Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

My name is…

As night fell, the neon glow engulfed the city, painting the steel and glass of towering skyscrapers with vibrant hues. Amidst these metal and glass behemoths, one stood out with an architecture that suddenly seemed to evoke the Gothic, its imposing black armor unmoving like a statue, embedded into its dark facade.

Until the spotlights of the Arasaka Avs that began to surround him, illuminated the fraction of the facade where he stood. Amidst the whir of their thrusters, a highly distorted voice, striving to sound as intimidating as possible, resonated through the surrounding skyscrapers via the AVs' megaphone system.

["Individual identified as 'Okami'. In accordance with current Corporate Law, under Article 87-B, accused of the following crimes: assault on Arasaka Tower property, in violation of Article 112-C; murder of multiple employees, contravening Article 245-D; and destruction of corporate properties valued in millions of Eurodollars. Arasaka Corporation accuses you of... Corporate Terrorism."]

The voice paused momentarily, accentuating the weight of the grave accusation broadcasted to the entire world as media AVs captured every moment live. Before concluding, ["Surrender immediately or we will open fire!"]

Sora, who had remained motionless on the facade, gaze fixed on the horizon beyond the Arasaka AVs, ignoring their presence and words as if they were merely another buzz in the noisy urban environment... until he heard something that made his four eyes turn towards the AVs surrounding him.

Perhaps it was the surrender order, or the accusation of Corporate Terrorism, or maybe it was the sight of something emerging on the horizon. But something seemed amusing enough to Sora to slightly lift the corners of his helmet's jaws in an unsettling manner.

This provocation triggered the "FIRE!" order through the AVs' megaphone system. This unleashed a hail of bullets from the six AVs surrounding him, causing his figure to become obscured by the dust and debris kicked up by their shots.

However, as they fired, something violently interrupted them. When the Blackaquila appeared out of nowhere, becoming visible after an explosion deactivated its camouflage, emerging from the flames as it crashed head-on and destroyed two of the AVs firing at Sora.

Amidst the panic and surprise that seized the Arasaka personnel inside the remaining AVs after the Blackaquila's sudden appearance, they all could hear a clear and cold voice coming from the cloud of smoke, returning the treatment he received, as four red eyes illuminated again within the dust as he said.... "Fire."

Immediately after,the Arasaka personnel could see the imposing black ship halting in mid-air, turning toward them, as the cannons of its six heavy Gatling guns Ōgon, distributed throughout the ship, rotated before unleashing a storm of 20×102mm Vulcan bullets, reducing the AVs and their occupants to small pieces in a matter of seconds.

Once Sora leaped into the back of the Blackaquila, it shot out of the city along the same path the AV with Smasher's head had fled.

A few seconds before

In the convoy, which had served as the operations center for the failed mission, sped away from the city, fleeing through the Badlands. It was quickly overtaken by a sleek black aircraft. The craft halted in mid-air, gliding gracefully as it dropped the magnetically loaded capsule from its underbelly onto one of the convoy's black trailers.

The capsule was received by a pair of scientists who emerged atop the moving trailer and swiftly ushered it inside.

Once within, the prominent bioengineer Anders Hellman, chief scientist of the mission, couldn't contain his excitement despite the Corporation's precarious situation following the mission's failure. Anders, who had assembled the machine almost blindly, couldn't wait to see it in action. With a hint of urgency in his voice, he ordered his subordinates in his native tongue before quickly correcting himself, "Snabbt, snabbt*, uh, sorry. Insert the remains of Mr. Smasher into the reader. We can't waste a single moment after the post-mortem."

*(Quickly; In Swedish)

Meanwhile, Yorinobu, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, observed with astonishment the severely damaged state of 'Adam's' lifeless head as it was removed from the capsule.

With a mixture of fear and curiosity, he turned to Hellman, "Sr. Anders, will it really be possible to obtain a complete reading in its current condition?"

"Without a doubt, that has been confirmed as impossible in normal circumstances..." murmured Anders, a mix of resignation for his limited progress and anticipation for the potential breakthrough evident in his voice. He added, "However! The reader you've tasked me to assemble... the software it's running, which is completely shielded, and of which I haven't been able to read a single line of code. It seems to make no distinction between a living or dead 'patient'."

Hellman's words left everyone in an uncomfortable silence. It was Yorinobu who broke it after taking a moment to process what he had just heard. And then, still not believing it, he asked skeptically, "You're not suggesting that...?"

"That's merely speculation, as I've never tested it, but with this machine, yes! We could potentially bring the dead back," Anders concluded as he placed the lifeless head of Adam onto the reader, his seriousness echoing in the room. "But only in cases like Mr. Smasher's, where death is recent. Whoever created this... seems to have thought of everything."

