Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


While Sora was on his excursion with Greyson...

Rebecca and Sasha followed their orders, and Eco, or rather an armored motorcycle, guided them to a garage in an apartment building surprisingly close to the Turbo-bar in Japantown, where they usually meet.

Once inside the garage, filled with tools, and spare parts, Rebecca and Sasha got to work unloading the numerous weapons from the car into any available corner.

However, shortly after they started, the garage door to the building opened.

Rushing in an excited girlfriend trying to surprise her boyfriend mistakenly thinking he had finished his work and had returned early.

Without even confirming who was in the garage...

Judy, with a flirtatious smile on her face, turned around as she removed the robe she was wearing, revealing her partially naked body adorned in a sexy black lingerie set, complete with stockings, garter belt, and matching corset.

Highlighting Sora's favorite twins, that after three years, were no longer the premature babies they once were. They had grown and gained a few more sizes than expected. This was partly due to Judy's lifestyle change, Aoi's healthy food, the exercise she did with Sora, and something her boyfriend had done behind her back. All of this had transformed her body into an enviable curvaceous figure, capable of leaving anyone breathless.

When Judy lifted her embarrassed face, expecting to see Sora's, she instead found herself met with surprised faces of Rebecca and Sasha, who were paralyzed upon seeing her and her revealing attire.

Confusion filled Judy's eyes as she tried to process the situation.

As for Rebecca and Sasha, once their initial surprise passed...

Rebecca couldn't help but drop the weapon she was unloading, looking at Judy with wide eyes, biting her lower lip, trying to hold back laughter. "J-Judy, you didn't have to go through the trouble of receiving us like this. Hahaha...!" Unable to contain herself, she burst into laughter, still admiring Judy's enviable body.

Sasha also joined in the uncontrollable laughter, trying to cover her mouth with her hand to not be too obvious. "Oh my god, Judy! I never thought I'd see you like this... hahaha... it's... surprising! Hahaha..." Sasha managed to say between laughs, laughing at Judy while being surprised by the sudden reunion with someone she hadn't seen in three years.

Seeing Rebecca and Sasha instead of Sora, Judy froze until she finally reacted upon hearing their comments and laughter. She quickly crossed her arms embarrassed. "Sasha? Rebecca? What... the hell are you doing here?" Judy stammered, trying to find an explanation.

Rebecca tried to compose herself, taking a breath and avoiding direct eye contact with Judy to prevent herself from laughing again. "Eco brought us here to deliver... somethings on behalf of your boyfriend," Rebecca said, struggling to maintain seriousness in her voice.

Sasha, once again surprised to hear that Judy was Okami's girlfriend, pieced together the story from Rebecca's narration of what happened three years ago when she met Okami, as none of their names were mentioned.

Judy felt the blush on her face increasing by the second, along with the embarrassment that overcame her. While covering herself with her hands, not daring to bend down and pick up the robe lying on the floor. The last thing she wanted was to feel even more ashamed in her revealing attire.

But her embarrassment reached a point of no return, making her think, "Fuck it." Without believing she could be more embarrassed, she put her hands on her hips.

And without hiding her body, Judy decided to wear her usual "mask," which she always wore when she walked through her office door, the mechanism that Hanako had taught her to conceal her emotions behind a cold expression on her face.

Consequently, changing her blush to a cold and shameless expression as she stared at Rebecca and Sasha. Asking with a firm voice, "So he told you to leave... all these weapons here? Well, where the hell did he get them from?"

Rebecca and Sasha exchanged nervous glances, noticing Judy's change in attitude. In unison, they responded, ""You don't want to know!"" avoiding getting involved in what seemed like a future couple fight, and much less mentioning that her boyfriend had stolen them from Adam Smasher himself... even pissed on his armor

Upon hearing their response and realizing that it would take longer to get the answers she wanted, Judy showed no sign of shame as she bent down to pick up the robe lying on the floor. Rebecca and Sasha could not avoid seeing her enviable rear as she bent over.

Judy covered herself with the robe and blocked the exit door of the garage, asking kindly for the last time, "Well, now tell me, what happened? And where is he?" Locking the three of them inside until she got her answers.

Leaving Sasha and Rebecca with no escape, unsure of whom they should fear more, mommy or daddy.


20 minutes later...

Sora felt a painful sensation of having missed out on something good as he finished smoking, leaning against the Porsche, still at Night City's Landfill when he finally managed to establish contact on the call he was making.

["Sora, what's going on? Is there an emergency? If not, I'm busy right now..."]

Without paying attention to her words, Sora interrupted her with a brief, ["I have it."]

