Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 54

Karp is a merchant with a carriage.

He buys a large amount of goods from a city that handles specialty products and sells them in other cities that need them.

While doing so, he also gathers and sells information, traveling all over the kingdom as a carriage merchant.

“Well, there are definitely six of them. Their skills are reliable, right?”

“Of course. Don’t worry about monsters while we travel together.”

As evening approached at the promised camping spot, six men and women wearing cloaks arrived.

These are the clients for this job.

Some people often try to ride in the carriage together for a more comfortable journey.

He charges a certain amount of money to take them in, but these guests are a bit cheaper.

Well, they are students from Dedris Academy, so their skills are basically guaranteed.

In fact, the blue-haired female student who came for the request verified her own skills.

With that level of magical ability, she could easily protect the carriage all by herself.

For Karp, who always has to protect his goods from threats of monsters or bandits, their company was worth putting his money down to hire.

But they even give him a little money.

It’s a total win-win.

‘…But this guy could be a… porter?’

The chubby man who approached him first to greet him.

He has a naive-looking face but seems somewhat dull and lacking masculine charm.

Compared to the two handsome men behind him, he can truly be called unattractive.

Karp doesn’t judge people by their looks, but he once played the role of a party’s porter just like this man.

He knows firsthand how poorly an unattractive porter is treated.

‘…What a pitiful guy.’

He doesn’t know why he’s traveling, but…

The three women behind him.

Their looks were top-notch among the women Karp had seen traveling around the kingdom.

And the two men beside them.

A handsome guy with sharp eyes and black hair, and a noble-looking guy with blonde hair and a charming smile.

There’s a high chance those women are sharing their hearts with those men.

In the middle is the poor, chubby ugly man.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for him.

He’ll probably end up crying himself to sleep at night, holding his ears in sadness.

“Nice to meet you!”

The chubby man introduced himself as Ken.

With a bright smile, Ken.

‘Tough but persevering.’

Surely, one day he will meet a woman who will love him and manage to get by.

Thus, the short journey of merchant Karp and six students from the academy began.

。 。 。

The next morning, Karp’s carriage set off towards their destination.

“Do you have a crafting skill?”

“Yes, so if you ever need repairs, just let me know.”

‘Wow, he’s got a rare crafting skill.’

Karp’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard that the seemingly ordinary guy had a crafting skill.

Crafting skills are quite rare among production skills.

With that skill alone, one wouldn’t have to worry about making a living.

That’s why people with crafting skills are envied among commoners.

Even the merchant Karp once envied that skill.

If someone develops that skill well enough, they can become a master craftsman sought after even by high nobles.

‘So that’s why they keep him around.’

Karp casually glanced back to check the cargo area.

Ken, who is sitting closest to him.

Behind him are two handsome men and three beautiful women.

The black-haired man sits quietly, either sleeping or meditating, while the blonde man expertly reads a book even in a swaying carriage.

The remaining three women are happily chatting about something.

No one could deny that the five of them clearly do not match with Ken.

It’s obvious they are using Ken as a porter.

That’s because Ken’s crafting skill is definitely helpful.

If not, there’s no way they would travel with him.

From Ken’s perspective, it must be tough to quietly follow around couples with budding love.

He’s probably getting paid quite a bit for this.

Karp accepted that.

“Um, Ken…”

At that moment, the red-haired female student closest to Ken spoke to him.

‘Hmm, did I disturb them with all the chatter? Sorry about that.’

Since Karp had asked Ken various questions after seeing such a rare student traveler, their small talk dragged on.

Perhaps she was scolding Ken about that, Karp predicted.

“I’m feeling a bit queasy from the carriage…”

“Oh, really? Just a sec… I have some medicine…”

“No, I just need to lie down for a bit. Ken, lend me your lap.”

“Huh? Sure.”

“Ah~ this is nice.”

But Karp questioned his ears in disbelief at the unexpected exchange as he turned around.

