Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Gala Night II

Amidst the buzz created by the entrance of the heavily guarded Militech delegation, even with more security than the other CEOs of major corporations and even Hanako herself, as a display of power and authority of Militech by not adhering to the same rules as the rest.

Sora and Judy made their way through the crowd of guests towards the distinguished group where Hanako awaited them, completely ignoring Militech's entrance, which she personally detested as well—ever since their attempts to capture her during the Fourth Corporate War. In one of those numerous attempts, Minamoto, Musashi's eldest son, lost his life protecting her.

In the group they were approaching, the famous daughter of Biotechnica's founder, Excella Loggagia, stood in a timeless, elegant white dress with a daring neckline. Her brown hair was gathered around an olive crown, making her stand out like a Greek goddess among the other guests.

Beside her, albeit reluctantly, was the current CEO of All Foods, the Mexican Salma Guzmán, a woman in her mid-40s with a confident expression on her face, despite her short stature. She appeared amiable as she watched them approach. Her light brown skin and loose dark hair contrasted with her red dress that emphasized her "imposing" attributes.

Next to Salma stood the CEO of Petrochem, Angus Youngblood, who seemed to challenge time itself. At nearly 90 years old, he appeared half his age, with a graceful demeanor and silver hair. Dressed in a modern suit with his shirt partly unbuttoned, Angus appeared somewhat detached from the rest of the group as he engaged in a discussion with Petrochem's rival, Anatoly Novaragov, the enigmatic CEO of SovOil.

Anatoly Novaragov, known for his ostentatious tastes and controversial social media posts where he flaunted his wealth and extravagant purchases, laughed about how much he had spent and how long an average person would take to afford such items. Anatoly's gold-plated cyberware and numerous neck chains raised doubts about his sense of fashion.

Completing the group was the elderly Miriam, despite her age she exuded a lively gaze filled with experience. With white hair, she leaned on a straight sword atop an elegant black staff engraved in silver. She was engaged in conversation with the German Alexander Kesser, son of Erich Kesser, CEO of the prominent International Electric Corporation (IEC).

Tall and muscular with blue eyes and short blonde hair, Alexander was elegantly dressed in a gray suit and white shirt. Sora couldn't help but roll his eyes at Judy's exaggerated reaction, fanning herself with her hand, to annoy him, upon seeing 'Adolf's wet dream' as S.T.

Upon their arrival, Oda placed his hand, blocking Sora, making Judy the only one allowed to approach Hanako within the group. This caused a momentary look of displeasure from Hanako, but she didn't say anything, as Oda, much to her chagrin, was correct in his decision.

Sora, on his part, wasn't bothered and followed Oda's lead, positioning himself right behind Judy with his arms behind his back, assuming the role of her bodyguard. Upon Sora and Judy's arrival, most of the people in the group turned their gaze towards the newcomers, except for Angus and Anatoly who continued their heated discussion.

Excella Loggagia looked Judy up and down, as if she were judging her, and then seemed to reluctantly give her approval before briefly glancing at the person behind her. She greeted them with a subtle smile as if she knew them from somewhere. This caught the attention of Judy and Hanako, who noticed Excella's gaze and subsequent greeting.

Judy, not having the same freedom as before, could only glance at Sora behind her for a moment. which Sora used to shrug his shoulders in an uncertain response, his way of getting back at her for her exaggerated reaction after seeing Alexander.

Amidst the silence that followed Judy's entrance and before Hanako could introduce her to the group, the first to speak was the CEO of All Food. She greeted Judy with a complicit smile and said, "Judy Alvarez, right? I'm glad to have more Latin blood in this group, haha... Besides that, I'm really happy to finally meet you, dear. Every time I've coincided with Hanako-san and seen Niobe accompanying her, I've been so envious. I hope now that I know the CEO of Iron Beast, I can use you as leverage to get one for myself too"

Displaying a significant camaraderie with Salma, almost like friends, "Don't even mention it. My Niobe is truly one of a kind!" Said Hanako with a proud expression for her son's unique gift.

Judy smiled faintly in response and replied, "We would love to accommodate your personalized request, but unfortunately, as Hanako-sama mentioned, the Niobe model is unique. It was created by the co-creator and chief designer of Iron Beast as a gift to our main and only shareholder."

In response to Judy's polite words, Salma agreed and added, "I know, Hanako mentioned that. Strangely proud of the design created by that eccentric young man who never seems to appear in public, leaving all the work to you. There's not even a single image of him on the net..."