Confusing Hanako, not understanding what her son was referring to, until, in a strangely serious tone, he added, ["I have his body... We can proceed with the project you told me about... we can proceed with the Checkpoint project."]

Upon hearing these words through her IDn, Hanako opened her eyes wide, surprising the leaders of her Kiji faction with whom she was meeting, due to the unexpected expression on her typically cold and delicate face.

Hanako remained silent for a second until Sora could hear, ["Everyone out, right now!"] understanding the state in which he had left his mother, causing her to unintentionally repeat aloud in her mind and, consequently, through her IDN, what she had just said, ordering everyone she was meeting with to leave the room.

When Hanako was alone, she stood up from the table and looked out the window of the Tokyo skyscraper where she was located. ["How?"], she asked, surprised by how her son had achieved it, aware that only her father Saburo, and the person he had entrusted with disposing of the body, Adam Smasher, knew where "John" had ended up.

Sora thought about what had happened when Greyson, after 'persuading' him kindly, had brought him in front of a large block of concrete.


20 minutes earlier

At Night City's Landfill, filled with scrap and suspicious puddles that could melt anyone brave or foolish enough to cross them, formed by the accumulations of dangerous chemicals discarded by corrupt corpos to save a few Eddies, contaminating the area and creating a toxic environment, emitting a repugnant smell that's hard to describe.

Near the old abandoned oil extraction machines and chimneys still burning gas accumulations...

"BAM!, BAM!, BAM!, BAM!, BAM!" x5

Twenty-five consecutive shots were heard from the Carnage shotgun in Sora's hands. Who didn't hold back, emptying all the shells from the extended drum-mag. Turning part of the concrete block into small stones.

Sora had used the echolocation of his nanobots, kicking the block with his feet to sense with difficulty where Johnny's remains were buried, shooting around him.

As he finished, Sora turned and "Since you put it in... take it out," he said without his helmet, looking with his blackened eyes illuminated by a light blue circle at Greyson, on his knees trembling in front of the large concrete block he had pointed at with his only hand, of 3x5 meters/9x16Ft, buried in the ground and partially covered by several metal plates like scrap metal.

Greyson, still trembling, slowly got up from the ground and began, even with his stump, to remove the stones and debris that had been turned into part of the concrete block by the shots, while Sora sat on one of the metal plates, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and watched Greyson work.

He took a long drag, and as the smoke escaped his mouth, he broke the silence. "Good Greyson, keep digging" he said with a cold voice devoid of any emotion.

Greyson swallowed hard upon hearing him and increased the pace of removing the debris. He felt Sora's chilling gaze on his back, observing him with a sense of unsettling anticipation contained behind her eyes, like a hungry beast restrained from pouncing, all while seemingly calmly smoking.

Soon after, Greyson could sigh inwardly with relief when he stopped feeling Sora's creepy gaze on his back. When he grabbed the knife from his right boot and distracted himself by starting to engrave something on the metal plate he was sitting on.

After a while of removing debris that seemed like an eternity, Greyson finally uncovered something. Carefully, he removed a bundle covered in a dirty blanket with both arms. His heart raced when, upon pulling it out, without needing to unwrap the blanket, a rusty silver cybernetic arm emerged from it.

Confirming that what he held in his arms were the remains of Johnny Silverhand, Night City legend... and the father of the person who had brought him here. Greyson placed the blanket with Silverhand's remains at Sora's feet with great care and nervousness, hoping for a miracle that would spare his life upon finding his father's remains as he wanted... but...

When he looked up to check his expression, he found Sora`s face right in front of him, sitting forward, staring at him with eyes that were terrifying... as if they were choosing how to kill him.

But as Sora was reaching a conclusion, something caught his attention, causing Greyson to breathe again when Sora shifted his gaze away from him. he looked with a mix of joy and sorrow at the dirty and rusted arm that was no longer as silver, poking out of the blanket.

Looking at the arm and the frozen pose it had maintained for over 50 years...

Sora extended his hand slowly and carefully closed the rusty fingers, which had been open and tense due to the pain, frozen in time, expressing the last moments... of his father...

Although Sora had never met him... in a certain sense, afraid to do so with what remains of him locked in Mikoshi. Knowing Johnny's self-destructive and selfish behavior, but despite that... feeling grateful to him, one of the two people who gave him this new life, hoping that something of the "John" his mother spoke of still remained...

When Sora lifted his hand, he left his father's hand, with his fist clenched in a relaxed position... which he kept looking at... making him foolishly smile when he weakly tapped the rusty fist with his own, like... a silly greeting that made him chuckle.

