Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


After talking to Jud for a while, she decided that tomorrow we would continue and she would come straight to the apartment.

"Sora I will take a copy of the 3 designs that you have made and I will show them to grandpa to see if he can help us improve them. .... I also want to tell the grandparents about ..... the idea of our company, is that ok with you Sora? "

"Eh?, yes Sure, I also want to tell my grandparents about it, I'm sure they will be happy about your idea of creating a company together...., Jud, I was thinking about something" I said, distracted thinking about Peter, having an idea, while I looked at Eco who looked at me puzzled by my look "I would like to create an Eco, for Peter".

"Sora...I appreciate you thinking of grandpa but.... I've seen the materials and alloys Eco needs as well as a mini quantum processor, those are very expensive, when grandpa first saw it, he got nervous wondering where we got it from..... it wasn't as much as Cortana but still..."

"Jud how many times has Peter been robbed? True, none like that one time years ago, but Peter doesn't like violence nor does he go armed, even Aoi-Obasan leaves home armed, and I know Ainara does too... but Peter hates guns, that's why I was thinking of making him an Eco model, for personal safety."

"Sora..... I'm glad you care about my Grandfather so much, but..... I don't know if he would accept it, your grandparents and you..... have helped us so much, I.... "When I heard what Jud said, I understood what she meant, but if everything stays the same, at some point, I think something might happen to Peter, serious enough, to want to get away from Nc, even if it means having to separate from Jud. But if he has an Eco, to protect him, maybe, just maybe I can get them to change their minds and not move to Oregon, Oregon was it? I don't remember.

"Jud, if you want, why don't we assemble it together, this summer, it's true that Eco, is really expensive to make, and at the time, I just asked my grandfather for help with what I needed and soon after..... I had it" I said, remembering how I asked him for help with certain materials I couldn't get when I was first building Eco, and I just had to ask grandfather and soon after the materials they needed were in my hands as if they had fallen from the sky... Now, realizing that Hanak- ,that my mother-.... has been supporting me, whenever she could.

"But now I can buy it myself so don't worry about money."

"Sora, even if you say that-...."

Seeing that she still had doubts, I approached jud I hugged her by the hips and said to her as they moved in my arms somewhat nervously and her face reddening for seconds, at my sudden embrace

"If it's hard for you to accept it.... just think of it as my selfishness, in not seeing you sad, in case something happens to Peter, just my egotistic weighing to keep you from being angry" I said as I looked her in the eyes, knowing Jud....

"Stop it, you bastard, you snake charming, slit eyed demon, I'm not going to fall for your damn games.... if you want I'll give my grandfather an expensive toy, I'm not going to object anymore!" Jud said without holding on any longer, and let go of my embrace as she crossed her arms turning her back to me, but I could see one of her ears that wasn't covered by her hair, as red, as her face.

"Wo-Woof" Eco barked, somewhat saddened by what Jud, his co-creator called him `Expensive Toy´. He stood behind my legs, saddened by Jud's words.

"No, no, you're not expensive toy, Eco of course not, I did NOT mean that! Don't get mad little one, will you forgive me?"

"See, mate that's why I'm the one you have to love and heed, I would never call you that" As I was following Eco's lead, and at the same time annoying Jud. I could see her getting pissed off by the minute at Eco's attitude of not accepting her apology and mine making blood from her mistake.

"SORAAA!!!" love to see her getting pissed off....

"Hehehe, a joke, just a joke, Jud, let's call it a day, I'm dead sleepy, do you want me to take you home?"

"Are you serious, do you know the dark circles under your face, you're not thinking of taking the bike again are you?

"Eh? Well, I was thinking of going home in my Airb, but if you have no way of getting back, I was thinking of taking you home on the bike."

"No need grandma when she dropped me off she said she would go run some errands as we speak, I just have to let her know when I'm done to come and pick me up.

Shortly after Jud called her grandmother, Ainara came to pick her up and when she came I greeted her from afar as I said goodbye to Jud, when I greeted Ainara, she gave me back a funny smile, and a little mischievous, before leaving ..... what is that woman thinking?

Going back home in my Airb, after 20 minutes when I arrived..... I found no one at home.

"HELLO?" I said out loud checking to see if anyone was home.

How odd I thought, if grandma had come out, she would have sent me on message.... well whatever, I wonder how grandpa's meeting with his brother went.... I hope it went well.

When I was going up to the second floor while Eco was following me.... I started talking to Eco, since we left, I have seen him a bit discouraged.

"Well Eco, what's wrong? There will be more robot animals like you in the future, aren't you happy? "

"Ghmmm woof"

Growling and barking, Eco answered me, as if he didn't like the idea of there being more like him, maybe he thinks I'm going to replace him?

"Don't worry little one, you are unique, we are not going to create pets, better than you at the moment, so don't even think that you are going to stop being unique, Eco, you are my mate, my dog, so don't worry, I will never abandon you."

Eco, when he heard what I said, sat down in front of me and stared at me.

"Eco? What's wrong?"

