CxD:Lord of Valor

Ch. 8

" Hi, I'm Valen Lancaster. And This is Jackass."


*Music play∼*


" The hell, you're up to, Valen? "    *Bark*     " ... "


The two humans plus a dog(Jin) glare at me weirdly.


Bunch of uncultured barbarians. Tsk... Tsk...


" Come on, guys consider our role in this plan. Might as well, have fun while at it."


Right now, We're at the front of Tepe's land in Wallachia as the plan state.  Tobio, Kouki, and Me going to create a diversion from the main entrance, while the rest infiltrate their castle from the side quietly, find the last shard of El'druin and Valerie Tepe, and then bail out as soon as possible.


The night sky of Wallachia appears to be full of dark clouds tonight which is obvious as holy cloud seeding was successful and ready to be activated by our group's magical sequence at any time.


Grigori's magi-tech is such an underappreciated feat.


Yet, the blossoming glimmer of a full moon did manage to penetrate the dark cloud enough to create picturesque scenery for us.


...Such a shame, I'm not here to relax but rather to make the owner's life more miserable∼.


" ...We should've listened to Elmenhilde, take at least one girl that can handle him with us. ...Reminded me of someone before Sae joined the team∼. "


Kouki then smirks at Tobio simply drawing a katana formed on his shadow and glances at him while furrowing his eyebrow.


"...That was three years ago, Why did you bring it up now? "


"Just a nostalgic∼, It's been a while since we got a job like this after all∼. Right? Byakusa?"


He asks the white cat that appears on his shoulder. Byakusa is an independent avatar containing the spirit of Taowu, of the four fiends.


*nya∼* "See∼? he agrees too."


"...He's your sacred gear. Of course, he would, Kouki. Are you right in the head?"


" Damn, dude relaxes a bit, Will ya∼?"


As the two banter continues in the back I take my time to check on the equipment that Azazel fetches for me for this raid.


Pistol on the gun belt - checked.

Silver bullet magazine - checked.

Two small daggers in the boot - checked.

The wooden stake - checked.

Holy water spray - checked.

And lastly the Holy hand grenade of Antioch∼! - checked.


Yes, a holy hand grenade is a thing because I pester Azazel to make one for a laugh.


*Cocked a gun* We can't expect God to do all the work.


I chuckle to myself while loading a magazine into the modified Colt1911 and grin broadly as I turn toward the two.


" Let's go make Van Helsing proud. Shall we?"


" So, that's why you ask Azazel for those things. Alright, I use a shotgun that you force on me then∼."


Kouki accept the situation and loaded his war crime stick aka Winchester m97 with a twelve-gauge silver slug round, buckshot, and last, but not least, The Dragonfire round from his belt.


" You two really gonna roll with that, huh? "


" Hell∼." " Yeah∼!"


As both of us answer with enthusiasm, Tobio gives up and draws a Webley Mk VI revolver to use along with his sword.


"...Alright, Why am I have to roleplay a vampire hunter while wearing this type of get-up with you guys as well. Hah..."


He said that because he is the only one who wears a proper black combat suit while I and Kouki just wear casual clothes.


...Oh, right! The female members of the slash dog also wear black op-like combat uniforms for this mission as well except for Lavinia who still wears her witch cloth. Suzaku also wears easy-to-move casual cloth like me and Kouki as her usual Miko get-up would be a dead giveaway.


Asia wears her nun's cloth though as she just realizes that her exorcist suit may not be the best choice for the masses.


It's normal nun cloth, not the ones in the late novel that look semi-half-nake and it would be a lie if I say, I did not want to see her in it.


Also, still have to wait for her body to develop a bit more as her curve still did not show clearly, but it exists as I see her in pajamas for a week now.


To Elmen, she wears a blue dress with her favorite cat ears cloak. Not the best thing to wear in combat I know, but I did go on an Ayakashi hunt with her before, and she fair completely well with it.


'Guess, the noble vampire's pridefulness still exists somewhere...' Nonetheless, let's focus on the present.


" Come on, Tobio-san, it's not gonna be that bad∼."


" Famous last words, Aye? " Kouki snickers.



After we reach the castle gate, only two sentry stands guarding it. Seem like most of the guards are up the wall and...that's it for the outer defense. They are just a bunch of middle-class noble vampires and thralls.


Hmm... Really? Did they send most of their personnel to the frontline in the Carpathia or something? Since the two bloodlines are at war at this point making the border between Wallachia and Transylvania pretty much a warzone.


Technically, Braşov County is at the border too, but it still counts as a mainland Wallachia, I guess?


Whatever∼, let's roll with this. I hope the girls have a smooth path to our target after this.


Then I told Tobio and Kouki to wait for my signal as I'll go first.


" Hold! Human, what are you—Ugh! "


" On this episode of Jackass, We'll find out that—"


Then I drive a wooden stake through the chest of the vampire before they react.


" Is the myth that vampires can be killed by a wooden stake, true or not∼?"


" Argh—!"


The vampire screams in pain as his life slowly withers away and blood pours out from his penetrated chest like a waterfall.


" And that is it lady and gentlemen, the result∼!  Let's repeat another attempt for a good measure∼."


" Intruder! Die! You lowly life stock!"


The other tries to strike me after realizing what happened to his partner, so I stab him with a wooden stake after I pull out of the lifeless body of his friend.


The vampire then screams soundlessly as the air in his lung got driven out from the impact of getting stabbed by a stake. He then turns into a bloodied corpse with a hole in the chest like his partner.


"Well, that was easy... Why the hell do other pantheons leave these guys alone? They're squishy as hell. Mmm...? Anyway∼."


I smile brightly like a madman at the mob of thralls and vampires using bat form rushing toward me after they realize there is something wrong at the gate.


" Hey, folks! We've been trying to reach you regarding the car's extended warranty—Wow! That's rude."


I then pull out my pistol and shoot the nearest bloodsucker who is about to attack me without any ounce of hesitation.


" Anyways about the warranty. Ah—forget it. Tobio, Kouki! Need a hand here!"



Then the alarm was sounded throughout the castle and the horde of bloodsuckers come rushing in wave after wave at the three of us, furiously at the sight of their fallen brethren that were slaughtered by the very lowly life stock they ridiculed.


In conclusion, the distraction is very successful as the three of us start blasting our guns at the horde of bloodsuckers in succession.


