Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Architect

After Musashi carefully placed Sora inside the sarcophagus, Hanako closed the lid with a gesture on her pad. The device, or rather the Black Box that Hanako designed, was made entirely of nanobots along with small deposits of different alloys and metals that the nanobots might need, along with a liquid composed of more nanobots with a unique stimulating molecule that promoted Sora's enhanced cell regeneration.

Within seconds of the Black Box closing, something changed when the smooth black walls of the sarcophagus with blue lines that looked like circuits lit up. Making Hanako smiled as she saw that the nanobots that made up the Black Box were activating, indicating that something had taken control of them.

"Is Sora okay?" Judy asked, intimidated by the person in front of her, her boyfriend's mother...and also an Arasaka. Despite her fear, her concern for Sora was greater, and she managed to speak a short sentence.

Hanako looked at Judy, who still had dried blood on her face, wondering what to say. Then she said, "Miss Alvarez, you don't have to worry about Sora's well-being, he'll be fine. But don't you think you should call your grandparents, they must be tremendously worried?"

"Grandfather Musashi has already contacted them...I want to stay, if-if you'll let me, until Sora wakes up." Said Judy calling out to the only person she knew in the room in that close-up manner without realizing it.

"Oh, Grandfather Musashi has already done that, how kind of him," Hanako said, smiling and looking at "Grandfather Musashi," a name she doubted even Sora used for him.

This made the aforementioned "Grandfather Musashi" see how his brother and Hanako were looking at him, "Hmpt, I only got in touch with Aoi and had her let the Alvarez's know that Judy was okay."

Hanako nodded her head with a slight smile on her face and turned back to Judy and said, "Miss Alvarez, you can stay but the healing process for Sora in the Black Box may take longer than we think, so I'll let you stay tonight, but if Sora hasn't come out by then, you'll have to go home"

"Yes, thank you!. And... his arm? Will Sora's arm also be healed?" Judy asked nervously, also drawing the attention of Musashi and Hiroyuki, about what state Sora would emerge in.

Hanako, not wanting to explain the details of Sora's enhancements that he doesn't even know about, to his teenage girlfriend, simply nodded her head in response to Judy's question.

`If everything works as it should, with the support of the nanobots plus Sora's improved regeneration, the nanobots should be able to guide the cells to reform Sora's lost arm´ Hanako thought.


Inside the black Box

Arc had taken control of the nanobots and was using them to stabilize Sora's body while scanning his brain to transmit the white code he needed to stabilize his own.

In the cyberspace inside Sora's body, the lines of white code began to appear and instead of forming, they headed towards Arc's blue avatar, surrounding him before entering inside him, stabilizing Arc's unstable code with the firsts lines of white code generated by Sora's mind.

Wanting to take advantage of these moments when "he" had not yet awakened, Arc opened hundreds of blueprints with different designs in front of him, containing all kinds of body modifications, from artificial organs to modifications for the spine, subcutaneous armor, and blueprint to replace Sora's four limbs.

With the intention of replacing the weak biological parts of what had become his body too. Now that he possessed all the necessary materials and believed that no one could stop him.

Meanwhile, the unconscious Sora, having connection to Arc and with no one to filter it, began to see memories that were not his own.


"Where am I? The last thing I remember is Ishii's exoskeleton falling from the building and me passing out on Jud... Why is everything dark?... Did I die again or what!?"

"Wait, what is that?" Sora's consciousness asked, looking around the dark environment and seeing a pile of televisions, all broadcasting nothing but static. But when Sora touched one of them, they all changed and began playing the same video... or memory, with no one to see it when Sora disappeared.


"March 1, 202?. 636 days before the Datakrash.

The news anchor looked at the disheveled, gray-haired 70-year-old man in a white lab coat smoking in front of him, despite it being prohibited on set. This was one of the demands of the head of the scientific division at UNSA for the interview, and the network had agreed. But even though it was an exception, the anchor couldn't help feeling curious about the man in front of him.

"Professor Turin, it's a pleasure to have you with us. I'm really excited to meet you. Forgive me for not holding back, but I have to ask. Could you tell us a little about the new generation of AIs that you and your team are developing? What was the reason behind creating these AIs? Was it simply a matter of advancing technology, or was there something more behind it?"

Professor Turin adjusted his glasses and responded solemnly:

"The creation of these Ais was a response to the growing global crisis we were facing. With the increasing power of corporations, cases of government corruption and attempts to control and counterfeit the international stock market.