Inside the shaded cargo area of the tent, the red-haired female student had her head resting on Ken’s lap, fast asleep.

“Ken, I think I’d feel better if you also brushed my hair a bit.”

“Wait, wait a minute, Raphne! What are you doing without permission?!”

“Clearly, you’re just feeling bad too, aren’t you?”

“Hmph! You two can lay down for each other. The first one to do it wins!”

The two other female students raised their voices in protest at Raphne’s actions.

‘…This is not what I was expecting.’

With a bright smile, the female student lying on Ken’s lap and the two others glaring at her.

‘…Maybe it’s good to lie down because she has some meat on her bones.’

Karp convinced himself with a sense of awkwardness.

He himself is also an unattractive guy like Ken.

Not overweight, but certainly not someone who can boast about their looks.

Though he himself has played the role of a porter in a party before.

Back then, he often indulged in fantasies.

Imagining how popular he would be with the party’s girls and how jealous the other male party members would be.

But Karp knows that’s a futile dream.

He’s learned enough to be realistic now.

So he won’t indulge in fantasies after seeing this rare sight.

With that mindset, he convinced himself.

It must feel nice to lie down on a plush leg.

。 。 。

“Ken, how about we visit this city together next time? Just the two of us.”

“Wait a minute, Mary! I’m practicing magic with Ken right now!”

“Then you can practice next to us. Ken doesn’t need to focus on that, right?”



After starting their journey with six companions, the first night came.

As the sun set to a point where it was hard to travel, they stopped the carriage and began to prepare camp.

Karp was very troubled by the awkward scene in front of the campfire.

Ken, smiling awkwardly.

On his left, the blue-haired girl, Mary, holding a map.

On his right, the blonde girl, Emily, casting healing magic.

And on his lap, the red-haired girl, Raphne, who had fallen fast asleep.

“Seems like you get along well with your party.”

A while later, he asked Ken for repairs on several tools and casually remarked.

The girls, who had been so lively a moment ago, moved to a nearby stream, leaving only the men behind.

“Hahaha… Everyone’s quite friendly.”

Ken, holding a crafting hammer, scratched his head as he chuckled.

But Karp didn’t let it go.

“What’s the secret?”


“I mean what’s the secret, there’s definitely something there.”

Karp whispered quietly so that the other male companions wouldn’t hear.

Ken paused for a moment, unable to understand his question, then suddenly smiled, holding up the hammer.

“If you’re talking about crafting, my skill really helps, so there isn’t much to say…”

“That’s not what I’m asking…!”

With Karp’s quiet exclamation, Ken tilted his head in confusion.

‘He really has that clueless look on his face.’

But surely there’s something!

Having observed him throughout the day, Karp isn’t stupid; he knows the three girls are aiming for Ken.

The problem is whether this chubby Ken is actually naive or just too dumb to realize it.

‘I’m going to find out… why the women are so attached to him…’

It’s definitely not his looks.

If it were, the other two boys would be much better-looking.

So it must be his abilities?

Are they infatuated with his crafting skill?

That could be possible.

Having seen his skills in repairs, Karp knew Ken was an impressive craftsman.

And traveling through many places, Karp frequently saw girls who fell in love with boys based on their abilities.

‘But still…’

However, no matter how skilled he is, Karp just can’t understand why three beautiful girls would fall so hard for this guy.

Even one would be a miracle.

But three?!

‘…There’s something… something else going on…’


At that moment, something crossed Karp’s mind.

“Hey, Ken. How about we go to the bathroom together?”

“Uh? The, the bathroom?”

“Yeah, it’s dangerous out here in the dark, running off alone. It’s basic to stick in pairs while traveling.”

“Well, if it’s for that…”

Although Ken looked a bit flustered by the sudden request, he willingly agreed.

‘It’s definitely… definitely him.’

A common tale.

Something that makes women lose their senses.

Confirmed, if he finds out that it’s true, his suspicion will also be resolved.

