Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

“After half a year of research and a year-long violent animal rescue battle, this second dark invasion in human history finally has a successful result.

“According to the director of the Institute of Different Animal Contracts and the joint statement of the First Hospital of the Beast and the military, the beasts that had been maddened by the violent contract were finally liberated and started a new life.”

The martial law of human actions was officially lifted from today. At the same time, after discussion by the top ten families and the upper echelons of the president, it was decided to begin spiritual guidance for all the beasts tomorrow to lift the existence of the unequal contract between human beings and the same animals.

“Of course, this action is the result of human beings negotiating with representatives of different animals on behalf of B. Considering the freedom of both parties, after the contract is terminated, if the beast has the idea of ​​custom contract with human beings, then the equality can be redefined. Friendship contract.

According to the latest report, the teenager who lost in the past few days has been sent back to his parents. The **** is a fire wolf.

Let us thank it for not eating it.

“The latest news, the travel line to the 3-4 stars of the Stars has been opened. Although the number of people enrolled in the tour is hot, please follow the law of non-aggression and mutual friendship, and cut off the pleasing baby in the process of travel. Otherwise, the retaliatory travel company that is not pleasing to its parents will not be responsible.

“Walking on the still chaotic streets, the surrounding light screens are all about the progress of the relationship between human beings and human beings. Looking at these prehistoric whales, they have to admire the excellent adaptability of human beings.” – He originally thought that at least four or five years of buffering, human beings can get along with the animals that have just fought a battle.

But obviously, he thought wrong.

After the return of Feiyu Yufu, the return of the old man, and the finding of the elements of the contractual restrictions, the war that was originally like a disaster, suddenly turned out to be a deflated balloon, becoming less horrible as humans imagined. .

Human beings are restricted from going out at night, and there must be three people to go out at the same time.

At the same time, after the humans negotiated with the Three Emperors on the desert star, they set up a rescue squad, distributed in the capital stars and the stars to arrest the aliens who lost their minds. After they caught it, they circled and waited for half a year. After all, the research team, which stayed up all night, finally finished the study of the drugs for treatment.

Then, it is the war of words between humans and strange animals. When the war is most intense, it is developed until the night of the beasts ran to the door of human beings, and then hid in the corner to see humans the next morning. Stepping on all kinds of cockroaches… For this, humans have changed the n pairs of shoes on a daily basis, and finally realized how beautiful and gentle the former beasts are, and they are civilized.

In contrast, humans finally compromised and verbally acknowledged the mistake. Under the mood of the beasts and the incomparable sorrow of human beings, human beings and strange animals are like ** and reconciled.

Well, it’s still a bit early to say that it’s good. After all, there are still a lot of beasts who want to eat people in the future.

But it’s good to be with the human beings and the beasts on the capital star.

It is said that even the tourist line has opened this relationship can be worse? Well, of course, if you want to open a special line, you have to be related. Although he is also one of the related households, he still can’t understand what is good on the wild star! Walking through an unusually popular food shop, a whale looked tangled and stood at the door for a long time. When the owner almost thought that the goods came to the scene, he turned and left.

Hey, there are already three different animal food stores and different animal sports fields under the name of his family. He still doesn’t want to waste money to buy stores for those two goods.

In fact, no matter how the relationship between humans and animals is not affected by the owner of a strange pet shop, his days are basically the same before and after the end of the war.

But when he thought that his small days had to go through the ages, he suddenly received a message like a blue sky.

After receiving this news, a self-invincible boss Sensen realized that he was really far away… compared with an old man with a pothole! At this time, in the top-level research institutes of the top ten families.

Long Changyi, Night Phoenix, Ling Chong, Baisha, Zhangliangshan, Shan Bailu, Jin Qian and others each lined up in the corner of the hall with their beloved beasts, while standing in the middle of the hall The chilly face of Lin Qinglin and the same chilly old man, next to Jin Lao, Long Lao, Hu Lao and even retired marshals and other old man.

This situation is really a suspicion. These old guys are all screaming and screaming, and the few corners are also new leaders. These people are gathering together. Attacking the wild star? But when their conversation comes out, no matter who they are, there will be a feeling of being thundered.

