Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


As we talked the class slowly filled up until a man entered the classroom and said, "Good morning guys" he was wearing a gray uniform and a "tactical belt" with an M-10AF Lexington holstered around his waist.

That if you saw it for the first time you would wonder what a prison guard is doing in my high school class?

He was our school supervisor.

In the High school there were no teachers, instead there was an armed person, to control the class, making sure there was no rioting or vandalism and in case someone armed enters the building, to be able to reduce them.

The one who taught the class if you can call it that, is Watson's high school mascot.... a pigeon... yes a fucking pigeon with a red eye like cyberware..... was the one who taught the class on an interactive video that was broadcast on a screen, where there should be a blackboard.

With stupid videos of the subject matter, which consisted of encyclopedia definitions with images related to the subject read by the Institute's mascot..... the pigeon.... in an animated 3d recreation that talked... That thing.... That mascot was hated by everyone because of its voice and way of talking.

Our Class Supervisor, his name was Cesar, who surprised us all when in a chemistry class and in which almost all of us are falling asleep with the damn pigeon talking about combustion melting points and chemical reactions.

The video stopped suddenly, it had corrupted files. Cesar, turned off the screen and he himself carried the rest of the chemistry class like an expert, asking us different questions and putting everyday examples to his explanations to prove us that the things we were learning could be useful, even the students who did not care about the classes paid attention.

Jud and I were amazed with his class, his way of teaching seemed to us better than even Peter's, when the class ended and we approached him to thank him for his explanations and that we really liked them.

He smiled and gave us a problem if we wanted to learn more, with those little chemistry problems that we solved and Cesar kept on giving us more and more complex ones.

Thanks to those problems we got to know our School Supervisor, Cesar Diaz, a former Firefighter from the Glen sub district and the sad reason why he was a school supervisor.

He didn't tell us anything, not at first, but we didn't need to, Jud and I just searched his name on the net, just out of curiosity for the brilliant man who was working as a simple security guard at a high school.

After looking him up..... Cesar was the lieutenant of the 211th Fire House, Glen Sub District .... They were the first firefighters to arrive at the H3 mega-building fire along with former District Chief Marcus.

When Jud and I read the article we were surprised.... we both remembered that fire and what happened.

Although we didn't believe everything that was in the news as if we were idiots we didn't know the truth at the time either.... with our heads full of doubts, instead of speculating and doubting Cesar I asked him face to face at the end of a class.

He was surprised when I told him that we had searched about him on the net, but he didn't judge us, instead he asked us what we thought, as we didn't know what to think I told him just that, that I didn't believe everything they put on the news, but I wasn't going to get into conspiracies either.

When I told him that .... Cesar just smiled and asked us if we really wanted to hear his story, even warning us that we were too young, but that if we wanted to know, he would tell it to us.

When Cesar told us the tragic history of H3 and what really happened, I felt like throwing up. I already knew politicians lied to us, but this was creating new standards for me about how low they could sink. The mayor had decided to cover up a gang war that had left nearly 400 civilians dead, blaming the FDNC and in particular Marcus the Chief District, for the fire and the deaths of 384 victims.

How a lie from some politicians to hide a gang war had destroyed the family of his best friend, Marcus was branded and framed for the fire by the politicians and the media, causing him and his family to be condemned by the masses to ostracism, hatred and unjustified violence.

Which ultimately ended in the death of his son in a vicious beating.

A year before we entered high school, Marcus' son, Daniel was beaten up and blamed for the fire on his family in this High school..... The beating was so severe that Daniel died soon after, as did Daniel's parents, who after the death of their son... a part of them also died and soon... both were gone.

Cesar didn't go into too much detail, but when we asked him why he works as a supervisor? he told us that he was trying to do justice for Daniel, his best friend's son, by finding the culprits who had beaten Daniel to death.

When Cesar finished telling all this it made my stomach turn because of the tragic story and Jud turned pale, but it also reminded us of a certain event that happened to Jud and I in which Daniel's name was called, and as we remembered we looked at each other to confirm with our eyes if what we remembered was correct.

It was when Jud and I just arrived at the High School in our first year and a guy started to bother Jud asking her to be his Doll and the typical shit that made you want to vomit just by listening.

If it had been someone else I would have only felt sorry for the poor girl who had to have a hard time enduring the words of Shirō Ishii Young leader of the Tiger Kuvx but the person who was making her feel uncomfortable even grabbing her arm was Jud.... the thing ended up broken.... Ishii's nose I mean.

Ah! I still remember the noise that his stupid nose made when it smashed into my forehead....

When I headbutted Ishii, of course he totally lost control screaming that he was going to kill me while bleeding like a pig from his nose.

Just as he was about to launch himself at me one of the guys with him who towered over the rest, looking like a senior, yelled at Ishii, stopped him with a shout, he look at me and

"What's your name?" (Japanese) he asked.

"Tch, it's rude to ask for a name without introducing yourself, you know?"(Japanese) I replied.

