Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Shadow Mosses

Meanwhile, in Medical Central... 

Hiroyuki sat in one of the chairs where he had spent the night, next to Gloria's bed in her private room, covered by her premium Trauma Team subscription. 

He kept opening and abruptly closing the book that Sora had given him. It turned out to be completely different from what he had imagined, and surprisingly... erotic. 

Despite his reservations, Hiroyuki had little else to do, so he kept reopening the book, reading a few pages before slamming it shut in frustration at the next uncomfortable part. He would then reflect and regret his decision, only to end up bored and repeating the cycle a few minutes later. 

However, when Hiroyuki tried to give it another chance, Gloria's movements on the bed made him stop. 

Due to her extensive polytrauma—with multiple fractures in ribs, clavicle, and femur, and being intubated—she was trying to move clumsily. Hiroyuki quickly got up to stop her. 

Gloria, seeing him, was surprised, but soon her anxiety took over. Confusing flashes of the accident, people helping, and moving her overwhelmed her mind. 

She thought about David, fearing the worst. 

Seeing Gloria trying to remove her intubation, Hiroyuki intervened. "Gloria, calm down, everything is okay. You and David are fine. He only has some minor injuries... you’re the one who took the worst hit; you almost didn't make it." 

Gloria’s anxiety eased upon hearing that David was safe, but the shock of her close brush with death hit her hard. 

As she seemed to calm down, Hiroyuki said softly, "It's okay," and activated the bed's AI. Two white robotic arms extended from the headrest, carefully removing the intubation tube from Gloria. 

Before either of them could say anything more, a green holographic screen appeared from the bed, displaying a summary of Gloria’s injuries alongside a human profile, highlighting the treated areas. 

Extensive Polytrauma:  

Damage: Multiple fractures in ribs, clavicle, and femur, with partial lung collapse.  

Treatment: Accelerated bone regenerators to repair and reinforce fractures, and an advanced respiratory implant to stabilize and enhance lung function.  

Internal Bleeding and Blood Loss:  

Damage: Severe internal bleeding, especially in the abdominal cavity, leading to a critical blood loss.  

Treatment: Automated hemostatic system to seal internal wounds and repair tissues, plus enriched synthetic plasma transfusion to restore blood volume and support recovery.  

Cyberware Failures:  

Damage: Severe damage to cybernetic implants (Kiroshi eye, EMP Threading, Neuroport), leading to significant malfunctions and control issues.  

Treatment: Emergency recalibration with precision surgical drones to repair circuits and update software, plus self-repair coating on implants to prevent future failures.  

Without giving her time to process her injuries, the screen was replaced by one that Gloria had dreaded since she woke up alive. Seeing it froze her blood and soul... the invoice. 


Invoice No.: 2076-0013A12412  

Date: 03/25/2076  

Patient: Gloria Martínez  

Service: Post-Accident Emergency Treatment  

Treatment Details:  

Accelerated Bone Regenerators: 1 unit — ₴25,000  

Advanced Respiratory Implant: 1 unit — ₴30,000  

Cybernetic Neuroreparador with Neurofeedback System: 1 unit — ₴80,000  

Automated Hemostatic System  Synthetic Plasma): 1 unit — ₴50,000  

Recalibration and Repair of Existing Cyberware: 1 unit — ₴40,000  

Subtotal: ₴225,000  

Taxes (21%): ₴47,250  

Total Due: ₴272,250  

Covered by Black-Titanium Subscription: -₴272,250  

Final Balance: ₴0.00  

Though Gloria wanted to scream at the sight of the exorbitant amount and the final taxes... when she saw the final balance was 0 Eurodollars, she simply couldn't 

Suddenly, she felt the top part of the stretcher being carefully raised, allowing her to see the man adjusting the holographic screen of the automated bed. 

“T-thank you,” Gloria said, her voice a bit hoarse and slightly embarrassed, thinking about the possible inconveniences she might have caused while unconscious—perhaps she had released... “something” or talked in her sleep. At least she was thankful she had been intubated, sparing her that particular embarrassmen 

Before Gloria could say anything else, Hiroyuki offered her a glass of water from a nearby table. She took a sip to soothe her irritated throat, her mind still dazed by what had happened. 