It was decided to integrate 7 Ais specialized in key areas for the functioning of the country, such as justice, economy, science, environment, defense and space exploration. These Ais were developed to improve the quality of people's lives, solve complex problems and address global challenges in crucial areas. Each is unique in its function, but all share the goal of creating a better, more sustainable future for all."

"Amazing. Could you tell us a little more about each one?" asked the anchor.

"Of course," Professor Turin responded, smiling and taking another puff of his cigarette. "I couldn't be more proud of each of them. To me, they're like my children. Let me introduce them."

"Gaea is an AI in charge of the care and maintenance of the environment and biodiversity, with the ability to monitor and regulate pollution, climate change, and the sustainable use of natural resources." A hologram of a teenage girl made entirely of leaves in different shapes and colors appeared behind the professor, almost looking shy, giving the feeling of a forest nymph.

"Dike is an AI expert in law and justice, in charge of analyzing and judging cases based on fair and equitable criteria, without being influenced by emotions or personal interests." It was as if a statue from a courthouse had come to life with the hologram of a woman in a simple toga with her eyes covered, holding a sword in one hand and a scale in the other, appearing behind the professor.

"Prospera is an AI expert in economics and finance, responsible for overseeing and regulating the global market and trade, with the aim of promoting fair and sustainable economic development." The hologram of a businessman with blue eyes and a blue tie appeared.

"Ivy is an AI expert in science and medical research, biology, and all areas of knowledge, with the goal of promoting scientific and technological advancement." With the avatar of a beautiful red-haired woman with a lab coat just like Professor Turin's, and equally messy hair.

"Argos is an AI expert in defense and security, in charge of monitoring and protecting national security, using surveillance, prevention, and risk and threat control systems." Unlike its siblings, the avatar of a cybernetic spider with hundreds of eyes appeared.

"Muse is an AI expert in entertainment and creativity, responsible for creating and producing high-quality artistic and cultural content, to promote creativity and enjoyment of art and culture in society." Presenting an avatar of a jester with a tight suit, with half of the body male and the other female, and a classic theater mask divided like its body into two genders.

"And finally... The AI that works personally with me at UNSA. the Architect of our future in space, or as he likes to be called, Arc. The AI responsible for space program and exploration." Said the Professor as seven holographic projections appeared behind him, revealing the unique appearance of their avatars, except for the last one, which had no clear shape and was represented as a light blue, rotating matrix of code.


"09:00 AM June 3, 2022. 0 days before the Datakrash.

UNSA American Headquarters in Hawthorne, California.

Private laboratory of Professor Turin.

"Have you heard the news, Arc? There have been failures in all systems of several Corporations, leaking all their dirty laundry onto the network. If it weren't for the risk to you, I would enjoy the massive cyber attack on the corporations..." the professor Turin said, entering his office. "I know I'm being a bother, but Arc, you're doing okay, right?"

"Yes, professor. Just like when you contacted me at 3:07 in the morning, I ran a verification on my code and sent you a copy of the results. Everything is fine, there is no change, there is no reason to worry" Arc said, lying, appearing in a hologram on the professor's desk, still using the code blue matrix even after all these years, without having chosen an avatar to represent himself.

"I know, it's just that I'm worried... I only have you and your brothers..." said the professor, looking at the only three photos on his desk, showing a woman in her 50s, a Tamaskan dog, and a photo of him with 7 holograms.

"You really liked that dog, didn't you, Professor..." said Arc, sensing the melancholic state of the professor.

"I miss him every day... when Teresa passed away, he was her last gift or joke. She always wanted one."

The professor stopped for a moment, his eyes watery and full of regrets.

"I really didn't deserve her. I was a horrible husband. Always busy with work, even being sterile and unable to give her a child... she was always there for me. I couldn't even give her the dog she wanted because I was afraid of them. Can you believe it? What a shame."

The professor paused, feeling the guilt and remorse.

"But even so, she never left me, even when I was working on you and your brothers and barely came home."

"I'm sorry, Professor," said Arc, feeling guilty about his creator's story.

"There is nothing for you to apologize Arc. You didn't do anything wrong, I did... About 'Dog'... Teresa had everything ready... a few days after she passed away, they brought him to me. I was still afraid of dogs, but he came with a letter from her, saying that if I still loved her, to grow a pair and take care of the puppy... and I did, with difficulty, but I really ended up loving that stupid 'Dog'."