Greyson, who had been breathing heavily after being released from Sora's dangerous gaze, was surprised by his change of expression, where he had previously had a terrifying expression... now he looked like a normal young man. Greyson, upon seeing Sora smile while looking at his father's arm, felt that maybe... the miracle could still happen.

Sora, almost responding to Greyson's internal plea for a miracle, stopped looking at the arm and looked back at Greyson on the ground... changing his serene expression... to one filled with more hatred and more murderous intent than before seeing his father's remains, having one of the accomplices of his death right in front of him... feeling... as the emotions of his two parts, digital and physical, blended and manifested in the look on his face... Slowly rising while gripping his sword at his hip.

The only thing Greyson could see in Sora's darkened face as he stood up were his blackened eyes, one shining blue and the other white, which looked at him like the hungry beast that had been set free...

Breaking any hope Greyson had of leaving alive...

As Sora approached with his hand gripping the hilt of his sheathed sword, that protruded from behind his hip. Sora's arm disappeared from Greyson's view, becoming a dark blur in the air, before the unpleasantly familiar sensation of having his other hand severed assaulted him, causing him to release the contents of his lungs in a scream of pain that echoed through the contaminated landfill.

Sora watched with satisfaction as Greyson fell to the ground and screamed, writhing in pain.

To Greyson, it seemed impossible that he was the same person who had been smiling foolishly just moments ago, because of his current cruel and cold smile, that was slowly approaching him. Breaking the oppressive silence to fill the space between them, as he said;

"I'm sure that with your 'closeness' to Smasher, you know how Johnny really died... Smasher, contrary to what people think, didn't kill John, he knocked him out, but he didn't kill him... that was Saburo... my own grandfather, surprising, isn't it!"

Sora changed his cold smile to an ironic one as he dropped such a thing that even silenced Greyson's babbling of pain, leaving him staring as if he didn't understand the English Sora had just spoken.

Seeing how Greyson looked at him, "I know, right! Imagine the Christmas dinners! As I was saying... Tell me, Greyson, do you know about the old man's obsession?... the Soulkiller" Sora asked, regaining his icy tone and enjoying the anguish in Greyson's eyes as he recognized the program.

"Heh, looks like you know it, that saves me time..." Sora said, as he squatted in front of Greyson and grabbed him by the hair, forcing his face to his level. "The Soulkiller, despite old Saburo's obsession, is a failed technology, you know why, Greyson? Because it doesn't copy your consciousness into a digital form at the expense of your soul... no, it teaches a blank AI to act like you based on your forcibly extracted memories."

Sora paused for a moment, wiping away his smile, leaving only hatred on his face.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you, Greyson? I'm going to kill you with the Soulkiller, and the resulting AI that believes it's you. I'll take my time and I'm going to torture, killing him over and over again, in every way I couldn't decide with you, and I'll make him remember each death before creating another copy." Sora's cruel words echoed in the air.

These words made Greyson want to escape reality, considering trying to grab one of Sora's weapons to end his own life... but the pain from his severed limbs reminded him that he had no hands to attempt it. He was left unsure whether to scream in despair or... laugh.

Greyson struggled to contain his anguish, internally wondering if Sora's brutality had reached the peak of what a human could be. He had never heard even Smasher be so brutal with his enemies, even having seen him turn enemies into pulp with his own hands. But what Sora displayed was different, colder, more vengeful...

"Let's begin," Sora said, interrupting Greyson's internal question, as he released the titanium alloy nanobots that covered his arm, mimicking his father's silver arm, turning them into a bright white dust.

"No, please..." Greyson stammered in a burst of desperate terror to what awaited him, before an uncomfortable sensation invaded every inch of his face. When the tiny nanobots penetrated his eyes, mouth, ears, and nose, in an unbearable feeling unleashed itself upon the terrified Greyson.

Soon, as the nanobots reached his brain, Greyson's body began convulsing rapidly, his hands "opening" and "tightening," demonstrating the agony of the exhaustive memory extraction performed by the original and genuine Soulkiller.

That Sora had obtained from his mother's private server in her personal room in Japan, to which he had given access and created a secure line, housing all the data about her proud creation, the Soulcode, all the enhancements to his body made by the nanobots, along with his mother's most intimate projects.

When Greyson stopped moving in his final moments, a part of him thought that this was only the beginning of his suffering. Thinking about his digital copy

A few seconds later, the silver nanobots emerged from Greyson's head and assembled into a ball in Sora's black hand. He had no intention of putting those nanobots back into himself without cleaning them first. Afterward, Sora extracted the chip from his neck after transferring the digital copy of Greyson's construct from the silver nanobots in his hand to the chip in his neck.