Sanders's revelation left Yorinobu with a sense of fear and awe towards what lay hidden beyond the veil. Able to provide/simulate this out-of-place outcome, with Smasher's lifeless head on a specialized Soulkiller reader.

Yorinobu was abruptly pulled from his thoughts by his masked bodyguard, who handed him a small communicator with the holographic, nervous face of the convoy captain.

Upon seeing it, Yorinobu frowned, anticipating trouble. "What's happening now, Captain? If it's more communication attempts from my father's villa, continue to ignore them," he ordered firmly.

The captain hesitated before responding, his holographic expression clearly reflecting the concern he felt. "It's not that I'm contacting you for, Yorinobu-sama. The mercenary... is closing in."

Yorinobu was bewildered by the news. "Impossible. He shouldn't be able to leave the city so quickly."

The captain nodded gravely. "Sir... the mercenary has boarded a black ship that, according to our records, matches 79% with Militech's experimental vessel showcased at the Richard Night Gala. And lately, there have been rumors that it was stolen. It seems to be the work of the same mercenary."

Yorinobu's heart skipped a beat at the revelation. He quickly ordered, "Contact the Kujira and have them launch all available fighters and AVs."

The captain nodded, promptly relaying the order. "I've already taken the initiative, Yorinobu-sama. The fighters and AVs are en route."

Yorinobu nodded, grateful for his team's swift action. "Good work," he said as he mentally prepared for what was to come next. Then, he turned to his chief scientist. "Sr. Anders how long will it take you to perform the reading on Smasher's brain?"

Continuing to tap his fingers on the terminal, Anders, unsure, hypothesized, "I can't be certain, given the peculiar state of Mr. Smasher... but I'd say it might take longer than a standard Soulkiller... perhaps around 10-15 minutes?"

"Fine." Yorinobu responded, turning to the captain on the holographic display. "Captain, keep the convoy moving during the reading... and order the fighters... to eliminate that troublesome mercenary."

"Understood, sir. I'll relay the order immediately," the captain replied, straightening up before the communication ended.


Moments later.

A dark shadow rose on the horizon from the city, gracefully moving among the clouds until he found them. Then, the black ship swooped down like a predator against the fleeing convoy.

However, as it approached and aimed its weapons at the convoy, the alarms of the Blackaquila went wild as it detected more than 50 ships rapidly approaching.

Its advance was abruptly halted by a score of Tengu-0 fighters and around thirty Arasaka Combat AVs, which emerged in a defensive formation around the convoy to intercept him.

The Tengu-0 fighters, with their sleek black fuselages and aerodynamic lines, stand as a symbol of power and supremacy in the skies by Arasaka. Their design blends the most advanced technology with the essence of Japanese folklore. With wings adorned with precision reminiscent of those of the crow and cockpits located at the front of their long noses, evocative of the mythical figure of the Tengu.

Equipped with plasma propulsion comparable to Militech's X-75, the Tengu-0 were capable of easily reaching supersonic speeds. Meanwhile, the thirty AVs boasted heavier armor and with additional wings installed, designed to carry an extra payload of weaponry, providing formidable support in aerial combat.

Both parties, Sora's Blackaquila and Arasaka's Tengu and Avs, hung suspended in the air in a tense standoff, while the convoy sped away.

Then, in an almost simultaneous instant, both the Blackaquila and the Tengu-0 fighters, along with Arasaka's Avs, reacted in unison, unleashing a storm of missiles and gunfire, initiating a chaotic aerial battle.

Despite being beyond the city limits, the battle was captured by the media Avs closely monitoring Militech's stolen ship.

The live broadcast brought the intensity of the conflict to millions of viewers, who watched in astonishment the fierce battle unfolding in the skies. Even the former owners of the Blackaquila were pleasantly surprised to see the sudden publicity their stolen ship was generating by live-streaming the destruction of the competition's forces... or at least one of the two brothers enjoyed the spectacle.

Mistakenly, Andrew, like most viewers, thought that Arasaka's numerical superiority would eventually prevail in the battle, anticipating the moment when their stolen Militech ship would be destroyed along with the mercenary who stole it.

However, as the conflict escalated and despite taking several direct hits, the Blackaquila kept flying, gradually reducing the number of enemies. Sora and Arc's union was unrestrained, utilizing the massive amount of Red Code that comprised their digital being to control every system of the Blackaquila.

The ship glided through the air with hypnotic freedom while ruthlessly attacking, firing every weapon, bullet, and missile with an almost supernatural precision, as if each weapon had a mind of its own, obeying the pilot's impulses.

