Custom monster system


Alex found a deviljho roaming the waste picking on the local herbivores as it's choice of sustenance. The monster was surprisingly alert for constantly being in a state of distracting hunger as it jumped to the side when Alex tried to crash into it from above. "Roar!" The dark green monster roared angrily at Alex who merely smirked. once it was done Alex took a deep breath and roared at the beast himself "ROOOOAAAR!". The ground shook and the wind kicked up in front of his mouth from the vast difference in lung power between Alex and the deviljho.-

Clearly this got the monster hesitant as it likely was trying to figure out if it really wanted to risk it's life to attack Alex. Unfortunately for it Alex had no such hesitation and released poisonous mist from his scales blanketing the area in purple fog that popped from the [lingering flames] trait. The Deviljho realized that it was in a bad situation as it started to cough and rapidly blink it's tearing up eyes as the poison in the air damaged it's lungs and eyes actively. The beast did what any backed into a corner would and lashed out to the best of it's ability.-

In this case it belched out a  thick plume of smoky dragon energy that popped and crackled like lightning. Due to this attacks misty nature it immediately clear the mist from near the deviljhos head letting it breath normal air again. Alex had expected this and thus only used the mist to poison and temporarily block the monsters vision as he circled around to it's side. Before the monster could realize it hadn't hit anything with it's attack Alex slammed into it's side causing it to become unbalanced and fall over.-

Teeth sank into the hard leathery hide of the monster and claws raked it's side leaving deep bloody gashes. Alex was ruthless in his attacks not letting up for an instant as he even detonated the exploding poison within the wounds that his claws created making them much worse. The Deviljho screamed in pain and anger and thrashed about wildly in an attempt to shake Alex free but failed. Blood pooled beneath the monster as it's struggles grew weaker and weaker before finally stopping as life left it's body. Alex sighed in disappointment at how easy it was to kill what he had once considered a mighty foe.-

He wasn't surprised however as much like one would expect thanks to the way the system worked his power had began to snowball bigger and bigger as time went on. Becoming the most powerful creature on the planet was never a matter of if but rather when at this point. A downside to this power however came in the form of boredom as he felt very little excitement in a fight against monsters in his same rank. He was only high rank according to the system but he didn't doubt that he was likely at the very pinnacle of such monsters.-

Still alex grabbed the large and extremely bloody corpse and headed back to astera with it in tow. He got more than a few odd looks when he landed with the body as if those people were wondering if he just woke up some days and decided to hunt things that give most people nightmares. Funnily enough that wasn't very far from the truth as he did indeed do that some days such as in this case. Unlike most of the time however Alex knew exactly which traits he wanted from the Deviljho.-

Specifically the [black blood] and dragon energy traits as both would kick his strength up another notch. For different reasons however as the [Black blood] trait is because the blood is literally so efficient and thick that it appears almost black when spilled. This is because in order to fuel it's powerful body the deviljhos blood needs to carry nutrients and energy better than normal. Alex wanted that for himself since it would streamline his own biological functions even further making him stronger. The dragon energy trait didn't need to be explained however as the benefits of having that energy should be apparent.


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