children's books. Dora seemed to think for a minute, then grabbed one, before hopping into bed.

Damien sat down on the chair next to the bed (presumably there for this exact purpose) and started reading. It was a light-hearted tale about an Adventurer group going to fight a dragon.

Dora seemed to be giving him her rapt attention, although about a third of the way through she quickly fell asleep.

He heard a giggle come from the door. “You seem like you already have Father experience.” Diana joked softly.

Damien smiled sheepishly and put the book down. “No, unless taking care of a cat counts.”

Diana giggled again. “I put some tea on, if you'd like.”

He was thirsty after reading, so nodded this time and followed her to the kitchen.

Setting some tea down, she sat next to him. Damien wanted to scooch away, but figured that would seem rude.

“So, did everything go well? Delilah I'm sure was fine as long as she didn't cry, but Dora seemed particularly excited.”

Damien nodded. “Yeah, I think she enjoyed herself. Oh, she also picked this out,” Damien said, remembering the bracelet.

Diana's eyes went wide. “You got this for me?”

Damien blushed slightly, “No. Well, I guess I paid for it, but Dora chose it. She wanted to get you a dress, but I wasn't sure if it was your size, so she picked this instead.”

Diana took it out of the box, putting it on. “Thanks,” she said with a deep blush.

Damien shook his head. “I'm just glad I could help out Dora.”

Diana seemed to really like it, rotating it around and smiling.

This definitely worked, right? I had to have made Diana happier.

Diana took another sip of tea, then grabbed Damien's wrist, dragging him away.


“Shh...” she replied. “Don't wake them up.”

Damien nodded, then took a moment to remember he was being dragged along, until she pulled him into a bedroom.

Is this what I think it is?

Diana then started taking off her blouse and skirt, revealing rough brown undergarments.

Yup. “ don't need...”

Diana giggled, “This is what you were after, right? I was a little surprised you were trying to sleep with me, since I look so...” she shook her head. “Well, that's fine, you said I was pretty.”

“What?” Damien repeated.

Diana seemed confused. “You wanted to bed me, right? You already have those other three, but I'm not upset if you want to sleep with me too,” she said, pushing her breasts into him.

Damien blushed, “I wasn't trying to...bed you...”

Diana giggled, “What do you mean? Why else would you try to win over my daughters? And give me a gift like this? Of course, I was interested in you too, I've been so lonely the past few years, and normally men don't want a divorced women, but you treated me so kindly...”

Damien felt like chimes were going off in his head. She was lonely. This is exactly what the Goddess was talking about, isn't it?

Diana seemed to be waiting, so Damien leaned over and kissed her. She started blushing more intensely. “So I was right?”

“I just wanted to make you happy. If me keeping you company makes you happy, then I will,” he said with a smile.

Diana smiled back, before going in for another kiss, and taking his shirt off.

Damien took her bra off, revealing her breasts. They sagged slightly, and he grabbed them and squeezed slightly, causing her to moan.

She seemed embarrassed at herself. “Sorry...”

“You don't need to apologize,” he replied, kissing her again.

Damien pulled her to the bed, sliding her undergarment off, before taking his off as well, revealing his erect member.

Diana blushed at it. “You're really that excited about me?”

Damien nodded, “No one else is here.” He straddled on top of her, lining his shaft up with her opening, then slowly pushing in.

Diana moaned again, so Damien sealed them with another kiss.

He started sliding in and out, causing her to moan as they kissed. Diana locked hands with him to help steady each other as he kept hitting inside her.

After a couple minutes of thrusting and moaning, Diana took that time to explain, “I put some contraceptive in the tea, so feel free to go wild and let it out inside. I'd prefer it, actually...” she blushed.

Damien was momentarily surprised, but with this started slamming harder into her, before releasing with several spurts.

As he lay down, Diana seemed exhausted. “That was so amazing. I never felt like that, even with my ex-husband.”

Damien gave an awkward smile, not sure what to say. “Don't...don't think about him.”

Diana smiled, giving him another kiss, then hugging him. “You're right. I'm tired from work, but if you're wanting to go again...”

Damien shook his head, “I don't have too.”

Diana blushed, “I'm hoping you do.”

Damien nodded, getting back on top and sliding it in again.


After going once more, they cuddled for a bit, until Diana fell asleep with her arms wrapped around him.

This is awkward. I should probably get back... Deciding to Message Bluey, he asked: Where are you all at?

'Did you mate with Diana? Betty says to stay there if you did.'

Damien sighed, and Message'd back: Okay.


In the morning, Damien was woken up by Diana, who was blushing and holding her cheeks, seemingly remembering the previous night.

Damien also blushed, awkwardly saying, “Feeling okay?

Diana nodded, but said, “Just a bit sore.”

Damien started to get out of bed, but Diana held onto him.


Damien turned around to face her.

Diana looked away, blushing, “Damien...” she said, then blushed more saying his name. “Can we do this again sometime? Not just the sex, but...taking the girls out. It really means a lot to me.”

