Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 44 – A Breakup and a Meetup

A Breakup and a Meetup


The next day was uneventful as the group made their way back to Ancona. As usual after their longer trips, the group took the next day off from Adventuring to sleep in and laze around.

Damien, however, got up early to go turn in their Giant request, and also planned to see if Carleen was in town and invite her to lunch.

After waiting in line to see Liz, she gave him a smile when he got to the front. He could see she had the hair clip in he had 'given' her. “Hi Damien, just you today?”

Damien nodded, taking out his guild card and handing it to her. After she processed it, she handed it back and gave him another smile.

Damien smiled back, before heading away and towards the Inn to look for Carleen.

However, as he was halfway across the street, he heard crying to his side, and it was getting louder. He turned around only in time to see some blonde hair before he was tackled. Whoever it was, he could feel their weight (and their squishy chest) pushed against him, but his vision was obscured by the mass of hair over his head.

After some effort, he was able to get the offender off him, grabbing their shoulder and pushing them away, so they were kneeling over him in the road.

There was Feya, crying while holding her face.

Damien's heart sank. Oh no...did something happen to Kevander? I've never even seen them separate before. “'s okay...”

Feya stopped crying for a moment, then hugged him, going back to crying into his chest.

He carefully patted her back, repeating “It's okay...”

“Hey, get your lover's quarrel off the road!” a wagoner yelled at them.

Damien realized they were blocking the road. He helped Feya to her feet and half-pulled her off road the to sidewalk.

“I'm sorry...” Feya sputtered, seeming to have run out of tears and was now dry-crying.

He shook his head, “You don't need to apologize...” He looked around and saw they were now next to the inn. “Let's grab a drink.”

Feya nodded, and her crying downgraded to sniveling. Damien ordered them some fruit juice, as Feya sat down at a table, staring downwards. After he got their drinks, he came over and sat it down in front of her.

Feya looked at it but didn't touch it.

Damien took a small sip and watched her. He immediately noticed the deep v-cut in her cleric outfit, and averted his eyes back to his drink. Not the time for that...

Feya looked up at him, “You have a bunch of women, right? Do you wanna have sex with me, too?”

Damien blinked, his mind thrown off by the sudden proposal. “Wha-what!?” he half-shouted, choking on his drink.

Feya looked down dejectedly. “Sorry, I thought you might...”

Damien held up his hands, “Hold on, I think you skipped a few steps in your story. Can you start at the beginning? Did something happen to Kevander?”

Feya nodded. “He...he...he broke up with me!” she said, then started wailing again.

People were looking at them, so he scooted his chair over and patted her shoulder.

After a couple minutes, her crying subsided again and she looked over at him. “I'm sorry...” she repeated.

Damien shook his head again. “It's okay. If you wanna talk about it, you can.”

Feya took a deep breath and nodded. “We...we were having sex last night, when he suddenly stopped in the middle of it saying he was tired. I was a bit worried, since usually that doesn't happen, but just shook it off and went to sleep.”

Damien felt a bit weird listening to this, but nodded at her to keep going.

“This morning, I tried asking him about last night, and he blew up and said he was bored having sex with me, I wasn't good enough, and that he wanted a different girl. I...I tried to tell him it was okay if he wanted to get another girlfriend, like you do,” she said, emphasizing she meant Damien. “But he got more upset when I mentioned your name, and he made me get dressed and kicked me out.”

Damien was confused. How could he get tired of having sex with her!? He had trouble not staring at Feya, considering how seductive her cleric outfit was. He shook his head to focus. Trying to reassure her, he said, “Well, it's his loss.”

Feya smiled and nodded, and hugged him tightly, pressing her breasts into him.

Damien calmed himself and hugged her back.

This caused Feya to only hug him tighter.

Damien tried to steer the conversation, carefully slipping from her grasp and sliding back a bit to grab his drink again. “Well, you don't need him. Why don't you look for a new party?”

Feya nodded, “I know. You have a bunch of girls, right? So won't you add me, too?”

Damien held back a sigh, then carefully put his drink back down. “Why...why do you want to join us though?”

Feya averted her gaze, looking away sadly. “I don't know anyone else in town, and I don't like being alone. Guys like having sex with me, so I usually stick with one until they leave me...”

Damien blinked. That's not a healthy lifestyle, but I can understand it. “Look, you don't need to have sex with me.”

