Custom monster system

A disapointing outcome

The remaining energies of the beam struck Alex's scales but accomplished nothing as his defenses were stronger than the beam's attacking power. The rajang seemed confused when after it's attack was done the only sign of damage was the shimmering heated air rising from Alex. Dispersing the withering energy Alex began to charge a large amount of Tenshou in his mouth before releasing a beam attack of his own at the stunned ape. Unlike the rajang's attack however this one actually did a considerable amount of damage to the target in the form of directly burning away the top layer of skin and flesh on the apes torso causing it's entrails to spill out.-

'How disappointing , I had assumed that your kind would have potent elemental resistance but it seems I thought too highly of you.' Alex said before starting to walk away as the ape screamed in agony and panic as it started to die. Zane intervened at this time to put the monster out of it's misery once it became clear that Alex no longer cared what happened to the the rajang. "I honestly thought it would put up more of a fight." the admiral said apologetic.-

'There was no way you could have known that the species had such weak elemental resistance for anything that wasn't thunder.' Alex said with a shake of his head. "On the bright side we can add this new information to the files so it wasn't a total bust." the man says with a grin. Alex agreed with this since it was true that this was new information. The reason it had likely not been noticed before hand had to do with how hunter weapons focused the elements in them into the edge or face of the weapon.-

This meant that the elemental force was both very light and focused rather than the pure elemental force that most monsters harnessed. After Zane dispatched the rajang mercifully the group stuck around long enough for Alex to also dispatch the kirin that had it's horn broken earlier. Once that was done Alex grabbed both of the corpses and flew back to astera with Zane and the admiral on his back. The next couple of days were spent by Alex debating whether or not he should unlock the ice element or not since the feeling that something bad would happen had vanished after his sublimation reached ninety nine percent.-

'Most likely the only reason I haven't been able to advance the sublimation to a hundred percent was the imbalance of the elements within me. The problem is that I have this sneaking suspicion that unlocking this last element will cause quite the commotion.' Alex thought with a frown. 'I suppose I can wait until sofi shows up first to see if I am in the ball park of the true apex elders or if I need more work.' he decided and left astera to go hunt his dinner based on the first large monster he found.-

Alex had found that at his current level of power targeting a specific species didn't really benefit him much but rather made him waste time actually looking for it. As such the unfortunate monster he chose to eat today was none other than a nargacuga which was a strange creature that had a body shape very similar to a barrioth except that it was covered in black fur and had the head of a feline and legitimate bladed wings and spiked barbs on it's tail. It used these things to ambush it's victim from the shadows before moving onto direct combat.-

If this sounds familiar it's because Alex himself used this exact tactic for quite a while when he was small enough to get away with it. Now though he was far to large to fit into the shadows so instead he ambushes from the sky instead. He needed to get up close and personal with the monster this time however as the ambush predator avoided getting ambushed by him. Despite this it still ended up as Alex's meal as he outclassed by a large amount leaving it fairly helpless against him.

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