(Smile) "My name is Ahane Brock"(Japanese) Said Brock a tall boy with somewhat dark skin, brown hair and eyes so slanted that it looked like he had them closed.

"Inuzuka Sora" When I said my name some of them reacted as if they recognized it, Brock was one of them.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO I CARE WHAT HIS NAME IS!!! I'm going to kill him!!!" Shouted Ishii as he moved towards me again.

"Ishii... ahmm, don't you remember your father's warning?" said Brock, sighing as he spoke to Ishii.

When Brock said that Ishii's crazed expression disappeared for a moment replacing it with one of fear, when Brock named father Ishii.

Who was well known by everyone in High school, as one of the leaders of the Tiger Claw, one of the most dangerous gangs in Nc next to the Mealstrom, plus the Claw are dangerous because of their relationship with Arasaka, becoming his dogs on the street.....,

That's why Ishii that little shit could walk around, as if it was his own, while he had a retinue of the Tiger kuvx kids following Ishii by order of their parents out of fear of their leader, Ishii's father who by all accounts.... is a piece of work the fucker!

Still puzzled by the warning he was talking about, Brock to answered my doubts, when he continued talking to Ishii, said.

"You know what your father told us, Akai-Akuma(In Japanese) paid a visit to Wakako-sama, in which he said that he had retired to Nc to take care of his grandson" Brock said while looking at me.

`Wait a minute..... Akai-Akuma(In Japanese)?'

"Pffffhahaha" When I heard that name and the grandson thing, an image appeared of a grey haired man with one eye and mustache on his face with wrinkles "hahahahahah" grandfather's code name is ....`Red demon', I'll save it for when I need it I thought at the time.

(Even at present I had not used it, waiting, saving it for when I could annoy Grandpa as much as I could).

As I laughed at Grandpa's codename, I noticed a tug on my shirt as I laughed, which was Jud looking at me with a puzzled face as he pointed his eyes to .... all the Tiger's looking intensely thinking that I was laughing at them, even I piss Brock off from my laughing attack, that they had understood that I was laughing at them thinking that they couldn't hurt me....for.... the warning from.... Akai-Akuma... "hahahaahah"

"Look at that bastard laughing at us, I'll kill him!"

When Ishii reacted again, he didn't hold back any longer, throwing himself at me again.

"No-it's not from you it's just that Red Demon pffhahaah!"

When I was trying to explain myself while laughing again, Ishii couldn't hold back any longer and lunged at me again.


That when Brock saw that Ishii was going to throw himself at me again, he grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall.

"Bastard what the fuck are you doing?, you know what father will do to you when he finds out about this?"

"If Head-Sama, wants to I myself will cut off one of my fingers for my mistakes, but meanwhile.... I won't let you disobey Head-sama's orders." Hearing that and seeing Brock's determined face, Ishii left, but first he said something;

"Tch, you got lucky you little shit if it wasn't for Brock you would have ended up worse than that faggot of Daniel's, was his name?


Finishing remembering what happened at the same time Jud and I stopped looking at each other. And we told Cesar what happened. He just smiled sadly saying that he already knew who they were .... but he didn't have any proof.

He even told us that he believes there is a video, Cesar told us that when Daniel's case happened, pictures of the beating appeared on the net, Cesar believes that it was recorded and that the video is still being passed around among some students in the high school.

Apparently, not only did they beat him to death, but they also filmed him while they did it.... sick sons of bitches.....

But Cesar "I've never been able to get a copy" said, while looking at me intensely as if he wanted to say something important with his intense gaze on me.... which was pretty obvious.... I didn't like what he was suggesting... I didn't want to get into shit. .. I felt like I was being used by Cesar but... I still remember Ishii's face when he talked to Jud and the look on her face.... yeah... I could fuck Ishii for life.... that wouldn't be bad.... I would gain karmic points right?.... So I came up with an idea

All this conversation with Cesar happened a month after Jud and I started to repair the truck, so I proposed something to Cesar since he wants me to do something, I want him to pay for my services, so I proposed to him that I would ask for Daniel's recording to get a copy, but in exchange he had to get us spare parts for the truck.

As soon as we started we realized how difficult it was to find certain parts for trucks over 10 years old and especially for certain specialized systems that only someone with contacts at FDNC could get, like the spare parts I would need to fix the water cannon on a fire truck.

Which, although he found disconcerting Cesar agreed, but with some changes in our deal, he could get us truck parts, with his contacts in the FDNC and he would also help us, responding if we had any problems repairing ``a truck'' which obviously seemed suspicious to him, but the parts could not be too expensive or ask for crazy things like an engine.

Which I agreed to and Jud although she was excited that we were getting parts for the truck she didn't like that I would be associated with the people who would have the video of a high school beating to death, the truth is it wasn't going to be the brightest jewels in high school that you would have a copy of that sort of thing, but a deal is a deal.

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