Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Parasite Eve

Meanwhile, Ishii and the rest of the Tygers with the kidnapped girls had just arrived at the base of Ishii's father, Shigeo.

"You have arrived" Said Kato 'The Net Dragon' Tanaka who was waiting at the entrance of the building for Ishii, who as his name suggests was a Netrunner.

"Yes, we also bring fresh meat, hahaha, where is father?, I was weighing to show him the catch" Replied Ishii, to Tanaka his father's lieutenant and the one in charge of the branch private network, and building security.

"Your father was waiting for you, but he was contacted by Wakako recently."

"Tch that old hag, what the hell does she want, is she already complaining like she always does?"

"No idea, but from the look on your father's face, it seems important."

"Whatever, take the bitches, to the rooms on the third floor, the rest of you bastards, you'll get your time to test them, spread out around our properties, watch out for Mox counterattack."

With those words, most of the Tygers who had participated in the assault began to disperse, heeding the words of Ishii, while some like Brock were left unloading the captured girls, that Shigeo, anticipating the attack of his son had invited his customers more gourmets, with a taste for ``untreated meat´´ to the private bar on the fourth and fifth floors.

When they brought out Judy terrified and Rebecca somewhat frightened, but putting a hateful expression on her face, Ishii smiled and said "Those two take them to the sixth floor, we don't want their screams to make the customers uncomfortable, hahaha!"

Making Judy bite down hard on the lips of her pale face, while Rebecca.... "Fuck you, do u hear me, from me you won't hear anything more, WAIT until my brother and his new friends know what happened and come after me!!!, ALL OF YOU WILL DIE, DISGRACED!!!"

As Judy listened to Rebecca talk about her brother and how he would come to save her. Involuntarily in her's mind appeared someone.... that she denied, contradicting herself, by doing so since on the one hand, she did not want anything other than Sora coming to save her, but at the same time she did not want him to put himself in danger by doing so.

Creating Judy's current contradictory state, that when she realized it, she had to put more force on her jaw biting her lip to restrain herself, unsuccessful, by how her vision was starting to blur from tears.

"Hahahah, maybe, but what you would have to be afraid of is... what state will you be in, when they manage to find you?" said Ishii, managing to shut up and scare Rebecca, who seeing her expression change "Hahahaha, yeah that expression I like better,"

Before long both Judy and Rebecca were stuffed into a forklift, with Ishii and a handful more adult Tygers who were at the base, going up to the sixth floor,

Judy and Rebecca were dragged while resisting as long as they could through a large columned room that had several doors on either side of which they could hear screams and moans from the person locked inside.

Leading Judy along with Ishii and two more Tygers to the last room in the room.

And Rebecca in the next room with two other adult Tygers who wanted to ``try out´´ the new merchandise, drawn sickly by Rebecca's childlike appearance.

As Ishii pulled Judy into the room, he threw her hard against one of the walls, causing Judy, a small scream to escape her as she hit the wall, her bag absorbing most of the impact against the wall....

"Hahehea, you don't know when I've been waiting for this Judy.... hahahaha, if you had accepted my offer, I wouldn't be so hard on you the first time... but now! Ohhh boy! Hahaha what I have in mind for you, are you guys recording like I told you?"

"Yes!" replied the other Tyger who was recording with cyberware in his eyes.

"Great! Haha!"

"Get away from me you bastard!!!" Judy yelled, desperately listening and watching as Ishii started to approach her.

"Haha keep screaming that's how I like it!"

When Ishii was about to touch Judy

Pak, pak

Someone knocked on the door and opened it it was Tanaka the current second, of Ishii's father.

"Ishii, your father .... wants to talk to you" He said as soon as he walked in not caring about what was going on in the room.

"Tch tell him when I'm done I'll come-"Ishii replied, annoyed that he had been interrupted once again after so much pain and time spent waiting.

"No Ishii, your father ordered me to take you to him, right now, it's important" Tanaka said not accepting anything other than Ishii not going with him.

"FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!" Ishii began to curse madly and with a deep breath, calming down "Okay!" Ishii turned to the two Tygers that were with him and "You two, you can play with her a little bit, but no main course, you hear me!?"

