Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Future plans

[General P.o.v]

"♪ The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside ♪"

"♪ Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried ♪ "

Sora began to sing the beginning of the song with a certain reluctance in his voice while Judy stood up to let Sora play, as she stood in front of the piano watching him play and without Sora noticing she took out a small pad with a camera from one of the pockets of the jumpsuit Judy was wearing.

"♪ Don't let them in, don't let them see ♪"

"♪ Be the good girl you always have to be ♪"

"♪ Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know ♪"

"♪ Well, now they know ♪"

`Agh this song is so.....'thought Sora

"♪ Let it go, let it go ♪"

"♪ Can't hold it back anymore ♪"

"♪ Let it go, let it go ♪"

"♪ Turn away and slam the door ♪"

`Well it's true that the chorus isn't so bad....' he thought as he slowly became more and more animated while singing

"♪ I don't care what they're going to say ♪"

"♪ Let the storm rage on ♪"

"♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪"

Without realizing it he was singing seriously as he unwittingly moved his torso to the beat of the song.... `tch it's not my like I like the song, it's just that when I sing, I mean it.... nothing else!'





When he finish


You started out kind of shy, but then..... hahahahahah you cheered up Sora, go sing it again, go go go."

NO! I told you, I'm not going-

[♪ Let it go, let it go ♪]

[♪ Turn away and slam the door ♪]

"Ahhhh you taped me, JUD! Erase that right now"

"HAHAHAH in your dreams now I've got this for life as you get out of the basket I'm going to use this as a leash HAHAHAHAHAH from now on what I say will be done."

"Tch, but why woman?, what did I do to you to make you like this, on top of me taking you out to dinner I play you a song and show you the apartment what's your problem demon?"

"My problem? My problem is you shameless, don't you think I forgot what happened when I was escaping from my room?"

"That's what this is all about?, but how vengeful can you get? It was good, I caught you I gave you a kiss .... I don't understand why you're so mean..... Ahmm Do what you want, have your sad recording, I'm sure you'll use it later when you' re alone at home and you want to hear my voice"


"Pervert? PERVERTED you who thought that I didn't say anything wrong, you dirty mind".





After going on like that for a while when the two of them calmed down.

"Jud, now being serious."

When Sora said that, Judy became serious, because of Sora's unusually serious tone.

Sora told Judy without going into much detail that hir mother is someone of high rank within Arasaka, he also told her that when he was a baby or even before he was born .... his mother put some experimental technology inside his body.

Judy surprised and worried asked Sora what her mother had done. Sora kept silent thinking how to answer her not wanting her to worry..... Judy pouted at Sora's silence, thinking that he didn't trust her.

Sora after her silence and seeing Judy's face....

"Jud it's not that I don't trust you.... I do, but I don't want to..... put you in harm's way..... Jud you are the person I trusted the most, my best friend and the girl I liked.... Even before I met you (smile) I know it may sound weird....but I think it's safer for you not to know all the mother.... let's just say she put experimental technology in me.."

Judy was surprised by what Sora said with a somewhat sad and excited smile at the same time when he said it.... she as weird as it sounded believed him.

After seeing this Judy didn't know what to say .... after a few seconds of silence and a bit irritated by the lack of answers from Sora.... Judy asked

"Sora what..... you want to do in the future?"

Giving Sora a bad feeling because of how judy said it. Sora dodged the question back at her

"Before answering you.... tell me Jud what is your plan, what would you like to do for a living?" asked Sora curious to know how much Judy's future would have changed, who in the game ended up as a publisher and creator of pornographic Bd's.....

"I.... want to create a corporation."


"Well not a corporation, but I want to create a company.... that sells... robotic pets like Eco."

"WOOf?!" interjected Eco surprised as Sora at what Judy said.

"EH! Wait-"

"Yes, I want us to create a robot pet company together, you would design them and I would create the code for different types of pets with their own characteristic behaviors and personalities.... What do you think?" Judy asked with some fear about how Sora would react to the work she dreamed of.....

"Well!...I think it's GREAT! I'm really 100% in, your idea it's awesome"

But there was one thing he hadn't said in his joy, one of the things that Sora had doubts was about using Eco when he works as a Merc in the future.

Sora thought of hiding his identity when he works in the future as a merc and if he took Eco with him it would be easy for anyone to follow the trail and find out his real identity, but if Judy and him create a company and more people have robot pets.... the trail would be more difficult to follow....

"R-really? I thought you didn't like having that kind of job..."

Having doubts about how to respond... Sora looked at the weapon wall for a few seconds before looking back at Judy seriously and saying.

"Jud...I want to be a Merc, I've already told my grandparents, even though they don't like it very much" said Sora stroking his stomach where he still felt the kick he got from his grandfather.

When Judy heard what Sora said, she suddenly stood up with a worried look on her face when....

"No! You can't thinking of working on something like that, are you crazy, do you want to die?"

"Jud...." replied Sora somewhat dejected by Judy's reaction....

"I.... don't understand you! Why!? you don't have to work in something so dangerous, obviously it's not for the money look at this site everything you have with only 14 years old.... neither I think for the fame, you don't care what people think, you're not like most Chorma-heads that make themselves mercs, wanting to be famous.... becoming a legend! Like they don't look for that kind of things, if you wanted it, you wouldn't hide your identity in your videos like Jackie.... so why?... why do you want to dedicate yourself to something so dangerous?....I don't think... I can live like that, thinking that you could die every time you walk out the door!"

Sora listening to everything she said stared seriously and with a certain sadness at Judy who had an expression bordering on panic, something that made Sora's heart clench at the sight of her

With a deep breath.... Sora "If I had to explain to you my reason why I want to be a merc a few days ago I would say something childish, that would make you pissed off... but after knowing some things about myself, after thinking about what grandpa said at the duel, after what happened with the policeman...." Sora stopped talking, while clenching her fist.