No, Karp was already half-convinced.

While other skills are important, if that skill is extraordinary, three girls would be easy to win over.

So, leaving the camp, they ventured into the forest.

Finding a suitable spot, they took turns doing their business.

First up was Karp. Then Ken stepped up to relieve himself.

‘See? I knew this would happen…’

Pretending to look out, Karp slyly glanced at his target’s condition.

‘That is quite… no, it’s amazing….’

He swallowed hard.

Of course, not out of excitement or anything, but as a man, feeling awe.

His prediction was indeed correct.

With that, he could make five girls fall head over heels.

“Um, Karp?”

“Uh, uh? Ah, haha! I must’ve lost my mind. …Men tend to check each other’s health while traveling, so it’s just a habit…”

Spotting Karp’s gaze, Ken looked at him strangely, causing Karp to rush into an explanation.

At that moment, he found the answer to his earlier question.

A perfectly acceptable reason.

‘I wish I had something like that, even if just one…’

As he lamented on his unremarkable love life and prepared to return…


A growl that sent chills through his spine echoed through the forest.

“This, this is…!”

“What was that noise just now?”

Ken fixed his pants as he scanned the surroundings, questioning the sound.

But Karp recognizes it.

“An Elemental Bear…!”

The Elemental Bear.

A beast monster possessing elemental attributes.

Ranked B+.

Among the common beast-type monsters, it has elemental properties that can trouble even typical adventurers.

The nocturnal creature had wandered by and spotted Ken and Karp.

“We… we should run!”

“Ah, it is the Elemental Bear.”

Unlike Karp, who was shaking in fear, Ken looked calm.

If he hadn’t just relieved himself, he would have probably soiled himself by now.

It seemed Ken was either unconcerned or simply didn’t have a clue.

“Are you crazy?! Stop dawdling and let’s run! If it’s making noise, it’s already close!!”

Then, it happened.


A clear growl echoed again.

Soon, a pair of glowing eyes emerged from the darkness, revealing the massive form as it stepped into the moonlight.

A bear, towering four times the height of a grown man.

Drool dripped from its mouth, indicating it had already locked onto them as prey.

“Th… this is the end.”

Yelling for their party would be pointless at this point.

By the time they arrived, one would already be ripped in half while the other is being devoured.

Yet, even in the face of such a monster, Ken remained composed.

“Hmmm, given the rocks stuck in its skin, it seems to be of the earth element.”

Then, beaming, he turned to Karp.

“Hey Karp, if I save you, can I get some food as a reward?”


Karp, already sitting on the ground trembling in fear, barely registered Ken’s words.

But Ken didn’t wait for an answer and stepped forward boldly.

“Yo! You idiot! Don’t throw your life away…!!”

In that moment.

Karp could only see a mirage of Ken in the moonlight.

In an instant, that chubby body slimmed down to reveal a athletic and sturdy-looking man.

And even more unbelievable was what happened next.


“Well, this Elemental Bear is a bit too weak for one hit.”

In the blink of an eye, Ken’s form appeared above the Elemental Bear’s head.

Then he stomped down.

“Since it’s earth elemental, the hit should land well. Don’t worry, I have a sword too.”

Then, from his pocket, he pulled out a bone-like sword.

There’s no way he had a bag or scabbard just a moment ago.

‘Ah, a Subspace Pocket…!’

Karp had thought it strange that their luggage seemed so light.

With the coolness of a merchant, Ken calmly drew a sword from his Subspace Pocket.


With a light swing, he beheaded the Elemental Bear.

Just like that, the B+ ranked monster was effortlessly slain.

“So, shall we go back now? I need a midnight snack.”

The boy, shining under the moonlight, smiled brightly at the seated Karp, reaching out his hand.

When Karp grabbed Ken’s hand, he realized something.

‘…What the heck, he looks the best among us all.’

Karp came to the realization that the whole reason behind everything was Ken’s looks.

‘So that’s how it is…’

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