When I said that, Echo got on two legs and started sanding me with her metallic tongue, happy, for what I told him so much that while he was on two legs on me, he was giving little jumps with his two paws on the floor

"Easy little guy, but did you really think we were going to replace you?....Ahmm, I give to much credit to the code that Jud wrote, see you would think that nonsense."

"GHRM" growled Eco, his expression changing in an instant even as he climbed on two legs on top of me, not amused by my joke.

While I was talking to Eco we had already reached my room, with my convers in my hand that I took off when I entered the house I threw them in the corner of my room and sat on my bed, not paying too much attention.

That when I sat down.....


"KYAAA, Hgm, I mean..... WHAT THE FUCK!..."

I shouted surprised by the half asleep person in my bed, while I put my hands stretched out like in the kun-fu movies I used to watch with grandpa Musashi that he liked so much and made him laugh because of the postures the actors took imitating martial arts


Shout at the Asian man with a beard and hair in a loose half mane.... also, this guy looks like a mess as if he's been drinking all night.... wait because he looks familiar

"Wa-Wateerrr" said the man in a rough and raspy voice.

Seeing the state of the man..... I felt sorry for him and went to get a glass of water from the dispenser in my bathroom, as tap water is not drinkable.

"Tch, you!, John Doe here's your water, can I get you something else? Maybe breakfast in MY bed?" I said as I handed him the glass of water, which John drank, as fast as I gave it to him.

When he finished it the next instant he looked back at me and said "More!"

As a vein swelled in my forehead having to put up with this guy who I didn't know who he was, but I could imagine...and I got annoyed....

I've been without sleep all night and when I thought I was finally going to be able to rest I find a squatter in my bed..... sick of it, I climbed into my bed leaned against the wall and started pushing with my feet at the man who, if I guessed correctly, was my great-uncle, Musashi's brother.

"Oi, kid what are you doing, don't push me."

"Come on look, if you know how to talk like a person, get out of my room old man, I've been up all night without sleep too so you're getting the hell out, besides you're stinking up my bed, like a rancid old man, so door..."

"YOU, boy who do you think you-, wait you're Sora?

"Tch, now you realize?, what's the matter your brother didn't show you his pictures of me in his wallet like a proud grandfather or what?"

Looking at me with a face a little surprised at what I had said..... my uncle" WAHAHAHAHA, you really are as cheeky as Musashi said"

He said sitting down on the bed, while he also started to put strength to fight my thrust, I'm not putting too much strength, but damn old man you don't take it easy.

"I heard you managed to disarm my brother."

"Hoh!, so grandpa told you huh?, yeah that's right, what!?, you want to try?" I said smiling at him, with my face haggard.

"Really as shameless as your grandfather describes you, but you know, I heard you cheated".

"Stop it, please, you're going to make me red-"

Interrupting as I was aiming to finish answering, my uncle, moved his back suddenly causing me to lose my balance for a moment, as he grabbed my leg ankle and threw me forward.

Pulling me off the top of my bed with a thrust.

"Oi, old man..... are we going to have to do things the hard way or what? I said as I pulled the sheathed Getsuga out from behind my hip.

"Shsss(hiss) So, Aoi-san gave you Getsuga Tensho, his family's sword.... you sure are a lucky boy aren't you? " Said my uncle as he turned to lie down with his hands behind his head and with a smile on his face, treating me as if I was a little kid without caring about my threat or me holding Getsuga.... which irritated me....

You want to treat me like a child? Let's do it, kids always do crazy/foolish things.... heheh, while laughing at what I came up with, I contacted Eco, and sent him a new target, and told him when he had to move.

When I finished I grabbed Getsuga with two hands, which caught my Uncle's attention, although he was still acting casually, with his hands behind his head, without wasting time I took a strong step forward and performed a basic vertical cut with Getsuga sheathed directly towards my uncle's face, who was surprised by my attack towards his face

And quickly took his hands out from behind his head blocking Getsuga with his Chromed arms.....Heheh just what I expected, when Getsuga and my Uncle's Cybenetic arms collided, Eco moved, as I had ordered him and went straight towards my uncle's crotch which he had unprotected, with his hands crossed to stop my blow.....

Which when Eco came in and bit down


Pushing his arms against Getusa to free himself from my attack, my uncle quickly took them, to his crotch which Eco had already released and was heading for the door, while I followed behind him, locking the door, quickly with the pad next to the door, setting the code lock setting, locking my rabid uncle inside.

When I had already left by locking the door behind me, I could see Aoi-Obasan, coming out of his room with a worried face, possibly because of my Uncle's shouting.

"Hello grandma."

"Sora, so you have arrived you had me worried, It seems that you have met your uncle, I told him he could rest in your room, since you were not..... but it seems that you have done one of yours with your uncle right?

Without giving me time to answer, from the other side of the door, you could hear my uncle, who had come to his senses after the sudden attack of Eco, shouting at the top of his lungs.