"YES, YES, go now ishii don't make Wakagashira wait."

"Yeah go now boy, in the meantime we can tune her up for when you come back, hahahahah"

"Tch fucking old fuckers, shit.... FUCK!" shouted Ishii as he stormed out the room, heading to the third floor where his father had his office.

A few seconds later when Ishii had left.

"Well how about we continue?"

"Yeah it's a shame to waste a meal like this isn't it?"

"Yeah, hahaha"

Meanwhile Judy who was in a corner of the room, clenching something tightly in her hand that started shaking again after that little miracle that had gotten Ishii out of the room, it was small rectangular object, that Sora had given her to use only as a last resort, if she was in danger.

Judy knew it wouldn't accomplish anything after using it, surely it would only make them angry by making them more violent, but....

When one of the two men approached Judy, going so far as to undo his belt and unzip his pants, he reached out for Judy's hand.

She didn't hesitate and used the small rectangular object, her pocket knife.

"Ah, damn this fucking bitch, she slit my hand" The Tyger in response slapped Judy hard across the face, disarming her and throwing her against the wall opposite the barred window of the room, causing her to slam her head against the wall and bleed from it.

"YOU BITCH, NOW YOU WILL LEARN" Angering the Tyger who was approaching her violently.

Judy was somewhat stunned by the blow, now with nothing more she could do or try, causing her eyes to lose almost all hope and sail in despair until they ended up looking at the sky that was visible behind the barred window.

Making Judy unable to contain herself any longer, still wishing and at the same time not, that he would appear, she cried his name "Sora..."

At that moment, something happened in the building, all the lights in the building flickered for a second, as if the system that controls the building failed for an instant and the next..... music started to play loudly through the building's speaker system

Making Judy weep with joy and sorrow as she imagined the reason for the sudden change.

[♪ Please, remain calm, the end has arrived ♪]

Stopping most of the Tygers in their tracks, disconcerted by the strange female voice something artificial almost like the voice of an AI, which was both warning them and threatening them at the same time with some restrained glee in her artificial voice as she did so.

[♪ We cannot save you, enjoy the ride ♪]

Gradually generating a uncomfortable feeling in the Tygers, as if they were being watched, getting many of them nervous, as they listened to the strange voice that was threatening them and that had made the lights of the building go crazy.

[♪ This is the moment you've been waiting for ♪]

Distress them.... As if they had suddenly become herbivores instead of Tyger.

[♪ Don't call it a warning, ♪]

Causing the Tygers' tension to peak.

When the AI whispered the last verse.

[♪ This is a war! ♪] The whole building shook....


The wall of the room where Judy was, explodes into pieces, throwing debris from the window and bars that was on it, everywhere.

With a change in the song with the sound of instruments rising along with a voice familiar to Judy shouting the song


When the Tygers in the room recovered a little, after the shock and cover their heads from the sudden explosion .


They could see a figure hidden through the smoke that seemed human-like .... but at the same time not, by the way it was looking at them, without a shred of humanity or empathy in it.


With cold blue eyes that sparkled....


Along with a maw on his mask, which was changing animation and color as it spread a blood red color.


Creating a more realistic animation of a moving maw.....


Singing the song that was playing while generating a wild....


Smile, that with each passing second, looking at the 2 Tygers, grew.


Totally contrasting with the icy stare, who had nothing but hatred in it... Almost looking like two different beings


When the last verse sounded the 3 of them continued without moving looking at each other until...




[♪ MOVE! ♪]

The figure moved as if it had been released by the phrase of the song, lunging towards the Tygers.

The figure... was cruel, as the first Tyger tried to extend his arm with his weapon, the figure that had now emerged from the smoke and the first Tyger could see a young man who had jumped in front of him, with his sword forward thrusting it into his shoulder interrupting his attempt to aim at him

Causing the Tyger to scream in pain as he fell backwards, by the young man on top of him, with his sword thrust in his shoulder.

As the Tyger fell backwards, Sora using him to block the second Tyger, while he fell sitting on him, calmly drew his weapon from his arm holster, aiming it at the other Tyger in the room, which Sora had noticed had his belt and pants partially open.

Making that the site he aimed at and.... fired several times.

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