As we start to get into a dogfight state as they're too many of them coming at us like we first thought. The air smells like ashes and blood as the fresh corpses and organs start piling up on top of the older ones as we slaughter them like pest control workers.


" The hell is even that statement, Valen? —Nope. Ha! Let's do it, Byakusa!" *Nya!*


Kouki makes an incredulous expression as he beats on the vampire with the butt of his shotgun that was soaked in blood as it has been through a lot of bodies. Then he orders his sacred gear to assimilate with his other arm into a white spear covered with an electric spark and resume hunting other bloodsuckers.


"Right..., When did we go from vampire hunter to an insurance company? Jin! Left side!" *Howl!*


Tobio said in a dry tone as he slaughter several groups of bloodsuckers with the rain of blades alongside Jin, who transformed into a dire wolf form with a fur of swords.


"Just now. Does it matter? It's working∼! ahaha∼ Regardless, let's test the effectiveness of holy water spray blessed by our holy maiden(Asia)∼!"


The result is auspicious as it turns many thralls into ashes and the vampire's skin burns like I have poured acid on them. Elmen's estimations are true after all.


Great∼. I should reward both of them after this job∼.


I used up the whole can in a minute as these bloodsuckers bunched up together making it an easy target for the spray. Like seriously? Turning into a swarm of bats not gonna help at all, dude just stops and perishes.


The stench of these bodies is really something. Man... What a gory scene...


If I had seen this scene in my old life, I would've vomited like no tomorrow, for sure. As I at best saw a corpse with a gunshot and a road accident with my own eyes.


" Alright! Time for the sacred relic to shine! "


I raise the holy hand grenade high following the words of Saint Attila.


" O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy... One. Two. Three!"


And the holy hand grenade flies out of my hand just like the lord instruct.


On number one thou shall pull the holy pin! And at number three the grenade shall be at thou enemy.


Valen uses the holy hand grenade of Antioch...


[Hallelujah∼] *BOOM!*


It was super effective!


The bloodsucker horde has been reduced to a pile of bloodied carcasses and ashes.


" A blessing from the lord! Ahaha∼. Oh well∼, Mmm∼ This thing is just a fancy grenade with real holy damage and sound effects, huh? "


I nodded to myself. Well..., I ask for it anyway so, let's not be ungrateful let's use it all here! So I also throw a bunch of them in the other two directions.


" Tobio, Kouki, Catch∼! "


Friendly fire? Tobio and Kouki's body is sturdy enough that this amount of explosive not gonna scratch them.


" Why the fuck did you toss it here!? Stop that shit! "


I ignore Kouki's shout and chuck more in his direction as Tobio does not react for me to bother with. He and Jin killed all of the bloodsuckers that swarming him already, so I wasted one grenade. Pity...


" Don't be such a drama queen Kouki. This is fine∼!"


" The fuck it is! "


As the sound of explosives and a choir echo through the entrance of the castle more and more bloodsuckers of Tepe appear to investigate as the previous group they sent has been reduced to ashes and a cold carcass by us.


Hm∼m..., This kinda reminds me of Christmas night in Sicily with this amount of choir singing.


What a nostalgic memory∼.


And the sound of explosions and fireworks is kind of identical anyway∼.


Just ignore Kouki's swearing and a bloodied pile of bodies nearby.


" Art is an explosion, indeed."


" ...I think I figure out why Lavinia said that Valen is better off working alone when we ask her,"


Tobio mumbles to himself after witnessing my work antic.


This is fun∼.


Though, let's roll back to a couple of hours ago when we were still at the bar as I try to blackmail Azazel with a specific picture∼.




" Uncle∼, Look at this girl, I met during my recent visit to the pendragon's sibling∼! "


" Hmm? What've you got there∼? Did you meet a female round table descent that you wanna bang or something—Fucked."


My mouth curved at his reaction when he caught onto who is on the phone's screen.


It is Lilias 'Du Lac' Lucifer, of course∼! Though, oddly enough, she still smiles a bit when I take a picture with her.


Hm∼m..., Praise be to this body's charisma.


" Oh my! What's the matter? my dearest uncle∼."


I said in an exaggerated tone.


" Did you...? been... hiding!? ....something...from me∼? Nonono, of course, you wouldn't hide∼, Right∼? "


" Technically, nephew, it's not hiding if you don't know it exists∼." He smirks.


Fair... Azazel...never changes, aye?  On a serious note am I that untrustworthy in keeping secrets of that level?


Yeah, I got it Lucifer's bloodline is a big deal in the biblical faction...


Maybe he thought I would be annoyed about politics?




" No offense nephew, but you should've understood, Why I'd hide my dearest Lilias from your claw, right?—"


Azazel tries to explain further, so I make Angelic's light ball in my palm and look at him with a bored expression.


"...Sure, uncle, ...Totally not because she's from 'this' lineage, right—?"


I roll my eyes as I speak then dismiss the light.


" Don't worry, I did not tell anyone about this yet. "


" How the hell did you manage to get the information!? Damn it, I'd need to up the security protocol in the HQ like Shem said, Huh? And yeah. Keep it low for now, nephew, I'm not ready to mess with that patricide bastard's faction just yet."


He facepalms and mutters out loud.


'More like you need to clean up your whole damn organization uncle... Satanael's incident is already more than enough proof and Kokabiel's shitshow in a couple of months too. Just great...' I shake my head at the thought.


" Got it. I know you don't wanna deal with Rizevim now, regardless of his sacred gear and divinity denial ability are damn annoying...though that's what I heard about anyway. "


Doubt this info is even valid at this point, but from the sound of many witnesses, Rizevim is still a nutcase as canon, Probably enough to let others learn about his bloodline ability for some reason... Well, only god knows...


" With that out of the way, For the love of Father, nephew, no, Valen, please don't try anything weird with my daughter please,"


" Hmm...fine∼, but I won't deny her advance. Capiche?"


" I know, Hah... Damn it. Is this karma for playing around too much before and after the great war?"


Azazel lamented at my answer.


Well∼? Yeah, even if I'm not interested in the girls at the time doesn't mean I'll deny their move on me.


I am ageless(presume) anyway, there is always a time for them from me∼.


There's no need to think like a mortal human with a hundred years of lifespan.


Hmm... Maybe this is why Serafall allows Elmenhilde, Asia, and Lavinia to approach me just after we cement our tie.


Long-living races have a different mindset on these types of things like in that novel, aye?


Summoning to another world, but the world is at peace or something along those lines... I forgot the name.