"Judy..... yesterday because of me you almost got killed...."

"no but you-"

"BUT I, NOTHING!!!, Jud, I was lucky.... if what I have inside me-...we both could have ended up dead, because of me"

"AND THE ANSWER IS TO BE A MERC?..... DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!" shouted Judy without restraint.

"JUD!.... I-" Sora, at this point with Judy's shout wanted to blurt it all out, all about Johnny being his father, about his mother is Hanako Arasaka, about him being an Arasaka and Linder, about, what he have inside him.....about Arc..... his worries about the things that were going to happen in the future about how scared he was of what was hiding behind the Blackwall that made Sora seek to be stronger so he could survive and protect the people he cares about, from the shit storms that were coming in the future..... but he didn't say it.....

` What good would it do to Jud know all those things.... would only make her worry and get depressed' thought Sora who didn't want to put that burden on Judy.

Suddenly remembering what she said about not wanting to live with someone having to worry about her life every time she walked out of the door... that made ... Sora being human say something he will regret as soon as he says it.

"I'm not going-.... I can't change my mind!, Even if you tell me you want to stop seeing me... so be it!"

That, in his head, had a totally different origin, since, for Sora, Judy was special was more than his girlfriend, more than his best friend, for Sora, Judy was irreplaceable.... and if she didn't want to live that kind of life with him.... even though it would break him inside, Sora would accept it as long as she lived happily and safely..... even if it was with someone else by her side.

When Sora realized the discrepancy of what he thought with what he had said he tried to correct himself, but it was too late.

"Shit, Jud I-"

Judy without letting Sora say anything else.... "Sora.....Take me home..... please" she said sadly, being able to see tears in her eyes as she rushed out of the apartment, in front of a lip biting Sora as he saw it....

When Sora was still biting his lip making himself bleed in process, he suddenly stopped, feeling a strange feeling, which, if he had to describe in words would be like feeling watched, making him, in his current state, after arguing with Judy, more irritated than usual.

Following that mysterious feeling, Sora with anger in his eyes looked towards the place in the room he felt the origin....staring at his Qpc.

That in his irritated state, Sora didn't notice, how his eyes burned for an instant, before he stopped looking at the Qpc and left the apartment.


Meanwhile, when Sora left the apartment.... inside the Qpc, Cortana was panicking.....with a feeling unknown to her, that took her a few seconds to realize that it was.... fear, she had been recording all the interactions between humans, whenever she could, since they removed the limitations on her code she had become more curious about things she didn't care about before or didn't come to understand about human behavior.

That's why she was recording those kinds of things so she could study them in depth and learn what she didn't understand.... but when she was recording the discussion between Sora and Judy.....

When Sora stared at the Qpc angrily, as if he knew he was being recorded..... Cortana felt it..... she felt for the first time the feeling she couldn't identify... she felt afraid of that look.... no better said of what was behind that look..... when Sora´s eyes lit up for an instant..... an instant, a warning..... `We don't like what you're doing' that phrase appeared inside Cortana's internal code without her noticing or realizing it.... like a warning to her, of what was inside what Cortana thought was just a human, but now.... She.... wasn't sure.





Soon Sora arrived in front of Judy's house building, they had not spoken since they left the apartment. Sora even felt that, even though Judy was holding on to him when they rode the bike .... he still felt distant from her.

When Judy got off the bike and took off her helmet, Sora could see how Judy's eyes were slightly puffy as if she had cried...inside the helmet

Seeing that Sora "Jud I so-"

"Sora you can be an idiot.....I know you have some reason to do what you do but .... you don't tell me either... why do you think I get mad because you're a merc? I'm angry because I don't want you to live a life of hardship, that, with bad luck you die and with good luck, that you get chome up....

And in the process.... you change, that you stop being the way you are that you do something that you don't forgive yourself.... that doesn't let you sleep and torture you.... I don't want that for you....."

When Judy said that, Sora was shocked making him remember David's life, which Judy had described perfectly. as tears fell from Judy's eyes as she spoke.

Judy turned around without waiting for his answer and walked into her home.

When Judy left ..... Sora didn't move for a few minutes and could only" Ahmmmm... I'm a FUCKING moron...Shit!" looking up at the night sky, feeling the heat of the Nc summer, not being able to forget Judy's broken expression as she cried....

After lingering in thought for a while looking up at the sky.... Sora made up his mind, turning his bike back to Japantown.

When Sora arrived and went into his garage. He remembered something and called his Grandmother Aoi's IDn.


[Sora you bastard what have you done, Judy came home crying, Ainara called me and Judy doesn't want to talk about what happened, Sora you bastard I didn't raise you to go around making women cry].

[Tch, how nosy can you be, I'm calling you for that, grandma I screwed up with Jud, so... today I'm not going home, I have something to do].

[Sora.... as a grandmother I can't let you do whatever you want and not come home at night.... but as Grandma..... see! that's why I told you that you need friends, if you had even one besides Judy, I could lie to Musashi saying that you sleep at his house.... Ahm little one when will you learn to listen to your grandma, you are lucky, your grandpa hasn't come home yet so maybe when he comes... he will come a little..... tipsy, after the meeting with his brother goes on so long]

[Hehehe, thanks grandma, see you tomorrow, have a good night]

[Bye, little one]

With a smile from the conversation with his grandmother, Sora went towards his apartment and headed towards his Qpc.

"Cortana come out we have to talk and a lot to do tonight" Sora said in front of his Qpc's terminal with a serious face.

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