Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Looking at the baby bed, Jin Yu turned his mouth and turned to look at the old man.

“Are you sure this is not a toy or a mutant animal from where you came from?” The old man heard the news that his forehead was blue and violent: “What is your broken thought! This is the son of you and Qinglin!” However, it does not look like the son of me and Yan Qinglin.

“Golden face licked a face and continued to speak. At the moment when his voice fell, the dumplings on the bed burst into tears, and Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin saw the roof with a level of S. Was rushed out of a big hole.

From the hole, there was a cry of a bad luck crow.

“…” Hey, the old man seems to have been eccentric about this. After coughing, he said: “What, his voice has a sound wave attack, this should be his power.”

In addition, he basically didn’t stop crying for an hour, and no one could do it.

My great grandson is amazing! “Oh, I pulled the mouth of the mouth, and Jin Yu went up to the bed, waiting for the little unicorn with the zebra stripes to open: I cried and stewed you.”

“Wow…wow, wow, wow…” “I said that no one can hold him.”

“The old man said calmly.”

“Well, if you cry again, you will not have food, don’t give you gold coins, don’t give you pocket money in the future, let you find your wife, live in your father’s mental stress and your relatives’ physical pressure every day.

“Do you know that you are licking your son instead of threatening it?! Is it too ferocious? Then, just as the old man is ready to continue, the crying stops, and the zebra pattern on the bed is small.” The big eyes looked at Jin Yu with an incredible look.

Seeing this little guy scared to stay away, Jin Yu finally couldn’t help but smile, and there was a feeling of affection and kindness in his heart.

At the moment, he smiled and gently stroked the head of the small group with his fingers, and then pushed it to the sky with a slight force.

“Well, although you are a little strange, but your father will still love you very much ” Jin Yu put the small group on his hand, then bowed his head.

The movement of the

Perhaps because of the blood, Jin Yu is very ferocious, but it is quite good with the small group. Two guys, you yell at me, I yell at you, then push down, roll up and stand up, then push to stand up, play It’s a pleasure.

The eyes of the small group music are bright, and they are on the body of Jin Yu.

This picture makes Yu Qinglin’s heart soothing to death, can not help but also touched forward, but in the eyes of the old man, it is simply the stimulation of the red fruit! Nima was nurtured from this squad to birth, but he was watching every day. The idea in his heart was to let his grandson kiss him and be angry with the two relatives.

But the picture is completely reversed now! This grandson is ignoring him, he is obedient and obedient? ! Is this shaking M? ! The old man who couldn’t think of it completely turned around with a blood in his throat, and then he saw his family’s black panther slamming on the ground and screaming. He almost went through the pulse and retreated. He wanted to train his son to vent his anger. go with! ! When the old man walked Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin, he also found his own gang to his grandfather, a little pit.

However, Jin Yu did not care at all. He smiled and looked at the head of the squad. “It’s very good. If you are so big, you will know the current affairs. Son, you will have a promising future!” The scorpion was boasted and licked his head and smashed it twice. Big eyes, and then continue to roll happily in the palms of relatives and daddy… Although the scorpion squats on his grandfather, and let his grandfather go, but this little setback is a cliff Will not let a certain grandson control retreat, after an hour, the old man will let his men send a gold medal, engraved with the word “Happy”.

Needless to say, this is the name that the old man gave his grandson.

It’s just that Jin Yu’s silence after seeing the name of Happy is a few seconds. Well, the meaning is good, he will not entangle other things.

Anyway, my son is a zebra-patterned dumpling, and there is definitely not much peach blossom.

After the name of the scorpion was settled, Jin Yu originally intended to lead his son to go home, but he was taken care of by the old man.

In the end, in the case of almost squatting the table, Yan Qinglin black-faced with a group of scorpions around the circle of the family, and then the old man took his black panther and A, B, D, and D to the dark street. —The ancestral homes of the family are all gone, and the walls are all cracked. He will say it! ! Nima, this kid is born and pitted with his two sisters? ! Well, the destructive power of the scorpion is slightly larger.

Fortunately, Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin felt that although their family’s corps had some pits, the attacking power was still a small meaning, at least not both of them would be in a good mood.

However, it was not until the return to the No. 138 singular beast shop that a ferocious whale felt that he thought it was too naive.

Looking at the son of his family and the strange beasts of his family, he felt that the scourge would be upgraded and the world would be pitted.

For the sake of world peace, the future is to be isolated? In the ancestral home, I can only eat and sleep. After I went to the store, I watched the various beasts of a house burst into excitement. I squatted on Jin Yu’s head and shook my head. The difference is straight down.

And when the gathering of people boring each other, the white and white buns, the two black treasures, and the other beasts, when they saw the scorpion, they stunned and thought about who could break through the defense line of Boss and then go to Jin Yu’s body. They opened their mouths and smashed their mouths.