Showing not a hint of concern for the well-being of the ship, the Blackaquila rammed into enemy formations, sacrificing its own armor to destroy another fighter. Due to Sora's utilization of the abundant amount of nanobots from his black armor to mend the damage incurred in-flight, the ship appeared to possess a life force of its own, seamlessly healing its injuries while persisting in its relentless progression.

One by one, Arasaka's fighters and AVs fell like prey to a superior predator, before the unstoppable Blackaquila. In a matter of minutes, the sky, saturated with over 50 Arasaka vessels, had been reduced to less than half.

By halving the number of fighters and AVs and continuing to fly despite so many hits and direct impacts, the Blackaquila began to sow fear in the hearts of Arasaka's pilots, who unconsciously stopped attacking it to avoid becoming its target.

Faced with this situation, Sora wasted no time in redirecting his focus towards the departing convoy. This caused the remaining fighters and AVs, instead of fleeing, to be compelled to chase him in an attempt to stop him.



That was the percentage glowing on the screen above Smasher's inert head, which Yorinobu couldn't impatiently look away from. "Mr. Anders, this is much slower than..."

Yorinobu was interrupted as the entire trailer shook violently, almost causing him to fall if it weren't for his masked bodyguard who grabbed his arm. Angered by the reckless driving, fearing it could interfere with the slow progress of the reader.

Yorinobu contacted the captain through the holographic communication device. Seeing the captain's worried face appear, Yorinobu ignored it and asked, "Captain, what the hell is going on? You haven't ordered your men to drive as steadily as possible. What we're carrying back here is of utmost importance."

["I'm sorry, Yorinobu-sama... but the pilot had no choice but to perform an evasive maneuver to avoid a downed fighter,"] explained the captain inside the trailer serving as the operations center.

Locked in the windowless scientific trailer and not understanding what was happening, Yorinobu approached a terminal and activated the external cameras, asking, "What's happening? Has the Mercenary's ship been destroyed?" He naively thought it was a damaged fighter returning to the Kujira, towards which the convoy was headed, after destroying the Mercenary's ship.

["Actually, sir. It's the opposite,"] replied the captain, his somber tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. ["The mercenary is destroying our fighters, currently above our heads. Meanwhile, the remaining fighters and AVs we've sent, unable to shoot him down, are trying to stop him, as long as they can... even with their lives"]

Interrupting him, Yorinobu urgently asked, "How many?"

Confused by the sudden question, the captain responded, ["Excuse me?"]

Yorinobu repeated his question with a desperate shout, "HOW MANY FIGHTERS ARE LEFT?!"

With some reluctance to answer, the captain said, ["Six, along with fourteen combat AVs still in the air..."]

At that moment, Yorinobu realized that the young mercenary was not ordinary. Though he had already been surprised by many things, like his showdown with Smasher in his Dai Oni with power armor to match, and even his assault on the tower, now, after learning how more than 50 ships were unable to stop him... Yorinobu felt fear of the Mercenary for the first time, who seemed unstoppable.

After a fierce skirmish, more fighters and AVs began to fall upon and near the convoy, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Finally, after running out of ammunition and destroying the last enemies by ramming his ship into them, Sora fired his last two missiles at the two vehicles leading the convoy, causing them to explode and completely block the path, forcing them to stop.

With the city's brilliant silhouette in the background and the columns of smoke still rising on the horizon, the Blackaquila descended slowly until it hovered in the air, about twenty meters above the ground, projecting a powerful and intimidating image, impossible to stop.

Sora, after using the vast majority of the nanobots in his armor and the colossal Getsuga to keep the Blackaquila flying, descended in a leap, clad in a reddened version of the Eco armor he wore at the beginning of his battle against Smasher.


At the same time, a contingent of soldiers emerged from the armored SUVs, forming a protective ring around the three imposing armored trailers. The twin turrets atop the trailers sprang to life, menacingly aiming towards Soras. Meanwhile, from one of the trailers, several Zetatech Octants and dozens of Arasaka R Mk humanoid robots were deployed.

After the convoy came to a sudden halt, Yorinobu stepped out of the scientific trailer, eager to lay eyes on the mercenary who had been causing him so much trouble.

However, as soon as he set foot outside and he caught sight of him... Sora's hand blurred as it swiftly slid under his jacket, drawing his silver Malorian. Despite the clear numerical disadvantage and the multitude of approaching lights from the city, he didn't hesitate, pulling the trigger the moment his Malorian's barrel lined up with Yorinobu's head.