“What are you doing here?” Gloria asked, a mixture of confusion and concern in her voice. “The last time I saw you, you were in such a hurry that you didn’t even say your—” 

“Hiroyuki,” he interrupted, correcting her with an almost anxious formality. “My name is Hiroyuki Hatake. I’ve regretted not telling you that four years ago.” 

“Nice to meet you, Hiroyuki,” Gloria responded, offering her somewhat bruised hand and a smile that revealed an undertone of gratitude... and something more. 

“The pleasure is mine, Gloria,” Hiroyuki replied, returning the handshake with an unusual warmth for him. 

“Now that we’ve introduced ourselves,” Gloria continued, trying to keep her composure, “could you tell me what the hell happened? Where’s David, and why are you here? Oh! And I almost forgot: You wouldn’t happen to know why I have a subscription to a Trauma Team tier they don’t even advertise, which just saved my life, would you?” 

"Well,” Hiroyuki took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as he prepared to 'pass the buck,' just like his nephew used to do. "Do you remember Sora?" 


“So...” Gloria’s voice trembled slightly, a mix of disbelief and anger bubbling to the surface as she glared at Hiroyuki. “Are you telling me that your shameless nephew, the pseudo-terrorist who was expelled from the city for turning it into his personal battlefield against Arasaka... has taken my son under his wing?”

Hiroyuki let out a small sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to choose his words carefully. “Well... maybe you're exaggerating with the adjectives, but yes, something like that.”

“Hiro—” Gloria’s voice sharpened, her frustration bubbling up.

“Gloria, calm down,” Hiroyuki said softly, as if trying to diffuse the tension with reason. “I promise you that David is fine. Sora hasn’t forced him to do anything reckless...” He leaned forward slightly. “Do you think he’s already chromed up in 24 hours? He’s not that impulsive.”

Gloria’s lips pressed into a thin line, doubt still clouding her eyes.

“Besides,” Hiroyuki continued. “despite what the media says, I assure you, he’s a good kid”

Gloria couldn't contain herself any longer and exclaimed, putting it in doubt. “That ‘good kid’ ripped Yorinobu Arasaka’s arm off in cold blood!”

Hiroyuki knew that, even if Yorinobu deserved it, he couldn’t openly justify it. “Sometimes he can be a bit... reckless? Yes! But he also has an altruistic side. He’s been paying for your Trauma Team subscription and was the one who personally sent me to make sure you and David were okay when we first met.”

“Why...?” Gloria asked, unable to understand Sora’s actions.

“I don’t know, but he also asked me to give you this.” Hiroyuki handed her a powered-up pad, displaying a job offer.

The offer from Iron Beast was like a dream: company car, Trauma Team insurance, flexible hours, and several weeks of vacation. A fair, almost utopian offer for 2076.

As she read it, Gloria thought Hiroyuki had gotten the recipient wrong and therefore the offer was incorrect, but when she saw her name on the document, ready to be signed...

The salary was... breathtaking. With just three paychecks, she could settle all the debts she had accumulated over the years, catch up on the overdue rent, and still have enough for her and David to live comfortably.

Hiroyuki, seeing her state, tried to calm her: "You don't have to sign it now. Take all the time you need... but for your safety, after what happened with Norris and his Sandervista, you can't go back to working at EMT."

"What are you saying?" Gloria replied, alarmed, with a hint of panic.

Realizing he had touched a sensitive nerve, he tried to awkwardly change the subject: "Nothing..."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy. In a desperate attempt to ease it, Hiroyuki turned on the room’s holographic TV. "Why don't we watch the news for a bit and catch up on what’s been happening?"

A few seconds later, he regretted it, as the news showed a recap of the chase between Iron Beast and Militech in the middle of the city, followed by an assault carried out dangerous combat droids.

