Cutting to Life: an NPC LitRPG (Battle Royale)

Chapter 29: This Is An Interrogation

"Ohhh-hhh, Nikola, there's no need for violence. This is a negotiation, not an interrogation." He spoke through thin lips stretched out in pain, but behind them was a thinly veiled enjoyment. Had he liked being hit with her [Cleaver]?

"Hhhhaaa... the pain in the World of Wills is exquisite, isn't it? It's so close to real, true pain. The Lavish competitors this year are going to be so pleased. Now, to answer your question," he craned his neck upward, nicking some of his skin, "your Father exists, Nikola - at least as much as you do. It would take some doing, but your requests could be executed. But why? Why would we? We have the power here, not you. Just take the deal."

The cloaked girl looked down into the eyes of the masked figure. Up close, she could see them shaking. As much as he tried to act quippy, like he was enjoying his time beneath her blade, she could feel his body trembling. She drew her cleaver-wielding hand in closer, bringing him with it.

"Because you owe me. Luke told me that I was popular with the players of your game, so much so that you put me on your cover. Well, I was never compensated for all the Silvers I earned you. I never saw any of the profits you must have made from me." She was taking a shot in the dark, but she saw his pupils dilate and it urged her on. She was on the right track.

"Awaken the red-haired girl. Return Luke's friends to him. And let my Father and I walk free at the end of whatever this game is."

A breathy 'heh' popped out from under her hand, and the Host made what little eye contact he could from the position he was in. "I'm impressed, Nikola. I don't remember us programming you to be such an adept negotiator. Since this is the World of Wills and your will is strong, you will get what you want - or, as much as I can give you. Now, will you stop this barbaric violence and let me up so I can show you the contract? You're getting my suit dirty."

Slowly, the Awakened NPC backed off at the news that he would consider her demands.

She allowed him to right himself and, sure enough, the front of his suit was dotted with his blood. "Show me the contract."

With unsteady hands, he rolled out the uncoiled paper and presented it to her. It read...

I, Nikola E. Brightdark, agree to participate in the World of Wills' Liberation Game. When the other players within the game are dead, my party and I will be given the privilege of living as one of the Lavish. If I do not succeed, I give my life over to the World of Wills and all those who own it.

"This is it?" Her voice rang of a mild disappointment. She had expected something longer, more profound. When her Father had worked with the city to procure a business license, even that contract had been more involved.

"Is it not to your liking?"

"Is it to anyone's liking? It is stunted. Where are the other ten pages?"

"The legal system for the non-Lavish isn't very robust, Nikola. Why would we spend time writing out a contract for someone who's just going to be dead in a week? Now, sign on the dotted line and you and your Father will have a chance at a life so sensational your little NPC mind will explode." The well-dressed figure held a pen out to her.

But she didn't take it.

"Your contract is insufficient, and I know nothing about the game you have proposed that I join. Explain."

She could feel her fingers' desire to reach out and just take the writing instrument, but she needed more information before she signed. She could tell that The Host's expression soured, even if all she could see through the holes in the mask were his irises and pupils.

"The player characters in the game you've been in your whole life will begin attempting to kill each other. The last party standing will win, and the winners will be given a miracle of an opportunity. That's all we have time for me to explain. Now, for reasons I'm not at liberty to say, I can't give the red-haired girl the ability to Awaken. But that doesn't mean all hope is lost; there may be a way for her to unlock the same sapience you have. Luke's friends weren't supposed to die in the first place; they were supposed to respawn, but your horrid, fracturing code displaced them. We will fix them for you. Your Father will leave with you, if you can manage to beat the odds." The words poured out of him in a singsongy litany of annoyance.

This time with gusto, he pushed the contract out towards her. "Now sign it."

Nikola took the contract, but then she released it and allowed it to flutter uselessly to the blackened ground. She took her cleaver and wedged it into her palm, holding it out to him as her blood began to drip into the ether and fixing her gaze on his. "We will make this deal in blood. I will participate in your game for the rewards you listed to me, but the other parts of the contract besides the reward - I do not agree to them. I will not 'give my life over to the World of Wills and all those who own it.' Whatever it is I am now, player or NPC, I am my own."

She upturned the blade of her [Cleaver] and held it out towards him, steadying her arm so he could cut his hand on it as well.

The Host guffawed at the NPC's suggestion, but he could feel the force behind her words rattling through his bones. If she had suggested what she had anywhere other than the World of Wills, he may have turned her down - but here, her will overturned his doubts, as well as his niggling fear of what his superiors might do. In the World of Wills, one's will was its own kind of magic. Besides, if things truly went awry, well... as he said, the legal system for non-Lavish wasn't robust. He had ways of getting out of this.

The blood-drenched man reached out and nicked his palm on the NPC's weapon, and then joined their hands, sealing their arrangement.

"You've got yourself a deal, Nikola E Brightdark. Now all you need to do is kill an entire world of desperate, hungry Laboured - good luck."

His petty wink was the last thing she saw before the blackness folded away from her, and she opened her eyes to see crimson.

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