Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 62 – Making Plans, continued

Making Plans, continued


After returning late from their latest mission against the trolls, the party mostly slept in the next day, using it as a day off to recuperate.

Once Damien was up, however, he immediately left to go see Carleen. When he knocked on her door, he heard a chair scooting, and a few moments later the door opened and Carleen sighed, giving him a hug. “Damien....”

Damien patted her back, “What's wrong?”

“This is much harder than I thought it would be...” she replied, pulling him over to the table, where bunches of papers were laid out everywhere. “In order to book the cathedral, I need to fill out these forms, and I also need to pick out a dress design soon so they get to work on it, and I want us to have the house by the time the wedding is done so we can spend our first night there.”

“It won't really be our first night...”

Carleen blushed and punch his shoulder, which hurt a bit. “Dummy, it's still a special night.”

Damien nodded. “Well, let me help. I came to see how you were doing, so if I can-”

Carleen shook her head. “No, I can't let you do this, it was my idea in the first place.”

Damien raised his eyebrow. “But I'm also getting married.”

Carleen blushed again. “I know, but I feel like I'm dragging you into this, so I don't want to burden you.”

Damien hugged her from behind. “Don't be silly, I'm happy to be doing this too.”

Carleen blushed deeper, then grabbed his arms. “Okay...” She stayed in his embrace for a few moments, then grabbed a paper. “Well, you pick out the dress then,” she said, handing a stack to him.

“You want me to pick out the dress? But you're the one wearing it.”

Carleen nodded. “Yes, but you will be the one looked at me. I was never one for clothes anyway.”

Damien thought for a moment, “I guess that makes sense.”

“And I will work on the cathedral paperwork, and then the guest list. We'll save the house for another day, since I'd rather have everyone there.”

Everyone?” Damien asked.

Carleen nodded. “Yes. If all your summons and girlfriends will be living there, we'll need to make sure everyone's happy with it.”

Damien blushed. “Are you really okay with me having some many girls?”

Carleen shrugged. “I talked with Betty about that...she thinks your blessed by the Goddess to woo over women.” She looked over at Damien as if to gauge his reaction.

Damien blushed slightly. Well, that is sort of true. “I guess I should show you my new ability, then.” He open his Reader and scanned in Carleen, then explained his ability.

Carleen just nodded as if this was natural. “I see. That even further strengthens my conviction.”


Carleen came over and grabbed his shirt, giving him a deep kiss. “I just want to make this clear, but you're the only man I've ever been interested in. Like romantically.” She blushed, then gave him another kiss. “Now look at those dresses.”

Damien nodded, sitting down across from her and looking through them. “He slowly went through them, holding them up one at a time, and trying to imagine how they'd look on Carleen.

Carleen seemed to keep getting distracted by his gaze, before going back to her papers.

Damien wasn't sure what to pick, but eventually decided on a frilly one with lots of lace. He slid it over to Carleen, who giggled. “You want me to wear this one?”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong with it?”

“Nothing, I just thought you'd pick a more...revealing one.”

Damien blushed. “It's a wedding...”

Carleen giggled again. “True.” She slid the paper she had over to him. “Could you sign this? The Church requires both participants signatures.”

“That's probably a good thing...” Damien joked, signing his name.

Carleen nodded. “How long are you staying with me?”

Damien blushed. “I need to go visit Diana and Liz today too.”

Carleen grabbed his arm and pulled him up. “Okay, but spend a bit more time with me first.” She pulled him to the bed, and started making out with him as they lie there.

After a minute, both there clothes were off, and Carleen was wrapping her legs around him. “Come on, don't keep me waiting!”

Damien leaned over and stuck his member in, hitting the back of Carleen and causing her to moan in pleasure. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down for another kiss. “Come on, keep going...”

Damien started sliding back and forth, pistoning his hips in time with their kissing. It didn't take long for him to feel himself about to come, so he grabbed her tightly and emptied into her.