With each sentence narrating the events in detai, the color drained from Hiroyuki’s face. And the images of Sora, half-dressed, tearing the head off a droid while defiantly staring at the camera... didn’t help. On the contrary, they sealed his fate.

Especially when the footage was followed by clips of the chase and the young man in the yellow jacket, struggling to stay inside the car from the passenger seat, fighting not to be thrown out.

Even though the images were blurry, they were enough for a mother.

Gloria shot Hiroyuki a withering look, not needing words to question his judgment about the "good kid" who had gotten her son involved in a chase with Militech within a matter of hours or looking like a Cyberpsycho, shamelessly firing through the crowd.

Hiroyuki, late and visibly nervous, turned off the TV.


Just a few minutes later... Sora and David entered a room filled with tense silence.

Hiroyuki, although full of resentment towards Sora, looked at him with a gaze that screamed, "Run!"

Even though Gloria wanted to shout at the two people who had just arrived, something about David stopped her. With evident concern in her voice, she asked, "D-David... why are you wearing a scarf?"

David let out a nervous laugh from the doorway, not daring to step closer. "Haha... The weather is terrible, Mom. I don't want to get sick."

As he said this, Sora leaned toward him and murmured in a barely audible tone, "I told you the scarf would draw more attention... idiot."

David, maintaining his forced smile, whispered back, "And what if it does? Do you think she wouldn’t notice with just one look?"

"You just had to stand in front of her and smile, and that's it," Sora replied.

David nodded slightly, without looking at his mother. "She would notice immediately... she’s not dumb."

Sora scoffed and, with a whisper dripping with serious irony, added, "Oh, right... this is so much better."

Gloria, noticing the low exchange and feeling even more uneasy, asked with a trembling voice, "Da-David... what are you two saying? You haven’t done anything drastic, have you?"

Seeing that David didn’t know what to say, Sora whispered again, "Maybe you should start with the part about dropping out of the academy."

David tensed up and responded in a low voice, incredulously, "The one you left for me? Are you kidding?"

Sora smiled with sacarcasm and murmured, "Oh, that's right, I was also the one who hit Katsuto... or whatever his name is."

Tired of how they continued to act like children, Gloria, unable to stand but still able to..."DAVID MARTINEZ!" yelled.

Not daring to keep whispering, Sora hacked David's IDn just to mess with him, once more. ["Full name; You're fucked"]

He cut the call before David could respond, leaving him only able to glare at him resentfully out of the corner of his eye.

With a knowing look, Sora got Hiroyuki to slowly stand up, while he pushed David into the room, since he was the weakest member. Then, he and Hiroyuki quickly slipped out, shutting the door behind them, locking David in with his mother.


Once outside.

"Seems like you had a busy night," Hiroyuki commented with some restrained bitterness.

"Oh, it was great!" Sora responded in his usual nonchalant tone, even as he added, "Morgan almost bit the dust."

This surprised Hiroyuki. "Were the droids that troublesome?"

Without responding immediately, Sora simply nodded while slipping his black hand inside his jacket. He pulled out three small coins, which he threw against the walls and ceiling of the hallway.

As soon as the coins made contact, the lights in the segment they were in went out, plunging the corridor into controlled darkness.

Hiroyuki grew concerned at how serious Sora had become, taking measures to ensure the conversation wouldn't be overheard, even covering the vibrations in the air and those transmitted through the solid surfaces of the hallway.

Then, when he was sure that no one could hear or record them, Sora simply said, "They breached our cybersecurity in an instant."

Given the level of Lazarus' security, Hiroyuki couldn’t help but express his dissatisfaction. "That’s impossible unless..."

"they’re from the other side," another voice complete, causing Hiroyuki to turn toward the attractive man dressed in a sleek gray suit who approached them.

In that brief silence, a shout echoed from inside the room: “YOU DID WHAT!?!”

ignoring Gloria's yells, Sora said, "The boss wants us to handle this with the utmost discretion and not use the general network to talk about it. Think of this as a transfer of information from Lazarus to Netwatch."

