Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 9 – Matters of Appearance

Matters of Appearance

As they got to town, he was slightly worried that Bluey might get them unwanted attention. However, with the exception of a few leers from men (not that Damien was worried, since Bluey could probably crush most of them) they got to the Adventurer's guild safely.

Beatrice was in her normal window, seeming more bored than tired today. As they walked up, Beatrice's eyes went wide as she looked Bluey up and down. “Is that...Bluey?”

Bluey got incredibly excited seeing Beatrice. Leaning over the window, she gave her a hug. “Beatrice, you have have my affection!”

Beatrice didn't know how to react, face going red.

Damien gave a wry smile, “Yeah, she just...turned into this at level 10.”

As Bluey let go, Beatrice fixed her glasses and nodded. “I didn't realize Bluey was already that high, but yes, you can change a summons appearance at level 10. It's not uncommon for summoners to give them certain...appearances,” she said, obviously staring at Bluey's breasts.

Damien felt the need to defend himself. “I let Bluey choose it-...her, own appearance, and this is what she chose.”

Beatrice looked at Bluey's face. “Really?”

Bluey nodded excitedly. “Yeah! I knew you and Carleen were attractive to Master, so I-”

She was stopped as Damien, blushing, put a hand over her mouth.

Beatrice blushed a bit. Shaking her head, after a moment she held out her hand, “Requests? And did you reach level 5?”

Damien frowned, shaking his head. “No, Bluey kept getting levels, but I don't.”

Beatrice nodded again. “Summoners do level up fairly slowly. I think that's another reason they're not popular.”

“They level up slower?”

Beatrice raised an eyebrow. “Yes...did they not tell you that when you picked your class?”

Well, I didn't pick it, exactly... “Errr...I must have just forgotten.”

As Beatrice was processing the requests, Bluey grabbed Damien's sleeve. “Hey, hey, let's go get some food. I'm really hungry after carrying you.”

Beatrice blushed again, although seemed to recover quickly, asking, “I don't have time to make you dinner today, but would you like to come over to the tavern while I'm working? Auntie's serving roasted pheasant today.”

Bluey was salivating. “I don't think I've had that, but it sounds good.”

Damien shrugged, “Sure, I'd like to try it, too.”

Beatrice smiled, “I'll see you there!”

Since Beatrice wouldn't be at the tavern for a bit, Damien took Bluey to a clothing store. “We need to get those undergarments for you I mentioned.

Bluey nodded. “Let's pick some out!”

Damien blushed a bit. “You can just get some on your own...”

Bluey shook her head. “I don't know what to get though...”

Damien sighed, “I guess that's true. Maybe someone can measure you're size.”

“Can't you?” Bluey asked, shoving her breasts into Damien's face. “You've already touched me there.”

Damien blushed and gently pushed her away (by the shoulders) as they got several odd looks. “You can't say stuff like that in public. Keep our...” he lowered his voice, “Keep anything we do during 'mating' a secret in public, okay? Or at least only whisper. Humans usually keep stuff relating to it private.”

“Oh, sorry...” Bluey said, blushing slightly.

Damien shook his head. “It's okay, you didn't know.”

They went inside the clothing store, and found one of the clothiers to take Bluey into a dress room and measure her. After a couple minutes, she came back with a list of sizes.

“The nice lady said blue or yellow would match my hair nicely.”

“Wha-what!?” Damien said, blushing. He looked over at the lady, who was giving them a knowing smile.

They then started browsing through the racks of undergarments for her. While he thought he might get odd looks from the women in the store, most gave similar looks to the clothier woman, seeming to think it was cute he was shopping with Bluey.

“Oh, oh, what about this one,” Bluey said, holding up a lacy yellow combo.

Damien blushed a bit. “Sorry, that's a bit out of our price range.”

Bluey took it in stride, now looking at the price too. “How about this? It's a bit less.” This one was normal woolen undergarment, but seemed to have been dyed in a dark blue. It wasn't the same color as Bluey's hair, but... “I think you'd look good in it.” Damien whispered while blushing.

Bluey blushed back, before taking it to the cashier. After a few moments, she came back, “I don't have any money.”

Damien facepalmed, opening his bag and walking up with her.

By the time they had paid and Bluey had gotten dressed, it was time to head over to the tavern. It was starting to fill up, so they grabbed a seat in the corner.

After a few minutes, Beatrice showed up. As opposed to at the guild, she had a beaming smile. “Glad you two could make it! You want the pheasant I mentioned? And how about some ales?”

Damien smiled back, “Thanks, that sounds great.”

Bluey gave her a hug again. “Sit down with us!”

Beatrice blushed, “Sorry, maybe some other time, I have to work right now.”

“Oh, okay,” Bluey said, seeming sad but understanding.

After Beatrice walked away, Bluey leaned over and whispered, “Have you mated with Beatrice?”

Damien just held his forehead. At least she's whispering like I asked her. “No! Why do you even ask that?” he whispered back.

“Well, you spend a lot of time with her, so it would make sense.”