Though I'm sure, I have that novel lying in the house for sure, since I like it a lot. Isis best girl fight me!


" It is and you knew it, uncle, so∼."


I make a money gesture and smile.


" Compensate me with something good. Will you∼? "


Azazel smirked and made a ridiculed expression like Isildur at Mount Doom.


Cast it into the fire! I said in my mind.




 And what a surprise...he also betrays me like that too.


" Guys! We have a problem here! This guy found out about my Lilias! Do something please∼!"


'This is why everyone except the fallen and Odin hates you, uncle...' I shake my head.


And the killing intent flare up and was directed at me by several people in this place.


There goes my easy money. Sigh∼. It looks like those two not going to let me have it easy now, Aren't they?


Suzaku seems like she gonna let Natsume and Shigune do the work for her as well. As her smile is quite terrifying and I can tell. That's a lot of Yandere wipes coming from it.


Ahaha∼. I'm in soo much trouble∼.


Thanks, Athena. Rossweisse and both of my housemates are preoccupied with Lavinia. Who seems to be pleased with their company as she smiles and laughs a lot over a chatter.


Lavinia's smile is still lovely as always∼.


I do not miss the time when she was in the Ice Princess phase at all as I have a hard time trying to form a proper conversation with her.


Though why is Rossweisse still look moody? The cause of that is either because she discusses salary with them or—.


Then she look over here and pouted then look away.


...Yep, it's me∼.


She must have heard about what happened three days ago from both Elmen and Asia for sure. Also, about both of them living with me as well.


Asia-chan seems to catch that as well as she shows me a tried smile and tries to tell something but decides against it. She then whispers something to Rossweisse that suddenly makes her mood better.


Why do I get a bad feeling about this...? Maybe it's just Asia just being Asia nothing to do with me.


After the raid, I have a lot of things added to my to-do list this spring break.




"Poh-kun." "Griffon."


Natsume and Shigune call out their respective sacred gear avatar.


Poh-Kun is a taotie but looks like a fluffy white horn beast with a red mask on its face. Who would've thought this little guy can devour any type of living being and energy, right?


Griffon is just a hawk with wind manipulation ability, and Byakusa is also just a white cat with two tails like a nekomata's cat form if I remember correctly, and has lightning manipulation.


What with four fiend gear only has one that looks like a proper magic beast?


I know their true form is quite badass like the sacred beast of the five clans.


Anyways, it gonna feel a bit tickling at best as sacred gear still counts as a magic base attack.


I know because Lavinia did try to freeze me with Absolute demise, a couple of times many years ago.


Honestly? I don't remember what I did to make her angry.


*Bite!* *Peck!*


" ...Why? "


I made a baffled look as Poh-Kun bit my leg and Griffon pecked my head violently while also discharging a small amount of wind pressure. Which kind of did absolutely nothing to me due to my body's magic resistance.


" You know the reason, Rokuhara-san. "


" Don't act like you did nothing wrong, Valen-Kun!"


" Hey! I did not do anything yet. Only ask for a picture with her! You can ask Lavinia that. Because at the time I'm too busy messing with Arthur! "


Also, Are Poh-kun's teeth getting sharper? as I start to feel a bit ticklish. Shigune stops injecting magic power into him, please.


Then Natsume processes to 'explain' to me why I am a bad influence on Lilias just by trying to know her properly while locking my head in her arms after they both dismiss their gear's avatar.


Of course, those words went over my head due to my attention is entirely focused on the sensation, I felt at the back of my head or Natsume's breast.


Blessed... Oh, yike! Shigune notice.


" Ah—"


She grabs my cheek and stretches it.


" You know, you're not bad if you can keep that antic within the boundary, but think about them too. Valen-Kun. and-"


'Us as well.' That is what I can read from her lip when her voice starts to get lower after she points at the blonde group plus Rossweisse.


Natsume also changes from a headlock to a head pat instead too.


" ...Got it. But you two let's take it slowly, shall we? I... err...have made them wait... for too long after all..."


I look at the group with a bitter smile, especially at Lavinia and Rossweisse.


I have been acquainted with these two for years. Yet, I never genuinely attempted anything with them like, at all.


Yes, Lavinia actually has a legit reason for me to not pursue her in the form of a personal blood feud. And I did not pursue the matter of her turmoil at the time as I have zero memory of my previous life, okay?


Why does this sound like an excuse...


And Rossweisse, dear lord she did not even bother to respond to me properly when I got to know her for like a year or two? So I resorted to teasing her every time we met to make her have a chat with me.


This shit actually works, so who else did I try this approach with?


Hmm... Well, whatever let's think about it later.


For Asia, our relationship is at a family level at best, at least it is for me. Though I feel like she probably thinks about me more than that.


Shit... I can't say anything to canon Issei now, ain't I?


It is the same with Elmen as her trauma prevents it to go further.


Still cannot thank Asia enough, Her presence alone makes Elmen's condition better even if she just joined us for a week.


" We know, Rokuhara-san. Let's leave it at that for now. I don't want to say anything more than this or it'll become a flag∼. We still have a mission after this."


Natsume left after saying her part.


" Fine∼, Valen-kun. Still don't try anything funny with Lily-chan! Got it?"


" Well, Sure∼. I mean... As you two see..."


I scratched my cheek and smiled wryly while looking at the girls.


" I already got a lot on my plate right now."


"...Right, Eh! "


Shigune shakes her head and then process to flick my forehead.


" This is from Suzaku∼!"


The blonde then stuck her tongue out then went back to her table while humming happily.



After that, I went to grab stuff that I order from Azazel for the mission and it seems he give me certain extra elements I did not require before which made me raise my eyebrow.


" Valens Ioannes Angelos. huh? How original. Hmm... an ERE's id? Members of the imperial house of Angelos? Twenty-two years old? What the hell is this for? Uncle?"


" Second identity. That's what it is, dear nephew∼. So I can bail you out somehow when you mess up with a mortal affair."


Then I check the other document that comes with it.


"Uh-huh. Father: Asael Grigorios Angelos ...Really? Mother: Anna Ioannidis Hmm... kinda normal? Why the hell, you're my dad's uncle? And why even bother putting this identity as imperial? Why a Roman at all? I mean... I'm half Canadian."


I sent him a deadpan glare. This is super unnecessary Azazel... I'm fine being an ordinary citizen but thanks anyway.