Hiroyuki frowned, his unease evident. "What have you discovered?"


While inside the room...

Gloria watched in horror as her son took off her work jacket, revealing the upper part of his spine. In the 24 hours he had been alone, not only had he abandoned the academy, but now... his back was covered with a Sandervista.

‘The same model I had stolen!’ she screamed in panic within her turbulent mind.

Before anger consumed her, fear led her to ask, "D-D-David, you didn’t put on the Sandervista of the NUSA lieutenant, did you?"

David’s response was quick and, at first, reassuring. "No." But her relief evaporated when he added, in a more casual tone, "At least, I don’t think so."

David still didn’t fully believe the explanation Sora had given him about the conversation he had with Katsuo’s father.

From what he had understood from the discussion in the office, he indeed had Lieutenant Norris's Sandervista, the one Iron Beast and Militech were fighting over. However, Sora told him it was just a replica he had made himself, designed to resemble Norris’s.

‘But if that’s true... why would he do something like that? Isn’t it a problem that they look alike? Someone could confuse it,’ David thought, feeling increasingly lost in Sora’s intentions.

Gloria, with a voice broken by anguish, could no longer hold back. "David... You left the academy, installed military cyberware... are you really going to become a mercenary? Are you going to go around taking lives? I-I... I didn’t raise you for this!"

Before she could continue, David, surprisingly calm, interrupted her. "I don't know if I will dedicate myself to taking lives."

His serenity left Gloria stunned. Her son's composure in the face of such a cruel and final decision bewildered her. ‘Is he really willing to kill?’

The troubling doubts that dried her throat and clouded her mind were eased, if only a little, by David’s attitude and words, as he seemed to be maturing before her eyes.

“Mom, just a few minutes ago, I didn’t know how to explain any of my decisions to you. I was sure they would all seem foolish, or you would refuse to accept them… but after Sora stopped joking, he said something that made it all clear to me.”

His words echoed in his mind once again: “I was serious when I said in the office that strength is necessary… especially in the times ahead. Get strong, David... so that you’ll never regret not being fast enough to save someone you care about, decisive enough, or…”

‘Strong,’ David completed in his mind with renewed resolve. “I don’t want to kill anyone... or live by killing, but…” He stopped, avoiding what he was thinking, and added instead, “I want to be able to defend myself.”

Recalling Misty’s second card reading, he added, “Maybe in a year, two, or five… but mom, I think things are going to get dangerous. Did you see the attack on Iron Beast? According to Sora, the droids were much more dangerous than what the news says.”

Scratching his head as if struggling to express what he felt, her son looked at her intently and concluded, “From the beginning, I’ve always wanted you to be proud, but now, to me, the most important thing is that… you… are okay.”

Gloria listened to her son and stared at him, blinking several times as she took it all in.

David had never been the type to care for others; he had always been the one receiving care. Perhaps that’s why she had enjoyed Hiroyuki’s care so much, as he had made her feel like the center of his attention.

But her son was one of those who, in silence, gave everything for those he care. He had carried the weight of her dreams and endured an academy he hated, all to please her.

However, now, standing before her, David showed something different. "I don’t agree with you becoming a mercenary… but... I’m going to respect your decision. And one more thing: don’t think I’m going to let you get into any fight! Not, at least, until you’ve trained and know how to defend yourself."

“Yes, he said the same thing,” David replied with a brief smile, grateful that his mother was respecting his decision.

“Then… please, give me time to think about it. It’s a lot of information to process,” she said, with a mix of exhaustion and worry in her voice. “And when you leave, tell him to come in. I have many, many questions to ask him.”

David approached his mother, who was still staring at the wall, still indignant. He gave her a loving kiss on the forehead and softly said, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

As he left the room, David’s gentle expression shifted to one as if he had stepped in excrement while looking at Sora and said, "Your turn, she wants to talk to you… I hope she makes you suffer"

"She has no power over me, she's not my mother, and I refuse to go in!" exclaimed Sora, crossing his arms stubbornly.