Damien thought about it from Bluey's point of view. I guess I can see where she's coming from. And...I feel like Beatrice might be interested in me based on some of her reactions. And I can't say I'm not interested in her...but we have a business relationship, so it could make things awkward... “We just work together, and we get along well. That doesn't automatically mean we're going to have sex...”

Bluey nodded, as if learning something new. “Human interactions are complicated. When I was a slime before you summoned me, I could just slide and hop and mate without worrying about other slimes.”

Damien didn't really know how to respond. After a moment, though, he was curious about one thing, “ were alive before I summoned you?”

Bluey nodded. “Of course! I...don't really remember much, to be honest. Compared to after you summoned me, before felt like forever... After you summoned me, I felt like I could think better.”

“Think...better?” Damien repeated.

Bluey nodded again. “Yeah. Suddenly I wasn't just habitually eating grass and doing nothing all day. I felt like I had...purpose.”

Damien scratched his chin. “That's...really interesting actually.”

Bluey smiled, “I was so excited that you were the one summoned me, though! You gave me delicious food, and kept saying nice things about me, it was great!”

“I wonder if other summoners treat their summons the same...” Damien pondered.

Bluey shrugged. “I haven't met any.”

Damien chuckled, “I haven't either.”

After a couple minutes, Beatrice dropped off their ales, before quickly leaving to drop off more. I'm impressed she can work this after being at the guild all day. Although, I guess she doesn't always have a lot to do at the guild... Damien winced internally, I hope she doesn't quit, I like having her as my agent.

A few more minutes later, and Beatrice brought out hunks of roasted pheasant for them. Bluey started chowing down on hers, while Damien ate slower, savoring the flavor.

When they had cleaned their plates, Beatrice came grabbed them, and dropped off another round of ales. “Do you want another serving?”

Damien shook his head. “I think we're-”

“Yes!” Bluey shouted, cutting Damien off.

Damien sighed while Beatrice giggled.

“I guess we'll have another serving for her, then.”

Beatrice smiled and nodded, before going to grab more.

“This is the last one Bluey, otherwise we won't have any money left!” he said, counting out his coins.

Bluey seemed confused. “Don't we just need to do more requests? Then Beatrice will give us more money!”

“Well, yes, but we need to be careful until we have done them.”

Bluey looked down, feeling repentant, “Sorry...”

Damien shook his head. “It's okay, I know you're still learning how human culture works.” He instinctively scratched her head.

Bluey leaned into his hand, closing her eyes. “Huwaaaahhh...”

Damien blushed, looking around, “We probably shouldn't do that in public, either...”

After eating more pheasant and a couple extra drinks, they laid back in their chairs.

“It's hard to eat as much in this form,” Bluey said, holding her slightly protruding stomach.

Damien nodded, taking another swig of his drinks. “Slimes must have a really fast metabolism.”

The tavern area was starting to thin out a bit as most of the crowd either left or went up to their rooms. Beatrice's shift was ending soon, and most of her customers had left, so she had grabbed a drink and came over. “Is it okay if I sit with you?”

“Of course,” Damien replied, while Bluey nodded eagerly.

Bluey was curious, “Do you work here everyday?”

Beatrice nodded, “Yes. My Auntie owns the place, and she helped me out a lot when I first moved here. I even stayed at her place briefly until I could get my own apartment.”

Bluey nodded, turning to Damien, “Hey, shouldn't we get our own apartment?”

“I guess we could, once we've saved up a bit.”

Beatrice replied, “Usually Adventurer's don't get apartments in Silaro, since we're far away from a lot of high level monsters. It's only worth staying when you're in the lower levels. Or if your higher level and just want to make some quick money off easy monsters.”

Damien nodded in understanding. “I guess we won't worry about it for now, then.”

Bluey looked around a bit, and then asked, “ it okay to talk about private stuff right now?”

Damien shook his head, glad he had brought that up earlier. “No, what are you wanting to talk about now?”

Bluey blushed a bit, squirming, “I want to mate again.”

Beatrice and Damien both spat their drinks out.

“M-...m-...mate!?” Beatrice said.

Damien blushed, “No, I said we can't talk about it here!”

“But you asked why...”

“Yes but...” Damien covered his face, looking at Beatrice. If she was interested in me like I thought, she probably isn't now...

However, Beatrice seemed to have recovered. “I had heard it was common for Summoners to do...those types of things with their summons, but I didn't think...” she said, giving a judging look.

Damien felt like he needed to defend himself, again. “I...Bluey really wanted too, and I-” Wait, why do I feel so bad now.

However, Bluey affirmed, “Yeah, I was in major heat, so I made Damien mate with me.”

Beatrice grew red again, sipping on her drink to distract herself. “I...I see...”

Damien was too embarrassed to say anything. Taking out their payment, he set it on the table. “We should probably head out for the night.”

Beatrice, despite the prior conversation, seemed disappointed. “Oh...okay...”

Why is she so sad? Damien remembered his prior thinking, Is she sad that I'm leaving now? I thought she might not be interested after she found out I had sex with Bluey...but maybe she doesn't care? I still feel bad, but- His thoughts were interrupted as he and Bluey got to the door. It was pouring rain outside, with lightning and thunder mixed in.

