Custom monster system

Royal challenge

It was a large dragon with dull black scales and a face that was suspiciously similar to his own and large intelligent amber colored eyes. Fatalis made no move to stop Alex when he landed on the permanently melted and charred stone ground of the ruins across from it. Just like how Alex was sizing up fatalis it too was looking him over and was fairly impressed at what it found. Despite his elder domain being clearly noncombative in nature fatalis could feel the fused energy of every element coursing smoothly through Alex.-

No species had ever accomplished this feat in it's memory as even the one that got closest alatreon was unstable and tended to eventually self detonate from it. This alone meant that Alex had the right to challenge it but it also felt a dreadful power within him as well that it felt threatened by. It was as if the it was watching something decay in fast forward yet Alex was unaffected. Fatalis finally stood up and stretched its wings out fully while fully releasing it's own aura. 'It seems the final boss is ready to fight now so let's not keep him waiting.' Alex thought and mimicked fatalis.-

The air sparked and crackled as the two auras violently clashed between these two elders and the ground cracked and turned to sand from the impacts of it. It soon became clear however that both were equally matched. Seeing this both monsters moved at the same time to the next phase of the challenge , melee. Alex wasn't sure why he knew exactly how a challenge was supposed to play out but he had no problem following etiquette. Claws dug into scales and teeth found purchase as the ground shook and was shattered apart as the two of them clashed.-

Every monster for nearly a hundred miles in every direction had paused whatever they were doing as if waiting to learn the outcome of this clash. Every apex elder in the world was similar as they felt the two of them clash. All waited to see if this royal challenge would result in a new king or if the old one would strike down the challenger. Such a momentous event demanded their full attention and so for a brief moment the entire world was paying attention. The guild noticed this strange event as well but did not know it's significance.-

Alex and fatalis both had nearly identical wounds as they were once again equal to each other in regards to physical force. Separating both breathed out an elemental attack causing the two attacks to clash in the middle and fight to overtake the other. For fatalis it's used it's powerful but normal flames to attack but Alex countered it with his blaze fire coming out on top. With fatalis taking the attack after it's own failed to block it the formalities of the challenge were finally out of the way and it was no holds barred battle next.-

Despite taking a bit of damage from Alex's flames fatalis took off into the sky and Alex needed to chase it down. No longer holding back he released his Tenshou power causing a vast area of the sky to darken and the winds to howl as a massive hurricane formed with no visible eye. Fatalis was clearly not expecting this as it was forced to slow down in order to deal with the suddenly harsh aerial conditions. This let Alex who had summoned the storm catch up and bath the elder in more blaze flames damaging it further.-

Ignoring it's own injuries fatalis stopped flying away and actively turned to clash with Alex in aerial melee combat while spewing metal evaporating flames at him. Both of them tanked to others attacks taking serious damage each. This changed when Alex detonated the dragon star in his body and the blast struck fatalis at point blank range. "ROOAR!" the elder screamed in pain at the unexpected heavy blow and fell out of the sky with holes in the membrane of it's wings and heavy cracking along most of the scales on a single side of it's body that had taken the full force of the star.-

Crashing into the ground fatalis panted in pain and Alex noticed that it's chest area had begun to glow and he prepared himself as the elder was clearly preparing to use it's most powerful ability , black flames. Glaring at Alex in the sky with it's one remaining good eye fatalis opened it's mouth and a vast amount of black flames shot forth as if to fill the sky with them. Alex didn't just remain still and tank the attack as black flames were a supreme element that guaranteed serious injury to him.

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