Interrupting her, when Excella elegantly finished sipping from her glass. Despite Night Corp sparing no expense, it failed to please the refined palate of Nicolo Loggagia's pampered daughter, leaving her with a displeased expression after tasting the champagne. Then, she interrupted Salma by saying:

"Single, because you want to... you only have Hanako as a shareholder because that's what you've decided, isn't it?" Excella's voice held a certain tone of resentment, almost envy, as if there was something she desired that couldn't be acquired in a world where everything is purchasable.

She continued as her bodyguard, more like a butler, took her glass – of the 'alcohol for the masses' for Excella, that she obviously wasn't going to drink anymore. "It's a shame you don't 'yet' sell aerial pets. If you did, I would have liked to order a beautiful owl like the goddess Athena."

Judy's attention was drawn again by Excella's comment, but mostly by the use of 'yet' in Excella's speech, suggesting she might possess non-public information about Iron Beast's upcoming releases.

This made Judy clench her teeth behind her uncomfortable smile, needing to restrain herself from turning around and beginning to demand answers from the person behind her, as if he had some connection with Excella, which neither Judy nor Hanako seemed to know judging by the expressions they wore.

Taking over from Excella, the next speaker was the German Alexander Kessler. "Even we in Europe were initially interested in Iron Beast due to the designs of the co-creator, Somar? Solis? Whatever his name is. But the low production numbers and your "putzig" (naïve) refusal to collaborate with other corporations to create a militarized version of your products, even though it's rumored that you have such developments yourselves..."

Alexander glanced momentarily at the person behind her, the mercenary connected with the young company, who supposedly had access to the militarized versions of Iron Beast. Alexander took a sip from his glass and added, "It made IEC lose interest in your company."

Judy concealed her annoyance at Alexander's condescending words and the fact that he didn't even mention Sora's name properly. More insulted by that than the person behind her, whose name was forgotten and mispronounced.

Judy responded politely, at least initially. "Well, if you already know all that, then you must also know why we've turned down other corporations like Militech or Kang Tao, simply because we don't need them. Still, I will say it's quite an honor that our small company managed, even for a moment, to pique the interest of the European giant, IEC."

"Now that he can't hear me, SoRA, my partner and the person behind the 'designs' that caught IEC's attention. He has an entire collection of all the old footage available on the net of the famous and feared IEC Cyber-Frame Dragoon. He considers it quite an inspiration," Judy's words brought a premature smile to Alexander's face, acknowledging the recognition of the Cyberframe Dragoon, IEC's flagship and most expensive product.

The Dragoon, alongside Arasaka's DaiOni, is arguably the most powerful full conversion in existence. Standing over 8 feet/2.5 meters tall and weighing 620 pounds/280 kilograms, the Dragoon was designed to be the most deadly weapon any army could possess. It's nearly impossible to buy on the open market, and even the mightiest corporations struggle to obtain one (except IEC, of course).

The smile faded when Judy continued, "As well as a "schrecklich" (terrible) nightmare, when thinking about the state of the 'Servitors' who operate it." Before anyone could inquire about the unusual term, Judy quickly clarified, "Ah, I'm sorry, that's the term SoRA uses... referring to the talented pilots of IEC's Dragoon."

On the other hand, SoRA, noticed how Judy kept emphasizing his name, he wasn't sure whether to stop her, not wanting to incite a sudden feud with IEC, knowing what Judy was going to tell, or to let her run free and continue to enjoy listening to her.

"He argued that to prevent the cyberpsychosis a human brain would experience upon integrating with a Cyberframe as powerful as the Dragoon – unable to handle the vast influx of information and stimuli from the new body – the most efficient and cost-effective solution, in line with corporate principles, that IEC would implement is... 'interchangeable parts,' or what he also calls 'Biocapsules,' with the pilot or at least their brain inside them."

"With an Inhibitor Chip for Behavior paired with a chemical injection system loaded with psychoactive agents and Betahaloperidol to counter cyberpsychosis, along with a cocktail of other antipsychotic drugs like Haloperidol and its precursor, Betagaloperidol."