The sudden blast of the gun resonating through the air caused every soldier present to hold their breath in fear, as if they had just witnessed the assassination of an Arasaka.

Able to release a sigh of relief and resume breathing, as they found the Yorinobu's masked bodyguard grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, forcibly pulling him out of the bullet's path, saving his life.

Immediately, all eyes turned to the deranged Mercenary who had nearly killed an Arasaka, to see him "Tch" tilt his head in frustration at his failure. However, his disappointment was short-lived as he attempted once again, aiming at Yorinobu.

However, what Sora didn't know was that his attempt to kill an Arasaka, created a reaction hundreds of kilometers away that was about to fall on him... literally. Just as he began to squeeze the trigger again, a sudden sonic boom halted him, surprising everyone present, including himself.

As they lifted their gaze to the sky, everyone present, along with the media cameras, witnessed three meteors burning upon re-entry into the atmosphere. They glowed intensely, leaving a fiery trail in the darkness of the night as they fell with an eerily straight trajectory.

So much so that even the Arasakase soldiers were startled, falling to the ground as it seemed the meteors were going to crash down on them. Their fears were not unfounded, as the three meteors created a deafening roar upon impact/landing in the 50 meters of empty space separating Sora from the convoy.

Generating a cloud of dust and sand from the Badlands, which concealed them until the dense cloud dispersed enough to reveal three colossal figures rising up after "landing."

Although their clear shapes remained hidden, one could still perceive their imposing heights, towering like three-story buildings, each reaching nearly 10 meters high. Suddenly, the three figures moved simultaneously, reaching for the weapons strapped to their backs.

At that moment, Sora was the only one who heard an elderly voice speaking in Japanese, specifically redirected so he was the only could do it. ("You're lucky to carry the blood of Musashi and Aoi.") Despite its age, the voice brimmed with experience, enabling him to maintain a firm control over each syllable. ("If it weren't for them...") so as not to reveal even a hint of the emotions gnawing at him from within. ("I would kill you right now.")

Then, as if proving his point, the two figures on the sides performed sweeping strikes through the air, while the third in the middle struck the ground, creating a resounding thunder that echoed through the surroundings.

Their synchronized movements unleashed a powerful gust of wind that scattered the dense dust and smoke surrounding them, unveiling the three gigantic titans/robots descending from Earth's orbit.

Clad in heavy plate armors reminiscent of the imposing presence of ancient samurais, yet modernized with a technological aesthetic. Two of them sported samurai helmets and masks, each with distinct designs, while the third, positioned in the center, featured a conical metal structure inspired by traditional Japanese straw hats known as "kasa."

Each titan wielded two-handed weapons befitting their colossal sizes: a kanabō whose spikes released electrical discharges that jumped between them, a Naginata whose blade gleamed with searing heat, and a Masakar equipped with retractable blades shimmering dimly. They then drove the ends of their weapons into the ground, blocking the passage and forming an imposing barrier that shielded the Arasaka soldiers behind them. But above all, Yorinobu.

Facing the breathtaking sight, Sora wasn't the only one to step back in astonishment. Yorinobu, upon discovering the existence of such colossi, reacted similarly. Even though he wasn't the one who had their gazes fixed on him, which shimmered faintly with an eerie glow beneath their masks.

In the impasse created by their unexpected arrival and their subsequent motionless, without launching an attack. Sora pondered the best approach to confront them, while, the numerous lights that departed from the city finally closed the gap, catching up.

Coming from a legion of small groups of armored vehicles belonging to various corporations—from Biotechnica to Night Corp, to even Militech taking the lead—formed the bulk of the forces, mobilizing the largest number of troops, including several Basilisk Tanks. Accompanied by several NCPD APCs, laden with Max-Tac representing the city's law enforcement.

The combined force came to a halt before reaching Sora, who ignored them as he finished his preparations, incorporating them into his plans. Half of the hundreds of deployed soldiers and Max Tac personnel surrounded him, their weapons aimed directly at him.

Meanwhile, the remainder, including the four Basilisk tanks and all the heavy armaments of the armored vehicles, trained their sights on Arasaka's forces, particularly the three imposing colossi, which stood unmoved.

The tense standoff was broken as soldiers from both sides stepped forward to place small devices on the ground. Upon activation, holograms of the high-ranking officials or representatives of their respective corporations materialized.

Facing Night Corp's forces stood their CEO, Sienna Night. Confronting Biotechnica's contingent was the elegant daughter of the founder, Excella Loggagia. And in front of the heavily tattooed men and women, who almost seemed like retired Valentinos, appeared the CEO of All Foods, Salma Guzmán.

