Custom monster system


For some reason the admiral had gone ahead to pin point the monsters position in the guiding lands which was rather unnecessary since Alex was pretty sure he already knew. In the game the rajang causing the kirin troubles was hanging out in the lava area that also was a favorite amongst the kirin of the guiding lands. What worried Alex instead was that the admiral ends up pretty badly hurt after the rajang finds him. This was not a game however so the possibility very much existed that the admiral may in fact die from the rajang's attacks.-

"Know where you are going?" Zane asked when climbing onto Alex's back the day of the hunt. 'Past the mountain range beyond the elders recess.' Alex said verifying that he did in fact know where he was going. "I'm surprised you were interested in fighting a rajang after how strong you already were." Zane said making small talk as alex flew through the sky. 'Rajang is a rare nonreptile monster so I am curious if it's power is different than my own.' Alex said honestly. "Yeah I can see how that might be an interesting thing to figure out on your part." Zane admitted.-

'Besides it was about time I take a look at this strange place myself to see what is so interesting about it.' alex said with a chuckle. Zane laughed at this before going quiet for the rest of the trip and enjoying the view from far above the earth. A couple hours later and they finally arrived at the guiding lands and Alex had to admit that the place was disorienting to look at as it held all the biomes from lava to ice within walking distance of each other , it was very unusual.-

Ignoring his own curious desire to explore the mystery behind this phenomenon he landed near the entrance to the lava area where he spotted the familiar light blonde spikey hair of the admiral skulking about. 'At least he is being careful this time unlike in the game.' Alex thought as he folded his wings against his back after landing. "The big monkey is in here and I've been keeping an eye on it while waiting for you two to get here." the admiral said with a grin while pointing to the lava area.-

'You want to go first since I will probably kill it if I do?' Alex asked Zane teasingly. The man rolled his eyes "Yeah I am also kinda curious about how different this thing is from normal monsters." he said before walking into the area confidently. Alex didn't blame him either as right at this moment Zane was in the same peak hunting state he was in the game when he fought and killed sofi jiiva and alatreon. If either were to show up right this instant Zane would be able to give both of them a run for their money at the very least.-

A few moment after he entered the area Alex turned to the admiral with a mischievous glint in his eye 'A thousand zenny says he underestimates how fast it is and gets hit for it.' he said with an amused expression. The admiral is taken back by this at first but quickly recovers and laughs "Alright I'll take that wager since Zane's the most skilled hunter I've ever seen." the man says before they both go quiet to seriously watch Zane's fight. At first the rajang seems to ignore Zane entirely but after getting attacked it went from calm to homicidal in no time flat.-

The admiral could only click his tongue in regret after Zane did indeed underestimate how fast the monster was and get smashed into the ground hard. A normal person would have been instantly killed by such an attack but Zane was a hunter and had superhuman durability that let him merely get a crack or two in his bones from it. Unfortunately this durability meant little in front of a very fast very hard hitting ape monster that was a firm believer in triple tapping it's victims. "Might want to distract it for a moment to let Zane recover." the admiral said seriously.

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