"Restricting and controlling the thought processes of the 'Servitor' – oh, I'm sorry again – the 'Pilot,' turning them into loyal and compliant entities. When they're not in use, these 'pilots' are put into a 'standby' mode, only to be awakened when necessary. Like a 'Dreadnought' or whatever the name he used"

"When So-RA shared with me this wild 'theory' of his. I just shook my head, dismissing it as another of his eccentricities. I couldn't believe that the powerful and civilized European IEC would resort to something so brutal. Isn't that right, Mr. Kessler?" Judy spoke voraciously, causing Alexander's face to turn sour, an expression that didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Even Angus and Anatoly paused their discussion to witness Alexander's discomfort due to the young CEO words.

By accurately describing something that had never been made public, even though IEC had sold its expensive Dragoon units to other corporations and countries, along with their own personnel operating the sold Dragoons, Alexander's condescending gaze shifted into cold, keen eyes fixated on the young CEO.

"I can only say that your partner, Sorar, right? has a... sharp imagination, but let me ask this question to Young Ceo, who has just joined us for the first time." Alexander changed his tone from polite to cold and intense, matching his gaze, and questioned, "If IEC were to be so... 'relentless,' capable of such actions towards its pilo- or, as you called them, 'Servitors,' maybe I'll use that term from now on."

"As I was saying, hypothetically, if the IEC were as relentless as you describe, wouldn't it be reckless to publicly antagonize them with such wild theories? After all, if we were capable of such actions towards our employees... what might we do to our enemies, or... the people who offend us?"

Judy couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and intimidated by Alexander's hypothetical threat. His cold, penetrating gaze felt like a knife, making its way into her chest. However, before this sensation could fully settle in, something hard gently hit behind her head.

That soft hit acted as a soothing balm to her unease, calming her nerves and suddenly making her feel secure. Simultaneously, that very intervention had a different effect on Alexander. It forced him to break his intense threatening gaze on Judy, sensing a sudden felting of danger, a clear homicidal intent, that he wasn't alone in feeling it – With his two bodyguards triggered by this dangerous intent, encircled him, ready to protect.

All of this emanated from the bright blue eyes of the helmeted figure behind the young CEO. When Sora took a step forward, making his chest collide with Judy's head, and from behind her, looking at Alexander, now the one threatening, while letting free the countless ways in which Sora was killing Alexander inside of his mind.

Creating a physical reaction that made the two bodyguards tighten their guard around him. Watching alerted to the black-clad mercenary behind the young woman who seemed to be holding back from lunging at them.

Before Judy could respond, seemingly unfazed by Alexander's threat, someone else stepped in, taking the initiative, looking proudly at her for her bold yet reckless attitude, before declaring in a defiant tone. "Allow me to be the one to ask a question now, Alexander. Do you intend to finish what Militech, IEC, and the rest of the corporations triggered in the 4th Corporate War, clashing directly or indirectly with Arasaka? Because, with your threats towards my protegée, it seems that's your intent" Hanako said with authority, before adding,

"Believe me when I say I wouldn't hesitate to drag all of Arasaka into a new conflict with IEC if necessary, Alexander…" Hanako was well aware that violence and intimidation were just other facets of the actual corporate world. That's why all the guests had their imposing bodyguards trailing behind them—not because they feared for their lives within the Parkview Tower.

A heavy silence settled over the group after Hanako's bold declaration. All eyes were on her, including Alexander's, and to everyone's surprise, there was no trace of doubt or falsehood in Hanako's gaze. She was genuinely ready to lead Arasaka into a new confrontation with IEC.

Feeling the situation starting to slip beyond his control, Alexander adjusted his tie and regained his initial composure. Meanwhile, the Militech delegation arrived in front of the group, but at that moment, nobody paid them any attention. They were still taken aback by the near eruption of a corporate war right before their eyes.

Morgan, observing the tense situation and piecing together the details in his mind, rolled his eyes behind his mask. He found some solace in not being, for a change, the one in a brawl with the new Lazarus agent. Noticing from the remnants of his posture and his gaze, the confrontation that he had with Kessler's son

A suppressed sigh escaped Morgan's lips as he imagined the future troubles this new agent would bring. He was already regretting convincing Boss, especially after learning about the explosion at Luca's workshop following the brief conversation with Powler. "I knew this could happen... but seconds right after they met!?" Morgan thought.

Hearing his head of security's sigh, the head of the Militech delegation, General Samantha Lee Young, a trusted associate of President Myers and the current Militech CEO Lucas Harford, a veteran of the Second Central American War, and the 3rd and 4th Corporate Wars, turned her gaze towards Morgan.