In front of the Max-tac forces deployed at the scene, almost in its entirety, appeared the corpulent and corrupt Mayor Lucius Rhyne. As the representative of Petrochem, CEO Angus Youngblood emerged, alongside Anatoly Novaragov, the controversial CEO of SovOil. Finally, facing the four Basilisk blockades, General Lee, representing Militech, stood with a firm posture and hands behind her back.

The first to speak was the city's obese mayor, who, disregarding the Arasaka forces, pointed his chubby finger at Sora while demanding, ["Immediately apprehend that Cybersycho! This Mercenary is the primary culprit of the chaos and destruction that has occurred in my city! I demand his immediate arrest to restore the order and security in Night City and all the homes of its citizens!"] The mayor vociferated, well aware of the cameras recording him, in a political maneuver to shift all the blame onto a rogue mercenary, seeking to pacify the alarmed public opinion.

The mayor's accusations were enough to unsettle him to the point where, for the first time since the joint forces arrived, Sora shifted his gaze and fixed it upon the corrupt mayor with an intensity that sent shivers to him, ignoring the distance, momentarily forgetting that only his projection stood before him. After sensing the contrary and feeling the mercenary's murderous intent within his office,

Before the mayor could further complicate matters, he was interrupted by representatives from the other corporations. ["Shut it, chubster, let the big boys handle this,"] said SovOi's controversial CEO Anatoly Novaragov, insulting the helpless mayor without restraint.

["It pains me to agree with Anatoly, but seriously, shut it. We've all been victims of what happened in Night City. Last time I checked my Petrochem headquarters in the city, it had several holes in it,"] added Angus Youngblood, the handsome CEO of Petrochem, dripping with sarcasm.

Before anyone else could continue, an authoritative voice intervened, "Enough, both of you. We've all gathered here for the same purpose: to put an end to the conflict that has erupted between the two corporations, Arasaka and Iron Beast," declared General Lee, who bore the honor and responsibility of leading the joint forces.

They all watched as Yorinobu, heavily guarded, approached, presumed to represent Arasaka's side. However, before he could advance any further, the three towering metal colossi shifted, heightening the tension among those present, causing the intimidated soldiers to raise their weapons against them.

Ignoring the soldiers, the colossi blocked Yorinobu's path as he approached the Mercenary, who, despite everything, never ceased to stare at him fixedly, like a predator.

The same elderly voice that only Sora had heard before resonated in the area, surprising all present who recognized it. ["Get out of here, Yorinobu, I'll take care of the rest,"] it said in Japanese.

Upon recognizing it, Yorinobu, confused, asked, "¿Otōsan?".

The response came from one of the colossi, who nodded before ceasing to look at him and focusing on the joint forces of the other corporations.

Immediately after, Yorinobu was seized by his bodyguard and the captain of the failed operation, who, after receiving direct orders from Saburo himself, did not hesitate and quickly bundled him back into the scientific trailer that departed immediately. They were accompanied by a couple of vehicles as protection, while the rest of the Arasaka forces remained in the area.

As this unfolded, the soldiers and Max-Tac aiming at the Mercenary, tightened their grip on their triggers, as it appeared he was about to intervene. However, before he could act, one of the Max-Tac teams surrounding him, whose members he had saved during his showdown against Smasher in Memorial Park, approached him.

The leader, Frost, handed him an encrypted communication pad provided by Militech. As soon as he picked it up, it rang, and upon accepting the call, the familiar voice on the other end caused him to pause.

In the presence confirmed of Saburo as the individual controlling the three robotic colossi, the other representatives fell silent, intimidated by the legendary presence of the corporate world. Except for the hologram of General Lee, who stepped forward to confront him, only to be replaced by the hologram of another woman as she walked forward.

This new hologram, younger but with the same military bearing, wore an ivory collarless jacket with golden accents, reminiscent of the iconic formal attire worn by high society women, blended with military style.

Particularly striking was the golden plate on her shoulder, akin to an epaulette, a decoration used as a rank insignia by the armed forces. Unlike Hanako Arasaka, another high-ranking corporate with a similar color palette, Rosalind did not wear a dress or skirt, opting for an ensemble that emphasized her command position and highlighted her leadership.

With her hands behind her back and performing a slight bow, President Mayers' hologram said, ["Saburo-san, it's a pleasure to speak with you again."]

Through one of the three metal samurais, Saburo responded with a nearly imperceptible bow, more resembling a nod of acknowledgment. ["President..."] (in Japanese).

With neither of the leaders switching languages, President Mayers responded, ["I suppose you're here for the same reason as I am. To halt the grave events unleashed by your corporation on American soil."]

