Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Tryout II

When Rebecca left, Judy was about to speak again she fell silent, when she saw Sasha's nervous expression as if something had unsettled her.

Sasha was checking the traffic cameras around the warehouse she had hacked into before entering, as a security measure, on them she could see how a large amount of Tygers were approaching the warehouse with the intention of surrounding it, instantly when Sasha finished processing everything, she turned to Judy and said "Run!" without saying anything more, before trying to turn around to run away herself, but was stopped by Judy who grabbed her arm.

Pissing Sasha off at this who shook her hand violently to free herself from Judy's grip before stopping for a second.

"What are you saying, what's going on!?! Are you going to run off and leave Rebecca?" said Judy also nervous not understanding what was going on but knowing it wasn't anything good.

"Tch, you're wasting my time for that nonsense? Do you think Rebecca would listen to me to run away, because a bunch of Tyger are surrounding the warehouse? NO!!, she will want to fight, Judy you should run too, you are not a fighter, I am sorry, but I have things to accomplish as long as I live, and I can't end up here." Sasha said before starting to run towards the back exit of the warehouse, which if she had calculated correctly, the Tygers would not have made it yet

Leaving Judy paralyzed by what Sasha just said, wanting to scream and alert everyone, but she knew it would be useless because of the loud music that the Minis had played generating a small Rave.

Judy not knowing what else to do.... did not hesitate any longer and as Sasha said she also started running after her who had already reached the back door and had gone out through it, a few seconds later, when Judy came running towards the exit, the door opened.

By a Tyger who was undoubtedly of age who aim Judy with his gun, but when he saw her he lowered the barrel, to point one of his limbs at her with the intention of firing.

At the same time the front door of the warehouse also opened flooding the warehouse quickly with Tyger, catching most Minis off guard who heard nothing apart from the song that had reached its loudest point, covering the Tyger entrance, leaving very few Minis able to notice what was going on, without much chance to stop what was about to happen only watching in horror as the Tyger raised their guns and threw several grenades where most of the Minis were dancing distracted by the music, moments before chaos ensued.

Meanwhile in the back of the warehouse a few meters from the exit.

When Judy saw the gun in front of her pointed at her, she could only ``Fuck'' curse at what was about to happen.

Feeling scared and panicked by the situation, amplified by the song that was playing.

When the Tyger saw the reaction of fear on Judy's face he smiled, intending to shoot, but just before pulling the trigger, something interrupted him, distracting him.


With the sound of glass shattering from one of the warehouse windows with great force, as if the window had exploded. Something landed on top of one of the old rack in the warehouse that the Mox had not finished dismantling.

And without stopping, launching himself again towards the person who had a gun pointed at one of 'his creators' and also the target he had been ordered to protect no matter what.

Coming Sora to authorize Eco for the first time since he was created to enter combat mode.

Eco with his holographic hair standing on end and his ears up making him more intimidating and dangerous, now looking more like a wolf than a dog, he quickly lunged towards the arm of the Tyger who was gunning for Judy, activating his teeth as fast as he bit his target, generating the sound of something moving before....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" the Tyger that Eco was biting started screaming as his chainsaw teeth activated and....


Slicing off the hand of the man who had dared to point a gun at his maker.

"Eco!!! what are you doing here!!!, how good to see you!!!" Judy said with a nervous tone of voice, but at the same time with a touch of joy and surprise at Eco's appearance.

"Woof-Woof Grrrhhh woof"[exit-quickly, combat protocol initiated, Order Generated Id; Sora Protection Id;Judy Top priority] Eco said barking through his speakers, but at the same time sending some information in a message to Judy's IDn.

Which when Judy read she couldn't have been more grateful to Sora, even though she hadn't told him anything, he had been able to send Eco to make sure she was alright, without wasting any time Judy stepped over the injured tyger without caring about him or his bleeding arm, being able to walk out of the warehouse.

Meanwhile inside the warehouse

FLASH!x4 blinding grenades exploded right where the Minis were gathered.




When most of the Mox were rubbing their eyes bewildered by what was happening without seeing anything, some even going so far as to cry blood from their burned eyes, from the blinded grenades at close range.

"HAHAHA, REVENGE BITCHES, FUCK THEM, BREAK THEM I DON'T CARE, MAKE SURE TO CATCH THE BITCH LEADERS !" Shouted Ishii who stood in the middle of the group of Tygers with his two chrome arms, one that his father had paid for, and another that he used the Tygers Kuvx funds to pay for them and more that was not in plain sight. Making Ishii's already deranged mind pay a price for all the chrome he had put on in such a short time, straining his mind even more, coming to start seeing some really scary things, not like before when he only heard the laughter of people who had laughed at him, Ishii was beginning to fall off the precipice of cyberpsychosis.