Morgan slowly shook his head, prompting Samantha to swiftly redirect her attention to the other two members of the Militech delegation and command with authority, "Silence in this group. You'll have your chance to speak as agreed."

Andrew, the charismatic and socially astute son of President Myers, dressed in a luxurious green silk suit with a slightly unbuttoned white shirt hinting at his muscular and tanned torso, affirmed the order, though his palpable disagreement was evident. Andrew sought to generate interest, respect, and fear from the influential group, aiming to one day reign within its ranks.

On the other hand, his sister Tristana was the antithesis of Andrew. If he was the sun, she was the moon—introverted, academically gifted, but socially reserved. Adorned in a long dark purple silk gown that concealed most of her figure, leaving only her pale, untoned arms exposed, Tristana possessed long hair that fluttered as she obeyed General Lee's instructions, in contrast to her brother's demeanor.

Grateful for not having to speak in front of the individuals composing the group, especially the imposing presence of Hanako Arasaka. Despite their stark differences, the twins were remarkably close due to their complementary strengths, forming a powerful duo within Militech that achieved remarkable results, independent of being the children of Myers. This was why Tristana was nervous, disagreeing with her brother's decision to present their project at the Gala, feeling it was still premature.

The arrival of fresh blood to the group managed to slightly ease the tense situation. However, as was customary when two representatives from Arasaka and Militech were in the same place, the tension didn't subside too much. This was clear in Hanako's brief, dry, almost curt greeting to General Lee and President Myers's children.

A few minutes later, Morgan, acting like a kid, began making subtle noises of "Chss!" to get Sora's attention. Seeing that Sora was still ignoring him, then....

"Chss-Chsss-Chss-Chsss!" He started making the noises more frequently and louder, drawing the attention of some of the bodyguards who looked at him with displeasure, not daring to look at him like that, if they knew who he was, and in turn, provoking laughter among some of the Militech security team members.

Sora, annoyed by Morgan's continuous noise, finally turned towards him. Finding him tilting his head, signaling him to come closer to his group, narrowing his eyes, thinking it would be quicker to just comply. Sora whispered Judy before moving and approaching the Militech security team.

When he got closer, Morgan greeted him with, "About time, kid. Wasn't sure if you could hear me." Said Morgan with a childlike smile under his mask, something Sora didn't need to see to know.

"What do you want? I don't want to leave my 'client' alone in that group."

"Look at you all professional! That's why I called you. If you keep staring at Alexander Kessler that way, he will put a price on your head when he leaves the Gala." Morgan wisely warned.

Still pissed off, and consequently with his rationality clouded, Sora quickly replied. "Let him try-"

Interrupted by Morgan, who grabbed his shoulder and moved him away from the group of CEOs and corporate representatives, "Relax, kid. Come on, let me introduce you to some old tough sons of bitches. You'll be interested, trust me."

When they were closer, Morgan exclaimed, "You two useless old farts, this is the Merc I was talking about!" Seeing that the rest of the team was also looking at him, he added with authority, "What the hell are you all doing!? Stand at attention! I wasn't talking to you. Move your useless asses and cover the positions of those two useless old farts, ASAP!"

Morgan's words prompted the rest of the security team to move, following his orders without hesitation, forcing them to react and move swiftly.

Leaving only two people unmoved in the Militech group, Sora couldn't help but be surprised when he recognized one of them.

"So, this is the Mercenary that 'impressed' you, Morgan? Doesn't seem as strong as you described in your story, you old liar," said an Afro-American man with a strong, almost rough, language, but with a confident and charismatic personality that made his potential insults not feel offensive. He sported a thick mustache and an energetic demeanor that defied his age with grace. He had extensive military cyberware modifications on all four limbs.

"Enough with the jokes, Johnson. I'd love to see you, at the age of this Mercenary, taking on someone like Morgan. Hell, I'd even like to see it now, hahaha!" he laughed cordially, the other comrade of Morgan's, challenging his imposing appearance with kindness. He was a tall, muscular man with long blond hair tied in a ponytail. Both of his eyes were equipped with cyberware, each with three embedded red lenses. A bushy beard had acquired a touch of silver due to age of the future... Cyberpsycho.