Feya seemed confused, “You don't want too?”

Damien couldn't hide his sigh this time. “No, that's not what I mean. Just...” I need some backup with her. “Let's just go to my apartment and talk with the others.”

Feya seemed sad, but nodded. She then saw her drink, and quickly gulped it down like she was dying of thirst. “Thanks.”

Damien smiled, “Of course.”

Feya seemed enchanted with his smile, but Damien wasn't paying attention and stood up to lead her out.


Back at the apartment, he walked in and immediately got hugged by Aurora. “Master, can you brush my tail?”

Feya seemed to cheer up seeing Aurora. “Can I brush it?”

Aurora was a bit taken aback, looking between Damien and Feya. “O-okay...”

Betty came over from the bedroom. “Feya?”

The four of them sat down, and Feya explained what happened again. She seemed to be less upset on this retelling, just staring down as she explained.

“I didn't know what to do, so I was going to see if Damien wanted to add me to his collection. Usually guys will take care of me if I have sex with them.”

Betty shook her head, “That's not a good attitude to have. You should have sex because you want too, not because you need too.”

Feya blushed, “I don't mind, though, since it's fun...and Damien is probably pretty good.”

Betty blushed and coughed. “You're right, but still...”

Damien felt a bit uncomfortable, so interrupted. “Like I said, you don't need too do that, we can just help you out. Do you need a few coins?”

Feya shook her head, reaching into her bosom and taking out a fat coinpurse. “I have a bunch of money. But I don't want to rent a room by myself,” she said sadly.

Betty looked at Damien, who shrugged. “We don't have any open beds, but you can stay on our couch for now, until you figure out what you wanna do.”

“You don't want me to join?” Feya asked.

Betty responded before Damien could. “We already have a cleric,” she said, pointing to her own cleric robe.

Feya nodded, “I don't mind, I'll get a class change. I use to be a Witch anyway, I just changed to Cleric because Kevander wanted me to.”

Betty looked at her, then at Damien, then back at her. She then walked up and grabbed Damien's arm, dragging him into a bedroom. “We need to talk.”

Feya looked at them confused, then at Aurora, who was still sitting down.

Aurora blushed and held up her brush. “Want to help me?”


In the bedroom, Betty closed the door. She then walked up to Damien, looking at him as if slightly angry, then shook her her and looked down, before pacing.

“Betty, you don't need to be upset, just tell me what's on your mind,” Damien replied.

Betty blushed, “Sorry, I just...No, I shouldn't...”

Damien came over and planted a kiss on her. “I love you, okay.”

Betty seemed to relax in his arms, then she blushed. “Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking...” She then shook her head, and went back to thinking, this time more focused. “This has to be another test from the Goddess.”

Damien sighed, but nodded. Is it, Goddess? He didn't get a response, but he didn't feel like he needed one.

“Do you want to have sex with her?” Betty asked.

Damien facepalmed.

“I'm serious,” Betty responded.

Damien shook his head. “Not right now, I'd feel like I was taking advantage of her rebounding off Kevander.”

Betty raised an eyebrow. “Rebound?”

Damien sighed, “It's a term from my world. Like just finding someone convenient to have sex with you when they just broke up and are in a bad emotional state. Although sometimes other people take advantage of them, too.”

Betty seemed to think for a moment, then nodded. “You're right. I think what she needs right now is a friend.” She headed back out, and saw she was giggling while brushing Aurora's tail. “You two seem like you're already friends.”

Feya nodded, “Aurora is so cute,” she said, hugging her from behind, causing Aurora to blush.

“That works. Come one, let's have a 'Girls Day' and go shopping,” Betty suggested.

Feya seemed excited about that. “Yeah, I wanna get some new clothes!”

The three of them left, leaving Damien a bit confused. Well, if it's cheering Feya up I won't worry about it for the time being. He then felt a presence in his head. Goddess?

'Hi Damien! Sorry, I know you called me earlier but I was busy. Did you need me?' he heard, with a bit of a giggle afterwards.

Did you send Feya to us?

'No. Well not exactly. She just needs some help, so I nudged her in your direction. I think she was going to think of you anyway, though. She's quite enamored with you.'

But I didn't even do anything for her!

'True, but she has eyes. She can see all the women crazy over you, and wanted a taste herself, she replied, with another giggle.

Damien sighed, So, what, I have to add her to my 'collection' like she said?