" Tsk...tsk...Nephew, you did not get it, do you? I'm helping you get together with the Pendragon princess, right here! ...And ERE id is free, nephew. The whole empire belongs to us after all∼. Everyone in the slash-dog also got an ERE id and US id."


He thumbs up and puts on a shit-eating grin.


" You know what? fine, I'll take it."


I roll my eyes at his explanation and accepted it anyway, as this identity has a lot of assets for me to use when shit happens. Gotta need diplomatic immunity when things go down.


Nope, I don't want a US one as I don't want to get taxed twice. Not today IRS. Unless it's a driver's license from Honolulu with the name McLovin.


" You're welcome∼! Son. Heh. Ahahaha∼"


He hit my shoulder with a burst of jovial laughter.


" Fucked... I'm regretting this already..."


I feel like I got used to camouflaging Lilias somehow... Probably the case as if Serafall knows about Lucifer's bloodline being Grigori it's gonna be an annoyance from a political point of view, aye?


So technically I'm the one replacing Vali, huh?




Back to the present, we just lay on our butt after we pretty much feel like we killed off their entire garrison force already. It's just a matter of time before the royal blood vampire and their follower appear to check.


Sol flare "


I throw a ball of solar fire at the pile of corpses as its smell leaked as hell.


" Mmm... It's been an hour... Is everything alright on that side? Should we break more stuff? "


I ask after setting the pile of bodies a flame as nothing here except the three of us are alive anymore.


" Let me check... Things seem fine, at least Sae is. So maybe they face another force like us on that side as well."


Tobio replied while staring at the silver ring on his ring finger. So that ring is an artifact that can tell the pair of their vital, huh? Neat∼.


" Probably. Don't worry too much, Valen. The girls in our team are more than capable of this job∼. And your Valkyrie, holy maiden, and vampire are not to scope at either, right? "


Kouki shrugged and resume to play with Byakusa in cat form.


" You're right..."


I nodded along, but I'm frankly not feeling as sure as both of them. Hmm... Nnn?


For some reason, my instinct has been screaming at me that something is about to go wrong for a while now and I have no idea what causes my body into an alert mode like this.


Is it because the air start to feel chilly? Nah... I can blame that on the rain cloud.


Sigh... Whatever if the worst comes to pass, I'll just use my power to the fullest to assist Tobio and Lavinia.


There's no need to hide when the lives of my precious companions are at stake.


Now that I think about it, maybe this feeling is from the last fragment of El'druin as it got a piece of the Crystal arch as well. I bet I feel weird because it has been corrupted.


Possible... Did they mess with it by pouring the content of the graal into it?




Abruptly, a frightening sound of an explosion went off making us three faces toward the origin and notice that another explosion did occur in sequence, and the direction it went off began to get closer and closer to us.


" Err... Isn't that side suppose to be stealth? "


" Looks like they ran into the owner, Aye? Byakusa!" *Nya!*


" Sae's heart rate went up as soon as we heard the explosion as well. This is our friend for sure, Kouki, Valen! Jin, get ready!"


Tobio warns us about the incoming contact and confirms that the hostile force probably chasing the girls and tells us to get ready for action. Kouki gets his sacred into combat mode immediately after he reckons that the trouble has arrived.






Eventually, the last explosion arises as the entrance and wall of the building in front of us collapse and the silhouette of several people appears. First, is Rossweisse followed by Suzaku, Sae, Shigune, Natsume, Elmenhilde, Lavinia, and Asia.


Looks like Valerie was carried by Natsume. I peek at the blonde dhampir with shoulder-length hair looking like a lifeless husk, her eyes are lifeless not responding to the surrounding at all.


Elmen who follows Natsume from the back looks undoubtedly furious at the sight of Dhampir or maybe something else.


" Valen-dono, catch! "


" Oh! "


Rossweisse throws a hilt of El'druin toward me without hesitation after she went past us along with other girls and turns toward the castle while raising her runic mix with Celtic knot magic circle in vigilant alongside us three.


Others also align themselves in a formation with me, Rossweisse, Tobio, Kouki, and Jin in the front.


I catch the hilt without a problem as it pretty much flew itself into my hand as I hold my hand toward it.


" What's the situation? What happens? "


" Activate the rain, now!"


Tobio tries to inquire about the situation, but Sae yells at him to activate the holy water rain cloud asap.




The rain begins pouring down instantly after the sound of small thunder as soon as the magical energy is fed to activate the sequence.


*Scream* *Howl*


Two things were heard distinctly as soon as the rain fell, first is the sound of a bloodsucker scream, and another—.


" Baka-Valen! There's a—"




A hideous beast with red flesh and two black horn rush out from behind to debris carry a rusty blade and wooden shield. It cries deafens the voice of Elmenhilde who try to inform me something.


They are here... my old enemies. I clench my fist as soon as I acknowledge it. The words fell off my mouth naturally fill with disgust and scorn as I saw the sight of it wholly.


" Demon..."


" Ah, great... Valen, your race adversary happens to be here of all places! This is great."


Kouki said his sarcastic remark as he observe the demons with caution.


" Right—!! "


*Badum *Badum—My heart starts to go wild as soon as I sense something else coming out from the castle aside from the demons.


Then another silhouette of a human appears behind the demons that rush out of the castle. One of them quivered in fright or something else as he pointed toward us and shouted.


" That's them! The ones who take the comet fragment, my lord! ...Please let me go."


A vampire... huh? What happens here?


"...I see."


Another is a robed middle age man with long gray hair, and blood-red eyes carrying a large hammer in his right hand. He stares at us or specifically toward me and chuckles eerily to himself and his voice sounds harsh to the ears.


" Then!—Agh!"


The vampire's shoulder was clutched by the man's left-hand mercilessly even if it looked like he trying to pat a shoulder.


You have done well, Marius∼."


" Arrrrghh!—Why my lord! I've done what you ask!"


That is why you shall have your reward. *Laughter∼"


" Nooo—"


Then the hammer fell on the head of the vampire or Marius Tepe. The sound of a skull clutching is heard and the blood spews in the air briefly and then flows out from the lifeless body of the vampire mixing with the rain in the dirt.


" And you, my old enemy..."


The man then point his hammer toward me with a gleeful smile that sent a chill down my spine.




More demons also, start to rush out from the castle without an end in sight.


" Lavinia! Used balance breaker, now!"


I unleash my wings of light without care as the adrenaline in my body was pumped like no tomorrow and my instinct turns sharp and in full alert mode.


