Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 36 – Island Trip Part 2

Island Trip Part 2


Damien was awoken by Betty shaking him.

“Damien, Damien, something is hitting my barrier,” she said.

Damien sat bolt upright. They could see the early dawn breaking through the crack of the tent door. Outside was...Kara, banging on the barrier.

Betty quickly dissolved the barrier.

“Snake!” Kara shouted, jumping into their tent.

Aurora and Bluey were awake now, looking around.

Damien went outside, and saw their campsite was being constricted by a huge snake. He had no idea how long it was, but it was so thick it was almost as tall as he was.

Bluey jumped out and started punching it, while Aurora started casting Flame Wall everywhere. This seemed to agitate it, and it started constricting faster, destroying Kara's tent.

“Oh Goddess, bind my enemy!” she said.

This only seemed to partially work. The innermost coil was stopped but the outside was still moving. Suddenly the head appeared above them, hissing.

Aurora cast Fireball. As the name would suggest, a large ball of fire materialized in front of Aurora, before flying straight at the snake's head. It blew up in it's face, causing it to fall backwards.

This seemed to do the trick, causing it so start uncoiling and sliding away.

Once they were clear, they all took a big sigh.

Kara looked sadly at her tent. Luckily her bag had been partially protected by the destroyed tent, and was still in one piece.

Bluey grabbed her shoulder. “It's okay, you can sleep with us!”

Betty and Aurora nodded.

I guess we don't have much choice, Damien thought. He wasn't against it, but he didn't want Kara to feel uncomfortable being around them, especially since the others could get handsy even when they were asleep (he did too, sometimes).

Kara wiped off her tears, and smiled at them. “Thanks so much. Again.”

Damien sighed, Well, it should be fine.


After clearing up camp, they started searching again for Giant Chameleon's. They found three separate ones before midday, dispatching each one easily, their strategy for taking them out working like clockwork.

After lunch, however, the first one they found posed some trouble, as it tried to grab Bluey with it's tongue when she jumped up. This backfired spectacularly though, as Bluey jumped off the tree and pulled the chameleon down, slamming it into the ground.

“Wow, Bluey, you're so strong,” Kara said, looking at the flattened Giant Chameleon.

Bluey crossed her arms, “Hehe, it's all thanks to Master.”

Damien shook his head, “That's not true.”

Aurora tilted her head sideways. “But aren't a lot of our stats from Master?”

“Well...I guess that's partially true then...”


They continued hunting until dusk, ending their day with eight of ten Giant Chameleon's taken out.

This time, they made camp near a cliff, so it would be harder for a snake to attack them.

While they were eating, Kara asked, “Um...did I do a good job today?”

Damien raised an eyebrow, “Yeah...did you think you hadn't?”

Kara blushed, “No, I just...”

Bluey gave a thumbs up. “Yeah everyone did great.”

Kara scratched her head. “Um, I actually leveled up earlier too. So I should be better tomorrow.”

The others clapped for her, while Damien smiled, “That's great. Hopefully we can get you up to Bronze-Rank soon, too.”

Kara blushed again and nodded.


After they finished eating, they went to go into the remaining tent. Damien had Kara go set up first, so he could talk with the others.

“No funny business while Kara is sleeping with us, okay?”

The others nodded, but Bluey asked, “What about my goodnight kiss?”

Damien sighed, “Okay, okay, I'll give you one now, alright?”

Bluey seemed happy with this, and leaned in. He was of course obliged to kiss the others as well.

Kara crawled back out in the middle of kissing Aurora. “I got my bag laid out, if-” she started before blushing at seeing them. She then crawled back in.

Damien sighed, and the four of them went into the tent. Kara was curled up against one side, hiding in her bag, seemingly not wanting to be seen.

The others quickly laid out their bags, squeezing together on top with a blanket to cover them, as was normal.


Kara curled up inside her bag, trying to fall asleep. They're not going do anything right next to me, right? She had heard them get into the tent, but after lying down, he only heard some occasional breathing or turning, but it was hard to hear over her own rapid heartbeat.

She tried to calm herself and listen intently. I don't think I hear anything. She shook her head, this lovey-dovey atmosphere they have is so weird. Well, it's not like I'm not interested in love too, but sharing a guy with other girls...I don't really get it...


In the morning, they luckily found they were not under attack by any large snakes. After eating some bread for breakfast, they quickly headed out and started looking for the last two chameleon's they needed.

They were able to find them relatively easily, as Kara had gotten even better at picking them out. They were also dispatched easily, as the combination of a Fireball from Aurora and a devastating kick from Bluey onto the ground did massive damage, and they were easily finished off as they tried to recover.

They had finished around midday, and started heading back for the docktown they had landed at.

“Master, should we stay and train more?” Bluey asked. “We can take them out pretty easily.”