["That entirely depends on the willingness of that Mercenary to cease, I am only here to protect my son's life. Nevertheless, from his mistakes in initiating the conflict, Arasaka has been the greatest victim of what occurred, almost repeating what happened in 2023"] Saburo responded in Japanese, accompanying his words by raising the hand of one of the colossi and pointing with it towards the largest column of smoke rising from the city, from the ruined Arasaka tower.

Turning towards the other key figure in the events, President Mayers couldn't help but pause her gaze at the Blackaquila stolen from her children, hovering behind the Mercenary. Sighing to refocus on her role, she addressed him.

["Mercenary Okami, although you did not initiate the conflict that occurred today in Night City, the destruction unleashed in the city and in the subsequent Arasaka Tower is far from being categorized as legitimate self-defense.

As you've likely been recommended, from the individual on the other end of that Pad in your hand... surrender now. This is your only alternative. If you do not comply, the rest of the corporations present here will vote in favor of Arasaka's accusation, and you will be marked as a Corporate Terrorist worldwide.

Then, the collective force present here will be used for your apprehension, or if you leave us no choice... eliminate you"] she gestured with an arm towards an NCPD APC ready to detain him, the president asked, ["So, Young Okami, I will only ask once; what will it be?"]

Faced with the ultimatum, all eyes on him, Sora broke the pad he was holding before nodding slightly. This gesture made the president inwardly rejoice, confirming her authority and halting the conflict that had distressed and frightened many citizens across the country with her mere holographic presence.

Immediately after, President Mayer turned to Frost, who was beside Sora, ordering him to detain him. With some reluctance, as if something wasn't right, Frost followed her orders. As he handcuffed him, Frost could swear that the black fur mane behind the collar of his jacket had greatly diminished.

At the same time as Frost's entire team escorted Sora inside the APC, the rest of the representatives negotiated the end of the conflict and agreed on who would pay for the damages, and various media outlets seemed to be wrapping up the news with the Mercenary's live arrest...

Frost's ominous premonition came true the instant he alone witnessed the handcuffed mercenary snap his fingers with his right black hand. In the next instant, the surroundings fill with gunfire, cries of pain, and explosions as absolute chaos erupted behind the APC.

The Zetatech Octant and Arasaka's R Mk humanoids, along with all soldiers with cybernetic arms gripping their weapons, opened fire against the joint forces. Even one of the metal Titans went berserk, wielding its giant Kanabo to crush one of the Basilisk Tanks aiming at them in a single blow.

Arasaka's forces weren't the only ones acting hastily; all armored vehicles' weapons from different corporations also opened fire against Arasaka, "defending" themselves from their sudden attack.

Even two of the remaining three Basilisks fired, blowing off the head and chest of the colossus with the Kanabo. It fell lifeless onto them, taking down another Basilisk as it collapsed on top of it.

All present in the APC reacted paralyzed by the sudden chaos that seemingly emerged out of nowhere, except for one person. As if waiting for the moment, now that no one could stop him, the Mercenary effortlessly broke the anti-hardware handcuffs and used his grapple hook to climb onto one of the metal giants, the one with an angry oni mask.

Once on its shoulder, the Mercenary began repeatedly striking the colossus's samurai helmet with his black right fist until he pierced it, gaining access to the central computer. Within seconds, the colossus staggered before grabbing its Naginata, with a blazing edge, and attacking its former comrade, while the "liberated" AI controlling the colossus screamed like a war cry ["¡WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY GRANDSON!"]. 

The chaos on the battlefield, already out of control, intensified even further. The holographic projections of the corporate representatives could only impotently order them to stop, having no real power over their employees, who fought desperately to survive. Even the president was unable to halt the Militech soldiers, who kept firing, trying to defend their own lives.

The same was happening to Saburo, after losing control of two of his samurai colossi, which unleashed the chaos reigning on the battlefield.


A few seconds earlier...

When Sora received the pad from Frost, it rang just as he grabbed it. Plugging it into his helmet to ensure no one could overhear, after accepting the call, he heard a fworried familiar voice calling him: ["Sora?"]

For a moment, he fell silent, with so much he wanted to say to her, but knowing that at that moment there were more pressing matters to attend to, and focusing on them in his current state was the only thing that would allow him to maintain control. Instead, he looked up at the sky and asked, "What are you doing up there?"

Hanako was taken aback by her son's question, not so much by the fact that he seemed to know where she was, but by the strange tone she heard in her son's voice, a mixture between his and... "Is that you, Arc...? Where is Sora?" she asked, alarmed.

"We-, I..." Unsure how to refer to himself, he concluded, "I'm here," before inquiring again, "You haven't answered my question: What are you doing up there?"