“Hey! You are not a filial son! I am so hard to come back from the star. I have no idea in my life. I want a grandson. You said that you and the fish don’t cooperate at all?! I hope this. You don’t cooperate, do you want to mad at me?!” Yan Qinglin heard the forehead of the blue ribs, a word, one sentence: “Jin Yu is a man.”

me too.

“So I want you to cooperate!” Lao Jin and Marshal and Lao Zhao have said that the current technology has allowed two men to breed newborns through the cells! But if you look at you, I just said this idea. Did the whale leave me directly to the store and leave home? ! This wind can’t be long! ! Are you not a parent at home? ! How can you let your own wife run! ! “Therefore, Yan Qinglin’s forehead pulled out the second blue vein, and gnashed his teeth: “It’s not that you scared him! “In the big night’s house, a bunch of guys dressed in white coats licking the thick needles of their arms will poke against them. Nima, if it is normal, will be scared away from home?! He already For the whole three days, I didn’t talk to my own little one. The reason was just because Jin Yu was afraid that he would say that he would do the experiment when he opened his mouth. When he saw him, he turned his head and left!! “Cough, I am also a grandson!” “Qi Father reddish complexion, well, he admitted that the day he impulsive point, but how dare look at that crowd weekdays sons and grandsons beat him also melon seeds guy is not like a timid ah! How he counsels here What?! “Is he courageously squirming?” “The old man is angry and indecent.”

“After having a baby, I will make you happy every day. I can still inherit the family business and how old is it. How can he not want to?” “Don’t be kidding. If the technology is fully mature, you will be with that.” An old guy bet and let us do the experiment!” Yan Qinglin poured a cool water on his father, and then looked at the people in the corner like a knife: “You are not because they are basically It’s all about men who want to be like this, but don’t even know when we don’t know!” “Thirty days ago, the male husband’s baby, who was born through the technique, was born, and he was stunned, twentieth. The five pairs of husband’s son was born a month to find a girlfriend! The fourteenth pair of husband’s daughter was six years old and ran to the wine to shoot others to sell money! Nima to now a total of thirty-five husbands passed The baby that the technology came out did not have a normal, regular, and so! So you still want me and Jin Yu to go?!” The brain pumped! This is basically the longest period of saying that Yan Qinglin is so big, so it can be seen how angry he is at this time, and the group of grandchildren in the corner are also heartbroken. Nodding, of course, only Baisha and Zhang Liangshan’s two smiles are not related to each other.

“Oh! But those babies’ talents are particularly good! Not just temperament, especially a little, no physical and psychological defects, super health!” The old man still does not give up.

Yan Qinglin’s face is unchanged: “Yes, a healthy hand kills a cow.

Only three months old.

“”…” The card’s old man didn’t know what to pick up at the moment. I think it would be a bit like he’s such a grandson. Hey, risk, think of him here, he saw a few old eyes next to him. The glory of the color, suddenly a spirit! No, even if his grandson is a wonderful risk, he can not face in front of these old men! Not that hey, especially a little, he has come up with big winds, Will you plant the grandson’s hand?! So the grandfather’s momentum is released, and his face is firm: “If you disagree, you must agree, Laozi has already decided!” “When it is said, the old man’s hand waved, and a white mist suddenly sprayed on the face of Yan Qinglin, while the latter was very incompetent, but his grandfather did not have the same alert as the enemy and he needed protection at this time. Jin Yu is not there. For the first time in his life, he was given a pit.

“Oh, hehehehe, fight with Laozi! You are still a hundred years old! Hurry up the blood pumping cells, we will catch the fish in a while, I don’t believe he will not come over!” With the old man In a word, the dragon long Jin Jin and others who were squatting in the corner of the wall all shuddered, and the Nima grandfather’s generation could not afford to hurt too much. Fortunately, although their father had a pit, there was no such pit. So thorough.

At the same time, a certain fish sitting in a Chinese restaurant suddenly felt that it was awkward and cold. It seems that something is incomparable and unrecoverable. “Hey, hey, son or something, I don’t want it at all. If Nima is born, it is a unicorn. Is it a strange animal, or is it a son?!” The author has something to say:=-=cough, saying, born corona, three Months of yak sacred horses… This is all pediatrics, unicorn buns – attributes are extremely boring … orz.

The next chapter was born… Father will regret it…

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