Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 71

After conquering the tower, we returned to the lodging where we originally stayed.

We planned to rest our tired bodies from the battle before heading back to the academy.

And on the first night after the tower conquest…

A grand festival was being held in the city centered around the Tower of Tarros.

In the town square, various drinks and foods gathered as the townsfolk danced and raised their glasses.

Our party, the main characters of this festival, enjoyed a small feast in the dining hall of our lodging instead of the square.

“Ken Feinstein! Ken Feinstein!”

“Your voices are too quiet, you idiots━!!”


If we had enjoyed the festival in the square, we wouldn’t have had any sanity left with the boisterous atmosphere celebrating our party as heroes.

But that doesn’t mean the dining hall was peaceful.

It might have been even noisier with adventurers packed in here than the townsfolk.

I felt like I might have made a slight misjudgment.

“…━Just when I thought it was all over…!! Ken burst out from the stone tablet, and monsters began pouring in…!!”


By the way, the one passionately spreading our adventure story was the drunken Emily.

Caught up in the atmosphere and cheers, our protagonist had been happily smiling and telling everyone about my heroic tale.

Something tells me that might be a bit embellished.

“Hehehe, Ken, are you eating a lot? You should eat this too…”

“Ken, try this, and this too. Hurry and eat!”

Raphne and Mary, not wanting to lose to Emily, had also been persistently urging me to eat.

Raphne clearly had intentions to fatten me up, and Mary seemed to have a competitive edge with Raphne.

“Uuup, nom nom.”

And there I was, enjoying all that food in the center of the ruckus.

‘…The atmosphere is awkward.’

It’s not that I dislike feasts.

I like a joyful atmosphere and getting tipsy too.

But the reason I feel awkward in this space is….

“Ahahaha━! Ken! Who would have thought there were jewels hidden beneath that flesh!”

“Indeed! But considering Ken’s contributions, this appearance is understandable!”

“What do you think? I know a nice adventurer, want me to introduce you…? Graaah?!”

“Hey, what did you just say?”

“S-Sorry! Let go! I’m sorry!!”

“Raphne…, hic, please break their arm…”



As such, people clung to me, repeatedly calling my name as if treating me like a hero.

To be honest, I didn’t accomplish the tower conquest all by myself, so this treatment doesn’t sit comfortably with me.

I wish the other comrades were recognized more.

Glancing around, I looked at my other party members.

Siegfried and Adrian were also surrounded by other adventurers, chatting about something.

Curious about the content, I eavesdropped slightly.

Unlike other adventurers and Emily, they were also discussing me.

At some point in their stories, thanks to Adrian’s explanations, the adventurers listening cheered.

‘…I just want to go back and rest quickly.’

Perhaps this was even harder to endure than Emily’s past harassment, so I lowered my gaze and sipped my drink.

After spending the night at the lodging, the next morning.

We hurried out of the city as the sun began to rise.

“Ah~ But looking back, that was super fun!”

“Right? There were a lot of dangerous moments, but no one got hurt.”

“Emily, isn’t that something we should talk about after we return to the academy?”

“What does it matter? Hehe, all that’s left is to go back now.”

Breathing in the cool morning air, the three women chatted as they walked.

As Emily said, we had nothing left to do but return.

Having achieved our original goal of conquering the tower, the journey back was light-hearted.

At the start, there was anxiety about what dangers might lie ahead and a weighty concern if we could accomplish it, so it wasn’t a very easy trip.

But now, the path leading back to the academy was just retracing familiar steps.

We enjoyed the journey with light and joyful hearts.

Riding in the carriage, appreciating the scenery, and when night fell, we shared pleasant conversations around the fire.

Along the way, roasting the meat we hunted on the spot brought laughter blooming around us.

But within that peace, one thought kept circling in my mind.

‘…The reality is changing. …Right?’

The sole item that would save Raphne, the purpose of this trip.

The legendary artifact known as the [Badge of Trials] that could change the past.

I rolled the artifact in my hand, illuminated gently by the campfire.

The system had a warning in its description.

If the past is changed, the present will change as well.

It might seem obvious, but the fact that it was included in the warning made me uneasy.

‘Does that mean I should use it carefully…?’

There’s a paradox about Grandfathers.

It’s a classic tale of time paradoxes.

If I took a time machine back in time and killed my grandfather, I wouldn’t be born, so I couldn’t go back in the past.

In other words, the grandfather cannot die.

It’s roughly that kind of paradox.

Thinking about it, changing history so that my past grandfather dies similarly applies here.

Then I would cease to exist in reality.

‘…My goal is for Raphne to no longer be the Child of Prophecy.’

What I wish for is for the prophecy itself to vanish.

If the prophecy exists but is revealed that it’s Raphne in the past, there would still be anxiety about that fact being uncovered in the future.

That’s why it needs to be uprooted from the root.

However, there’s something nagging at me.

‘How much history was created due to being the Child of Prophecy…?’

Currently, it has become the Mages’ army’s operational guideline.

The prophecy has been the greatest goal for them to act upon and has shaped their lives.

If the fact that the Child of Prophecy had never existed…

What would happen to us in that altered present…?

