Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Get in

In the High School of Watson, in the workers' parking lot.

"Is this really your car? What the hell man!, to go in this, let's take the subway.." Said Sora pointing to Cesar's reddish-brown Thorton Galena G240.

"What? do you also have some joke with the car or do you prefer a suspicious van? Besides, what do you expect from a school supervisor, a fucking Quadra Type-2066? Get in and shut up until we get there.... you're giving me a headache."

"That's one of the effects I produce in people, you know what the other one is?". Sora asked jokingly, giving no break, to a Cesar who was really starting to get a real headache after only having endured Sora for 5 minutes as they walked out of the high school to the parking lot.

Cesar knew Sora liked to tease him from the interactions he had had before, but this.... was more than he thought, what cesar didn't know is that Sora wasn't doing it on purpose either, almost as a mechanism, when something bothered or worried him. to keep his mind busy talking nonsense or joking too much, and it could become really annoying.

Cesar looked at Sora tiredly in the form of a response, Sora catching the look, "Okay I'll shut up, but I control the radio"said animatedly, as if he didn't care much about Cesar's tired expression and headache, in contrast to his statement that he was going to shut up as he got into the car.

Giving Cesar a second of peace, when Sora got in the car, which Cesar used to take a long breath of air, releasing it sighing to calm himself down.


"I forgot!"

Which he didn't get to finish, with Sora's head suddenly popping up interrupting his failed attempt to relax, jumping out of the car again and heading towards the trunk " I forgot to put my Airb away, I don't want to carry it around everywhere I go" Sora said as he started to open the trunk of the car, without asking, "!!!" Alarmed Cesar who....


Closed the trunk before it opened, forcefully making noise as he did so " Carry it in the back" Said Cesar with a serious expression. Stepping in front of Sora as he closed the trunk of the car.

Sora laughed, "Cesar, what are you carrying that you don't want me to see, duct tape and string? I thought you were improvising, but I see you have it more under control than I thought you would."

Said Sora joking again without changing his expression trying to lighten the mood, since....


Cesar was looking at him seriously, without reacting, as if whatever he had inside the trunk, wasn't funny for the face he was making.

"Fuck Cesar.... now you are starting to look really suspicious to me, I don't want to accuse you of pedo, because it would break the joke but what are you carrying there?..... "

Sora paused before continuing, that, although he hadn't seen anything, he had smelled it when he got into the car, a more superficial smell in his memory, but the same smell, making him want to check the trunk.

"A pile of guns or what!?"

It was the smell of gunpowder and the metallic scent of firearms, which Sora was more than familiar with after the whole week of training.


With a slight change in Cesar's expression, due to the comment Sora had said, looking like Sora was right, Cesar finally spoke up saying "It's my backup plan, now get in, you can control the radio." as he walked away from the trunk and into his car

"Tch, now I don't want to....." Sora said reluctantly and somewhat childishly to Cesar as he climbed into the car as well.


Meanwhile, outside the high school, the Minis along with Judy were climbing into a van painted in MOX colors, which would take them to the tryout site. Driving was Susie "Q", Selena's older sister and one of the leaders of the Mox in the game.

When Judy got in, she greeted Susie, "Oh, so you're Judy. My sister has told me a lot about you. hehehe! You got her a little crazy behind you, huh? Hehehe", said Susie looking at Judy.

"SISTER!" Selena yell.

"What's the matter? For God's sake, it's 2069, sis. No one cares what gender you like, best to be honest and blurt it out fast to the person who's interested. Right?", Susie said looking at Judy.

"Eh!?, I don't know," Judy said, uncomfortable.

"She has a boyfriend, sis," Selena clarified.

"EHHHHHHHHHH!!!????, you never told me... Fuck, I better shut my mouth," Susie said.

After that no one spoke, creating a really uncomfortable atmosphere for Judy, Selena, and her older sister Susie who had generated it by talking too much. But in contrast, it couldn't have been more entertaining and fun for the other Minis.

For Judy if she didn't have Sora, as a childhood friend and boyfriend, that hypothetical Judy would have reacted differently, finding out how Selena felt, possibly even coming to like knowing that someone was interested in her and not feeling so alone in Night city.

But the actual Judy.... made her feel tricked and like a complete idiot, realizing that all the criticism and bad attitude Selena had towards Sora was not as unbiased and her friendly attitude was not as disinterested as Judy thought it was.

