Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 38 – A Not Unexpected Occurrence

A Not Unexpected Occurrence


Damien gulped as he looked at the blushing face of Carleen, who was looking at him expectantly.

“Um...can I assume this means what I think it means?”

Carleen nodded.

I thought we might in the future, but I wasn't expecting this now... He nodded back. I'm sure the Goddess will approve, at least.

He followed Carleen in. She closed the door, then walked towards the bathroom. There was a stand next to the door, and she took off her shirt. She had a regular undergarment on, and held onto it as she looked back at Damien, seeming to grow redder. “Are you just going to watch me?”

Damien tried to make her feel less awkward, and took off his shirt as well.

Carleen turned around, seemingly now interested in his stomach, revealing she herself had decently toned abs. Damien wasn't ripped (especially not to her level), but he was in decent shape thanks to the constant adventuring he'd been doing the last few months, and she traced her finger on him. “Does this feel good?”

“It tickles a bit.”

Carleen went red again. “Sorry...I don't know what I'm doing.”

Damien realized he should take the lead a bit. Reaching around, he unhooked her bra, and went to slide it off. She looked away, but made no motion to stop him, and leaned back slightly so he could slip it off easier, causing her breasts to jiggle out. They were the same size as Bluey's (unsurprising considering she was Bluey's inspiration in the first place) but they were much firmer (and less slime-like).

“Besides my breasts, I was worried a Knight like me might not be attractive enough for guys,” she said, unconsciously touching her scar.

Damien shook his head. “I'm pretty sure you had nothing to worry about.”

Carleen smiled, then leaned into him, pushing her breasts into him, “Can we kiss?”

Damien bent his neck down as Carleen closed her eyes. Assuming he should start slow, he gave her a tender smooch on the lips.

Carleen seemed delighted, then realized Damien's member was starting to poke into her. “Um, is that...”

“Well, your squishing me with your breasts and we're kissing, so...”

Carleen was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to lighten up a bit, and giggled. “I kind of want to skip the bath now.”

Damien shrugged, “It's up to you.”

Carleen looked between the bathroom and the bed, then grabbed Damien's hand and led him to the bed. “I can't wait any more.” She pulled down her shorts and panties in one go and sat on the bed.

Damien was startled at the sudden jump in pace, but took off his pants as well.

Carleen stared at his member as it stood at attention. “Can I touch it?”

Damien nodded, sitting next to her. “I'll touch you as well.”

Carleen grabbed his hand and put it at her opening, then grabbed his member.

They both rubbed each other. Carleen started rubbing faster, so Damien stuck a finger in, causing Carleen to tense up.

“Are you okay?”

Carleen blushed again. “I'm just nervous.”

Damien stopped rubbing her and wrapped his arms around her. “Don't be nervous, we can stop if you want.”

Carleen shook her head, “No, it's the opposite, I just want you to stick it in.”

Damien blinked, then nodded. He laid her gently on the bed, then straddled over her. Grabbing his member, he carefully started sliding into her. After some initial difficulty, he managed to get it in with a thrust.

Carleen grunted slightly, then smiled wryly. “That wasn't so bad.”

“It didn't hurt?”

Carleen shrugged, “I've felt worse.”

Damien chuckled, then started sliding in and out. Carleen grabbed his sides, making him increase his pace. He then leaned over to kiss her. He tried sticking his tongue in, and Carleen reciprocated, sticking hers into his mouth. She seemed to pick up the gist quickly, intertwining her tongue with his.

After a few minutes, he increased the pace, and Carleen locked her legs behind him as she started climaxing. This caused him to start as well, and he released into her with several deep thrusts.

Carleen pulled him tightly to herself, smashing him into her breasts.

They laid intertwined for a bit, until she let him go, and he rolled onto the bed next to him.

After he caught his breath, Damien asked, “Um...was that okay? I don't know if you took any contraceptive.”

Carleen blushed, “Sorry, I got really into it. It should be fine today...but I'll get some in the morning to be safe.”

Damien nodded.

Carleen seemed overcome with emotion, and teared up a bit. “I knew this would happen...”

Damien was taken aback, and grabbed her shoulders, “What's wrong?”

“Now I just can't stop thinking about you...well, I guess I was having that problem anyway.”

Damien wasn't sure what to do, so just hugged her tightly. “Sorry...”