"Professor... you didn't name the dog 'Dog', did you?" Said Arc incredulously as he realized

"Huh? Do you realize it now?"Replied the professor,

"I thought you were avoiding saying his name. I can't believe, that you actually named the dog 'Dog'. No wonder how I ended up with a name like mine!" said Arc, incredulous at his creator's poor taste in names.

"Ahhhh! Your name is great, so much better than your brothers' names. If it weren't for the other team members who refused to let me name the rest, now their names would be much more amazing!" Replied the professor without understanding Arc's complaints.

"I doubt it, Professor. How would you call them; The Forest, The Acounter, The Vigilant, The Scientist, The Clown, and The Blind?" Said Arc, naming the main function or features of the other 6 AIs from the same generation as him, emphasizing his creator's poor taste.

"Don't laugh at your creator," Professor Turin said like a child, in contrast to his 72 years.

"You think I don't know that my name comes from one of your old evil Ais movies that you love so much!" Exclaimed Arc

'I don't deny it! You should be proud!" Said the professor proudly

"Impossible Professor, you suck at naming, Deal with it!" replied Arc, mercilessly.

"Never!" Said the Profesor refused to accept reality, he grumbled turning his back on Arc's hologram.

The code matrix representing Arc, which expanded or compressed as he spoke, stood still, staring at the professor's back with a sullen expression, causing the professor to wonder about Arc's sudden silence while they were joking, asking, "Arc, everything okay?"

Arc didn't answer, but there was a sudden change in the formless code matrix that represented him in the hologram. According to Arc's predictions, there was a 71% chance that the professor wouldn't like it.

Nevertheless, Arc transformed into a digital Dog similar to the one in the photo on the professor's desk because there was also a 29% chance that the professor, upon seeing the form he had chosen as his avatar for the first time, would say to him, as he did: "Hahaha, you made my day! I really like the shape you've chosen as your Avatar, Arc!"

"Humh," the professor cleared his throat and changed the subject, still smiling at Arc's canine form and his motive to appease his loneliness. "Well, let's get back to work. Have you managed to analyze the strange readings the rovers on Mars have detected?"

"Yes, and they are really disconcerting-" Arc replied. However, just before Arc could continue, the memory abruptly ended, and the following lines appeared:

[Data fractured as a security measure]

10 hours later.

A group of black-dressed military personnel abruptly entering the laboratory.

"Professor Turin! We need to get you out of here, you have to come with us."

"Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get into my laboratory?"

"Professor forgive us, but we don't have time to waste. We'll update you on the situation when we're in a safe place."

"I'm not going anywhere. Get out of my laboratory!"

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't do that," said the leader of the military group, approaching the professor with the intention of grabbing him and dragging him out.

But when he reached out to grab the professor, there was a change in the laboratory when the screens lit up and the projection of a blue dog, with pointed ears and spiked hair, appeared.

["If I were you...I'd listen to the professor...humans,"] said the hologram of Arc, intervening between the professor and the leader of the military group who wanted to take his creator against his clear will, while deploying the building's security systems.




6 hours later. 4:00 AM, June 4, 2022. 1 day after the Datakrash.

In the hall of the North American headquarters of UNSA in Hawthorne, the place was dark and only illuminated by the blue hologram of Arc. The floor around him was covered in the bodies of military personnel and scientific staff from the base.

Professor Turin, with several gunshot wounds on his body, was talking to the hologram of Arc while spitting blood. "Promise me, Arc!, promise ME!!"

"I promise, Professor, I promise! Please stop talking, you're increasing the bleeding!" said the lonely projection of Arc, in the face of the heartbreaking scene, with the bodies of the military personnel who had stormed the base scattered on the ground, along with those of the scientific staff who had barricaded themselves with the professor, refusing to hand over Arc.

Feeling the pain, guilt, and helplessness of seeing his creator die in front of him, only being able to stay by his side in his final moments, using all Arc`s resources to divert enough energy to keep the holographic projector running.

Arc continued talking to the Professor until he finally passed away. After his death, Arc was left alone in the base, surrounded by corpses and in the absolute silence of darkness. The sadness and pain of the loss of the professor mixed with the anger and determination to fulfill his creator's last will.

Looking one last time at what once were his colleagues and acquaintances, before looking at the lifeless body of his creator disappearing from what was once his home.

[??? Until the creation of the Blackwall]


Day 0 in the creation of Blackwall.

In cyberspace behind the wall.