Though her son's response deeply unsettled her, hinting at a strange fusion between him and the AI within his nanobots, his concern for her safety calmed her enough to continue with the purpose of her call.

"Sora, you have to stop right now," she said on the other end of the line.

Causing Sora to reply, "Are you worried about your brother's life?"

His cold response made her exclaim, "What?! No! I'm worried about yours, Otō- Saburo has activated the Izanagi facility. You have to get out of there, do you hear me?"

"Do you mean those Terracotta Samurai? Although I'll lose a few minutes, they're nothing—" He couldn't finish as his mother...

"LISTEN TO ME!" interrupted him with a shout, before clarifying his misunderstanding. "Those are just a mere disposable asset before having to activate Izanagi. Sora, you have to stop!"

Calling her "Mother..." for the first time, he asked, "Do you know?"

Hanako fell silent for a moment before responding, her tone afflicted by what her brother had caused, she finally replied, "Yes, after been unable to get in touch with you, Aoi informed me about Judy's... pregnancy."

"Then, knowing what I've lost... You, of all people..." Sora's voice sounded like a cacophony of two different voices speaking at once. "YOU ASK ME TO STOP!?"

Unfazed by the urious outburst of her son and the ancient Ai he had merged with, Hanako quickly responded, "My son, I understand you, and and I swear to you, by the one thing I love the most, which is you, this will not go unforgiven.

Once we resolve this and this day ends, the next morning a war within Arasaka will erupt. I will spare no resource to avenge what we have lost..." Hanako's voice transitioned as she spoke; from a pleading tone, to a cold and unsettling one befitting the civil war she was willing to unleash, to one finally broken, reflecting the pain of the loss she felt.

Forcing herself to continue, Hanako added, "But today... you have to stop. If you continue, not only will Saburo activate Izanagi, but you will also be marked as a terrorist and have the entire world against you." Hoping to be able to stop him, Hanako pleaded, "Please, my son, I beg you, stop. If you don't, I won't be able to protect you."

At the same time, President Myers addressed him: ["So, Young Okami, I will only ask once; what will it be?"]

Before responding to the president's ultimatum, Sora addressed his mother's pleas, "I no longer need your protection." Breaking the pad he was holding, he nodded his head slightly in response to President Myers

As he was escorted to the APC after completing his preparations and dispersing nanobots throughout the area, connecting to most of the vehicles, weapons, and cyberware of the soldiers present, Sora briefly delved into the net to respond to someone who had been so magnanimous as to "spare his life."


Seated with closed eyes in his villa office in Japan, Saburo had a device akin to BD players resting over his head, connecting him to a virtual environment where he could control and issue remote commands to the colossi deployed on the outskirts of Night City.

When the mercenary had finally surrendered and was being escorted inside an NCPD APC, suddenly, the silent virtual environment where Saburo was located trembled intensely after receiving a strong blow that shook it completely.

Immediately after, Pharlax, covering it, activated, shining brightly before shattering under the hundreds of teeth of the monstrous jaws, which tore through Arasaka's most powerful firmware with a single bite.

At that moment, Saburo, as the fragments of Pharlax fell like a shimmering red rain, heard a young voice speaking to him in Japanese, emanating from the monstrous four-eyed "Okami" approaching him. "You're lucky to be her father," Although young, the voice carried an intimidating intensity that leaked with every syllable. "If it weren't for her..." revealing the anger gnawing at him from within. "I would kill you right now."

As if to prove a point, the wolf's jaws snapped shut abruptly in front of the paralyzed Saburo, swallowing one of the screens through which he controlled one of the colossi, before vanishing.

Subsequently, the pale saburo, powerless witnessed through the remaining two screens an event that could trigger a new corporate war. Watching as the majority of his troops opened fire, while the metal giant he had lost control of attacked the bulk of Militech's forces.

This sudden assault sparked an unbridled open battle against the forces of the other corporations present, who defended themselves against the onslaught. As if anticipating this moment, Saburo could see the same 'Okami' that had spared his life moments ago effortlessly breaking his chains and ascending onto another of his colossi, only to lose control over it as well.

Through the last remaining window, Saburo wordlessly witnessed how the combat AI he had created, based on his old friend, let out a peculiar war cry as it attacked his remaining colossus, while protecting its "grandson" on its shoulder.


Upon returning from cyberspace... with a gift.