Morgan, with a raw tone and closeness, addressed them, "Shut up, you bastards! Let me at least introduce you. The old green guy with the mustache is the Sgt. Avaray Johnson, and the blonde who took the tests for Maelstrom is—"

"The Lieutenant Colonel James Norris," Sora completed the introduction, looking at the future cyberpsycho and current owner of the Sandevista, which would end up in the hands, or more accurately, the spine of a teenager from Santo Domingo.

Surprising Morgan, who asked, "Huh! You know him, kid?"

"Sort of. A pleasure to meet both of you," Sora replied, bowing his head politely to the two veterans.

This caused one of them to interject, "What the hell! You know the snowflake but not me? I pity the youth of today," exclaimed Avaray Johnson, annoyed.

"Don't be like that. Even I was surprised. Maybe Night City's education system isn't as bad as they say, hahahah," answered James Norris, seeming amused that Sora knew about him.

Without paying much attention to his knowledge of Norris, though it did strike him as strange, Morgan added, "Both are my comrades from my time in the army during the Second Central American War.... like your old man."

This sudden vague mention caused a flicker of surprise on Sora's face under his helmet. He was sure the "old man" Morgan referred to wasn't Musashi, once again feeling like Morgan knew more than he let on, similar to his joke about "Silverhand" when they first met. But there was no malice in Morgan's intent, almost seeming like he said it for Sora's sake.

Upon hearing Morgan's words, capturing the attention of the two, Lieutenant Norris asked, "Old man? Is your grandfather a veteran too, kid? Do you know which unit he served in?"

Without correcting the understandable misunderstanding due to the more than 60 years since the conflict, Sora replied, "I don't know which unit he served in. I never got to know him. But I do know, and you might not like it, that he deserted when the government abandoned you all down there."

Both Avaray and James reacted the same way, nodding in agreement, and Avaray replied, "I don't hate him, or blame either, kid. If it weren't for the fact that the three of us were together, still alive and in the same unit as General Lee, we might have done the same. Despite being in several conflicts since then... there's no campaign we hold as much resentment for as that era."

Taking over, James added, "Most of us who survived came back broken, after being abandoned. To us, the flag was just a piece of cloth to wipe our asses with.

But we were lucky. At least we had something waiting at home. Many didn't have an alternative but to join a corporation. After the war, they were the only ones hiring.

And those who weren't so lucky, who had no one waiting for them, or those who deserted like your grandfather, had to hide and create new identities, thinking they could be hunted down at any moment... many couldn't adapt. Some became homeless, others formed gangs like Night City's 6th Street, others joined Nomad clans... and others came back full of resentment and hatred for the country that had abandoned, used, and lied to them, and for the corporations that profited from that war and the deaths of their comrades."

In response to James's intense words, despite the years that have passed and his position within a major corporation, they were filled with resentment. His expression mirrored that of Avaray and likely Morgan behind the mask. Being the one that added;

"That's why I wanted you to meet them. I don't know what kind of crazy stories you've heard about 'him,' but those of us who made it back from down there did so messed up. It's the kind of messed up that time doesn't heal – it just makes it more bearable. But it's always there, burning within you, reminding you how you've been used. How your life meant nothing to them. How a contract signed in a fancy office led to hundreds of thousands of men's deaths... all to boost their stock prices." Morgan said, demonstrating his helplessness by the force with which his fists were clenched.

Upon hearing this, James asked, "Morgan, who was his grandfather?"

Quickly followed by the inquisitive Avaray. "Yes, if you know him, you'll know what unit he served in."

Exploiting the misunderstanding, Morgan was sincere when he said, "Of course, I know him, and so do you. After all, you are among the few who have faced the Red Oni of Arasaka and survived."

This caused both Sergeant Johnson and Lieutenant Norris to exclaim simultaneously, "Wait... WHAT!" x2

Leaving them frozen, drawing the attention of the rest of the guests with their cry of "schoolgirls" due to the sudden mention of Red Oni.

Chuckling, Morgan remarked, "Heh, I'm not lying. We'll talk later; I need to have a word with the kid about some things."

Sora followed Morgan as he distanced himself from the rest of the Militech forces still surrounding the group of "clients" they were supposed to protect. He turned to Sora and, returning to his usual playful tone, asked, "So, what did our dear friend from Night Corp say when she found out you're a Lazarus agent?"

Surprised and annoyed, Sora questioned, "You didn't do that on purpose, did you?"