Carleen giggled, punching him softly. “Dummy, don't apologize. I just need to figure out how to see you more often.”

“Um...we do have an apartment now, so you can always stop by. Of course, we might be gone, too...”

Carleen nodded, “We'll have to work something out.”


After they laid next to each other for a bit, Carleen suddenly sprang up. “Let's try that conditioner now!”

Damien was glad she seemed back to her normal self, and nodded.

They walked over to the bath, which had cooled off a bit but was still warm, and got in. Carleen got her hair wet, then presented it to Damien. “Can you scrub me?”

Damien smiled and poured some conditioner in his hands. It had a faint vanilla scent, and he started lathering up her hair. After it was nice and foamy, he drew his hands threw her hair.

Carleen blushed, “I could get used to his.”

Damien poured some water over her, washing the suds out. Carleen's golden-blonde hair seemed to be glistening even more than normal now.

Carleen smiled, “This is great! Thanks so much,” she said, leaning back against him.

Damien hugged her, “Of course. It someone made you ever prettier than you were.”

Carleen giggled as she felt Damien getting hard again. “Once wasn't enough?” she grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. “You wanted to feel these more, right?”

“I mean, I won't say no...” Damien responded as he started massaging them.

Carleen giggled again, though it quickly turned to moaning as Damien kept squeezing and rotating them.

Carleen turned her head around, “Let's kiss more.”

Damien obliged, and started making out with her as Carleen grabbed his member. After a minute, it was too much for her, and she slid on top of him again.


After they finished doing it in the tub, they got out and dried themselves off. Damien went for his clothes, but Carleen grabbed his arm. “Can you stay tonight?”

“I thought you were leaving in the morning?”

Carleen blushed, “I am, that's why I want to keep you as long as I can.”

Damien realized this was important to her and nodded. He Message'd Aurora: I'm going to be staying with Carleen.

He got a yawning response: Don't worry Master, we figured. Have fun. See you in the morning.

See you.

Carleen seemed ecstatic as he came over with her. As they got under the covers, she held onto him. “I could get used to this, too.”

Damien gulped, “Err, I can sometimes, but I have the other girls too.”

Carleen giggled, “I'll just have to get them to share.”


Damien was woken abruptly by loud knocking at the door. He took a moment to realize the girl clinging to him was Carleen, and the memories of the previous night flooded back to him.

The knock at the door came again, this time harder, followed by a gruff voice. “Carleen, what are you doing? We need to be leaving.”

Damien recognized Baurus's voice. Should I go to the door, or... He was saved however as Carleen finally woke up. She was surprised slightly to see Damien, then smiled blushingly and kissed him. “Let's do this again sometime,” she said jokingly, giving a play at a seductive grin.

Damien smiled back, “I agree, let me know-”

He was interrupted by the door knocking again.

Carleen seemed irritated, getting out of the bed and heading towards the door.

“Carleen, wait,” Damien tried to stop her.

Carleen looked back at him as she opened the door.

Baurus was outside, about to knock again. Rufius and Sevana were outside as well. All of them stared at her.

Carleen blushed as she realized she was naked, but then decided to stand there smugly, crossing her arms. “What is it?”

Baurus seemed upset, then looked over at Damien. “You took a random guy to your room last night!?”

He doesn't even recognize me!?

Sevana was pointedly looking away, but Rufius seemed to be looking at Damien, snickering.

Carleen put her hands on her hips. “That's none of your business. I'll be down in ten minutes, so just wait for me outside.” She then slammed the door shut.

“Sorry...” Damien said, feeling awkward once more.

Carleen looked over at him, then sighed. “Don't be sorry, it really is none of his business. I'm pretty sure he just wanted me for himself.”

Damien was going to ask about that, but decided it was better to leave alone for now. Carleen smiled, then came over and hugged him again. “I should have done this back in Silaro...”

“That might have been progressing things a bit quick...”

Carleen giggled, “Maybe.”


They both got dressed, before sharing a goodbye kiss. “I'll come visit when I'm back in town.”

Damien nodded, explaining where there apartment was so she could come over. “If we're out of town when you're back, just leave a message at the Guild.”

Carleen hugged him again, then they both headed out the door. “I'll go down first, so Baurus doesn't bother you.” After one last kiss, she tightened her sword against her belt and gave him a beaming smile, before she put her helmet on, and walked down the hall.

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