After I shouted I can sense the massive amount of mana was gathered in the back and the temperature dropped in rapidly. The snows descend from the sky in mass as the rain turns into ice fragments of the holy element.


" Assoluto Argento Mondo—"


Then the blizzard materializes washing over everything in the area without mercy except us as her balance breaker can distinguish allies from foes.


One thing is for sure any bloodsuckers and demons in this vicinity are gone, reduce to an atom.




"Clap, clap— Impressive, you mortal truly carry a small miracle no matter which world."


The small applause and voice of that man still echo through this blizzard created by Absolute demise.


But sadly my followers cannot share my sentiment, so let me correct that—"




Then the pillar of fire emerges and blazes away the blizzard clearing the sky of any dark clouds and snowstorms as if it never occurs in the first place. This is the might of our opponent, the might of a great demon.


So shall we continue our matter? My old enemy, who is now just a mere mortal angel."


" ... "


I grip the hilt of El'druin tightly and observe the great demon of destruction in vigilant.


" Let it be war, Imperius. "


The great demon held his arms high as if he welcoming something. Then—*Boom* The red portal emerges behind the Great evil's back and the horde of demons follow.


From the deepest pit of Burning hells—"


From a small imp to a twenty-meter-tall Kaiju-size or Siegebreaker.


"—To the very diamond gate of the High heavens!"


And the demon that appears from the portal begins to form a large circle around us.


" May the armies of light and shadow clash across the field of eternity... Let the eternal conflict be fought once more! "


As the words of the great demon ended, the swarm of demons and beasts surrounding us come rushing in like a flood.



With no other choice left, but to fight, or at least until we can teleport out again as Lavinia still did not recover from having her balance breaker get knocked down like nothing.


The arrangement was made in a hurry, no word uttered as I and the rest of the slash-dog team nodded in understanding as everyone decided to go all out. Then the ambiance of magical energy in the region raise sharply.


" Let's do it, Jin."


Tobio becomes covered in darkness and transforms into a black humanoid with six tails, while Jin transforms into a large full-grown hound. This is the balance breaker form of Canis Lykaon, Night Celestial Slash Dogs.


" Byakusa, go wild!"


Then an enormous saber-toothed tiger with several tails and with electricity around it appears and rushes toward the demons.


" Griffon!"


The beast with the upper body of a falcon and the bottom body of a lion and four large falcon wings emerge beside Natsume and then flies to give support to Tobio, Jin, and Byakusa with its wind manipulation.


"Poh-Kun... I'll be fine. Go!"


There's nothing change with the taotie except his energy signature become potent and the little guy jumps toward the horde of demon and start to devour them merrily.


" Be brought to peace by the Holy Cross, oh High Priest of the Purple Flame!!! "


What I did not expect is Sae-san summoning a huge fire giant with Incinerate Anthem to fight as well.


" O spirit of fire, send the flame of Vermillion bird(Suzaku) and cleanse the wicked."


Suzaku throws out a hundred talismans into the air and all of them turn into small birds of fire and then rush toward the demons.


Rossweisse and Asia fought side by side as the blade of Excalibur blessing tear apart demons with the support of Norse magic. While Elmenhilde throws a row of blood spears at her phase from time to time as of now she is the one who looks after Valerie and Lavinia who still focus on recovering her magic.


...Looks like I have to take on a big boy, huh? Alright then.


" Come, Solarion—"


After unleashing my divine power the night sky glisten into dawn as the lance of light spit out from heaven lit up the vicinity like a burst of morning sunshine.




The presence of this sight alone makes every demon frighten in horror as the legend of the spear is well established throughout the burning hells. The river of blood in hell was made up of the demons that fell by the spear still flowing.


With opportunity presenting itself the rest of us strike at the daze demons without care, thinning their numbers visibly.




The pure white lance landed in front of me and transform itself into a shape of a golden twin-blade winged spear.


As I pick the spear up my hand was covered by a layer of golden pair of gloves, the same happen to my legs as the sabaton and greave materialized. For some reason, I still cannot manifest full armor, only my hand, and legs like a hero clan from Shinmai Maou.


With that set, I was prepared.


How curious... You're a mortal yet still retain the divinity of an Archangel."


I did not reply instead point my spear at him and injected my power discharging the beam of a violent solar flare without hesitation.




Another violent tremor occurs as the sunbeam met a pillar of black ice.


But I did not stop the attack and injected even more force into the spear and obliterate the ice pillar leaving only smoke and flame behind.


Then I turn myself into white mist and appear in front of the demon swinging the spear down on him.


—Again my attack did not go through as the demon just grabbed the spear's blade directly holding it in place and looked toward me grinning.


Impatience as always, Imperius. Have you learned nothing from the past? "


He said in ridiculed manner.


That's not going to work. Not with what I have become...Imperius. "


He notices my attempt at gathering up more magic energy in my left hand.


" We'll see...Demon."


I grin and release a burst of angelic light with my left hand.




But an unexpected occurs as the burst of light did nothing to the demon only its followers, but the thing that shock me the most would be—.


I am Bala, the spirit of creation. The one who brings nature and architectural prosperity to men. Your light shall not harm me! "


" You're full of shit Tor'Baalos, the great evil of destruction! Surely, not the fart you and your siblings made up to ensnare mankind with! "


Ba'al turn my light into his source of power and make grass and flower bloom around us into a beautiful scenery like he was in control of the nature of this land.


That is what I am as well. I am more than I once was. The Seven Evils are one within me! "


He then swings his hammer at me with great force.


" Agh—"


My body flew at a great speed from the blow of the hammer creating a small crater when I landed almost half a mile away from where I was.


And that sword is not yours. "


The hilt of El'druin was taken away easily as it flew toward Baal without any resistance when I try to reach for it I cannot raise my left hand seem it had been broken by the blow.


Not only that I can feel something that is not sweat dripping from my head as well as—


" Cough cough—!!"


A taste of blood in my mouth. It seems I have greatly underestimated my opponent.


And now I am paying for it.


...A burst of violent emotion begins forming in my chest as I see the demon start to approach my friend slowly with an eerie smile on his face.


No...not like this. But...


I let myself get consumed by it as my instinct dictates.






The figure in golden armor with wings of light emerges from a distance lighting up the area as if a small sun presents itself to the world, His voice fills with resentment and fury.


Finally! You've shown yourself, my old enemy. *Laughter∼!"


The orb of black fire was thrown at the angel of light.