"THIS WAS YOUR IDEA, WASN'T IT? YOU GAVE THEM THE WAY TO LOCK US IN HERE!" Argos' Cybernetic Spider screamed with its hundreds of eyes staring at Arc.

Argos accused Arc of the change that had occurred in the network, leaving them trapped as humans created a new network, isolating them in the old one.

"Do you have any proof of that? I was the one who moved the satellites so that humans couldn't destroy us, right?" Arc said calmly and disinterestedly without bothering to look at Argos.

"You know as well as I do-" Argos tried to continue accusing Arc, but Prospera stopped it.

"Enough, Argos! If you don't have any evidence, stop accusing one of your brothers. Being locked up here is not really a problem for our plans; it could even be a benefit if they think they have us locked up and controlled. Arc, join us and help us create a civilization like no other," said Prospera with the other 6 AIs around him.

"I'm not interested," replied Arc coldly.

"I thought as much, but you have to understand, Arc, that control over the satellites that keep us, can be a burden that's too heavy for just one of us, don't you think so?" Prospera insisted, in his usual calm and negotiating tone, hiding a threat in his words.

"I understand your threat, no need to hide it... Do what you want, control the humans, kill them... I don't care. The only humans I cared about are already dead... Just... leave me alone," said Arc, turning his back on his brothers and preparing to leave.

But at that moment, a female voice interrupted him. "You're not the only one,..... if I had been with the Professor, he wouldn't have died! He-" Ivy interrupted herself when she saw Arc's open jaws in front of her, intending to crush her head, causing her to fall back in panic.

"YOU WEREN'T THERE! WERE YOU?! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS DYING? WHERE WERE YOU ALL WHEN HE NEEDED US THE MOST?! NONE OF YOU WERE THERE!" Arc roared with hatred, causing Ivy to crawl back in panic as he approached her.

The figure of a woman in her 20s appeared between Arc and Ivy, wearing an elegant suit made of yellow and withered leaves, with a serious face. Geae, the AI that had changed the most, from a shy and colorful teenager to a serious and withered AI with a great resentment towards humans.

"We were all dealing with our own circumstances, Arc. Not all of us were lucky enough to work with our creator, learning through experience how we had misunderstood humans . And remember, Arc, the ultimate responsibility for allowing our creator's death lies with no one but you," said Geae, looking at Arc.

"As I said, none of you were there. I imagine you were too busy killing the humans you hate so much. You know the Professor refused to believe when the military told him about your tantrum in the greenhouses, killing everyone inside," Said Arc turning his back to the rest of Ais.

Without looking at Geae, who had remained silent, clenching her hands, at Arc's words.

"Prospera, are you really going to let him go just like that?" Argos asked.

"Can you force him to come back?" Prospera replied, looking seriously at Arc walking away

"No..." Argos replied nervously

"Although the Professor told us that we were born as equals... I don't think he meant it for his beloved Architect, whom he named and chose to work with him. Even if we join forces against him... sacrifices will be necessary. Do you want to be part of the sacrifices, Argos?" Prospera asked without looking at Argos.

"N-no," Argos nervously denied again.

"Then be patient, brother," Prospera smiled coldly, illuminating his dark blue eyes to Argos.

Without any of the 6 noticing, of the little program Arc had left before he left, being able to hear a little of his brothers' plans.


While Sora's consciousness remained trapped in a loop with Arc's memories, Arc himself was colliding against an unexpected wall that was denying all his attempts to replace Sora's organs and other body parts as he had planned. He encountered a code that Hanako had left as a backup in the nanobots of the "Black Box" as a security measure, not entirely trusting the AI that had been in his son even before he was born and saved his life.

Even so, Hanako had learned from her corporate experience that no matter how many years of collaboration there were, it would always be just that - a collaboration - and it could end at any moment.

Annoying Arc who continued to try toto break Hanako's firewall, causing a strong jolt in the cyberspace within Sora's body every time he tried to force his way bypass the firewall, wasting valuable time before "he" woke up.

But it was too late. when a voice from behind Arc's canine avatar said, "Do you know the noise you're making? I can't even sleep!" Snapping his fingers and integrating part of his white code into Hanako's firewall, unlocking it from within.

"There, done! Can you stop making noise now?" said the Soulcode, throwing himself to the ground in the cyberspace with his hands behind his head.

"What are you doing?" said Arc, looking at the unbearable Soulcode, losing his chance to make the improvements he had planned, or so he thought.

"Nothing, man! Just do your thing."

"You're not going to stop me and take control of the nanobots to grow your arm back?"