With a knowing look, David had Hiroyuki open the door, and the two of them shoved Sora into the room, locking him inside. From the other side, his shouts and pounding could be heard.

"She's getting closer! She’s grown a tail, and acid is coming out of her mouth! Quick, open the door!" Sora shouted, sounding desperate.

Meanwhile, Gloria, lying in bed, obviously unable to move, with neither a tail nor acid coming from her mouth, massaged her forehead, already exhausted.

Not a day went by without her hearing someone in the city talk about where they were when they saw the fearsome Okami of Night City rip Yorinobu’s arm off or take down Adam Smasher live.

However, the shocking image of that same feared legend behaving like a fool in her room made her ask, exasperated, "Are you having fun?"

"Gloria!" he responded, completely changing his attitude and opening his arms. "How long has it been, seven or eight years? Time flies!" he said, visibly happy to see her alive and well.

When Sora sat on a stool next to the bed, Gloria asked him with a mix of irony and curiosity, "Has anyone ever told you how shameless you are?"

"It's the first time I'm hearing it... Everyone thinks I'm charming!" he replied with the same twisted smile.

"Well, what did you want to talk to me about? If you're looking for sensitive information about Hiroyuki... don't think I'll betray my uncle," Sora said, eyeing her suspiciously.

"..." Then after a moment of silence, he broke it, pretending to be desperately serious: "I'm kidding! I'll tell you everything you want to know about him. Just... don't let him go. You're his last chance to be happy!"

Gloria remained silent, staring at him, while a single word crossed her mind to describe him: chaotic.

And he knew it, from the way he smiled at her, as if he could read exactly what she was thinking.

To Sora's surprise, Gloria said, "Thank you."

"Hm? I was expecting curses, something like 'How dare you do that to my son!' That sort of thing."

"Though I want to..." Gloria paused and finished the sentence to herself: ‘You've helped us so much...’

Suddenly, Sora's eyes lit up, only for him to say with regret, "Damn..."

"What's wrong?" she asked, noticing the change in his expression.

Sora didn’t answer, but at that moment, the door opened, and Jack entered without hesitation.

"We're leaving, we have the orders," he said seriously.

"That's what's wrong," Sora muttered, complaining.

Reluctantly getting up, he said to her, "Sorry, Gloria. We'll talk when I get back."

"Where are you going?" she asked, feeling there was more behind the goodbye.

Sora winked at her with a mischievous smile, something Hiroyuki didn't like, and said as he left the room, "That... is a secret."


Under a sky painted in orange hues by the sunset between the skyline of Night City, the elevator doors opened onto the frantic rooftop of the Medical Center.

The air smelled of fuel and urgency due to the constant commotion: Trauma Team AVs were taking off and landing, bringing in and heading out to their patients.

Sora and Jack stepped out of the elevator, walking through the restricted area with the ease of those who don't recognize barriers.

They headed towards one of the empty helipads, ignoring the curious or irritated glances of the Trauma Team personnel they passed, who were too busy to say anything.

While Jack exchanged a few words with someone on a call, Sora turned to Hiroyuki, his tone low but firm.

"It's still early," he said, looking up at the orange sky. "Before you go to Netwatch, let David spend a little more time with his mother. Do me a favor, and take him directly to Iron Beast's training room."

Hiroyuki nodded as Sora continued. "Put him in a pod and let Jarvis handle it; he should already have several training scenarios ready."

Slightly surprised, knowing the pods Sora was referring to and having tested the beta version of Jarvis's harsh virtual training scenarios, Hiroyuki asked:

"Are you sure? It seems like a lot for his first training session. Maybe he should take it easier... there's no rush, right?"

Sora turned and laughed, but his gaze remained sharp. "Who says there isn't?"

Before he could add anything, a Trauma Team unit, rushing and loaded with medical equipment, passed close by.

One of the members, clearly irritated, raised his voice: "What the hell are you doing here? This is a restricted area."

Causing Sora to turn, the Trauma Team member's attitude changed instantly upon recognizing him. The aggression on his face evaporated like smoke in the air. "Please... stay as long as you need. If-if you'll excuse us, w-we have to go."