Hey? ! Roar! ! Hey? ! Wang Wangwang! ! ! All the beasts collectively made a sound, although the voices are different, but the meaning is exactly the same: [I am going! Master, is this the boss of you and the boss? ! 】 Jin Yu looked at a house of exciting animals, I felt that there was such a bad feeling, but still nodded firmly.

“Well, my son! How, one!” The name is happy, the little name is a group.

You have to get along with him.

“Hey! Hey Wang Hao!!” Emma is assured! This is a small master! The owner is assured that we will definitely take care of and accompany the little master with the utmost enthusiasm and love! In the future, he will definitely become the hegemon of the two sides of the Orc! ! “…” Listening to Xiaobao’s incomparably heroic speech and the various beasts nodding next to him, Jin Yu did not know why he trembled abruptly, wiped his face, and he had the feeling that his own son would become the villain of the villain. .

“Cough, that, after a hundred days, the group can only become adult. Now, he still has to grow up and say, you will wait for him after a hundred days. Well, that’s it. After a hundred days, I will let the group catch the week. How to say, it is also a great opportunity for others to send money…” “Hey, let me talk about this guy, do you want me to enter the house and hear that you are planning to collect money? Convergence is not, your gold coins are enough to bury your house.” It is.

“Night phoenix leaned against the door and smacked his mouth, and the spirit standing next to him squinted and looked up and down the room.

Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin saw the night phoenix and Ling Chong raise their eyebrows. How did these two people come? “The spirit monkey is not looking for the shadow of the shadow, but the night owl, what are you doing? I remember nothing happened recently.

Did you find a companion? ! “When I heard Jin Yu, the night phoenix and Ling Chong collectively turned a blind eye. This guy still owes it.”

“We heard that you and Yu Qinglin’s child were born, so come over and see, but I heard those words before you, I think I really should not come.

“Night phoenix looked at Jin Yu’s incomparable sincerity, and the latter’s expression did not change at all.”

“You can rest assured that at least this time you look at the dumplings at no charge.

And do you think that I am collecting money? You are wrong, I am saving my wife for my son! “Jin Yu said that his expression became very righteous: “I am the father of my family!” This is a feeling you can’t understand without being guilty! To the son? ” The little troupe raised his head on Jinyu’s head, and then looked at his night phoenix and Ling Chong’s small mouth with his eyes wide open.

………… “I rub! The zebra is the baby of you and Yan Qinglin?! Are you sure you are not mistaken?!” Ling Chong looked at the unbelievable face of the dumplings and directly smashed it out.

Then the air pressure in the house suddenly dropped to the extreme.

“Spirit monkey, you don’t want to take U Ying in your life.”

Unless you have a zebra out! ! “You are the zebra, your family is zebra!! Jin Yu’s face is green, he said that his son can, other people who want to say his son, he is not a sly death, he can’t!! And have not waited for Jin Yu hands Then, he gave the spiritual worship directly to the place, and then all the different animals in one room greeted the goods.

The Thunder lived and caught the flower face… The little golden monkey couldn’t stand looking straight with his eyes on both sides.

Emma is so ferocious, the master is not that I am not helping you, it is really fighting the group of ferocious goods! And Xiaobao is still jealous of me.

After enjoying a baptism, Ling Chong was only mad at the ground, and he vowed that he would not talk nonsense next time! And go back and adjust your vision to 5.0! ! It’s true that the little guy is too zebra to have a good T-T.

“Cough, that, bother, my brother, I will come and tell you, I will marry Sasha next month.

By the time you must come to the big brother’s wedding! Zhang Liangshan stepped forward and bypassed the dying Ling Chong, took out a wedding card.

“Oh, the little sister-in-law is so cute.

It’s true to him.

“…” Qinglin looked at this big scorpion and decided not to shoot the goods to death on the ground.

He is a black unicorn, his son is a chaotic unicorn, where is Nima? ! Jin Yu looked at the wedding card and looked happy, then looked at the date for a few seconds, then looked up at his brother.

“Do you still have something to say?” Zhang Liangshan heard a cough twice, then a meal, a look of hardship: “Brothers, you have to help my brother! Nima daughter has a sister-controlled sister-in-law A family with children can’t afford to hurt!! They are a group of tigresses from the white family, saying that if Laozi can’t pick all their family members one day before getting married, they won’t let Laozi’s daughter-in-law!!” Jin Yu The black line instantly, and then think of the Queen’s white tigress, and it is another shake.

I took a shot of Zhang Liangshan’s shoulder and said deeply: “The festival is sorrowful, big brother.

“The woman is a tiger, the man is a basaltic, too ferocious.

The author has something to say: Here, the foreign event will be written by the son of God.

Including the Dark Street Amusement Club, the White House Grab the Pros and the Regiment, the Peach Blossom Chronicle, and the Mission Chronicle Chronicles, the above group

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