"YES I have introduced myself, as you can hear... we got along very well, the chemistry was instantaneous. but grandma what the hell is he doing in my room? I haven't slept all night and I'm falling over!"

"Sorry Sora, they came a few hours ago drunk as a skunk having to hold each other to get home, they were so drunk that when Hiroyuki, let Musashi loose on our bed, he could barely move, so I took him to your room which was the closest bed."


Said the grandma while loud banging could be heard behind my door, as if my uncle was trying to break it down with blows".

"Tch, how energetic is that old man, so his name is Hiroyuki, huh?, well grandma I'm going to go again, I need a bed and escape from Hiroyuki before he knocks down the door.

"Wait Sora are you going away again?"

"Yes, I have a place that has a bed I'm going to sleep there, a few hours, until...."


"..... Until the old man calms down, tch isn't he a Netwatch agent?. Use the head, men, and hack the door, for god's sake."

"Ahmmmm, you couldn't hold back even with your grandfather's brother?"

"Oi, grandma it's not my fault, well not entirely and besides I'm tired, I want to sleep."

"Sora we're going to have to talk about `your place' you have, I'm not comfortable, not knowing where you are and you say you're going to sleep there, Sora if it's an abandoned place you're occupying-"

"Grandma, it's not an abandoned place so don't worry..." knowing that I was just worrying grandma, and after Jud's

".... let it be our secret ok?" I said to her as I sent her some pictures of the apartment, that I took when I bought the piano.

"Sora.... how?, how can you have?.... where do you get the Edis?

"Huh.." Hesitating, on whether to tell them about my career as Jackie....but...I want to see how long I hold on without them noticing, sometime I heard Grandma Aoi, hum one of my songs as Jackie "...let's just say I made some money, with the guitar you bought me."

Grandma not believing my answer and incredulous at the pictures I had sent her, of what she would assume it would be, some dingy, abandoned place where I hung out...

"Hehehe, I would be a boring man without a secret or two, don't you think grandma(wink)?"

"I see, even uploading just songs to cybertube, you can make that much money?" She said while putting a smile on her face as if she had been playing with me the whole time.


"Fufu, what's up Sora, why do you look surprised, or maybe you're more comfortable if I call you Jackie?"

"Gr-Grandma, how do you know that!?"

"Ara, what's wrong little one, surprised?, You know you and Judy underestimate us too much, do you think we don't share the little things we discover. Like when one of us sees the figure of his granddaughter in Jackie's latest video and sees her reaction when she sees the video for the first time?"

"Damn, that's why Ainara was smiling like that when I saw her, and you've been acting, the whole time."

"Fufu, that's right boy, but who would have guessed it, my grandson is Jackie, fufu, Sora why did you wanted to keep it a secret?, don't you know how happy I was when Ainara told me about it? and your new song, putting Judy in it, but what a boy!, are you going to upload a song every time you fuck up?"

Running a hand through my hair, unintentionally, somewhat embarrassed.

"I thought you guys wouldn't like me doing that kind of stuff...."

"Sora why do you say that?, I'd rather a thousand times you dedicate yourself to music than your stupid idea of being a Merc, why wouldn't we like it?"

When Aoi-Obasan, asked that, I just stared at her without answering, I knew what the grandparents thought, when I showed interest in certain topics, like when I first told them I wanted a guitar, or we watched the news and made some comment or joking about corporations or the fucked up world we live in., even if they think I don't realize it, I can see how they fear I will end up growing up and become someone like Johnny.... like my father.

As if grandma could have read what I was thinking, by my look....she...

"No, you can't possibly think that, unless-"

Interrupting her by giving her a kiss on the cheek, I went downstairs to leave the house to an incredulous Aoi who could not believe what she had thought and I had not denied.

When I came back out of the building I could feel again the warmth of NC summer when the sun was at its highest in the sky and I headed back to my apartment to sleep.

When I got to the apartment, I went to sleep without thinking about anything else, when 7 pm came, Grandma Aoi called me, waking me up, to come home, Grandpa had also woken up and Hiroyuki had gone to a Hotel, apparently he is going to be in the city for a time.

After the call with Grandma, I showered and changed clothes at the apartment and went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to have dinner with them.

At dinner, grandpa was a bit, knackered, as if he had not fully recovered from his drunkenness, he sat at the table, while his head rested on his hands watching a painkiller, melt in his glass of water.

While grandma, looked at me with sharp, staring eyes as we ate, making me feel really uncomfortable, the only good thing was that, in grandpa's current state, he hadn't noticed how Aoi-Obasan was behaving during dinner.

When we had finished dinner and Grandpa seemed to be feeling better after taking the painkiller, I told them about Jud's idea to start a company that would sell robot pets, like Eco. When they heard about it they were both very happy, even Grandpa, who was still a little down with fatigue, perked up when I told him about it.

The next day was spent with Jud at the apartment, spending time together and working on improving the designs for the robot cat and iguana, as we took turns making a custom model for Peter.

The next day on Wednesday June 17th Jud and I went back to high school.

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