"Ishii son of a bitch what are you doing here!" yelled Selena ``Q'' raising her bat pointed with it at the Tygers and the other had a sawed off shotgun pointed down, as she gathered the rest of Minis who were not blinded and at the mercy of the Tygers pointing at them almost like hostages.

"What am I doing here? HAHAHA. I've come to buy new whores for our locals and besides.... do THIS!" Ishii said as he too stretched his cybernetic arm towards Selena who was aiming at him with the bat, but Ishii took aim with his P.L.S, a Projectile Launch System installed on one of his Cybernetic arms that fire as fast as Selena recognized it "SHIT!"


"AHHHH" Blowing off Selene's arm she had aimed at the tygers with her bat, dropping the shotgun she held in her other hand to grab what was left of the arm with it.

"How does it feel to be one arm short, ahhhh what a pleasure to hear your screams, I've been waiting for them all week, Now the rest is missing."

Ishii said as he looked over all the minis and ended up looking at the few Minis that had been able to arm themselves and had intention to fight in their eyes, Skyler Rossy and Angel being within that group.

"Put your weapons down or...." Ishii paused as he drew his smart gun aimed at Selena.

"One of your leaders kick the bucket along with the rest of your whore friends, choose, to make it easier, you 6 shoot" said Ishii, while with his head he looked at 6 of his Tyger who were aiming at the unarmed Minis who were half blinded and unarmed to open fire

"STOP!, WE SURRENDER!" shouted Skyler inside the armed group of Minis, trying to stop ishii before he fired, it´s true, that she didn't want Selena to get hurt anymore but what moved Skyler was the unarmed Minis, don't get hurt, inside that group were the Minis from her high school, her friends.

"YES, don't hurt them" Rossy said as she too dropped her weapon with similar thoughts to Skyler and with her the rest of the Minis along with Angel.

When everyone had dropped their weapons and the Tyger's had approached with their weapons raised "Great" said Ishii, when he opened fire again toward Selana.




When Ishii was about to finish off Selena in front of the rest of the Minis, who were pale from what they were witnessing and at the same time making them fear what was going to happen to them next, all but one froze.

She was hiding in the wreckage of the warehouse, having passed unseen by the Tyger, due to her small size, leaving her relatively close to where Ishii was.

It was Rebecca, who couldn't take it anymore, after she too saw what Ishii was doing to Selena and what he was going to do next.

Causing Rebecca to lash out "BASTARD!!!". Yelling at Ishii and interrupting him from shooting again, saving Selena's life, jumping up with her bat held high as she pulled a green and fuchsia M-76e Omaha pistol from her coat firing as fast as she drew it at Ishii, who looked surprised.

But it was not difficult for him to evade Rebecca's surprise attack, moving out of the way of the bullets, when his Synaptic Accelerator, another of the Cyberware that Ishii had installed this week, automatically activated in the lower part of his neck.

It was military grade cyberware, which allowed him to slow down time automatically when his mind sensed an enemy's attack.

That in this slowed down world Ishii had time to get a better look at his attacker and after seeing her small size reminding him of a little girl and the furious expressions he made while shooting, he had time for his mind to fill with vicious thoughts, imagining Rebecca in them.

And making him act accordingly, as Ishii advanced towards Rebecca, while with his other unused chrome arm, he deployed a matis blade with which he slashed the bat next to Rebecca's Omaha pistol, finishing the blade on Rebecca's neck before stopping "I like you, I'll make you scream a lot next to that bitch Judy, where is she by the way?"

As Ishii sexually threatened her and put on a perverted expression in front of Rebecca, "Heh, fuck you, looks like the brainiacs are smart for a reason and they were gone before you got here, HTG" Rebecca said relieved that her friend Sashas and.... though she annoyed her, also her new friend Judy looked like they had really escaped, as Rebecca sent Ishii to fuck off and spat at her, going so far as to force the mantis-blade into her neck to do so, which started to leave a thin trickle of blood on Rebecca's pale neck.

When Ishii heard Rebecca's words, even when she had spat at him there was no reaction, as he moved his head to check Rebecca's words which when he checked and didn't see Judy, He turned angrily to the smiling Rebecca, giving her a hard kick sending her flying, in the form of revenge, making her crash into several crates before stopping and losing consciousness. Causing some Minis to look away in sadness and hatred at the sight.