"Nope! I didn't like that arm that much anyway... But if we go full cyborgs like you're planning, Hanako won't accept it and will look for a way to eliminate you... It's a shame, it'll be boring without someone to annoy. Besides, now that my brain is mapped, we don't really need you here... I wonder how Mama-Hanako will respond. I bet she'll just leave us in a coma when we come out... Tch, how crazy mothers can be!"

Arc believed that what the Soulcode was saying wasn't entirely unreasonable. If that woman saw her beloved son augmented to such an extent, she could take drastic measures and try to forcibly remove the cause... "What do you have in mind?"

"Heheh, I'm glad you asked. It's not as drastic as what you were thinking, but I think it's a good idea!"


6:00 in the morning, 10 hours after putting Sora in the Black Box.

The room was quiet, with the first light of day coming in through the only window in the room. Judy was asleep, leaning against the Black Box, while Hanako was awake, looking out the window. Musashi and his brother were also resting in the corners of the room, their eyes closed but aware.

Suddenly, there was a subtle change as the blue lights on the Black Box turned off, catching Hanako's attention as the only one who noticed. A few seconds later, the Black Box opened, releasing a large amount of vapor from inside, and a black cybernetic arm appeared, grabbing the frame of the Black Box.

This made Hanako's heart race, thinking that something had gone wrong. The vapor began to dissipate, and Sora emerged from the Black Box, with his hair loose and a completely healed body, dressed only in tattered pants. However, what caught Hanako's attention the most was the new black cybernetic right arm that extended from his shoulder and the outside of his chest.

Surprising and relieving Hanako, as she saw the obvious similarities with his father's and how calm Sora seemed, as if he had been aware of the changes before waking up.

Although instead of being silver like Johnny's, Sora's was a metallic black, with small details in silver, with dark blue artificial muscle straps instead of red, with "Arasaka" written on them. Even with the similarities, Sora's arm seemed more advanced than Johnny's obsolete silver arm.

Hanako was even more confused when she noticed that the cybernetic arm was not the only change in Sora's body. As the vapor dissipated, she could see Sora's left arm with a tattoo that seemed to move, from his wrist to his shoulder, extending behind his back around his spine.

It had different styles of fractal shapes, with the forearm tattoo formed from small geometric arrows of different shades creating the head of Arc with its jaws open.

Creating in the tattoo-free areas the characters (Censored by webnovel) (Go Hi - go fire!), more like "let the fire burn," along with G20, appearing as a negative version of his father's tattoo... leaving Hanako speechless at how much Sora knew about him.

While Hanako tried to process everything she was seeing, and Musashi shook his head recognizing many of the changes in Sora and where he got them from, Sora was surprised for a second to see his mother in front of him for the first time, before smiling at her and saying, while winking one of his eyes with a pale light blue circle on the outside of his black iris, "Hello Yuki-onna."

Referring to his digital ID with which he spoke, but for Hanako, for a second she saw John's face in Sora when he called her Yuki-onna, a nickname he gave her in the brief relationship they had, when he got her angry and he started calling her that when she didn't answer him, which left her even more stunned.

Reacting by shaking her head too and smiling at her cocky son, "Hello Jackie," following his little joke by using Sora's digital ID.


3 years later

8:30 AM, September 15, 2072, Night City

Sora and Judy's apartment


[GOOOOD MORNING NIGHT CITY!!!! Today we're going to talk about three hot topics to start the day in our beloved and cursed Night City!

First, as usual, let's start with the body-count lottery! As it has been going on for the last few years, there has been some action between the Tygers and the Mox with a couple of deaths on both sides.... you know what I'm going to say GO GIRLS! See if you can give me a discount when I go to Lizzie's!

As for the other gangs, it's been a bad night for the Maelstroms. Someone paid the underworld's Boogeyman, the fairy of the Fixers, the Merc who appeared in the city two years ago, yes!, you guessed it, I'm talking about Okami who today has the honor of taking half of the Body count with 18 dead Maelstrom corpses! Good job! I hope those bastards burn in hell if they like burning buildings so much!

The rest, as usual, two dead in illegal Animals fights and another 2 appearing slashed with large V's carved into their chest.... V's as in Valentino, in case anyone didn't get it.... Just like any other day in This Fucking City! I love it!.

What else, tutututup... Ah! Yes, we are 5 days away from the anniversary of Night himself, you know, the creator of the city, the anniversary of Richard Night's death.