“Ken, is it okay if I sit next to you?”

While I was absentmindedly staring at the campfire, Raphne, who had been lying down, approached.

“It’s not the night watch tonight, so sleep well, Raphne.”

“Uh-huh, actually, I can’t seem to sleep.”

With that, she snuggled close to me, draping the blanket she had around my shoulders.

“Hehe, it’s warm.”

Content, she happily smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder.

I could feel her fragrant scent and the warmth of her body filling the blanket.

I raised my arm and wrapped it around her shoulders.


“Why, what’s wrong?”

At that, Raphne gazed at me blankly, her cheeks reddening.

Wondering if placing my hand on her shoulder was a problem, I panicked and asked.

In response to my question, Raphne gently looked up at me.

“Somehow, Ken is being more assertive today.”

“…It’s just because I’m cold.”

“Then I hope it gets even colder. Hehe.”

With that, she also wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed against me.

I could feel her soft body in many ways, but I tried hard to avoid acknowledging it, turning my gaze away to the campfire.

“Ken, …do you have something on your mind?”

After a brief silence, Raphne broke it and asked.



“What if, …what if things change in the world as a price for resolving everything? …Would that still be okay?”

Raphne knew very well why I started this journey.

When I decided to conquer the Tower of Tarlos, I had explained everything about the Child of Prophecy to her.

Thus, she would likely understand the meaning behind my words.

For a moment, Raphne, who seemed to hesitate in thought, soon smiled softly and replied.

“I think it would be okay.”


“No matter what kind of world it is, I will still like Ken.”

At her words, I turned my gaze from the campfire to look at her.

Feeling embarrassed, she turned her face away for a moment and then glanced at me again.

“And… Ken promised, right?”

Finally, she turned her head to look directly at me.

“That when you’re able to take responsibility, you’d be responsible for me.”

With that said, Raphne shyly burst out laughing and laid her body on my lap.

I gently stroked Raphne’s head.

It was the promise we had made back in the tower.

The moment that had solidified my determination for this journey.

If her prophecy disappeared, and since wars wouldn’t occur, ensuring that I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t hold back.

That was the promise.

I looked down at Raphne, now lying on my lap, smiling happily.

And I too smiled gently.

Her answer cleared away the fog in my mind and instilled certainty in my forthcoming actions.

While that promise with Raphne might be the most crucial to her,

The reason I risked my life to conquer the tower.

It was because I wished for Raphne’s happiness.

If that was the case, then I could smile and accept the risk of changing history.

No matter what past unfolds, what present arises, or what future flows through…

I just have to run with the consistent goal of my survival and her happiness.

As the time spent in deep thought drew to a close, our journey swiftly reached its end.

Returning to a familiar travel route was smooth, and we passed through the border city without issues.

Having adjusted to travel and camping, the speed of our party had improved significantly compared to the beginning.

As a result, the trip back was nearly half as fast as our journey there.

“Almost there!”

The sight of the familiar city was visible from the moving carriage.

And so, we returned to the academy, which we could call home.

We headed straight to Raphne’s tower upon arriving at the academy.

Because there was still one last thing we needed to do.

After arriving at the top of the tower, we gathered around one item and stared at it.

“Is it about to begin…?”

Looking at the artifact in my hand, Siegfried murmured.

Uncertain about how this change in the past might affect the present moment, everyone decided to use the artifact together.

As I looked at my gathered comrades, I spoke sincerely.

“Thank you all so much. It’s because of you that we’ve come this far.”

The faces met mine, and the party smiled in response to my words.

They had risked their lives not for their own benefit but simply because they answered my call.

I would never forget this grace.

So, feeling grateful, I turned my gaze back to the artifact in my hand.

“Well then, …I’ll begin.”

Everyone prepared their hearts and gazed at the artifact with tense expressions.

Changing the past was something no one had ever experienced before.

Following the system’s explanation, I began to channel my mana into the artifact.

As a small amount of mana flowed in for a moment,

“W-What’s happening…?”

Together with Emily’s startled voice at the sight of the glowing artifact, I focused on something appearing before my eyes.

[ System: Would you like to change the past with the ‘Badge of Trials’? ]

The system’s message kindly asked, and I nodded, responding positively to the question.

[ System: The changed past cannot be reverted. Will you continue? ]

At the follow-up confirmation, I hesitated for a moment.

However, when I met Raphne’s gaze beside me, she smiled gently.

Seeing that, I steeled my resolve and replied to the message.

“Change it to a past where the prophecy upon the Demon King’s army no longer exists.”

[ System: Request accepted. Please wait as this may take some time. ]

With that final message, the light emanating from the artifact grew larger until it completely enveloped the room.


It’s blinding.

I rubbed my eyes, and as the light gradually diminished, I opened them.

What I saw was a familiar ceiling.

“……What’s this?”

I was lying down.

To be precise, on my bed.

In my room in the academy dormitory.

After realizing that, I immediately rose from the bed.

“…Did the past change?”

The outfit I was wearing was the pajamas I put on each time I went to sleep.

However, the plump belly I used to regard was nowhere to be seen. I was still lean, my body feeling light.

