Cursed Heroine

Chapter 5: My adorable mistress

Chapter 5: My adorable mistress

We arrive at her rooms and she bids me good night as she enters the door. I slip in behind her before she closes the door. Prompting her to ask, “What do you think you are doing?”

“Mistress, I am here to serve you of course. Please indicate your needs and I will do my best to fulfill them.”~me

“I need to eat dinner, take a bath and then rest. How do you suppose you will accomplish this for me.”~Sophia

“I will immediately head to the kitchen to acquire your meal and inform the staff to fill your bath. Perhaps Mistress didn’t examine the intent of my curse? Please study it a bit more by focusing on the different phrases that are used. Also, please remember that you can use our link as well, I will hear any thoughts that you intend for me to hear.”~me

“Very well.”~Sophia

P-please take care of me from now on.”~Sophia

I immediately hugged her. The shyness conveyed with her first thought to me reminded me of a little girl giving her introduction in front of a new class. Too damn cute!

“Eep! W-wh-why did you suddenly hug me?”~Sophia

In answer to her question, I send her the thought she had just provoke and watch as she blushed a deep red. Reluctantly releasing her from my hug, I set out on my tasks practically glowing with joy. I know exactly where I’m going. Sarah was more than willing to talk about her duties in the palace and how she went about doing them. I head to the kitchen and inform the chef via written note that the princess will take her meal now. He nodded in confirmation and begins his preparations. I walk over to the servants’ area and fix myself a bowl of stew with bread. It’s not nearly as good as what I’ve been eating, but it’s filling. Once the meal is prepared, I pick up the tray of food and stopped by the housekeeping department, informing them via note that the princess requires her bath to be prepared. The kingdom’s apprentice mages are the ones responsible for the baths. They use a purification spell which can remove any non-water elements from a pool of water. Then they use a fire type spell to heat the water. Sophia seems a little surprised that I’ve successfully returned with a tray full of food for her, followed by the apprentice mages. Guess she hadn’t thought that I would know where to go. I quietly set out the dishes on the table and pulled out her chair. When she sits down, I serve her the prepared wine and quietly attend by her side. Just before she is finished, I move to her wardrobe and pull out a simple green nighty and underwear.

We move to that bath where my clothes once again vanish and I help Sophia out of hers. I click my tongue as she is only momentarily fazed by my beauty. When I notice the lack of oils and the lower quality soap, she informs me that those high end goods I had in my rooms are usually reserved for the harem and special guests.

“Please enter the bath first, Mistress. I shall return shortly with better items.”~me

I don’t even listen to her attempt to argue as I rush out of her room, maid uniform reappearing as I’m exiting the bathroom. When I reach the room that I had been earlier assigned, I pack up the bath items and every luxury good I can find. After setting most of the goods down in her bedroom, I once again enter the bathroom.

“Mistress, please stand up so that I can apply the soap.”~me

“I can do it myself, just as I have been doing in the past.”~Sophia

“You will not! Please allow me to serve you to the furthest extent of my ability. I sincerely wish do this for you. Do not ever feel that you have to do anything yourself. Life as your servant is the role I chose.”~me

She sensed my conviction in my thoughts and reluctantly nods her head, standing up from the water. I lather up the wash cloth and begin to methodically scrub every inch of her body using small circular motions. During the process, I memorized every detail of her body and take special note of any sensitive spots for future use while wearing a sly grin. Sophia shivers, not sure whether from reading that last thought or standing out of the warm water for so long. I help her back into the water and join her to remove the sudz, once again taking the opportunity to caress her body until her face is beat red. When I feel that she is at her limit of embarrassment, I move on to rub the oil into her hair. I quickly clean myself when I’ve finished with Sophia and prepare our towels. I dry myself, then Sophia and have her move to the massage table which has probably never actually been used. I pour some oil on her back and start a deep tissue massage, taking full advantage of those sensitive places I’ve noted earlier. She starts moaning in pleasure under my hands and is breathing heavily with her mind somewhat hazy by the time I flip her over. She passes out mid-way through the second half, so I finish anyways. I’m unable to take any further advantage of my sleeping mistress due to the curse, only getting away with things while she is awake because it is considered silent acquiesce. I carefully dress her in the prepared clothes and carry her to bed. Pulling the sheets up over us, I wrap my arms around her and smile myself to sleep.

