Custom monster system

Dramatic change

"This is most troubling indeed." the commander said seriously and the admiral agreed. "Even after all this time Sid's only gotten a quarter of the amount of the crystals he needs. That stuffs not easy to get you know." the man said seriously. 'I suppose I could offer much more money to try and get the amount I need in one lump sum but we may need to wait quite awhile if I take that route.' Alex said honestly. "What about the energy filled crystals that are all over the everstream?" the commander asked hopefully. -

'Afraid not , I tried that already and they are totally different things apparently.' Alex said with a shrug. "then all we can do is wait while making sure that Sid here doesn't gain any more elemental adaptations in the meantime." the commander said while rubbing his forehead as he felt a headache coming on. The meeting came to an end after that and a celebration was arranged to officially welcome Alex back to astera. The runt showed up a couple of hours later with it's catch and was thrilled to see Alex though he didn't need to force it to take a bath since it seemed to have learned it's lesson.-

A month passed by before the full amount of crystals came in while ripping a massive hole in Alex's savings in exchange. During this time he focused on improving any physical trait he could and ended up maxing out four traits , [enhanced scales] , [thick skin] , [armored scales] and [sharp claws]. He also improved a few others that had much lower levels like [smooth scales] , [hard horns] and [slick scales]. These improvements did little for improving his bodies energy storage space but provided him with an all around improvement to his physical offense and defense.-

The best thing they gave him however was the four tickets he got by finding something with the four maxed out traits to get. These he cashed out immediately for any trait that should improve his energy storage efficiency. Surprisingly the system actually three common and one uncommon traits that did precisely that , [elemental discharge] which was uncommon but he already had and needed to unlock , [energy pathways] which was common ranked , [energy gem] which was common ranked and [charged skin] which was common ranked.

In almost no time at all Alex suddenly gained an elemental gem , an extra set of veins just for his energy to move through , the ability to focus and discharge his energy freely from any point on his body and the ability to cloak his body in his energy. His energy efficiency skyrocketed thanks to these traits and like he had hoped his elemental storage was suddenly much emptier as energy was taken out of it actively by these traits. 'By my guess I am about half full storage wise now.' he thought seriously as he felt his bodies situation. There was a slight downside however to the [charged skin] trait in the form of him accidentally shocking anyone who touched him now.-

It wasn't a major jolt like if Alex had done so intentionally but more akin to the feeling of static electricity hitting you , unpleasant but harmless. When alex fulfilled the condition set to unlock [elemental flow] however things changed drastically. The reason for this was because it fused with all the other elemental traits to form the unique ranked trait [archon]. This trait almost entirely did away with his energy storage entirely as now every single cell in his body was storage space to itself.-

Alex almost immediately dropped to the ground in weakness at this change as he actually didn't have enough energy to fill each cell to the top. It took him three whole days in order to generate enough energy to satisfy the lack of energy in his cells. After he did though he felt unbelievable as his total amount of available energy had practically hextupled and yet he knew instinctively that he no longer needed to worry about overfilling his body ever again. He was looking forward to fighting xeno jiiva now to put this power to the test.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian

TITLE: Evolving dragon

AGE: 1 year , 2 months , 3 weeks

Generated traits: elder dragon 8/10 , focused horns , dense horns , elemental discharge , ambidextrous , weaponized horns , -

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 9(max) , Water breathing level max , Heat resistance level 5(max) ,Compact stomach level 3 , Swimming muscles level 9(max) , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Additional limbs: wings level 9(MAX) , Fire resistance level 9 , armored scales level 9(max) , Paralysis resistance level 4 , Thick skin level 9(max) , enhanced ears level 4 , accelerated healing level 2 ,venomous claws level 5, metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , tempered bones level 7 , telescopic sight level 2 , crushing muscles level 9(max) , earth resistance level 6 , dense muscles level 9(max) , toxirosys T6 , enhanced life span T1 , enhanced heart level 9(max) , metallic claws level 2 , venomous tail level 3 , hydrosis T6 , shock absorption level 8 , hardened bones level 8 , smooth scales level 5 , enhanced smell level 3 , hard horns level 5 , enhanced lungs level 3 , telepathy level 1 , tranquilizing poison level 4 , enhanced vision level 2 , water resistance level 3 , layered horns level 3 , light resistance level 4 , acid resistance level 2 , paralyzing poison level 2 , effluvia resistance level 2 , insulated scales level 3 , variant pyrosis T7 , Tenshou T7 , scale regrowth level 1 , slick scales level 5 , ice resistance level 5 , lithe figure (MAX) , bloodletting claws level 2 , sharp instincts level 1 , explosive poison level 1 , earthen camouflage level(max) , lunging muscles level 9(max) , lingering flame level 1 , double circulation level 1 , reinforced skin level 1 , metallic skin level 1 , wind resistance level 1 , explosive scales level 1 , death walker level 1 , black blood (max) , variant electrosis (T6) , sturdy muscles level 9(max) , chewing muscles level 9(max) , flexible muscles level 9(max) ,  elemental discharge level 1 , energy pathways level 1 , energy gem T1 , charged skin level 1 , elemental flow T1 -

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 , lesser dragon body , Apex muscles T7 , hunter senses level 2 , eagle vision level 2 , incomplete adaptive camouflage(max) , scale grenade level 1 , archon T6-

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 2 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 9(max) , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging , two horns , tail regrowth


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