Carleen shivered in delight as they lay there connected. “I'm glad you came today, I was missing you.”

Damien grabbed her tighter. “I'm always here for you. Even when I'm not actually here.”

Carleen giggled, “Okay, silly.”


After laying with Carleen for a while, Damien left around when he knew Diana would be getting home.

He walked over and knocked on their door. After just a couple moments, the door swung open, and Dora appeared. “Daddy!” she shouted, hugging him.

Damien knelt over and hugged her back. “Hey Dora.”

“I missed you Daddy! I have something for you,” she explained, running back into her room.

Diana came over from the kitchen, giggling. “Good to see you.”

Damien came over and gave her a kiss, causing Diana to blush.

“Here!” Dora said, holding up a piece of paper. It had a stick figure fighting something.

“This is great!” Damien said.

Dora beamed, “I'm glad you like it. Did you fight a dragon this time.”

Damien shook his head. “No, we fought some trolls this time.”

Dora seemed unsure. “Trolls? What are those?”

Damien did his best troll impression while Diana left to go continue cooking.


After talking with Dora a bit, Diana told them dinner was ready, so they went to the kitchen to eat.

Delilah was already sitting there, and started giggling when Damien came in.

Damien came over and gave her a headpat, causing Delilah to giggle more.

“I think she recognizes you now,” Diana said.

The four of them ate while Dora continued to chatter, with Diana occasionally interjecting a question.

After they finished, Dora grabbed his arm. “Come play with me some more?”

Diana wagged her finger, “Dora, Damien probably can't stay.”

Damien gave a weak smile. “Your mom is right, but I can stay a bit longer. Go take a bath while I talk to her for a bit, then I'll read you a story.”

Dora giggled, “It isn't bedtime though!” but ran off anyway.

Diana looked at him, seeming a bit concerned. “What's wrong? What do you need to talk about?”

“Remember when I mentioned getting a house?” Damien asked.

Diana nodded, paying rapt attention.

Damien explained everything that had happened recently, including getting the house with money from his marriage to Carleen.

Diana beamed, “That's great!” and hugged him tightly.

Damien nodded. “It goes without saying, but we want you all to come live with us.”

Diana blushed. “ that really okay?”

“Of course. Part of the point is to getting everyone....everyone attached to me in one place. And obviously that includes you three.”

Diana started tearing up a bit. “Is this really okay?” she repeated.

Damien sat next to her and held her tightly. “I told you, I want you to be there with us.”

Delilah started talking. “Mama....”

Diana smiled and went over to pick her up. “Don't worry, everything will be fine,” she said.

Delilah started giggling again.

Dora came in now, wearing slightly wet pajamas since she hadn't dried off well in her excitement. “Daddy, come on!”

“Dora,” Damien started, but Diana held his shoulder.

“Leave it a surprise,” she whispered.

“What are you talking about?” Dora asked.

“Mommy and Daddy things,” Diana explained.

Dora giggled at that response, then grabbed Damien's arm. “Come on!”


After reading a story to Dora and giving Diana a goodbye kiss, Damien went to the Guild Hall to find Liz, since she should be getting off soon.

Inside, he went over to Liz's window, where only one person was in line. As Damien approached, he saw Liz glance at him then blush slightly, but continue helping. After they were done, Damien walked up. “Hello, Liz.”

Liz blushed but kept her composure. “Hello, Damien. What can I help you with?”

“I just came to see you if you'd like to get a drink after this,” he said, in a lower voice.

Liz blushed deeper. “Sure, I'll be done in five minutes if you want to wait behind the building.”

Damien nodded and went around outside.

After a short wait, Liz came out. She was not wearing her Guild girl outfit anymore, instead wearing some plain clothes. She looked both directions, then grabbed Damien's hand and started dragging him.

“The Inn is that way,” Damien said.

Liz didn't look at him, but replied, “I have drinks at my place.”

“Oh...okay,” was all Damien said.