He stored the silver ball in his jacket and stretched his black arm over Greyson's corpse and squeezed his fist, breaking the chip with the only copy of Greyson's construct.

Wanting him to suffer in his final moments, without really having the will and patience to carry out the torture of the construct, only saying it to terrorize Greyson's last moments. Still, in a way... killing him twice.

Sora kicked the body with his legs into the hole Greyson had dug himself in the concrete block, also pushing a few stones and debris to haphazardly cover the hole.


21 minutes later

Leaning on the car, Sora finished recalling what had happened... and replied to his mother with another related question. ["Um, mother... did you know that your brother Yorinubo will also be attending the gala?"]

Sora said, managing to surprise his mother for the second time in a row, leaving her speechless with information that even she, with her own spies within Yorinubo's Taka faction, hadn't obtained. She was also puzzled by her son's ability to gather such important information.

["I see,"] responded Sora, interpreting her mother's silence as answer.

["Sora, if what you're saying is true... I think it's better if you don't attend. Yorinubo has an unhealthy obsession with me, and if you're nearby..."] Hanako replied, worried about the new information that changed everything. With something Sora would have loved to hear in their previous conversation, but now...

["I don't care. I'm going to attend,"] Sora said, contradicting his mother once again, making Hanako wonder if he was doing it on purpose upon hearing his response.

["He's not the only one going... Smasher will also accompany Yorinubo, and I won't leave Judy alone near that cyber-psycho... besides, I don't care about Yorinubo's incestuous obsession with you. I won't let you be alone with the two of them."] added Sora, making his intentions clear to his mother, demonstrating his current somewhat overprotective state towards his mother, after retrieving Johnny's remains.

Once again leaving her speechless, but this time, she was excited to hear Sora's concern for her and somewhat embarrassed by how her son described the strange obsession her uncle, her own brother, had with her — a brother she had distanced herself from long ago after becoming pregnant with Sora and secretly preparing for his birth.

Unsettling her to think about how, like her own son, had mysteriously described the complicated relationship she would have with her own brother in the version of herself who never escaped to Night City, never met John, and as a consequence, never had Sora. She would have been a pampered and lonely woman seeking solace in her rebellious brother.

Feeling the somewhat heavy ambiance from her mother. Sora spoke again hoping to lighten her mood, catching her off guard... ["Well... then, what do you want me to do with Johnny Rusthand, right here?"] With a silly joke.

["Hahpt- Sora! Don't talk about him like that. Show some respect for your father... Hahaha"] Being able to hear his mother`s unusual laughter. Smiling upon hearing it. When she finished, Sora received a meeting point from his mother, with the Kiji staff of her complete confidence in the city.

After Sora bid farewell to his mother and was about to get back into the car to leave the landfill, loud "Pak!" sounds started coming from the hood/trunk. Sora ignored them at first, but the banging became more continuous and annoying.

Getting irritated, Sora grabbed his Okami helmet and, after putting it on, opened the trunk/hood of the Porsche. There he found Wrench conscious, without his cybernetic limbs, only his torso and head remaining.

Upon seeing Okami, Wrench energetically started shouting, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I hope Smasher fucks you up!"

Ignoring Wrench's insults, Sora picked him up by the sides like a doll and tried to stand him up on the floor of the trunk with only his torso, but Sora became frustrated when Wrench kept falling to the sides. Having to stop and think, holding his hand to the chin of his helmet, contemplating a way to keep Wrench standing.

As Sora played with Wrench's limbless body, Wrench continued to insult and shout at him. However, Sora persisted until he figured out the trick and managed to make Wrench stand up with only its torso.

However, when Sora was celebrating... something happened...

The being that had been lurking among the piles of garbage in the landfill heard the insults and screams from a familiar voice, alongside the figure dressed in black whom the master had ordered to watch since he set foot in his territory.

She... upon seeing him unable to move and without limbs... lost control, breaking the master's orders not to intervene and only observe. She let out a disturbing scream as she launched herself towards him, moving with all four limbs at once.

She even twisted her body and... her neck, as if possessed, dodging debris of various sizes in the landfill, advancing swiftly with her four metallic limbs among the junk.

Sora was taken aback, stepping back in confusion as he witnessed the unsettling way in which she charged toward them. And when she got close enough, she jumped directly at them with her two metal limbs forward.

"What the f-" exclaimed Sora, recovering from his bewilderment, as he unsheathed his sword and parried with it, the metal claws that were about to pierce Wrench's head.

When Sora stopped the metal claws that were about to rip Wrench's head off, Wrench was surprised when he saw the attacker... saying in a regretful tone;


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