I’m somewhat surprised to find myself in Kat’s divine realm again. I definitely did not pray tonight and haven’t found myself here since the first time anyways.

“I can pull you here anytime I wish, it has nothing to do with prayer. Although, if you really need to speak with me, just say so when you pray. So, you decided on your master?”~Kat

“Yes! She is adorable!”~me

“Huhu, seems like you are having quite a bit of fun.”~Kat

We talked for a little while about my experience with her world and what I think of it. Then she sends me back with a sadistic grin and ominous last words saying, “Seems I need to send you that thing I’ve been working on recently to congratulate you for finding your master.”

My curse wakes me up early the next morning when it senses my mistress starting to come around. I can’t help but cringe when I hear that familiar ‘ding’ sound. Knowing it wouldn’t simply go away, I open the notification with dread.

[You have been cursed.] Shit!

Opening my status, I quickly look through the details of my new curse.

[Frustrating Magic Hands]
Hands are more effective in pleasuring others, gaining enhanced technique; cannot be used on self. The more this is used, the greater the frustration the user will experience.

Basically, I’ll go insane with frustration if Sophia doesn’t help me. Ugh, I really hope she isn’t too innocent to assist me when the time comes. No, wait, I can’t even go insane; [Don’t Mind Me] would prevent that.

Sensing that my princess is nearly awake, I decide to take some comfort in her cuteness, gently using my finger to lightly rub her cheeks. She lets out muffle annoyance to my antics, pouting her cheeks in utter adorableness before she finally awakes.

“Ugh, why am I so sore all over. I can’t even lift my arms. And why are you in bed with me?”~Sophia

“It is my duty to keep the bed warm for you! Also, my curse disallows that I sleep anywhere except at your side. The soreness is the result of the deep tissue massage I gave you last night. Although, you fell asleep part way through forcing me to stop from anything further. I shall go retrieve your breakfast, then help you with some exercises to help you recover.”~me

I return with a bed tray full of breakfast foods and proceed to lovingly spoon feed my immobile princess. She glares at me each time I need to clean her face of spillage. There is no way I would use something as mundane as a napkin when my tongue works so much better. I assist Sophia to flex and stretch her sore muscles, bending her flexible body like an experienced acrobat. By the time we are finished, she has regained movement, albeit weakly.

“Couldn’t we have done the exercises first, then you wouldn’t have had to feed me.”~Sophia

“Nonsense! I immensely enjoy being of use to you. Feeding you gave me a sense of great satisfaction!”~me

I retrieve a wash basin and cloth to wipe down her sweaty body. She doesn’t try to dissuade me and we move on to dressing. When I notice her trying to dress herself with the clothes retrieved from her wardrobe, I snatch them from her hands and take over the endeavor, copping a feel of her breasts while equipping her bra. Fully dressed, we step out of her room and begin the day.

First place on her schedule is magic lessons. I am exceedingly happy about this because there were absolutely no books on magic in the palace library and you don’t just get a skill for every spell here. You have to memorize and form the runes using your own mana to perform magic. Only the absolute necessities are represented as skills such as mana sense, mana control, and mana shaping. The same applies for fighting techniques such as using qi blades, qi charge, etc. Skills are basically just a way to give an ability beyond what a person should normally be capable. Mana, being an energy of the universe, should not normally be harnessable by mortals. This is something I really like about this world. You have to work to improve yourself systematically. Except the heroes, they just cheat their way to the top from the start. When we arrive at the mage quarters, Sophia is greeted by her mentor, a cliche elderly man with white hair and a long beard. She introduces me as her new personal maid when asked and passes along my request to read any materials he has about magic. Sven, as I’ve learned is his name from Sophia’s greeting, accepts my request and leads us to his study.

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