They continued in silence for a short while until stopping in front of a small townhome a couple streets over. Liz unlocked the door then pulled Damien inside. Once the door was closed, she smooshed into him, leaning up and kissing him.

After a few moments of making out, Liz leaned back, blushing heavily. “Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you badly.”

Damien shook his head, “I don't mind.”

Liz smiled and hugged him. “I'm so glad you came to see me.”

“Of course I would come to see you. Sorry I can't more often.”

Liz blushed again. “It's okay, I understand your a busy man.”

Damien gave a sideways smile. “Yeah...but hopefully we can see each other more often if we're living together.”

“You really want me too? What if we get in trouble?” Liz said.

Damien shook his head. “I'm sure things will be fine as long as we're careful. If worst comes to worst, we can change Guild Girls so you don't get in trouble.”

Liz pouted a bit, “You don't want me anymore?”

Damien was about to protest when Liz giggled.

“Just kidding.”

Damien was taken aback by the teasing, but then chuckled. “I like this Liz.”

Liz blushed and smiled, “I like Damien,” she said, before leaning her breasts into him and kissing again.

Suddenly, there was the sound of scratching on the door behind them.

What... Damien was about to react, but Liz shook her fists.

“Oooooh, sorry, I need to feed them first or they won't leave us alone,” Liz explained. She grabbed a bowl and opened the door, where a half dozen cats were waiting.

Damien chuckled, “Are these all your cats?”

Liz shook her head, “No, I just feed them. I don't want to take any in since I'm gone at work all day, but I try to make sure they have enough food. Here,” she said, giving him the bowl after it was empty. “You feed them too, so they get comfortable with you.”

Damien nodded, scooping some food out of a bag then setting the bowl down. Most of the cats seemed to eye him warily, but one came over and rubbing against his legs. Damien stroked its fur a bit, earning a purr in response.

Liz set out one more bowl, then closed the door. “They should be good now.” She pulled Damien over to a table, where she poured them some wine. “Sorry, I didn't ask if you like wine.”

Damien shrugged, “It's fine,” he took a sip, “This is pretty good.”

Liz smiled, swirling hers a bit before taking a drink, then asking, “Are you staying the night with me?” Damien nodded, which caused Liz to blush heavier. “ it okay if I take a bath first?”

“Do you want me to join you?” Damien asked.

Liz blushed deeper, then drained the rest of her wine in one gulp. “I can't wait,” she said, before grabbing his arm.


The two were quickly undressed and in Liz's tub in less than a minute. Liz had a good sized tub, large enough to lay in. They sat across from each other, causing Liz to stay red the whole time as they sat there naked.

“Are you just going to stare at me the whole time?” Liz asked.

Damien shrugged, “Is that a problem.”

Liz shook her head, “No but you should scrub too,” she said, handing him some soap.

After they finished, they soaked in some awkward silence.

“Come here,” Damien said.

“What, I don't want to-”

Damien pulled her over, sitting her in his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

Liz looked down, “This is nice, but I can't wait any longer.”

“Oh...” Damien said. “I thought you might want to cuddle.”

“That sounds nice, but maybe later,” Liz said, standing up quickly. She dried off quickly then tossed the towel to Damien. He dried off quickly as well, and the two went over to the bed.

Liz was already wet, so Damien just got on top and started kissing her. He slowly slid his member inside, grabbing her breasts and causing Liz to moan.

“I couldn't stop thinking about this since last time,” Liz got out.

Damien smiled and kissed her again. He felt Liz already spasming below him, so he quickened the pace and slid in and out faster and faster.

“Hold me!” Liz said, holding her arms out.

Damien squeezed tightly to her as he released into her, causing Liz to spasm again.

They lay there holding each other as they caught their breath. “Do you want to cuddle now?” Damien suggested.

Liz squirmed a bit. “Can we...maybe go once more?”

Damien nodded. “Just give me a minute...”

That's all for this arc, hope you all enjoyed!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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