"What are you talking about, kid? Are you insinuating that I, Morgan Blackhand, a consummate professional, would abuse my position as the head of security for the President's own kids, just to waste time by being ridiculously thorough with their security and make Night Corp bother you in my place... Who would do such a thing!?" Morgan said, struggling to keep a straight face and nearly bursting into laughter.

Hearing him and imagining his expression beneath the mask, Sora couldn't help but exclaim, "You would, you bastard!"

As if summoned by their conversation, Sienna, followed by her assistant, appeared in Sora and Morgan's field of vision, heading straight toward them.

Sora couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her and added, "Heh, have a blast. I've been avoiding her all night, waiting for you to show up."

"You brat! Tsk, damn it. According to what I read in the Lazarus report, I don't want to get tangled up with Night Corp just yet." As Sienna approached, Morgan looked at Sora again and inquired, trying to entice him, "Aren't you curious why the CEO of Night Corp needs help so persistently?"

Without hesitation, Sora responded quickly. "Nope, had fun! Heheh."

"If I were you, I wouldn't laugh that much because... I'm not letting myself get caught!" Morgan suddenly exclaimed, before continuing, "I'll escape to some place where the wind hits my face!" Morgan acted as if he were a criminal on the run from the law, then added, "Have fun, kid!"

Sora quickly retorted, "You jerk, I'll tell her to follow you."

"I'll give you a chance... escape with me," Morgan said, extending his playful proposal to Sora, his mask's two orange dots locking onto the two blue stripes on Sora's helmet.

Despite not wanting to provide more explanations to Night Corp and its CEO, Sora responded, "I can't. I'm not going to leave my 'client' alone-"

Before Sora could finish speaking, Morgan made a few hand signals to Norris and Johnson, who, without needing further information, understood Morgan's orders. They positioned themselves without hesitation, despite the Arasaka member beside her, behind Sora's young "client," protecting her instead of Sora, to her surprise.

Morgan's sudden action brought a displeased expression to Hanako, who watched with distaste as two Militech soldiers got too close for her comfort, positioning themself behind Judy.

This unexpected change in security caught the attention of the attendees, especially due to Hanako's displeased reaction. Most notably, among the Militech delegation. Making General Lee grit her teeth behind her forced smile, trying to hide her irritation at Morgan's antics.

Becoming another spectator, much like the rest of the group members who were now gazing at the peculiar pair of bodyguards, as they watched Sienna approach them accompanied by her reptilian assistan.

Just as Sienna and her assistant were about to reach Sora and Morgan, a group of guests crossed their paths. This caused Sienna to lose sight of them for a moment, hidden between the heads of the guests who were crossing.

Seizing the opportunity, they took advantage of the situation and vanished suddenly from the view of all of the guests. This, in turn, led the security members who were able to see them, to shake their heads in disgust at such an unprofessional and stupid use of the Sandervista cyberware.

Given the widely recognized impact of potent cyberware usage on the average person's physical and mental well-being, a notion that didn't quite fit Sora and Morgan

Shortly after disappearing into the penthouse, Morgan and Sora became visible again, surprising the guests who saw them reappear out of nowhere on the spacious terrace.

Both of them acted in the same manner, removing the parts of their masks that covered their mouths. Sora's helmet did this automatically, and he lit a cigarette with his Ace zippo, while Morgan removed a part of his mask by hand, and lit one of his cigars using the flame from his black cybernetic finger.

The panoramic view of the city from the terrace provided an absolutely extraordinary landscape, with the streets illuminated by neon lights and holograms on the buildings of Night City's skyline. Some of these holograms were true works of art.

After taking a long drag and with his gaze fixed on the view, Sora asked without looking at Morgan, "Since when have you known?"

Without needing further information and in a similar fashion, Morgan responded after exhaling her drag, "Since I saw you with his weapon, being Smasher's wingman the latest confirmed user to have it."

"And what with that, I could be a fan of his music or just someone who picked up a shiny weapon from a dead man."

"After begging for his life, mentioning Smasher as many times as he could, I doubt it, kid. The one who killed him would have to be someone willing to have Smasher behind him."

Since Morgan seemed to know Greyson so well, Sora asked, "Did you know him?"

"I know the type"

"I see..."

"Let me ask you this, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but do you have the pair that symbolizes... your mother?"

"!!!" Seeing Sora stop looking at the Night City skyline to look at him..."Heh, surprised? I know the story about the pair of Malorians because the creator told me."

"Do you know Eran Malour?"

"Sure, you even know his daughter."