Bluey looked at him, “Do you wanna sleep out in this?”

Damien just shook his head, and turned around, going to the front desk. “Could we get a room?” he asked the lady.

“Haha, sorry, I feel bad making ya go out in this rain, but I ain't got any empty rooms,” she said. Looking closer at them, she asked, “Aren't you Betty's friends? Maybe she'll let you sleep over at her place!” she said, looking over at Beatrice, who was cleaning off a table.

“No, we don't want to-”

“That's fine!” Beatrice said, blushing a bit, but a serious look on her face.

Bluey ran over and hugged her.

Damien smiled nervously, “Err...thanks.”

Beatrice's Aunt let her leave a bit early, so they headed over to her apartment. While she did have an umbrella, it was only enough cover two people.

“You two can get under it,” Beatrice said, holding it out.

Bluey pushed it back, “I'm a slime so the rain doesn't bother me.”

Damien shook his head, “You're wearing human clothes now. And I'm not letting you get wet when it's your umbrella. I'll just hold my bag over my head.”

Beatrice blushed but nodded, and held it over her and Bluey.

They quickly ran the several streets over to her apartment, managing not to fall in any puddles or wipe out on the wet stone.

After they got into her building, Beatrice went into her apartment quick, before coming back out with a towel.

“Thanks,” Damien said, drying himself off.

Beatrice blushed, “I'll start a hot bath.”

Damien shook his hand while he dried. “That's okay-”

Beatrice stopped him, “I can't have you getting sick! Besides...I wanted to take one too...” she murmured.

After he had dried off, he went inside, where Beatrice was also warming up some tea.

“Master, is this private enough now?” Bluey asked.

Damien blushed, “Yes, but we don't need to talk about-”

Beatrice didn't turn around, but he could see her cheeks were red.

Bluey said, “Okay, I just want to know if I can take my clothes off.”

Damien shook his head, “No, you can't just go around naked in Beatrice's apartment.”

Beatrice grabbed the tea and, still red, replied, “If she just wants to strip down to her undergarments, I don't mind...”

Bluey celebrated, taking off her shirt and shorts, revealing her dark blue undergarments from earlier. “That's fine, I like these anyway.”

Beatrice started at Bluey in surprise. “Those are...nice.”

“Right! Master said I needed to get some to fit in with humans better.”

Beatrice giggled, “Very much so.”

Damien sighed. “Is it okay if I go take that bath?”

Beatrice set a cup of tea in front of him, “You should drink this first,” she said with a smile.

Damien blushed a bit, but nodded and drank the tea she gave him. It was a warm, spiced blend, that felt like it was countering the bone-chilling cold of the rain.

After finishing his tea, he hopped into the bathroom, where the bath was already steaming. Peeling off his wet clothes, he slid into the tub, feeling the tension leaving his body. Ah...this is nice.

However, after a few minutes, his thoughts started to wander, not allowing him to relax. What's going on here? I thought maybe Beatrice wouldn't be interested in me any longer after she heard about Bluey and I's...'relationship', but maybe she still is? Or maybe she isn't and I've been misreading this whole time? He thought about all the blushing and embarrassment she'd shown. No, there's no way. Maybe if I'm just honest with her, we can sort things out.

He heard Bluey and Beatrice talking and giggling though the door. Well, at least they get along.

After soaking a while, Damien got out and dried himself off. He put on his spare clothes (kept mercifully dry by his bag) and went out back to the living room.

Bluey was still in her undergarments, playing some version of Cat's Cradle, apparently being taught by Beatrice.

“Master! Why didn't you teach me this fun game?” she asked, changing the string around.

“Sorry, I don't actually know it. Nor do I have any string.”

Beatrice giggled. “It's usually a game for young girls. I figured she might not know since she grew up...a slime.” She got up, heading towards the bathroom, “I'm going to take a bath now, but you can keep playing.”

Bluey nodded vigorously.

After a few minutes, Bluey seemed to get bored, and put the string down. She then hopped into Damien's lap.

“Why are you sitting here?” Damien asked, a bit embarassed.

Bluey seemed confused. “I sit in your lap all the time.”

“Oh...sorry, guess I forgot...”

Bluey smiled and sat patiently.

Damien, realizing what she wanted, petted her head.

“I like that, but you should do those other things you did to me, too.”

Damien blushed, looking over at the bathroom door. “No, we can't do that at Beatrice's apartment!”

“Why not?” Bluey asked, pouting.

“It's not polite to mate at someone else's apartment. They might get mad.”

Bluey nodded, understanding but disappointed. “So we can't until we're alone and not at someone else's apartment?”

Damien sighed, “Here, just this for now,” and gave her a kiss.

Bluey seemed to cheer up with this, going in for another kiss.

Damien had to pull her away after a minute. “Okay, don't get greedy.”

Bluey nodded, jumping off his lap. “Can we sleep?”

Damien thought for a moment. This might be a good opportunity. “I'm not tired yet, and want to talk to Beatrice. But you can sleep if you want.”

Bluey nodded, curling up on the opposite couch, and and seeming to fall asleep almost instantly.

Damien sighed again, Bluey is great, but she sure is a handful sometimes.

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