Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 55 – Reading People in Ancona

Reading People in Ancona


Damien woke up, feeling a bit hot. Opening his eyes, the reason became obvious, as Feya was laying on top of him, draped diagonally with her head near her feet. How did you even get like that!? On his other side, Kara was sleeping holding his hand, now with both of hers, her face looking calm as she slept.

He shook Feya a bit to wake her up, which also woke Kara up. Kara blushed slightly and let go of his hand, although seemed reluctant. Feya turned herself around and gave him a kiss, then hugged him and tried to go back to sleep.

After waking her up, they left the room and joined up with the others. Betty had already rented a carriage for them, so they loaded up into it and headed back for Ancona.

The trip back was uneventful. Damien thought Betty or the others might try and pepper him with questions about the previous night, but no one brought it up.

After a bit, Bluey and Poppy were sleeping leaning against him, while the other four made small talk about what they wanted to do in the coming days.


After they made it back to Ancona, the group went to the inn to eat dinner. While they were eating (they had gotten some roasted boar to celebrate their mission being done) Betty asked, “Are you going to go find Carleen after this? For your ability?”

Damien nodded. “Yes. I should probably go see Diana too.”

“Is there anyone else that you have a 'relationship' with you could use your Reader on?” Bluey asked as she chomped on a roll.

Damien thought. “I don't know, I guess I'll think on it.”


After they ate, he split from the others when they left, to go see if Carleen was in her room. He had a feeling he might get pulled in for a while (or the night) so had told the others he might not be back. He went up to to Carleen's room and knocked. There was no response.

Maybe she's out of town? It wouldn't be too surprising. After knocking again, he figured she wasn't there and turned to leave. I guess I'll go see Diana. He headed out of the inn, but got distracted when he saw the Guild Hall across the street. I should go turn in the requests.

The Guild Hall was fairly empty this evening, with only short lines and a few people on the sides near the request boards. Damien got in line to see Liz, and had a realization. Oh, maybe Liz will have a bar? He didn't expect more than one, but there wasn't any reason to not take the boost. Since he was only a few people back, he opened up his status and discreetly used the Reader on Liz.

Damien gulped at the results. While he had only one bar filled up and a little on the second one, the flashing heart was also there.

What!? Why does she want to be lovers!? He saw her smiling face as she helped someone in front of him, and saw she was wearing the hair clip he had got her. It's not just that...right? Right!?

He briefly tried to think of what to do, but soon was at the front of the line.

“Damien! Good to see you safe and sound. I'm assuming you're here to turn in a new request?” Liz said as she beamed at him.

Damien blushed slightly, “Ah, yeah, here you go,” he said, turning over the requests and his Guild card.

Liz seemed slightly confused by his reaction but took the requests and Guild Card anyway. As she was processing it, Damien decided to just go for it. If I want to start a closer relationship, I might as well start now. He turned around and saw there was no one behind him, then turned back to Liz. “Hey...are you busy right now?”

“Just with work. Do you need to discuss some Guild business?” Liz asked as she filled out a paper.

“Not...exactly...” Damien said, not sure how to proceed.

Liz looked up then craned her neck to look behind him. “I'm going to close my window after I'm done processing this, so we can go talk in one of the meeting rooms, if that works?”

Damien thought for a moment, then nodded. “Sure.”

Liz smiled and slid over the payment and his Guild Card. “Excellent. Come around the side, I'll meet you in a moment.” She turned the sign around on her desk then started cleaning up, so Damien went over to the door on the side of the room.

After a minute, the door swung open, and a smiling Liz beckoned him to follow. She calmly walked down the hall a ways, then led him to a room with two couches, and a table in the middle. “Please sit here, I'll be back in a moment.”

Damien nodded. He realized Liz was thinking this was different than his intentions, but was a bit nervous on how to proceed and let himself just follow along. Sitting down, he thought, What's the best way to do this? She's obviously open to it based on the Reader, but she might be against it because of her position. And I'm not sure about jumping straight into some sort of relationship. She seems fine, but she must be lonely based on the Reader, too. Maybe I should probe a bit first? Although I don't want to be rude. How-

His thoughts were interrupted as Liz came back in, this time holding a tray with some tea, and a thick binder. She sat it down and poured some for both of them. “Sorry, I just wanted some tea after a day of work.”

Damien smiled, taking the cup. “Of course, I do too sometimes.”

Liz smiled, then grabbed the binder. “So, what service are you in need of today? Another loan? Boarding services? Maybe....marriage?” she giggled.

Damien was thrown off a bit. “Marriage!?”

Liz nodded. “I wasn't sure how far along you and Betty were, so I figured it might be time. Then again, she probably wants a religious marriage, not a Guild marriage.”

Since Damien didn't know, he asked, “What's the difference?”

“Nothing really. Most places that need a marriage license will accept either. Some couples in the Guild just prefer the simpler and less time, and money, consuming process then renting out a cathedral.”

Damien started nodding as he thought back to the 'marriage' topic he had in his head, but then quickly shook it. “No, that's not what I'm here for. I...just wanted to talk to you, Liz.”

Liz seemed confused at first, then blushed slightly. “ to me?”

“Yeah. I ...” Damien trailed off.

Liz seemed more confused. “What's wrong?”

Damien sighed, then decided he wasn't going to beat around the bush. “Are you single?”