The Trauma Team rushed towards their AV without looking back. Sora shook his head, ignoring them, and turned his attention back to Hiroyuki "Things are uncertain now. I don't know how Militech will react, but it's best if David knows what to do in a crisis."

Hiroyuki nodded, though the concern still weighed heavily on his face. "And you think he'll be fine on his own? With Gloria hospitalized... I wouldn't mind if he stayed at my apartment until you're back."

Sora raised an eyebrow, surprised by the offer. "Oh..." he said, adding with a slight smile that irritated his uncle, "You're already taking on responsibilities."

Embarrassed, Hiroyuki quickly defended himself, feeling David's gaze on him. "That's not it!"

Since the four years that had passed since he saved them, mother and son occasionally intruded in his thoughts. Naively, he believed it was out of guilt for his abrupt departure and lack of manners.

However, after spending time with Gloria and understanding why he truly... ‘Maybe it is "that,"’ he thought to himself.

Sora exhaled slowly, letting his words sink into both of them. "With the Sandervista I've prepared for him, he should be fine. Don't underestimate him. he has potential."

His gaze fell on David, still somewhat scrawny, but Sora knew better than anyone, that becoming a legend in Night City wasn't something just anyone could achieve. And although David's story was born from tragedy, he was sure he had everything he needed to survive

Before David could speak, the roar of engines drowned out the rooftop as Sora's BlackAquila slowly ascended, its powerful inverted engines humming through the air.

The ship, majestic and black as the night, turned gracefully, opening its rear ramp. Inside, an Eco the size of a dire wolf wagged its tail, excited for the impending trip, its eyes fixed on Sora, impatiently waiting for him to board.

After Jack climbed aboard, Sora turned to Hiroyuki from the foot of the ramp. "I'll be back in a few days... I'll let you know what we find out." Then, with a cruel smile, he added to David, "Don't get yourself killed before I return."

David frowned, confused. "Why would I?"

Sora looked at the back of his neck, or rather, at the cyberware peeking out from his spine. "Well... since Arasaka thinks you have Norris's Sandevistan, they might try something. And when Militech finds out, they might think the same... and try to take it—from your corpse"

David stared at him, incredulous. "Is this a joke?"

Sora smirked as he shrugged, not giving a clear answer. "Hypothetically."

David clenched his fists in frustration. "Bastard! Are you saying you wanted me to get killed?"

"Not at all. Don’t exaggerate. You can use the Iron Beast facilities as much as you want. As long as you're inside, no one will dare to attack you. So, take advantage of it and train."

David's mind went blank; he literally didn’t know whether to cry, lunge at Sora, or flee the city after saying goodbye to his mother one last time.

However, he was quick enough to deliver one last metaphorical jab. "Tell that to the droids from yesterday!"

He hit his mark, as Sora’s face twisted like he'd just sucked a lemon, the ramp closing before he could reply. At least David had gotten in the final word.

When the ramp fully sealed, the ship blasted off, instantly shaking David's and Hiroyuki's clothes.

Without taking his eyes off the spot where the ship had disappeared over the horizon, David asked seriously, "So... can I stay at your apartment?"

Hiroyuki, having changed his mind, stepped aside, distancing himself from the giant target David had become, and replied dryly, "No."

Annoyed, David shot back, "At least give me a weapon to defend myself?"

Hiroyuki’s answer came quick and sharp: "No."

David stared at him in disbelief. "Seriously?"

As Hiroyuki walked toward the elevator, he called over his shoulder, "Come on, once you're done with your first session... you'll get to choose the weapon you're most experienced with."

David looked at him, confused, before sighing in frustration, unable to understand how a simple training session was going to make a difference in his fate, which seemed grimly sealed.


The BlackAquila cut through the orange sky like a black arrow. Upon leaving the limits of Night City, the ship deliberately veered to pass through a dense cloud. Momentarily disappearing into the mist, the pilot—his face covered by an old racing helmet updated for fighters—activated the stealth system.