Damien shook his head. “I think we should get back. We already completed the requests we have, and I'd rather focus on money for now instead of leveling,” he explained.

Betty nodded. “He also needs to get back and see Diana.”

Kara asked, “Who's Diana?”

“Err...” Damien wasn't sure how to answer.

Betty however, was ready to explain, “She's another one of his women. He needs to keep all of us happy.”

Kara blushed, “You have even more women? How do you spend time with everyone?”

Damien blushed, “Just...when I can...”


When they arrived back at town, they saw there was no boats. Going up to a man waiting at the dock, they inquired about when the next one would arrive.

“One should be arriving later today, but it won't be departing until tomorrow. I can sell you a pass now, if you'd like,” he explained.

Guess we'll need to stay the night again. Paying for their tickets, they then went and found the main inn. After getting two rooms, they sat down for dinner.

“What are we doing once we get back?” Kara asked, seemingly excited for their next adventure.

“Hmm...probably take a day off,” Damien said. “We'll be pretty well off after this trip, and I'd rather take it easy for a day.”

Betty added, “We should see about upgrading some of our gear.”

Damien nodded. “That's true. I have a couple things I want to buy.”

Kara seemed a bit sad.

Bluey seemed to catch on to this. “If you want to do another request tomorrow, I'll go with you!”

Kara shook her head, “That's okay...”

Bluey shook her head back, “No, really, I get bored sitting around all day, and I wanna go fight more!”

“Well, okay,” Kara smiled, “I'll take you up on that.”


After they ate, they went to their separate rooms. And by separate rooms, it was Kara in one, and the rest of them in another.

Or at least, Kara thought she would be alone. As she was preparing to take a bath, a knock came at the door. Confused, she went and opened it a crack, and saw Betty, carrying some soap and a change of clothes.

Betty gave her a smile, “Is it alright if I stayed with you instead? The others are going to be having sex and I...I prefer doing it by ourselves,” she said with a blush.

Kara blushed as well, but then nodded. “Of..of course! It'll be nice to have someone else.”

She felt a bit awkward undressing in front of Betty, but decided it would be okay since Betty seemed nice, and took off her clothes and got in the tub.

Betty handed her the soap. “Here, we thought you might not have any,” Betty said.

Kara blushed again, nodding, “Yeah, money is a bit tight for me...”

Betty gave an excited fist clench, “Don't worry, once we turn these in, you'll have a good amount!”

Kara nodded, feeling happier being reminded, and started scrubbing herself. She was a bit taken aback when Betty undressed and got in across from her. Since they were both fairly short (even if she wasn't as short as Betty) they were able to both fit in fine, though. She blushed a bit seeing Betty sink in across from her.

Betty took off her glasses and started washing herself. After she finished, she said, “Here, turn around, I'll scrub your back.”

Kara blushed a bit, but nodded and turned around.

“Is this too much?” Betty asked while scrubbing.

Kara shook her head, “No, it feels fine.”

After she finished, Betty handed the soap and brush over, “Can you scrub me now?”

Kara took them as they both turned around, and she began scrubbing Betty's back. She was a bit in awe, “Wow, you have really nice skin,” Kara said, forgetting her earlier shyness.

Betty turned and blushed, “Thanks. Damien says that all the time too.”

Kara also blushed hearing this. After a moment, she asked, “ you bathe with him too?”

Betty giggled, “Yes, quite a bit, actually. Usually that's how I get him for myself.”

Kara was feeling a bit shy again after that, and they finished bathing in relative silence. After they finished drying off and getting dressed, Betty poured them some tea. “Do you mind if we chat a bit too?”

Kara shook her head, sitting down next to her and sipping her tea.

“Can you tell me a bit about yourself?”

Kara shrugged, “I don't have anything interesting to say.”

Betty giggled, “That's okay.”

“Well, when I became an adult I left home to become an Adventurer. My family wanted me to stay on the farm, but I figured I could make more money being an Adventurer and sending some back. That...hasn't really turned out well,” she blushed in embarrassment, looking down. “It was okay when I was just fighting slimes, but once I reached Tin-Rank and decided to party up, I kept getting kicked out for messing up. Eventually I left my hometown of Ferra and headed to Ancona, but the same thing ended up happening there too.”

Betty frowned, “Well, I'm glad you're with us now. You're not a bad Adventurer.”

Kara shook her head, smiling shyly, “I'm glad you think that, but even this time I screwed up some.”

Betty sighed, “No one is ever going to be perfect. You just have to keep trying to get better.” She thought for a moment, then continued, “We all screw up sometimes. Damien used to get hurt a bunch. And I sometimes get into bad situations, and Damien has to save me,” she blushed a bit at the last part.

Kara nodded. Feeling like she was getting along well with Betty, she asked, “Um...are you really okay with Damien having a bunch of women? I know it's sometimes normal, but it's a bit...”