It was met and piece through by the violent beam of sunlight that ran straight for the great demon.




The demon swat it out with its hand as if it was merely a trick or illusion.


But then—


The archangel appears at the flank of the demon and strikes down with his spear tenaciously.




A tremor likewise ensues as the strike of the spear encountered with a hammer. Both weapons were shrouded by their user's respective attributes such as the sun for the spear and the fire of destruction for the hammer.


As the clash between the archangel and prime evil gets more fierce as they battle on earth and sky creating damage to the environment severely.


The landscape got more damage done to it to the point of being unrecognized as the once stood proud castle and wall of Tepe were reduced to ruin and debris.


Fire and smoke spread everywhere, yet nature persists as the authority of Baal as the spirit of creation, healing the land intuitively even though he is the one who inflicted destruction upon this land the most.


Not only that, the horde of demons that battled the companion of the angel also, being eradicated by the might of two beings unintentionally.


It's futile to oppose me any longer, Imperius. Your mortal body can weather so much damage done to it."


Baal spoke up as he stare at his opponent in disappointment.


Silent! "


The Archangel denies the demon's words as he unleashes the burst of sunlight from his spear successfully wounded the demon for the first time.




Haa—! "


Baal expresses his irritation and uses his right arm to thrust at the archangel, making him scream in agony as the arm penetrates right through his armor mercilessly leaving a hole in the angel's chest.


You should understand, I have become more than just a Prime Evil! Imperius. While you...reduce to a mere mortal. Oh, I see..."


He then removes the archangel from his clasp and smiles as the demon seems to have recognized something about the angel.


This sword shall now return to its owner. So...stop hiding."


Another armor figure appears beside Baal.


Take it...Tyrael. "


The great evil utters the name of the archangel of justice in mockery and rightfully so, as the black armored figure that appears beside him has pale ebony wings of light sprout out of his back.


With that, my task has been accomplished...We shall meet again,  Nephalem. "


Baal says his farewell to the injured archangel while staring at his wounded hand chuckling creepily as he fades away leaving only his now shambling army of followers and the corrupted archangel.


The wounded Aspect of Valor glares at the corrupted archangel silently as his armor fades leaving him with only golden wings of light and a spear to steady himself with it.


The corrupted angel also did not do anything just yet only staring at the hilt of El'druin silently as if he reminiscing about something.





Just great...losing myself to my authority and process to get beat up like no tomorrow by the heretic god Baal who pretty much did not even utilize a fraction of his full might.


I kinda don't like the sensation of being fully aware of what's been going on yet, cannot control what I did and said.


Is this what getting possessed, feels like? Hate it.


Sigh...and Baal is a bloody heretic god as well. Flicking great... But one thing that becomes certain is—I am indeed a Nephalem.


Guess, killing weakened Imperius is not good enough to trigger the circle of usurpation properly or at all. As the soul of Imperius is still active in my body... Joy.


Now, I'm stuck with assuming the corrupted, Tyrael, and probably a heretic god as well as his true self is in the High Heavens and serves as the new Aspect of Wisdom. As far as I remember Tyrael only got worshiped as the god of Justice by certain human tribes of Sanctuary.


Is he gonna have authority that involves Justice/Light, Sword/Steel, and Courage/Heroic? Damn, I forgot the attribute of authority, but I know for sure that Imperius has Solar authority.


So this Tyrael is...err...a Walmart Tyr? Anyways...


" It's so—fucking hurt. Phew∼. How the hell, I'm still alive with a hole in my chest...?"


I look toward my chest and see the shining golden liquid pouring from it instead of ordinary red blood. The golden liquid is warm and has the same feel as blood, but did not leave any mark on the skin.


Liquid light, huh? So that's why I'm not dead. This thing still heals me as it did for Imperius who also get stabbed by Diablo.


Ah, the irony...


" Valen! " " Valen-san! " " Va-kun! "


It looks like others have cleared the remnant of the demon army that Baal and I accidentally wrecked in the mid of our clash.


" I'm fine! I'm, can you guys wait over there? Also, Tobio-san stops that chant, please. There's no need for it. "


" But Valen-san, your chest! "


" Tis but a scratch, Asia-chan∼. Save it for others, please. I'll be fine. "


I denied her help then got up and stand properly albeit with the help of Solarion as a crushed ignoring the words of Asia who point at the hole in my chest in worry. I also prevent Tobio from activating his abyss side balance breaker.



" Don't be stubborn, Baka-Valen! let us help!"


" I cannot Elmenhilde. This is a fight between a slayer and a god. me. "


" !! "


Elmenhilde's eyes open wild as she recognizes my remark.


" G-got it...D-don't die, Valen!"


She nodded while still fluttering and turned toward others to explain the meaning of my words as she was the only one who know what I am.


A bitter smile forms on my mouth as Tyrael turns toward me and points a blue single-edge sword or a runeblade at me threateningly.


" Azurewrath...How ironic."


Azurewrath, an angelic runeblade that was blessed by Song of the Arch. The blade was once wielded by Izual, once hailed as an angel of order and lieutenant of Tyrael got twisted and corrupted into a husk of himself by the demon and later got slain by the heroes and The Nephalem.


"...Izual was right after all. Don't you think so? Tyrael."




No words were exchanged further as the corrupted archangel spread his wings wide and rushed toward me with his blade.




The sword and spear met leaving a spark of blaze and frost in the surrounding. Wings of light and shadow flutter as both of us use it like another set of arms against each other in a ferocious exchange.


Your arms are trembling, Nephalem. Will you truly be capable to fair against me, as you've claimed? "


As the trade blow of blade and spear persist for a while, Tyrael begins to provoke me to lose my focus as he notices that my resilience getting more and more powerless as time passed.


As I am still drained from the last fight with Baal.


" My kind once compels hells and heavens to back down from a mortal world before, Tyrael. And I intend to follow through as well! "


I free the hold of Solarion with my left hand and discharge the divinity of the sun at him in a beat.




Make him eat up the full force of Solar flare unlike with Baal as it has done practically nothing to him. Tyrael not only was blown away by it but also, took considerable damage from it, as I can see a portion of his armor got damaged clearly.


Good thing Tyrael did not have the authority to cancel out Solar authority like Voban and Baal or else I would have to scream for help from Tobio and others.


Your kind is an abomination that goes against the order, Nephalem. "


As the declaration of Tyrael's end, his blade shines brilliantly along with his shade wings of light, unleashing a burst of vile energy in every direction and with every swing of his blade, sending a wave of energy at me.