The panels along the fuselage lit up instantly, projecting a holographic camouflage. At the same time, from the armor plates, a nanomaterial spread across the ship, adapting to its structure and dissipating any trace of heat. The BlackAquila became invisible, not only to the human eye but also to radar or thermal cameras of any spy satellites orbiting above them.

The exterior of the ship wasn’t the only thing that changed. The soft lights that once illuminated the cabin and the rest of the interior went out in an instant, replaced by a faint blue glow. The new tactical lighting bathed the space, optimized to maintain visibility without compromising the pilot’s focus during covert operations.

After ensuring that no one could follow them, Mathew, at the controls, changed the ship's trajectory, smoothly turning north as the city lights faded behind them.

The cockpit was wrapped in calculated silence, interrupted only by the soft hum of the engines and the subtle clicks of the operating system, each like note of a technological symphony.

The cockpit door slid open smoothly, revealing Sora on the other side, who entered as if it were his own, which it was. Mathew didn’t turn and greeted him with a slight professional nod, keeping his eyes on the controls.

Before Sora could say a word, the control panel and one corner of the tactical reality display on Mathew's helmet lit up with a pale, flickering light, accompanied by a soft beep that broke the stillness of the moment.

"Boss," Mathew said, his voice slightly distorted by the respirator in his helmet, as he examined the data displayed on his visor. "We're receiving a high table-level security signal... it's coming from the base in the Atlantic."

Sora frowned and ordered as he exited, "Patch the signal to the hold and seal the ship."

Mathew quickly nodded, his fingers flying over the controls. "Understood," he replied as he activated the protocols. The ship vibrated softly as all external communications were sealed off, isolating the transmission to the hold, where Sora and Jack would receive the call.

As he stepped out of the narrow compartment between the cockpit and the hold, which had vertical ladders to ascend to the second level, Jack and The Boss's hologram awaited him in the tactically lit hold.

Giving a half-hearted military salute, Sora greeted The Boss and sat in one of the troop seats in front of the hologram, with Eco sitting beside him to be petted.

With the full attention of both operatives on her, The Boss, her face unflinching, began the briefing.

["We have completed the analysis of the information provided by Norris on the Armstech project. Your objectives are now clear."]

As she spoke, the hologram in the center of the hold updated. The Lazarus Spear logo disappeared, giving way to a detailed diagram of Operation Rex Eater.

["Armstech's secret project is a weapon called Gear Rex. Classified as a 'Conflict Finisher,' and not without reason."] The Boss pointed to the projection, where technical blueprints and specifications of the imposing war device appeared.

["Gear Rex is a massive mobile battle frame, powered by a pair of twin nuclear fission reactors. These reactors not only grant it devastating firepower, but also provide it with near-unlimited autonomy, requiring minimal crew."]

With each word, the hologram revealed more details: internal structures, weapon systems, and operational capabilities.

["The frame can operate on land, but it's primarily designed for underwater. It can also perform short flights, which the engineers have dubbed ‘Dashes.’ Once submerged, its camouflage system can evade any known radar, allowing it to deploy any of its 16 submarine cruise missile launchers, specially designed to carry nuclear warheads without being detected."]

The hold fell silent as the hologram displayed a simulation of a massive launch: 16 nuclear missiles fired simultaneously from the Bering Sea. Their range consumed the 16 most populated metropolises of the nearby continents. Falling over Russia, China, South Korea, Japan, and North America, with Night City among the targeted cities.

["We don’t know the exact purpose of Militech or Armstech in developing this weapon, but it's clear that something beyond its destructive capacity alarmed Lieutenant Norris enough to steal this information, despite the risk."]

The Boss paused briefly before continuing to explain the objectives of Operation Rex Eater.

["Once infiltrated, you'll split up to maximize our objectives. Jack, your mission is to obtain the complete blueprints of the Gear Rex project. We need copies of all sensitive systems, especially two key components."]

With a gesture, the images of the battle frame gave way to a diagram of the neural system.