“My appearance hasn’t changed…”

When I checked the mirror, my face remained the same. I was still Ken Feinstein.

Well, it makes sense that changing the past wouldn’t affect the exterior so I nodded.

Checking the time, it was morning.

It was the same time we returned from our journey and used the artifact in the tower.

And it was also the time I would usually go to the academy.

‘So the location has changed.’

I had just been at Raphne’s tower a moment ago.

It was the same for the others.

But upon waking from the light bursting out after using the artifact, I found myself in my dorm room.

If not instantaneously moving, there’s only one thing to consider.

‘…The changed past means I, at this time, am in my dormitory instead of Raphne’s tower.’

That alone served as evidence that the past has changed.

Of course, I would need to reconfirm whether it had changed into what I wished, but.

In any case, the artifact worked correctly.


And the name that popped into my mind right away was Raphne.

The party involved in changing the past.

I immediately grabbed my school uniform from the closet and left the dormitory.

I thought of rushing to the tower, but time was already cutting it close for class.

Raphne would likely be in the academy classroom.

If she wanted to see me, she would come looking for me in the classroom anyway.

So the place I headed was the academy’s main building.

Hurrying to put on my shoes, I exited my room and walked the familiar route to school.

‘…It’s peaceful.’

It was an ordinary route to school.

Though the past had changed, there was no cliché event where the sky darkened and the academy was ruled by a cult leader.

Amazingly unaltered, familiar academy.

‘…No, wait, it’s a bit different.’

As I walked down the path lacking students, I noticed changes as more people began to appear.

However, the source of this change wasn’t the altered past.

“…Who, who is that?”

“Did you see? Did you see? Isn’t he super handsome?”

“A transfer student…? But Dredis doesn’t accept transfers….”

“Wow, there was no one like him in third year…?”

The murmurs were clearly directed at me.

With the increasing students coming to school, so too did the rising gazes upon me.

Attention I had never felt before, not even when I was overweight.

Most of the female students met my gaze, their cheeks flushed, whispering to their friends,

While male students stared at me in shock, frozen in place.

‘…If this was going to happen, I’d rather be the old me.’

Uncomfortable with the attention, I quickened my pace along the school route.


Upon stepping through the back door into the familiar classroom, the focus shifted to who had just entered.

The familiar faces of friends I expected turned into those of astonishment once they saw me.

And as expected, that gaze quickly shifted back to whispers.

“…Who is he?”

“I don’t think he’s in our grade. I’ve never seen him before…”

naturally echoed around.

That was to be expected.

I’m just as surprised each time I look into the mirror at the awkward face.

However, I couldn’t stand outside the classroom, so I made my way to my assigned desk.

That was my designated spot.

“Why is Ken sitting there?”

“Now that I think about it, Ken hasn’t been coming to school lately. Is he dropping out?”

“Oh! Then is this new transfer student to fill an empty spot? …Wow, he’s ridiculously good-looking.”

“Should I ask his name? Anna, want to go for it?”

“I-I don’t want to! I didn’t put on much makeup today…!”

Their whispers made me blush as I kept my head down, hoping time would pass quickly.

If I could just hold on a little longer, everyone would find out who I was, and then these conversations would stop.

‘Ah… I hope everyone comes back soon.’

In the awkward atmosphere, I gazed out the window, waiting for those I could comfortably converse with.

It seemed I was the first to arrive, as no familiar faces were present yet.

But if I waited for a moment, someone would come to me.

Then in the course of conversation, they would mention my name and reveal who I was.

There would be no need to step forward and declare, “I’m Ken Feinstein!!”

Just as I gazed into the void waiting,

Thud thud thud!

The sound of someone running down the hallway reached the classroom.

That sound drew closer.

And then—

Creek, Bam!


The classroom door swung open forcefully, and a familiar voice echoed throughout.

Startled, I immediately recognized who it belonged to and looked towards the classroom entrance.

There stood Raphne, staring at me.


I greeted her warmly, raising my hand to wave.

She just stared back at me.

‘……What’s wrong with her?’

If it were any other day, she would have smiled brightly and rushed over to me upon making eye contact.

‘…Ah, she must be shocked since she’s seeing me at the academy for the first time.’

Given that I was supposed to be sitting here as the chubby, unattractive Ken.

After standing by the classroom door for a moment, Raphne confidently walked towards me.

But there was an unusual atmosphere around her.

If the typical Raphne, approaching me like a golden retriever, now resembled a Siberian husky…no, a fierce Doberman.

As she entered the classroom, the whispers immediately turned in her direction.

“…Raphne, you came again.”

“It’s been calm since Ken’s been gone, so you’re here to check it out?”

“But right, Ken isn’t here today either.”

“What does it matter? Once she confirms Ken’s not here, she’ll leave.”

Quiet whispers providing coverage from her, so she wouldn’t hear their conversation.

But I could clearly hear what they were saying.

The problem was, I had no idea what they were talking about.

“…Hello? …Raphne.”

She confidently strode right up to me, folding her arms and looking down at me.

Smiling softly, I greeted her.

With her arms crossed, she gazed at me intently.

For some reason, her face was full of discontent.

And then, she soon opened her mouth.

“Who are you?”

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