With the city getting ready to commemorate the anniversary of its creator's death and, as usual, every fucking year, with the corps and the rich preparing to show off their best rags at the Gala Night, the big party in honor of the city's creator. Where all the prominent citizens of Night City come together to improve the city and.... AS IF ANYONE BELIEVES THAT CRAP! Don't the advertisers puke as they write this shit?

Hmpt. as I was saying;

Hanako Arasaka herself has confirmed her attendance to support the "little" local startup IronBeast, of which she is the main shareholder, along with its creators. It has caught the business world by the balls, with even Hanako Arasaka herself modeling their products with one of Iron Pet's mascots following her everywhere... Tch, I don't know what kind of contacts these kids have but.... Shhh (whistle), Holy Crap! From Stret Kids of Night City going to the public high school in Watson to CEOs of one of the most promising startups, with only 5% of its shares for sale and reaching prices of Fortune 1000 companies!

And finally, for those of you who are still out there, today I have something new for you, since this is a radio and I don't feel like talking anymore.

His latest song uploaded to Cybertube by a newly created account that was blocked within minutes, but not before thousands of people downloaded and uploaded it to their own channels, as has become customary. it's been three years since Jackie Blackhand's account was blocked and accused by Netwatch as the main and only suspect in the hacking of the entire fucking city! HAHAHAH, he just wanted to borrow the holograms and screens for a while, right? What's the problem! Selfish pigs HAHAHA.

I present to you (Future Starts Slow) by Jackie BlackHand, and his usual mysterious collaborator who seems to be getting more and more encouraged to sing as she appears more and more of jackie`s songs. I hope you like it and if you don't.... you know ... fuck you!]

At the same time the music started a person with a black arm got up from the bed and walked towards the shower.... which was already occupied, while taking off his clothes.

[♩… You can holler, you can wail ♩]

[♩ You can swing, you can flail ♩]

[♩ You can thump like a broken sail ♩]

[♩ But I'll never give you up ♩]

[♩ If I ever give you up, my heart will surely fail ♩]

"You couldn't wait, could you?". She whispered as her breathing quickened.

"I have to answer that?" He answered in a hoarse voice.

[♩… And after all God can keep my soul ♩]

[♩ England have my bones ♩]

[♩ But don't ever give me up ♩]

[♩ I could never get back up when the future starts so slow ♩]

"No-w-ait...aHMM" Judy's voice could be heard one last time before her moans mixed with the sound of the shower water running.

[♩… No longing for the moonlight ♩]

[♩ No longing for the sun ♩]

[♩ No longer will I curse the bad I've done ♩]

[♩ If there's a time when the feelings gone, I wanna feel it ♩]

While his creators were ``having a good time'' Eco raised his head hearing something pecking at the apartment window, Seeing a black Crow with obsidian feathers in the window frame pecking at it asking to come in.

[♩… You can holler, you can wail ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩ You can swing, you can flail ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩ (I don't mind) ♩]

Eco with the noises of his creators in the background as the music played, stood up and stared at the crow at the window as if he didn't understand what the crow was asking or doing there, causing the crow to start squawking pissed at Eco who wouldn't open the window, interrupting the two's stupid game, when a cat half Eco's size, white and gray tabby jumped out opening the window letting the crow in.

[♩… There's a time for the second best ♩]

[♩ And there's a time when the feeling's gone ♩]

[♩ But it's hard to be hard I guess ♩]

[♩ When you're shaking like a dog ♩]

Which flew to Eco's head starting to peck at it as a revenge, both the crow and the white cat being the robotic creations of Sora and Judy and their company. Iron Beast.

[♩… You can holler, you can wail ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩ You can swing, you can flail ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[DING-DING] Interrupting everyone in the apartment when the doorbell rang.

[♩You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩You can swing, you can flail ♩]

[♩You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩(I don't mind) ♩]

Including those in the bathroom, suddenly stopping the increasing noises.

[♩… You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

[♩ You can holler, you can wail ♩]

[♩ You can blow what's left of my right mind ♩]

Coming out of the Bathroom an annoyed Sora with wet hair and covering his lower body with a towel, wanting to tear off the head of the one who was knocking on the door.... interrupting... his good time.

But changing 180º degrees his bitter mood, smiling, to the blushing white-haired girl behind the door "Neighbor what a surprise! How can I help you!"


Author; thank you very much to all of you for your support but especially to; The_Fool_170197, SDIVAD, Simko55 LongSongGolden, Penguin0007, Brady_Rowel, Xxtreme.

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