Betty blushed, holding her cheeks. “I know. I thought I would be jealous more, but...I got used to it. When I first got with him, he already had Bluey, so I knew what I was getting myself into. Summoners do have a reputation after all...”

Kara nodded. “When did you two meet?”

Betty got stars in her eyes, and proceeded to start giving the whole story of the past few months since they had met.

Kara felt awkward now. I'm glad she's happy, but I didn't need this much information.


At the same time in the other room, Damien was currently still sitting in the bath. In his left arm was Bluey, squishing her breasts against him, and in his right arm was Aurora, curling up and nosing his chest.

He felt a bit salacious. I know they enjoy it too, but is it really okay to act like this?

Bluey felt like they had soaked long enough. Jumping up, she started drying herself off. “Aurora, play me for first go with Master.”

Aurora smiled and shook her head, drying herself off as well. “I'm going to need extra time to dry my tail, so go ahead.

Bluey gave Aurora a hug, and then hurriedly made Damien dry himself, before dragging him to the bed. Pushing him down, she started furiously rubbing his member (which was mostly erect already anyway) before sliding herself on. Pushing up and down quickly, she blushed and smiled at Damien, “You already going to come?”

Damien smirked, “Why are you going so fast? I can last a bit longer.”

Bluey said, “Well, I don't want to keep Aurora waiting too long.”

Aurora giggled from the other side of the room, “Don't worry, I'm still drying.”

After a couple minutes, Damien squeezed Bluey against him to make out. Bluey always loved being held onto him, so she started spasming a bit in his arms. After a few more moments, he thrusted deep into her, releasing in several spurts.

Bluey sighed in satisfaction with a small 'huwah', then rolled over onto the bed, breathing heavily.

Aurora handed her a drink, then slid on the bed over to Damien. They started kissing gently as she caressed his member.

Damien licked her nipples, causing Aurora to giggle again. “Master, that tickles.”

“I'm gonna keep doing it then,” he replied, alternating between them.

Aurora kept giggling, before putting her hands on his shoulders and straddling him. “Master, are you ready?”

Damien responded by sitting up, wrapping his arms around her and gently sliding his member into her. Aurora always loved being gentle, so he slowly slid in and out as they kissed, one arm holding her, and one gently rubbing her tail.

Aurora spasmed several times in his arms as they went, moaning softly, until eventually Damien picked up the pace. After another few moments, he released into her, holding her to him as they continued to kiss.

“I love you so much, Master,” Aurora whispered in his ear.

Bluey, who was still laying on the bed, blushed. “I forgot to say it, I love you too Master!”

Damien chuckled, “Just because you didn't say it, doesn't mean I didn't know. I love both of you even when I don't say it...I do like hearing it though,” he said, after a pause.

“Me too!” they both said, mobbing him back onto the bed.


After going once more each, the three of them cuddled together on the bed.

Hopefully we can keep this lovey-dovey atmosphere going.

'Me too! You all are great together!' he heard in his head.

Eyes bolting open, Damien replied, Goddess?

'Who else talks in your head, silly? Actually, you know Message, so that's not a good comeback...'

Despite the silliness of the conversation, Damien was determined to try to get his questions answered. What are you planning for me at level 12? Are you helping me out a bunch? Did you send Kara to us as part of your plan? Are you the reason no one can read my status anymore?

'Da-Damien...please don't bombard me...' he heard her quiveringly reply.

So-sorry, you just normally leave so quickly, but I have some many questions.

It sounded like the Goddess sighed, 'I understand. I'd like to tell you more, but some of it needs to stay secret for now, okay? I promise I'll answer eventually, but I don't want to risk things right now.'


'Oh, not for you dear, more-...well, don't worry about it.'

Okay. It's not like I don't trust you.

The Goddess giggled. 'Good. And I trust you. Oh, by the way, I can answer one of your questions. I one-hundred percent did not send Kara to meet with you. That was all you.'

All me?

'Yeah, you're just too nice. Well, it should work out anyway. Betty is doing a good job too. I need to reward her at some point...oh, sorry, I feel bad but I do need to go again.'

Wait! Is there anyway I can contact you if I need to?

'Of course, just think of me! Well, sometimes I see you trying but I'm busy elsewhere. Just keep trying and I'll eventually have enough time to respond!'

Okay. And really, thank you, Goddess. I don't know what you're all doing, but I really appreciate it.

There was a bit of a pause, but he could still feel the presence of the Goddess in his head. 'Of course, Damien' she replied, then heard a bit of a sniffle, before the presence faded.

What was that!?


Hope you all liked this arc!  I'm working on a couple different things right now (I'd like to work on the next arc of Nobility Escape, and I also have something new kicking around), but I have more ideas for Damien and co and should get back to this series soon-ish.

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