Even going so far as to do the idiotic thing of listening to Selena, not telling Sora what was bothering her about the rumor that had generated the Minis, with what had happened with Ishii. Now knowing that Selena was not the impartial friend she thought, getting angry at Selena and herself in the process.

Meanwhile, Selena, sitting in the passenger seat, had turned from time to time to look at Judy, trying to see how she had reacted to learning of her feelings for her, wishing they were reciprocated by Judy, wishing she would forget about that hateful Sora. However, against her wishes, Selena felt the rejection and anger in the sharp look Judy was giving her.

Selena, hurt by Judy's gaze, began to look at her sister, the cause of the whole mess, with a look similar to Judy's, full of anger and resentment towards her older sister, for having spoken too much and revealed her feelings in public, creating the current awkward situation.

The tension between the three girls became palpable, creating a chain of uncomfortable glances. Susie, who was driving, couldn't take her eyes off the road, but was aware of her sister Selena's gaze.

The other Minis, sitting in the back of the van, in contrast, were still giggling and looking amused at the three girls, oblivious to the tension and uneasiness in the air.

"Ahmm, since we're on our way, can I ask what the test is about and what we're going to do?" asked Judy after sighing and trying to change her current bad mood.

"Well I wouldn't have to say anything so that all of you participating are on equal footing, but.... I can tell you this, we are looking for people who are talented with Bd`s, the higher ups think it's a rising business and want to take a cut, so would the person who is chosen" Susie said, looking in the rear view mirror at Judy who had asked.

Judy when she heard that, "Tch" without realizing it, `in the end Sora was right' Judy thought.

"Something bothering you?" asked Susie, seeing Judy's reaction.

"Eh? No, it's nothing just remembering something" Judy replied, excusing herself.

When they arrived, all the Minis exited the van near the warehouse section of the Vista del Rey sub-district in Heywood, which was centrally located between the rest of the districts of Santo Domingo, Westbrook and Watson.

"Well girls this is as far as I go, it was agreed that this business would be undertaken by the next generation of Mox, so Minis get along with your Sisters from other High Schools, got it?, I don't want any fuss, besides sis, show them who's boss, it's important to make a good impression you hear me!"

"Yes sister!" Said Selena who a still annoyed with her sister, but that was personal and now she had to act as the head of the Minis, of Watson's High School.

"Well girls be careful today, and Judy I hope this is not the last time we see each other good luck on the tryout" Said Susie as she remounted in the van without waiting for a response from Judy,


To which Judy had no intention of answering either, because after knowing how Selena felt and how the whole image Judy had of Selena as her friend had crumbled. Making her reevaluate all the interactions she had had with Selana, realizing that most of her advice in the end was for her benefit and interest, such as to keep quiet and not to say anything to Sora, because of the possibility that Sora would refuse to leave her alone, and the criticism towards him was because of her jealousy.

Realizing this, all Judy wanted was to get out of there regardless of work and go back to Sora's apartment and work together on their project.

Even if she has to take on a job as a waitress if necessary, to get some money to contribute, without giving up her desire to help in the project with Sora, but not like this, after finding out that the test and job offer was as Sora had said, and the disappointment of discovering the truth about Selana.

Judy came to the realization that she didn't need any of that, she wasn't that hypothetical lonely, affection-seeking Judy who would get dragged into this kind of life, looking for a place to belong in Night City, trying to fill the void of her loneliness locked up in her Shell ending up in a dark basement as Sora had said, who unbeknownst to him had created a shocking image in Judy's mind when he told her about that possible future as the Mox's expert in Bd´s.

Judy..... She was not that girl anymore, she no longer felt lonely, she already had her place in Nc, She no longer needed to force herself to create pornographic Bd`s, which in one way or another could affect the creator, by being exposed to the continuous assembly and testing of the sensations transmitted by the Bd`s.

She already had a dream job working alongside Sora in their own company.

Still, Judy had said she was going to participate so she was determined to get this over with quickly, get out of there, and get back to her favorite place that Sora's apartment had become for her.

"Well, let's go."

As the Minis and Judy started moving to go to one of the warehouses owned by the Mox where the test would take place, they didn't realize that there were several vans that had been following them since they left the high school.

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