"Wait... What!" Having to review the faces of everyone he had met since Morgan, Sora added, "Don't tell me that lunatic is..."

"Heh, yeah... I was planning on taking you to see him if you have the complete pair."

"Morgan, what are you planning? Why did you introduce me to those two? What do you plan to do with the information that I'm Jo-" Not knowing who or how someone might be listening, Sora corrected, "I mean, the son of that terrorist!"

"I'm not planning anything, kid. I don't exactly know how it happened for his son to be your age. Besides, I don't know why people label him a terrorist. I'm the one who activated the mini-nuke at the Arasaka headquarters... and he goes and takes all the credit... typical of him... even in dead a jerk.

I introduced you to those two because if I were you, I wouldn't want to meet my father for his final actions without first understanding the path he took that led him to his end. Besides..." Smiling, Morgan added, "They're good men, and I wanted you to have the chance to meet them."

Morgan's sincere words caused Sora, keeping his cigarette between his lips, to free his hands and unbutton the two buttons of his jacket. Revealing to Morgan the handles of two Malorian 3516s, one black and the other silver, hanging under his arms.

Morgan smiled at seeing that he had them, nodding his head in satisfaction, causing Sora to button his jacket again, both of them falling silent once more as they resumed smoking, gazing at the illuminated Night City skyline.

A few seconds later, thankful for introducing him to people who went through the same as Johnny and thinking about the fate of Lieutenant Colonel James Norris, Sora said, "They seemed like good people, the kind you'd feel reassured to have on your side in a fight."

"Hahahah, you can say that again, kid. If I told you what we went through together..."

"Hey, Morgan, you guys being as old as you are, have you ever thought about swapping out all that chrome for something more light and safer? Not you, I have no idea what the hell they did to you, but not even the best surgeon or the top medical AI could remove your Sandervista without killing you," Sora said, able to see Morgan's distinctive Sandervista tangled with the nerves in his spine.

Being able to see through Morgan's body thanks to his eyes blackened by the nanobots necessary for echolocation, surprising Morgan with that information he already knew but hadn't shared with almost anyone.

"I won't ask 'how' since it was my turn to be surprised, But what the fuck is that about, kid?" Morgan responded grumpily, having a hunch about what Sora was getting at.

Sora justified it by adding, "I don't want to be the 'according to statistics' type, but... According to statistics, 4 out of 10 cyberpsychos are ex-military, which makes sense considering the cyberware without filters or safeguards to maximize combat performance." Fully aware that his question might trigger another butterfly effect.

"Ahmm... As you say, I couldn't, at the end of the Central American War, a blast from an explosion deformed my spine bones, crushing the nerves. Apart from unimaginable pain and being paralyzed from the neck down, my case was interesting enough for a jerk named Sanders from Militech to try his 'project' on me.

After all his previous attempts failed, he perfected his cyberware with me, which that bastard called Sandervista. I ended up with the strange honor of being the first user, and not just any user, but the one created by the pioneer of 'sensory reality dilation' technology, the best in the field, apart from the old Ais who demonstrated a surprising understanding of the subject... many of their advances lost in his mind even now, since Sanders mysteriously lost his life shortly after creating it."

"Avaray could do it, he still has his wife alive and several children and grandchildren. He continues to work just to earn enough Eddies to send his grandchildren to college, as he did with his children.

If he had the money or a high-paying job that didn't require all of military Chrome, he would take the job and he would change his cyberware to a lighter one. I offered him an instructor position at Lazarus, but his family is in Night City, and he doesn't want to leave them for too long."

Taking a breath, Morgan added, with some regret."As for Norris, he would never do it. Even though he seems like a friendly chromed bear, that old man becomes terrifying in combat. Believe me-"

"I believe you." Almost interrupting Morgan, Sora intervened, trusting him without hesitation, still remembering the future BD of Norris's full cyberpsycho.

"Ahem, as I was saying, I also offered him a position within Lazarus, but ever since his wife died and he barely sees the son they adopted, as he couldn't have their own due to being rendered sterile after the war, Norris doesn't want to... prolong his life. That's why... he never uninstalls his military cyberware."

"I see... in that case, tell Avaray to come work at Iron Beast. Even though Ojii goes almost every day, and although I complain about it, and calling him a pervert, he's not there as much as I'd like him to be.