["First, the metal-pilot connection. The Gear Rex uses an advanced neural interface that allows the pilot to control the frame with extreme precision. It's not just a control system; it's a symbiosis between mind and machine, far beyond what's used in professional racing or fighter jet piloting. This system turns every thought into direct action, granting it unparalleled responsiveness."]

The Boss paused, her gaze briefly shifting toward Sora before continuing. The screen changed again, now displaying technical data about the Gear Rex's twin reactors.

["Second, the fission reactors. They are critical, not only for Gear Rex, but also for other projects we're interested in, such as the... 'Titan.' If you can gather detailed information about the reactors, it will aid us in future developments."]

["That brings us to your common objective."] The hologram shifted, showing the profile of a middle-aged man, wearing glasses and looking tired, accompanied by images of his family: a woman and a teenage daughter.

["This is the deceased Dr. Elias 'Helios' Brandt, former head of R&D for IEC's Dragoon Battle Frames, now alive and secretly working as the lead for the Gear Rex project. We believe he's being held under duress. He and his family were declared dead two years ago in an accidental explosion at their home. Three bodies with his DNA were found."]

"I remember, it was all over the news," Jack added.

The Boss's hologram nodded before continuing. ["It seems Armstech went to great lengths to abduct him. Freeing him and his family is crucial. Without him, they won't be able to complete the project."]

Finally, the screen displayed a partial three-dimensional map of Shadow Moses, the base where Gear Rex is being developed, along with scattered fragments of information.

The Boss's voice hardened as she addressed Sora. ["Your mission is to explore the rest of the facilities in Shadow Moses. The data we have suggests they're working on more than just Gear Rex. You must uncover what other projects they're hiding..."] She paused for a moment and subtly added, ["Even if they're underground..."]

Sora, absentmindedly stroking the fur of Eco, nodded, his eyes fixed on The Boss's hologram. She was giving him the freedom to "investigate" the primary activation coordinates of the drones, hidden beneath Shadow Moses.

Noticing something, Sora thought to himself, 'Like a secret mission within a secret mission.'

["Any questions?"] inquired The Boss's hologram.

Jack broke the silence in a professional tone. "So, our mission isn’t to destroy Gear Rex?"

The Boss remained in a calculated silence, aware of the possible consequences of Sora’s mission. Before she could respond, he answered on her behalf with measured calm. "It could happen anyway."

"What do you mean?" Jack replied, frowning.

Sora, still petting Eco, responded, "I'm only speaking hypothetically, in case the entire base were to suddenly collapse... nothing more."

Jack, not fond of his companion's games, was about to ask again, but The Boss intervened, shifting the topic.

["This is a black flag mission. There will be no identifiers, insignias, or corporate gear. No armor, no weapons, and..."] The Boss's gaze swept across the hold before concluding, ["No recognizable ships. Use your infiltration gear."]

["First, head to the Ninth Seat's base in Canada."] Turning to Jack, she added, ["I’ve already coordinated with your team. They’re preparing unregistered ships specifically for this mission."]

"Understood," Jack replied, standing upright, accepting his orders without hesitation.

Sora, on the other hand, didn’t even bother to stand up, saying with tired disdain, "Fine..."

["I expect good news... don’t fail,"] were the hologram's final words before The Boss disappeared.

Jack wasted no time reproaching Sora’s attitude as soon as The Boss’s hologram vanished. "I hope you can act professionally during the mission," he said sternly.

Sora, unfazed, replied as he stopped pampering Eco, "And I that you leave me in peace... I’m going to take a nap, don't bother me, don’t bother me. And tell Mathew about the change of plans.'"

"This mission is important!" Jack insisted, his frustration growing.

"My mission is important... yours; just idle curiosity," Sora replied indifferently as he stood up.

Not liking being left in the dark and sensing there was more at stake, Jack exclaimed, "What’s that supposed to mean?!" visibly outraged.

"You heard me," Sora said as he climbed the vertical stairs to his personal cabin, ready to sleep until they arrived.


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