Damien nodded. “Yeah, it was fun. And it's hard to say no to Dora.”

Diana giggled.

“I...we, can help support you too. We're not rich or anything, but Betty and I make enough that we can help with a few silvers here and there. I don't want you working yourself to death.”

Diana blushed again but shook her head. “I appreciate all the help you've given, but I can't just accept charity from a neighbor like that.”

Damien shook his head, “No, I'm saying we'd be more than just neighbors.”

Diana's face started to glow. “You mean, you want to make me your wife!?”

Why does every women in this world want to skip three steps in relationships!? “I would be away a lot with Adventuring...”

“I don't care, as long as you come over occasionally, I don't mind. Even once in a while is better than never. So please make me your wife!” she pleaded rapidly, causing Damien to remember Dora from yesterday.

“No... er, not yet, I mean. Maybe start off as like a...friend? And then maybe more in the future?” I feel like I'm doing Betty a disservice if I say you're anything more than that already.

Diana nodded, then let go of the blanket she was holding and jumped onto him, pushing him onto the bed and kissing him again. “I'll be your 'friend' if it means you keep me company occasionally,” she said with a giggle, then kissed him again.

Damien kissed her back, but then said, “Don't you have to get ready for work?”

Diana seemed like she was snapped back to reality.

Then, a knock came at the door. “Mommy? Is someone else there? When is breakfast?” Dora said from the other side.

They both look at each other then quickly got dressed.

“Mommy?” Dora asked again, then opened the door. “Mister?” she said, confused. “Were you talking with Mommy?”

I'm glad she's so innocent. Damien knelt down next to Dora, “Yeah, you're Mommy and I were talking.”

Diana smiled, and nodded.

“What about?” Dora asked.

“Well, I was telling your Mommy that I liked spending time with you and your sister yesterday.”

Dora smiled, “It was really fun! I hope we can go again sometimes...” she said bashfully, obviously trying to lead him into suggesting they do it again.

“About that...I'm busy Adventuring a lot, but if you want, we can go again sometime.”

Dora looked to Diana, who smiled and nodded. Dora got a huge grin on her face, then jumped up to hug Damien.

Damien hugged her gently back.

After a moment, Diana ushered them into the kitchen where she started making breakfast. Her face seemed to be glowing and she was humming as she made some porridge.

“Mommy seems really happy,” Dora whispered to him.

Damien blushed, assuming he knew why.

When Diana came over to give him some porridge, she even kissed his cheek as she set it down.

Dora giggled. “Mommy kissed you...” then she had a realization, “Does that mean she made you our new Daddy?”

Is kissing how you choose a new parent? “Um...” Damien didn't want to get her hopes up too much, but remembered what she had said yesterday. “I don't think I can be your Daddy, but I can come over and read for you sometimes, or have dinner together. Or show you more magic.”

Dora seemed to be thinking, “So, stuff that a Daddy would normally do?”

Do Daddy's normally show off magic? “Sure.”

Dora beamed at him, hugging him tightly, “Okay!”

Delilah, who had been gleefully spooning porridge, also shouted, “Okay!”

Diana had a couple tears going down her face, smiling at them.

Suddenly Damien heard a party popper go off in his head, followed by a familiar presence.

'Way to go, Damien! You maxed out another Connection!' he heard the Goddess say, a light clapping following.

I did now!? Saying I'll just do Daddy-stuff occasionally!?

'That seems to be the case. Diana really wanted a father-figure in their life. Oh, and I think the amazing sex she had with you last night probably helped.'

Damien blushed slightly. I doubt it was that amazing. Wait, why is a Goddess talking about sex? That just feels wrong.

'What!? Who do you think Betty prayed to after you had sex the first time? Who did Diana pray to asking for a new man to hold her?'

Okay, sorry, sorry...

The Goddess giggled. 'I'm just teasing you, I'm not upset. Make sure you keep at it though, just because you formed a Connection doesn't mean you can't lose it. I have to go, but keep doing a good job! Tootaloo!'

Wait, I can lose- he started, but the presence of the Goddess was gone already.

“Damien?” Diana asked.

Damien shook his head, “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

Diana nodded, “I need to get them ready to take to the sitter, but...” she trailed off, looking at him a bit expectantly.

Damien gave a her a kiss, causing Diana to blush, then hurried out to Dora's bedroom. He decided this was a good time to leave, before he caused further distractions.


Going back to the apartment, he was immediately mobbed by Betty. “Did it go well?”

Damien nodded, briefly summarizing the events of yesterday and that morning.

Betty blushed slightly, “Do you think you did enough?”

Damien nodded. “Yes...although I'm sure the Goddess will want me to keep at it, though,” he replied, using the Goddess' own words.

Betty nodded. “Of course,” then hugged him tightly. She then looked up at him, “I'm happy for Diana, but-”

Damien kissed her. “That means you too.”

Betty blushed, then jumped on top of him. She whispered, “Bluey and Aurora are still asleep. Do you want to...take a bath?”

Damien chuckled, knowing what this was code for. “Of course.”

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