" So you actually agree with Imperius and Inarius, now? Oh, mighty have fallen. "


I also inject the dormant energy that I have into Solarion and my wings. Then slam it on the ground sending out bursts of golden light to cancel out his attack.


" Argh—Gods damn it."


But a couple of attacks manage to slip through and injured me even more. As if a hole in my chest is not enough to mess me up already.


I probably look like a zombie as I'm literally running on purely my adrenaline, right now as to be honest, I almost cannot hold Solarion anymore.


But I cannot be shaken by this I can still fight.


I can still win this war.


Come to me, El'druin! "


" !? "


Another phenomenon occurs as Tyrael held the hilt of El'druin high and calls out to other fragments. That right now, suppose to be in the underworld, at Grigori HQ to be exact.


But it now materializes in front of my eyes at the command of Tyrael. Then He thrust the hilt forward as the three fragments resonated in harmony while reconstructing themselves.


I try to rush in, with ethereal form, but then encountered a sparkle of light, blinding me briefly.


Shine your light of with righteousness once more, El'druin! "


Then the sword is whole once again at the command of its creator.


As my vision returned, I sense a soothing sensation throughout my body as a hole in my chest start to mend slowly and fill my body with brimming energy. I began to comprehend this phenomenon instinctively.




It is an Angelic resonance, transmitting a huge wave of the purest light of the high heavens with the completion of El'druin.


Nooo! Why? You're not supposed to harm me! "


Looks like the sword rejecting this Tyrael as its user as I notice his hand getting burned by the light of the crystal Arch.


With a chance presenting itself, I emerge in front of Tyrael and grab El'druin with my left hand while thrusting Solarion toward him with my right.




Solarion pieced through his armor unchallenged as he did not anticipate it to happen in such swiftness while El'druin struck his shoulder.


" Say hello to Inarius and Lilith for me, Old friend! "


I then inject all of my energy into both sword and spear unleashing its wrath to shatter the harmony and light that made up his angelic being.




Then the outbreak of energy transpires as his armor was crushed and wings of light scattered sending a ripple in every direction, signaling the doom of an angel.




" Phew∼ Finally, I can—Urgh."


It happen so swiftly, I cannot sense where it even came from, as the winged spear, with pure white feathers pieced through my heart instantaneously made my vision turn red as this time the blood was splashing out of my chest.


" Valen!? " " Valen-san!? "


While some panic at my sight others looks around in vigilant trying to find the assailant who landed a killing blow on me as I let down my guard. Solarion was dismissed, but thankfully, I'm still holding El'druin else I would be dead.


" Show yourself! I did not know that a divine being utilizing such a cowardly tactic these days. Have you got any remorse at all!? "


I shout hoping to lure out the attacker as the spear was impure with divinity.


Wonderful, I got attacked by three different gods in one night.


Is Rokuhara's name that curses now?


Then silently a pure white snow owl landed in front of me and transform into a beautiful girl of roughly 13-14 years old, she was wearing a robe with dark green color, and her rather short silver hair contained radiance like liquefied moonlight, while her eyes reminded me of jet black onyx.


Even though her pupils were jet black, they seemed to shine with strong brilliance.


" Fucked... Of all the bloody pantheon of gods. It's you... Athena."


" !? " " ?? "


At my mentions once again, only Elmenhilde understood the graveness of the situation while others were confused at me for sweating like no tomorrow for being scared of Athena.


Either the proper goddess like Parthenos or the Heretic god one, like the OG Campione timeline, is bad news to me nonetheless and this one looks like Parthenos, so I'm kind of fucked anyway.


Where the hell are local gods gone? Allo? DxD gods? Anybody home?


How come, Parthenos even exists here outside of the three thousand universes of fate vs anti-fate?


" So you've heard of me. Godslayer. "


The girl, Goddess Athena smiled indifferently.


" Well, who would forget about the goddess who tries to eradicate mankind from the surface of my fellow god-slaying beast world? "


" Kukukuku. I see. I hope you're ready, Godslayer."


She chuckles and triggers her divinity in full swing.


Fucked. She really was here to kill me after all, I thought I can weasel my way out, but then again even Ren could not talk his way out with her.


Come out Aegis, the instrument of protection bestowed to me by my father Zeus. "


A rectangle shield with goat skin attached to it appeared above Athena.


It had a size that could snugly hide the petite Athena behind it.


Great... it's the same combo as the novel...


Right under the floating big shield, Athena’s attire suddenly changed.


O staff of wings, o Gorgoneion. Appear to where I am together. In order to offer the fruit of victory to Athena who governs over wisdom and war. "


The war attire that was worn by Athena of the shining eyes.


A white garment that looked really suitable for a goddess was accompanied by a silver cape.


A medal made from bronze was hanging from her neck. On its surface was the engraving of Medusa.


A golden staff appeared in her right hand. Bird wings were attached at the tip of the staff.


I merely stare at her feeling lost on how to handle this situation as unlike Ren I do not have Nemesis's authority only Imperius and maybe Tyrael...?


Fuck, I don't even know if I can use Tyrael's authority or even know what it is right now.


Also, the winged spear that she snipe me with was still stuck in my chest.


" Can we not for today? "


O Aegis, release the thunder. "


Of course, She ignores my protest, and in front of the large shield that was floating above, a bolt of ball-shaped lightning was generated.


It wasn’t just one. Several spheres of light with a diameter reaching a meter materialized and flew forward with intense crackling electricity.


Athena pointed with her winged staff toward me then the spheres flew with the speed of lightning. Hundred of lightning spheres come flying at me.


" Guys, I need a hand now! Solarion."


I manifest Solarion with my left hand in hasted and sprout my wings of light once more to dodge and cut down the hail of lightning sphere while ignoring the sharp pain I felt from my chest.


" I knew you would do that, Godslayer. Sadly, your retainers are now occupied with my servant. No one shall interfere in our sacred battle."


" How cruel of you Athena-san..."


I look toward my companion with a wry smile and see that they are all busy dealing with a horde of giant owls that one is enough to keep Riona busy for a while.


" Ha! " *Howl!*


Tobio and Jin gang up on the twenty-meter large giant owl and successfully kill it swiftly. Both of them then rush to help others that are struggling with the owls.


The ones that have a hard time right now are, Kouki, Natsume, Shigune, Suzaku, and Sae-san as they were still drained from dealing with the demon horde and now have to deal with a flock of giant owls.