'You can do whatever you want to make her happy. But I think she's already told you what would make her happy...'

I guess that's true.

'Speaking of which, weren't you going to go make another girl happy today?' she asked, with yet another giggle.

Shoot! Thanks for reminding me.

'Of course, dear. Tootaloo!'

Damien checked the other bedroom, but Bluey and Poppy were nowhere to be seen. He then headed out the building, and started towards the inn once more.


As he was about to head in, the door opened, and Carleen came out. Instead of her normal outfit, she was wearing one of the dresses they had bought together last time he'd seen her.

She blushed when she noticed Damien. “Oh, hi.”

Damien blushed back a bit, seeing the cute look on her face. “Um, hi.”

Carleen got out of the way. “Sorry, were you coming to meet someone?”

Damien nodded, starting to talk in, before shaking his head. “Wait, yeah,” he said, then turned back to Carleen, “I was hoping you'd be in town.”

Carleen blushed more. “I was just about to head over to your apartment and see if I could join for dinner.”

Damien shook his head, “Actually, everyone is out right now.”

“Oh...” Carleen replied. “Is that why you came to see me?” she asked.

Damien shook his head, “No, I was planning to earlier, but a lot happened...”

Carleen giggled, motioning him to follow her. “Tell me about it.”


They sat down in the inn at a table, getting drinks while Damien explained what had happened earlier with Feya. By the end, Carleen was laughing.

“What's so funny?”

Carleen wiped a tear from her eye. “It's just funny, women are so crazy over you. It's like you have some sort of magical attraction.”

Damien raised an eyebrow, “You're saying that?”

Carleen blushed, then leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Yes.”

Damien blushed, looking around. “Hey...”

“What's wrong? I'm sure the others do this...”

Damien shook his head. “Not in public. Well, Bluey might...”

Carleen looked past Damien.

“What's wrong?”

Carleen pointed, “Someone's watching us.”

Damien turned around, and saw at a separate table on the other side of the room was seated Kara. When Damien turned, she quickly looked away, acting like she was staring at her drink.

“That's Kara, she's part of our party.”

Carleen blushed, “She's probably jealous...”

Damien shook his head, “No, we're not like that. She's just a party member.”

Carleen seemed surprised, “Oh, she looked a bit jealous, so I felt bad.”

Damien looked around, and Kara was looking again, then turned around again.

Carleen got up and walked over. Damien wasn't sure what she said, but after a moment, they both walked over. “Hi...”

“I invited her to eat with us,” Carleen said.

Kara blushed and sat down. “I didn't meant to pry, I was just curious...”

Carleen giggled, “It's okay, you can have him tonight if you want.”
Kara blushed deeper. “I'm not interested!” she said loudly, then looked at Damien, “Sorry, I didn't mean-”

Damien shook his head. “It's fine, I know what you mean.”


The three of them then ordered food, while Carleen talked about her latest mission, killing some sea serpents. “It was hard for me, since I couldn't use my sword. I ended up using the boat's harpoon, though.”

Kara shivered, “I'd hate fighting on a boat.”

“What was your last mission?” Carleen asked.

“We fought some mountain giants,” Damien replied.

Carleen nodded. “Those aren't too bad. Just really big. I would hack their feet off.”

Damien blinked a few times, “We managed okay, but it wasn't that easy.”


Damien noticed Kara and Carleen seemed to get along rather well. Both were Adventurer's that enjoyed their profession and liked to talk about it.

“How long did it take you to get to Gold-Rank?” Kara asked.

“About a year. I hit Iron in a few months, and then the rest of the year to hit Gold. Then I've been Gold for a couple years now, but we've been more focused on high-value requests instead of grinding XP, I could probably be Platinum by now if we had. Plus, I've been taking more breaks, lately...” she trailed off, looking at Damien.

Kara blushed, then stood up. “Thanks for talking with me, and for dinner. I best be going to bed now.”

Carleen giggled, “It's not that late.”

Kara shook her head, “I know that face, I see it on the other girls all the time.”


Carleen then dragged Damien upstairs, ripping his clothes off as soon as the door closed.

“Are you leaving again tomorrow?” Damien asked between making out.

Carleen shook her head, “No, I just really want you,” she explained, then pushed him onto the bed. “And I'm not letting you leave tonight.”

Damien gulped. I better Message the others...

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