Custom monster system


This also gave Alex's regeneration time to work on repairing his damaged flesh but it was slow going. While the monster was held at bay Alex quickly reached into his satchel that had seen better days and removed the gem he hadn't eaten yet and a max potion. He threw both of them into his mouth and chewed on them before swallowing. Immediately his regeneration spiked and began to visibly repair the flesh under his new scales while the [inkosis] trait began to shoot up from T1 all the way to T7.-

This wasn't unreasonable since the trait was probably meant to start out at a higher tier but his previous lack of dragon energy simply couldn't support it. Even after he unlocked the [elder dragon] trait and fixed this problem he hadn't done anything to nudge the elemental trait to it's correct tier until now. Still this caused a massive spike in power as now Alex had two traits comprised of three elemental energies at the master rank. His aura bubbled and slowly grew around him like a cloak of red and green fire until it reached a distance of a foot away from his body.-

Surprisingly Alex could feel that his physical strength had also increased by a small level after this transformation finished. The monster hissed and roared in agitation as it's senses told it that Alex had suddenly become much more dangerous to it. 'This will probably not work but it's worth a shot.' Alex thought as he did something rather insane , he tried to fuse [Tenshou] and [inkosis] into a ball in his mouth. Alex was aware that these powers need not be mutually exclusive  since [Tenshou] was comprised of fire , water and thunder energy while [inkosis] was comprised of poison , water and dragon energy.-

Technically there was no conflict between the two powers and Alex was banking on that to try and deal a devastating attack to this monster. At first it seemed like this had failed as the ball that formed in Alex's mouth looked like a normal glob of ink but the moment he released this attack it was proven false. As the ball traveled rapidly through the air the ground it passed visibly greyed and lost all vitality while any surviving plants decayed and crumbled to dust. The monsters instinct told it to flee for it's life from whatever this thing was but it's body lacked the speed to fully evade it.-

It did however manage to get most of the front half of it's body out of the way before the ball struck it right on it's midsection. "ROOOAAR!" The monster screamed as the ball burst leaving a thick black splatter on it's body. Not because the impact hurt it but rather because the scales flesh and bones of that area rapidly necrotized and crumbled to dust at a visible rate. Alex felt chills go down his spine when he saw this and looked at the notification he had gotten from the system when he fused the two powerful powers.


It was an accurate thing to call the power as wherever it passes decayed and the most terrifying part was that it was almost peaceful to look at. There was no loud sound , no big explosion , no intense struggling at all merely just silence and crumbling. Once the power on the monster ran out all that was left was a massive gapping lack of anything at all. There was no blood , bones or flesh just a empty grey cavity in the monsters body.-

Alex had assumed the fusion of five different elements would create something with great destructive capabilities but could never even have guessed it would approach what may be considered an absolute law of the world. The only thing higher than this in terms of destruction may be the power to unleash death itself. All things in the world are subject to death in some form so being able to unleash that death at will would put one in an unassailable position. On the opposite spectrum however Alex suddenly realized that since [withering] was possible then [thriving] should also be just as possible.


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pa treon_loskro

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