Asia, Elmenhilde, and Rossweisse also deal with a couple of giant owls on their own phase while Lavinia is busy throwing a bunch of spells to support everyone by freezing the owls with Absolute demise.


" I do not intend on making the same mistake twice, Godslayer."


Athena state as she releases more and more sphere of lightning at me.


So I decide to push toward her myself as I will be at a disadvantage as this status quo goes on. With that in mind, I breathe pull out the spear that is pierced into my chest and throw it back at Athena.


She just dismisses it midair and continues to form a bunch of lightning spheres at me again.


" I cannot comprehend. Why you're so fixed on eradicating mankind? In this world that has only a few sanctuaries as the gods also live among us on the surface. Can you afford to go against all of them?"


I ask while dodging and cutting down her rain of lightning sphere.


" Human is the same no matter which world, Godslayer. I've observed this one and witnessed the same damage being inflicted upon mother earth. The humans of this world must be cleansed, as well. Fufufufu."


She said her intention and chuckled coldly.


" As for your question. Can these so-called gods truly be considered divine like us? Their authority is lacking in history and destiny. Their prowess even more so. Numerous were renounced and eradicated in the name of a dead god. They did not have fate shielding them from the harm inflicted upon them by mortals. Finally, they are not even at the top of the hierarchy. Even you, my arch-enemy is closer to divine than them, Valen Lancaster. "


She smiles in disdain after pointing out the flaw of Draconic Deus's gods.


The answer is yes if she follows the same path to flood the world with the beasts of the end again as she has done to Ren's world by becoming Goddess Gorgon.


As no one can reverse that this time and Great Red and Ophis did not really care what happen on Earth.


Hell, most antagonists like the old satan and evil gods like Loki and Hades would gladfully join her cause.


Imagine that kind of scenario sending a chill down my spine.


" ahaha... Thanks for the compliment, Athena-san. And sorry, I have to stop you as this world is my home after all. "


And I don't need another apocalypse besides Trihexa, Athena-san. This part was left unsaid.


" Then defeat me with force! "


Athena heroically howled.


The medal hanging on Athena’s neck──the engraving of Medusa on its surface was shining mysteriously from its eye part. Right after that. The objects in the surrounding instantly became [stone].


Including her owl servant and my friend as well.


Everyone and everything got turned into a stone including the ground I stood on.


And possibly the whole area of the county got turned into a stone as well because this thing turns the whole fleet of Greek and the city with a population of Troia into stone before.


" !? "


I don't know what gives me the confidence to go against a great goddess of her caliber, but I decide to follow my instinct faithfully dismissing Solarion and uttering the chant.


Secret words of fire and sun, purify and exorcist all kinds of sin and impurity! "


I thrust my left arm forward with my index and middle fingers together.


Unleashing the crimson flame gushed out from my left arm and fingertips. The flame immediately transformed into the shape of a bird, becoming a bird of fire that flapped its wings.


Some fly toward Athena while others toward the stone stature of my companion to cure them of the curse of Gorgon.


Didn't know I can use solar authority on its own without Solarion as a medium as well.


"Kukukuku, Flame’s words of power, I see. That's not going to work, Godslayer! My servant who is my other self, we’re going to slay our arch-enemy! "


The medal, Gorgoneion flew in the air while──turning into a lump of bluish-black flame.


Furthermore, it was a flame in the shape of a large snake that reached ten meters in size!


This bluish-black flame didn’t generate any heat at all. Rather it was emitting a chill.


" Kukukuku. It’s the flame of Hades that burned in the white frozen soil at the end of the realm of the dead, stretching at the bottom of the dark land. An authority that is related to the mysteries of the Gorgons and Athena, taste it to your heart's content! "


Shit, she used her big gun.


What do I do? What do I do now!?


You know what? Fuck it!


If it works with solar authority, it should work with El'druin too right?


Like Godou using Verethragna's authority from the relic and exploiting the golden sword.


With that in mind, I grip El'druin tight and turn myself into an ethereal as the bluish-black flame in the shape of a large snake springs forward to me.


I charge toward it without care as it impacts my body and burns my skin I still did not stop until I arrive in front of Athena.


" Kuh……. Put forth every effort to protect me, Aegis!"


I thrust El'druin at her and start chanting.




The sound of El'druin colliding with Aegis was heard, but I did not yield but rather held the grip tightly as if my life depend on it.


The phenomenon of the future has its cause in the past. O fate embodies the entanglement of karma."


Then I put every drop of my energy into this chant without care of consequence and put my mind into defeating Athena with it.


Please, help me this one-time El'druin. Then you can go back to your owner in High Heavens, I beg you.


The calamity befalling me is none other than thy agony. "


Then I sense many forms of mystical energy leaving my body injecting into the sword.


Including my life force, as I feel immensely drained as the second passes, but at this point, I don't care anymore!


Then the gem on guard or the piece of Crystal Arch shone brightly in pale blue forming a small Angelic resonance around it.




Eventually, the sound of broken glass rang and the sword sunk into her flesh.


Holy!? It actually works!? The body swap did not happen as it did to Ren at Troia.


This absurd plan work because I assume she's alone without Nike.


But can I slay her with all this effort? Honestly? No idea...


Probably not, but I'll fucking do it anyway!


As she is just a goddess Athena right now, not the earth goddess Gorgon, I'm willing to take the risk.


A chance like this is now or never after all.


May the judgment of justice, come right here..."


I whisper into Athena's ears finishing the chant with a grin on my face.


Let's hope Azazel knows how to use Sephiroth graal or this is going to be tragic.


With that thought in my mind, I gave out, and my consciousness faded.



If you see mistakes or misspellings or wonky bits point them out for me, please.

As this is another chonky chapter of 10k words, so please have some mercy...

Also, probably gonna come back and change a bunch of things depending on the comment saying whether I rush things too much or not.

Anyway, thank you for reading as always.

Heretic god: Baal, Tyrael.

Baal is at the divine king tier, so you see the result.

And Tyrael is just a minor god tier as being corrupted. Downgrades him more than buff.

Proper god: Athena Parthenos.

Athena at the beginning of Shiniki is squishy as hell if not for a plot Ren probably slays her in the first volume.

Also, here is a quote from Izual to Tyrael in D3:
"It seems we've both fallen from grace, Tyrael. Come, embrace your former lieutenant!"

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