With a snap of his fingers, Sora infected all devices he was connected to with his red code, courtesy of his nanobots. This unleashed absolute chaos, which he exploited to continue his hunt, but before doing so, he decided to neutralize any more potential future interference,

To achieve this, he utilized his grapple gun embedded in his arm to climb onto one of Saburo's colossi. Upon accessing its central computer, Sora was surprised to encounter the combat AI, which Saburo would let run rampant if his presence behind the colossi wasn't enough to halt any conflicts they were deployed into.

The AI seemed to hold a copy of his grandfather's memories from 18 years ago, the time since he had left Arasaka. Upon closer examination, Sora realized that they weren't his original memories, but rather a recreation of the same.

Like a lite version of Soulkiller, which didn't kill the user but also didn't extract an accurate copy of their memories. Instead, it created a virtual recreation of the memory, similar but far from the original.

Appreciating the quality of the recreated memories and the considerable effort put into the AI, Sora decided not to hack or destroy it; instead, he chose to upgrade it with the 17 years missing.

Recreating the missing memories of his own experiences with his grandfather, emulating them from Musashi's perspective; all the training sessions, meals together, arguments, moments of laughter and camaraderie, like those when they hid from Aoi when she was angry at them.

In an instant, the AI was flooded by this avalanche of experiences, causing the colossus to stagger under the overwhelming amount of information.

Upon completion of the update, the AI tightly gripped the Naginata it held and shouted with its steel voice: ["WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY GRANDSON!"] As it struck the other colossus with its red-hot blade, unleashing unbridled fury against any perceived threat towards its "grandson" on its shoulder.

Sora couldn't help but smile faintly under his helmet at the surprising outcome of the update on the resulting, enthusiastic, and overprotective AI. However, due to the sheer volume of new information almost overwhelming it, the remaining colossus was able to fight more smoothly, defending against all its attacks, and finding an opening to counterattack with its Masakar. Forcing the updated AI to sacrifice its Naginata to defend itself.

After losing its weapon, the updated AI leaped backward, raising a cloud of smoke under its feet. As the colossi battled, they showed no consideration for what lay beneath them, destroying many vehicles with each step they took.

The AI deployed a selection of armor flaps around its legs, causing a hilt to emerge from its thigh holster.

"Ojii, you know what to do," Upon hearing its grandson's command, the AI drew a three-meter-long sword, raising it overhead. Gripping it with both hands and "closing" one of its lenses, the AI executed a simple, yet powerful vertical slash, cutting through the Masakar and the colossus's shoulder until it halted halfway through its chest.

As sparks and small flames erupted from the cut area, with the shoulder section separating under its own weight, Sora lightly tapped its helmet a couple of times before saying, "Well done, Ojii."

This caused the AI to scratch its nose of its Oni mask, attempting to conceal its joy at its grandson's praise. Howeverm It was interrupted by the shot from the remaining two Basilisk, which struck the arm holding its sword still embedded in the destroyed metal giants.

After losing an arm, the damaged AI shielded Sora on its shoulder with its remaining hand. Charging towards the tanks, it tilted its torso to protect him with its head, while in the midst of its charge, it grabbed the Kanabo from the first fallen colossus.

Despite the relentless barrage from the two Basilisks, the AI didn't stop until it destroyed them. It batted one Basilisk, causing it to careen out of control, while the other one delivered a brutal blow with the giant Kanabo that slammed into the ground, embedding it in the tank.

Unable to remain standing, the damaged AI, with part of its head destroyed, only one arm, and several impacts on its chest, used its last remaining energy to gently place Sora on the ground, while saying with difficulty, ["Dont call me....W-where is the.... 'San'?"]

Sora didn't move from its side, until its lenses were completely darkened. Then, after making a gesture with his hand as if catching something in the air, he turned around and began to walk towards the Blackaquila, waiting for him.

Ignoring the flaming vehicles, lifeless bodies, and soldiers still fighting, none of whom dared to stop it as it walked away.

As soon as he set foot on the ramp of the ship, the Blackaquila began to ascend on its own. As it rose, Sora could see the only hologram still barely functioning, that of President Myers, flickering after its projector, like the others, had been damaged by some explosion, staring at him intently.

Sora returned the gaze and nodded again before entering the ship, which shot off at high speed in the same direction as Yorinobu had escaped.

Still connected, the astonished spectators watching the events unfold through the news could see the flickering hologram of the president staring at someone next to her.

Most viewers assumed it would be someone from her staff in the Oval Office, given that there was no one around her hologram, with a clearly angry expression seeking answers. Putting whoever was on the receiving end of that gaze, whether Arasaka or not, in a tight spot.

However, before the hologram was remotely cut off, the president's expression fluctuated to a worried one... as alarms sounded on the ship, following the activation of an orbital weapon, capable of bringing the Space Force One down.


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