Ishii turned to the Tyger and said to them "Take the leaders of the whores, also the half dead one, along with the bitches you like the most, with the rest do what you wanted to kill them shoot them in the arms or break their legs I don't care, take that one with you too" finished Ishii pointing to Rebecca unconscious and wounded before running off towards the back exit.... That ishii had sent Brock and a few more to control.

When Ishii reached the back door, he could see one of his own badly injured, with his hand cut, without wasting time or caring Ishii stepped over him, leaving the warehouse.

Surprising himself as soon as he came out, when he heard a loud noise of metal clashing, as if something was biting metal hard generating the loud noise, when Ishii saw the source of the noise, he could see Brock fighting, against what ishii could only identify as a wolf, and two other badly wounded Tygers on the ground.

Brock was against the wall of the warehouse, being pushed by Eco who was standing on his two hind paws while, Brock clutching his front paws from which sharp blades were coming out of them, which Brock had witnessed how with them, Eco had left his two companions badly wounded.

He was desperately grabbing, with his two Cyberware gorilla arms, Echo's front paws, not so much worrying about the blades on his paws, as he was with Eco's metal jaws that Brock was desperately trying to push away, which were opening and closing violently, generating the loud metallic noise, inches from Brock's face with the intention of tearing it apart.

Meanwhile, Judy had hidden behind one of the nearby containers, oblivious to ishii's exit from the warehouse. She was distracted watching Eco's fight, hoping that it would end soon so that they could escape from danger together.

Ishii as he finished processing what he was seeing scanned the alleyway of the warehouse barely noticing a foot sticking out from behind a dumpster, realizing who it was and that she hadn't managed to escape, he broke into a sickly smile unable to contain his joy.

Walking straight towards the hidden person, grabbing her as she froze as she realized who had found her. Ishii grabbed the frightened Judy, embracing her from behind with one arm while with the other he aimed her with his Projectile Launch of his chrome arm.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on, and I'd like to see how this ends, but we don't have time to waste, doggy if you don't stop, I'll explode the head of the person you're trying to protect how about that? Do you understand?" Ishii said without being entirely sure that Eco was going to understand him and if not, he planned to go back inside the warehouse leaving Brock to manage.

Eco realizing the situation retracted his blades of his paws and stopped his attempt to bite Brock's face who could barely resist any longer, coming to think that he was actually going to die with his face ripped off.

When Ishii saw that Eco had stopped, at the same time that Judy lost all hope of ever escaping, falling into despair over what was going to happen to her and as for Eco's well being, she said the only thing she could do "Eco run! please" She said desperately, hoping that at least Eco managed to escape, with her eyesight beginning to blur with tears, feeling full of guilt and fear for what was happening and seeing no change in Eco, who seemed to refuse to escape, Judy added shouting "IT'S AN ORDER!"

As Eco followed Ishii's demands, and refused to run away leaving his creator alone, Eco stood watching Judy with his cameras, almost appearing serene even when Ishi

But Eco still didn't move, almost seeming to refuse to leave and leave Judy, her creator, alone, besides he couldn't follow Judy's order even if he wanted to, because Sora's current order was still in effect, Protect Id; Judy, at any cost. And that's what Eco was going to do even as Ishii....

"Great!" Switching Target to his Projectile Launch from his arm to Eco, firing at him.

"NOOO!!!" Desperately shouted Judy trying to free herself from Ishii's grip as she watched as Ishii shoots at Eco splitting him in half, leaving the desperate Judy in tears to witness Eco's eyes slowly going out, who barely managed to free herself from Ishii's grip as he released her, to grab her by the hair the next second, amidst the screams, tears and kicking of Judy who was desperately trying to get closer to the rest of Eco without worrying about her hair or the pain she was feeling.

Judy was being dragged back inside the warehouse where the Tygers were starting to load the hostages into the vans that had entered the warehouse by Ishii, with Eco's eyes just shutting out watching him doit.


Meanwhile somewhere near the H10 Megabuilding in Watson's district.

Where a car alarm could be heard in the background, a young man with bright blue eyes was riding recklessly on an Airboard at full speed, attracting the attention of both pedestrians and drivers, who were forced to brake abruptly when the young man invaded the roadway, unable to avoid pedestrians, even when he jumped over them..

Causing people who came across him and could see the expression in his bright eyes to be frightened.

[Has he arrived?] Sora asked in a serious and cold tone, which made...

[No-no... Eco.... has not yet reached the Qpc of the apartment] That even Cortana, who was an AI, felt fear and sadness at the same time for all the emotions she could identify in Sora's voice.

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