Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Tom’s Diner

[Judy Pov]

"Well, ride!" Said Sora as he handed me a grey helmet.

"Are you kidding?"

I replied, Sora had ridden a red orange Yaiba bike, the new model that had come out last year but his was full of scratches and dents nothing really serious but it looked beat up from them and kind of insecure, plus since when did Sora have a bike?

I've known him for years, but I still don't know Sora..... at all and that bothers me..... like what he said in the truck about him being Jackie..... if it's true why didn't he ever tell me that before?

"Hum? What are you talking about?"

he replied as if he didn't understand

"Do you want me to ride that hunk of junk?"

The truth is I was kind of resentful with Sora and the bike didn't look so bad, feeling like riding it myself, but for all the things I didn't know about him and for the throwing myself off the rope I had made to escape from home.... Bastard I'm not going to forget to give it back to you... I was kind of resentful towards Sora.

While thinking about my revenge, I turned my attention back to Sora who was looking at his bike with a puzzled expression in his eyes as he checked it out as if his vision couldn't understand mine that had described it as a 'junk'.

"What are you talking about?..... it's true that, it needs more work, but its beauty can't be hidden by a few scratches here and there... if I had more time lately, I could have left it as good as new, but you see, someone asked me for help in their stupid idea of fixing a fire truck.... Ahamm(tired sigh)... Look where that got us..... you see Jud how you are a bad influence.... if it wasn't for you bent on fixing that truck, we wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble.... tch what a troublesome girlfriend."

Unable to contain myself at the amount of crap Sora was talking, I jumped up!

"Stupid idea, TROUBLE?! It was YOU who SQUEEZED my damn leg by ramming it into the police car, it was YOU who had prepared and spent weeks if not months, fixing suspicious things getting ready to mess up in the process, and on top of that you complain that you didn't have time to fix that that..."

"DON'T SAY IT!" Sora shouted trying to stop me



Don't listen to her oh! Fragment of the Omnissiah oOh!!!! spirit of the machine forgive my girlfriend for such heresy towards you, she's just jealous of my unwavering devotion and faith in your noble presence ohh fragment of the Omnissiah!"

Sora said exaggeratedly as he brought his hands to the mirrors of his motorcycle as if they were his ears to prevent him from hearing my insult, like a father would do to his son to prevent him from hearing an insult or a curse, calling his motorcycle fragment of the Omnissiah and spirit of the machine I had no idea what he was talking about, but Sora sometimes freaks out like now saying nonsensical things..... like that

"And since when the hell do you have a bike?" I asked as Sora kept stroking and whispering something to the rearview mirror of his bike like it was alive..... making me irritated at the sight of it.

"Yeah, yeah who is my girld? yes, you're, Jud.... What's that green-eyed bastard's call me? YES! She is only a carbon cluster, yeah, my heart goes out to you Yaiba so don't listen to her, okey?"


"Ok, I stop now!"


"Well , to answer you.... maybe you know Sora for years, but..... you don't know Jackie hehehehehe"

"Bastard..... still don't believe you, you know?"

"Well the truth....."

Said Sora seriously for a change as he looked me in the eyes almost looking like he was going to tell her the truth of his lie about him being jackie..... Sora can't be Jackie, right? I mean, my boyfriend can't be Jackie Blackhand can he?

"It's that... I don't care if you don't believe me....."

When he said that I knew it was a joke, but a part of me was hurt by what he said, as if he didn't care what I thought of him.... as if I-

"I mean when you see where I'm going to take you, you won't have any doubts heheheh."

With a smile as he said it, I.... no longer hesitated, getting excited about where Sora wanted to take me I put on the helmet he had given me and got on the bike without hesitation.

"Well, where are we going?"

"How about dinner first, I'm starving."

"Great, I'm in the mood for something sweet why don't we go to Tom's Diner?"

"Okay do you want to go see where you almost killed me?"

"Oh stop crying, you',re out here fucking around aren't you?"

"Tch, you shouldn't have to say it like that you know..."

"Hey Sora, have you prepared something to avoid getting caught riding your bike?"

"The helmet is a Faraday Cage on our heads to prevent the traffic cameras from scanning our IDn, the license plate is sprayed with a layer of reflective particles to prevent the license plate from being visible, the only way Ncpd can catch us would be with another chase..... what do you feel like?"

"Tch, show off."

When we finished talking Sora suddenly accelerated making me unconsciously press myself against him for fear of falling which when he did I could imagine a smile on Sora's face because he started to accelerate more while making tighter turns making me scream in fear on the road while I could hear Sora laugh at my screams... bastard

When we arrived at Tom's Diner we sat down and ordered our food, Sora ordered a bunch of double synthetic meat Burgers and I ordered a small one.

After eating I ordered some pancakes for dessert which was my favorite thing from Toms dinner as we continued talking, Sora asked me about my favorite Jackie songs and we talked about them, he also asked me if my grandparents were really mad at me when we got home, I asked him the same thing and he told me about the duel he had a fight with his grandfather which made me look at him with disbelief in her

"Yeah, that old man didn't hold back he even gave me a kick that sent me flying Heheh damn crazy old man."

"Hey Sora, are you ok? after everything that happened that day.... when that cop shot us.... you still haven't told you did it, you've always told me you don't have any cyberware installed, but....."

When I said that to Sora he suddenly changed his expression to a serious one making me tense up too when I saw the face he had made, was he angry because of my question? I was just worried about him.... I thought to myself.

Seeing my face, Sora smiled at me and said.

"I'll tell you everything ok but not now, Jud are you carrying what I gave you to take to high school just in case?"

"Uh, yeah I always carry it like you said".

"Ok, I'm going to pay for our food at the bar I want you to go out the back and ...."

When I was hearing what he wanted me to do from Sora I was surprised by what he was telling me.

"Wait, Sora are you sure?"

"Yeah, they've been following me since I left home I thought I lost them."

"And who the hell are they and why are they following you?"

"I don't know- .... ah! maybe they know I'm Jackie and they're stalkers who want to kidnap me" Sora said as a joke

"Really?.....Tch, we really can't do anything normal with you can we?" I said rolling my eyes

"Oi who are you trying to fool? Look at the smile on your face" Replied Sora.... catching me.


Two men were in an armored car with no visible markings or affiliations on the car in front of a restaurant in Little China, Watson.

Inside the car the two men, had regained the color back in their faces after finding the target assigned to follow by the one of the leaders of the Kiji faction inside Arasaka

"We found it!, send the notice to the supervisor of the mission, I don't know who she is, but I could feel a blade in my testicles every time she asked us for a status update when we had lost the target."

"Yeah apparently she's an assistant to one of the top brass of the Kiji faction within the corporation."

"Tch what's someone like that doing sending us to guard a child, for god's sake on top of that, we're armed to the teeth? Do you have any ideas?"

"No, the whole Kiji faction has been moving like crazy for half a day now so who knows why and from what I could find out about the kid he's the grandson of one of the Arasaka family bodyguards, so who knows maybe they want to suck up to the old man, kept the kid idea..."


"Again this bitch is asking for a status update, what her problem we have already found the target."

As one of the men was about to activate the communicator he noticed a slight imbalance in the car and


"hey is it just me or did someone just give us a flat tire?"

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