Apart from him, there's really no one else who would make me feel at ease when Judy is in the workshop. It would be a security job, but he could swap his arms for less demanding ones and cap the software of his Sandervista. The Eddies wouldn't be an issue either. Besides, I don't know if Ojii has told you, but he would be surrounded by beauties."

"!!!" Sora's job offer caused Morgan to open his eyes in surprise beneath his mask, prompting a reaction once he had processed the idyllic job proposition, almost tempted to be the one to accept the job and leave Lazarus, if the boss wasn't going to kill him a few hours later.

Without trusting or understanding Soras' motivations behind making such a good offer for someone he has just met, making Morgan now be the one who asked, distrustfully "Kid... what are you planning? Knowing you, you're not a charitable soul helping others. You are rather the revengeful type— when someone steps on you, you step back on them. Your offer isn't some way to keep me under control by-"

"Morgan, chill, man... If I were thinking something like that, I wouldn't offer such a good job. I say this because Avaray reminds me of a character from a video game that I'm fond of. He had the same last name, Johnson, and was a military guy. Incredible, right?" Sora said, veiling the truth with a joke that was somewhat true.

"..." Causing Morgan's forehead vein to swell instantly, staring at Sora speechless.

Consequently, Sora smiled satisfactorily. "Heh."

Exasperated by the difficulty of dealing seriously with the Kid, Morgan wondered if this is how people felt about him. Morgan asked, "Kid, no more jokes, tell me the truth, why would you want to help him?"

Seeing the seriousness emanating from Morgan, Sora hesitated for the first time. "Tch, don't look at me like that, it's just..."

Not planning on letting go of something so important, Morgan insisted, "It's just what?"


"It's just that..." though embarrassed to admit it, Sora burst out, "Fuck! I just want to lend a hand to the veterans who went through the same fucking shit as Johnny did. Damn it! After all the shit you all went through, being used, lied to, losing comrades, and giving up all that for the benefit of the fucking corporations, all of you deserve more than that. And if I can help out that kind of people, I would... Are you happy now?! FUCK!"

Sora was sincere in his way, not being the first time that he donated part of the profits of Iron Beast, to old veterans of the Second Central American War or people who were passionate about music but had no money to get their first instrument. With Judy being the only one who knew about it.

"..." Morgan stared at Sora again for a few moments before he couldn't hold back anymore and "Pfhahahahha" burst into laughter. He had to wipe tears from beneath his mask, surprised by the human side of Sora that he so carefully hid from people outside his family, even from them. Amidst laughter, Morgan added, "Hahhaha... in the end, I was right... hahahah... when I said you had a heart, kid... hahaha."

Miffed and embarrassed by Morgan's continuous laughter, Sora stopped looking at him and turned his gaze back to the beautiful skyline of Night City. He had to endure Morgan slapping his shoulder and leaning on him, struggling to keep himself upright due to excessive laughter, and the resulting pain in his abdomen.

A few minutes later, with Sora's cigarette finished and Morgan's extinguished, following his uncontrollable bout of laughter, Morgan, now composed, taking Sora's word for it and thought to tell Avaray about the job offer from the mysterious and illusive Iron Beat Co-creator, was the first to speak again.

He changed the subject, while he wondered how Avaray would react to seeing the Red-Oni as a personal defense trainer for a group of women, and as his new co-worker.

"Powler already told you, but you've been officially accepted into Lazarus."

"And I'll tell you the same thing I told her, fuck you all. I haven't signed up for any of that," Sora responded calmly but with a clear tone of annoyance due to Morgan's laughter.

"Don't be so adamant. I understand your reservations, given the... uniqueness of your entry into Lazarus, but kid...

A war is looming, one unlike any we've experienced so far. It might be tomorrow, in 5 years, 10, or 100, but it's inevitable. Knowing that, wouldn't you want to be at least on a side prepared for it?

You don't need to answer now. When we're done with my mission in Night City, give me your answer.

Come on, kid, let's head back. The game's over; the last guests of the evening are arriving. And from experience, when the angry tin man walks into a room, any atmosphere that was there goes to hell. I hope Night Corp has something prepared because if not, it's going to be a very uncomfortable gala," Morgan said, looking at the black AV with red marks from Arasaka that was approaching to land, covering his mouth again with the piece of his mask in his hand.

Sora stared at the black Arasaka AV for a few seconds before nodding and following Morgan inside. As his helmet closed on its own, hiding his smile at Smasher's arrival.

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