Liz blushed again, but nodded. “Yes...I haven't had much time for romance since I'm working all the time. I-” she stopped herself as she grabbed her cheeks. “Wait, why are you asking me that?”

May as well just keep going. “Are you interested in me?”

Liz blushed even further. “ already have Betty, and...”

“I already have a half dozen girls, but that doesn't mean I can't get more,” he said, forcing himself not to wince at his own words.

Liz's whole face was red now, and she was averting her gaze. “I...I can't have a relationship with one of my clients, that would be inappropriate...”

But the Reader said you wanted to! Well, I guess even if she wants to she's worried about her job... “I don't see the issue. We don't have to tell anyone.”

Liz was now covering her face with her hands, not able to say anything.

Damien sat his cup down and went around to sit next to Liz. “If you don't want me, that's fine, but I want you, and I don't like you being all alone,” he said, holding his arms around her.

Liz seemed to melt in his arms. Gone was the always beaming and professional Liz normally at the Guild window, and now she was softly sobbing into his chest. “Why would you do this for me?”

“I already told you. Well, I guess the Goddess also wants me to help women not be lonely,” he explained.

Liz giggled, wiping her tears. “The Goddess wants you too?” She was leaning into him, her large breasts squished against him, and her face tilted up. “Hey...I've never had a kiss before. Do you want the first one?”

Damien was glad she seemed to be enjoying herself, and so leaned over and gave her a peck.

“Hehe,” she giggled. She then pushed him down onto the couch, kissing him again. She was sloppily trying to make out with him but obviously didn't know how, so Damien gently guided her.

After they kissed for a few minutes, she knelt up and pulled her top off. She had a plain white bra on.

“Wait, what-” Damien said at the escalation.

Liz didn't listen, instead taking her bra off to reveal her breasts. They were definitely the largest Damien had seen, and they sagged down a bit now that they weren't held up. “Do you like them?” she asked as she set them on his face.

“Yef, but, cwan't bweave,” Damien said as he fought for air.

Liz blushed and pulled them back. “Sorry. I just got so excited.”

Damien shook his head. “It's okay. You don't need to go that far, though.”

Liz shook her head back, “No, you said you wanted me, and...” she grabbed her cheeks, “I've daydreamed about you a few times, when...” she trailed off, too embarrassed to go on.

Now I just feel like I'm going to screw up if I stop now. Against his better judgment, he grabbed her breasts and started licking her nipples.

Liz moaned loudly, covering her mouth when she realized what kind of sound she had made. After a minute of this, she grabbed his shoulders, “Wait, wait!”

“What's wrong?” Damien asked.

Liz stood up and removed her skirt and panties. “Just...just stick it in! I'm not letting you get away until I've lost my virginity.”

“You don't need to go that far,” Damien said, standing up next to her.

Liz started ripping off his clothes. “No, I'm giving it to you, and that's final,” she said, now sounding more like serious Liz.

Damien gave up and let her strip him the rest of the way. After they were both fully nude, Liz laid back down on the couch.

“Is it really a good idea to do it here?”

Liz nodded, “Everyone else should be gone by now.”

Damien crawled on top and straddled her. “Tell me if it hurts.”

Liz grabbed his hands and held on to them.

Damien slowly slid himself in. There was a bit of resistance, but he was able to get in without too much trouble.

Liz winced a bit but seemed okay. “I'm fine.”

He started sliding back and forth as Liz started moaning again. Her breasts flopped to the sides as Damien hit inside her.

“Kiss me again,” she asked, holding up her arms.

Damien leaned over and kissed her as she wrapped his arms around her, trying to thrust faster. He felt Liz spasming underneath him, barely able to kiss properly. “I'm almost there Liz.”

Liz smiled and nodded, wrapping her legs around him. “Do it inside, it should be fine today.”

Damien didn't like the 'should' in there but he didn't have much reason at the current moment, and emptied into her with one more big thrust. After he was finished, they laid huddled together as they caught their breath.

However, Liz suddenly seemed worried. “I'm sorry.”

Damien was confused. “What are you sorry for?”

Liz shook her head, “I just...I was so happy you were coming onto me, that I couldn't hold myself back.”

Damien kissed her, “I didn't exactly have a problem with it, did I?”

Liz smiled and leaned into his chest. “Thanks for indulging me tonight, then.”

Damien hugged her. “Not just tonight, I hope.”

“You want to do it again? I thought maybe I would be bad...”

Damien chuckled, “No, you were fine. And even if you weren't, I wouldn't mind.”

Liz gave a nervous smile now. “I...I would very much like that.”


After they cuddled for a few minutes, Liz abruptly got up. “Sorry, I need to go.”

Damien nodded and watched as she quickly got dressed. “Are you okay?”

Liz blushed. “Yes. I want to stay longer, but the cats are expecting me to bring them some food.”

After they finished dressing, Liz looked at him, then hugged him tightly again. “I hope I see you again soon.”

Damien nodded, giving her another kiss. “Luckily I don't live too far away. I'm pretty sure I can make some time to come see you,” he said in a teasing manner.

Liz blushed, gave him a kiss back, then headed to the door. She opened and looked both ways, then beckoned him over. “It looks like we're fine.” As they headed out the door, she grabbed her binder and bowed. “Thanks for our discussion today, please visit the Guild again soon.”

Damien held back a chuckle. “Don't worry, I will.”


Hope you all enjoyed this arc!

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