Custom monster system

A new challenger approaches

Velkhana clearly didn't expect this and was engulfed by the scorching flames but only managed to escape unharmed thanks to the ice armor over it scales. Opening it's mouth the elder breathed out a frigid beam of energy at Alex in retaliation. He calmly met the cold energy with a claw covered in dense flames as he pressed forward towards the elder. Velkhana wasn't aware of this however as the clash of hot and cold had filled the air with a dense mist that blocked it's sight. It ceased it's attack and flapped it's wings hard to clear away the mist but panicked immediately afterwards.-

The reason for this was because Alex was not more than a few feet away from it looking directly at it mockingly. Clearly he could have taken the opportunity to deal a vicious blow to the elder but had not since he wasn't done playing with his food quite yet. At alex's current power level killing an elder like velkhana was easy but he had been so bored lately that he chose to draw the fight out rather than finish it in an instant. For intelligent but animalistic minded creatures like most elder dragons boredom wasn't really a problem but Alex's mind was pretty much a human mind turned wild.-

This meant that for him being bored meant drawing out any form of stimulus longer than necessary much like a cat with a mouse. In this case he was the cat and velkhana was the poor mouse subjected to his interest. Velkhana itself didn't seem to realize this and merely thought he was being cautious against it. Alex slapped the elder out of the air soon enough though as he was tired out flying around the velkhana as it furiously attacked him.-

'Let's try this out this time' he thought and flared his fire energy out of his entire body suddenly turning the frigid land into a molten hell zone as the stone underfoot melted and pooled into lava puddles. The velkhana started to resist this drastic heat shift with it's own frozen energy and succeeded in keeping itself cool. Alex didn't mind this since his wanton release of energy was merely the start up for his next trick. The fire energy he had just purged quickly started to gather once again in front of his mouth in the form of an orange orb that shrank despite him forcing more and more energy into it.-

Soon the energy reached a threshold and the orb started to change color to a brilliant blue coloration. Once fully blue Alex sent the orb at velkhana and watched to see just how powerful this attack was. The elder was still struggling with the heat and as such didn't realize that an actual attack was coming at it until it was too late and it was forced to swipe at the orb with it's tail. The moment the ice covered tail struck the orb it detonated into a violent flash of light and heat and velkhana screamed in agony.-

The light faded away a moment later and Alex marveled at the damage that small orb had caused to the frozen elder. Nearly half the tail that had struck the orb was simply gone and the flesh was cauterized at the nub. Beyond that however was the horrible burns covering the left side of velkhana's head and front torso that had been cooked by the sudden heat they were exposed to. The only remaining eye of the elder on it's right side was glaring at him full of rage and bloodthirst.-

Before Alex could truly take in the scene he leapt backwards dodging a black and purple spiked claw that was aiming for his neck from above. "KAAARAACK!" A huge figure struck the ground and kicked up a large dust cloud as it's impact shattered the earth loudly. A pair of large black and tan wings unfurled pushing away the dust to reveal an elder dragon on the same size as Alex himself. 'So a real challenger has appeared to take me on , GOOD.' He thought as the massive nergigante growled at it's attacks failure all while glaring at Alex hungrily.

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