Dad’s dog licking system

Chapter 17 Helping my cousin out

"Ahem! That - cousin, you don't have to worry about it. My cousin has helped you solve this matter. It can be regarded as a wedding gift from your cousin!" Chu Yang coughed lightly and said.

"Ah! Cousin, are you serious? Can you really find so many luxury cars? Then you saved my cousin's life! My family's hair has turned a lot gray these days!" Jiang Hao Overjoyed.

"You brat! This is a big deal, don't talk too much about it! You can't bear the responsibility if it delays the matter!" Mom Jiang Shumin scolded.

Chu Yang scratched his head and said: "Look at what you said, I am such an old man, but I still can't keep my mouth shut? Would I say something that I am not sure about? What's more, this is a major matter related to my cousin's lifelong happiness. . In the past few years, I have worked hard in the magic city, and I have some connections. I also know some of the rich people. It is no problem to build a luxury car team." Chu Yang continued to ask: "Jiang Hao, what time do you want the car the day after tomorrow?"

"Cousin, it's better to have it earlier! We also need flowers and balloons with happy words on them, and the first car needs to be decorated with flowers!" Jiang Hao replied.

"Okay! I'll ask them to arrive at Jiangjiacun at 7 a.m. the day after tomorrow. The first car will be a Stretch Bentley, plus 10 Rolls-Royces. We won't arrange supercars for weddings. That thing is not practical."

Jiang Hao was stunned when he heard this: "Yaoshou! How grand this must be! Is my cousin so famous in the devil's capital!" No, I have to follow my cousin from now on!Jiang Hao thought in his heart.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Hao said goodbye and left. He left with great joy. The problem that had troubled his family for several days was finally solved. He felt that the night was particularly charming.

"Chu Yang! Are you really sure?" Jiang Shumin was still a little nervous and asked again.

"Mom! Let me transfer some money to you so that you can see my current financial resources, so that you won't worry. I have done some business with others in partnership these few times, and I have initially achieved financial freedom." As for other industries, Chu Yang I can’t say yet, it’s too outrageous!She picked up her cell phone and started operating it. After a while, Jiang Shumin's cell phone text message alert beeped. When she saw the information on the text message that 2000 million had been credited to her bank account, her heart beat wildly!

"Son! You haven't done anything illegal or criminal, have you? Why do you have so much money?" She was shocked by this set of data even though she was so arrogant!

"Mom! Look what you said, I have done illegal and criminal things and I can still sit here peacefully? Do you think the Long Kingdom police are all vegetarians? They don't supervise such a large data flow?" Chu Yang curled his lips.

"That's right!" Chu's mother patted her chest and said, "Mother will save this money for you to use in marrying a wife and buying a house in the future! By the way, son! What happened to Xiaoyue's mother?" Jiang Shumin realized later. asked.

"I don't know what's going on?" Chu Yang said depressedly, "Three years ago, a lawyer suddenly came to me and handed my daughter and a paternity test certificate to me, saying that he was entrusted by someone. After that, I had to drop out of school and work to support my daughter, it was that simple.”

"Silly boy, why didn't you tell your parents about such a big thing!" Jiang Shumin said sadly, "You haven't grown up yet, and you still have a daughter! Why don't you take it home and raise it with your parents? Mom is worse than me You know how to take care of children! Both you and Mu Yue were raised by your mother!"

"Uh... I was so hot at the time that I got into trouble. I always thought about my own affairs and didn't want to cause any trouble to you." Chu Yang touched his nose and secretly sighed that his predecessor was too stupid, but he was also glad that he was stubborn, otherwise he would have been too stubborn. There is no coming of oneself.

"Mom! Let's not talk about the past. I brought some gifts for you and dad. You can take a look." In order to divert mom's attention, the gifts that Chu Yang wanted to take out when he left were removed from a pile of gift boxes. Turned inside out.With the 2000 million yuan as a starting point, Jiang Shumin was not too surprised when faced with the emerald bracelet that Chu Yang took out. Although with her own financial resources and a salary of several thousand yuan a month, such luxury goods are not usually available. Dare to think.Now that her son respects her, Jiang Shumin happily takes it and wears it.Looking at the green bracelets on the two wrists, I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

"Mom! I bought this watch for my dad. You can give it to him when he comes home! You can also keep my sister's necklace and give it to her when she comes home. These nutritional supplements are also for you and me. To replenish the body." With this move, he took it out in one go. After he was freed, he quickly went back to his room to sleep. As for the rest of the finishing work, he didn't care about it.

The next day, after breakfast, Jiang Shumin went to school. Chu Yang took his daughter to the county town for a day of fun and had lunch at a restaurant.At the end of the day, Chu Xiaoyue had a great time, and also received a lot of daddy points for Chu Yang. Maybe Chu Yang took her daughter to watch some old men playing chess in the park, and was rewarded with a mastery of chess.Chu Yang didn't like this very much, so he just threw it in the corner of the system and didn't learn from it.In the evening, he finally saw Chu Zemin, a busy man. Chu Yang said happily: Has the busy man finished his work?Why do you feel like you are busier than the country's leaders? "

"The bastard is still teasing your dad? The division of labor in the revolution is different. Everything must be taken seriously. There is no small matter for the masses, and the people are greater than the sky! Although your dad and I are just a small deputy mayor, we must also work hard. , I will give my all and die!" Chu Zemin said with a straight face.

Seeing his father, who was full of energy and seemed ten years younger, starting to preach in a serious manner, Chu Yang made a pause gesture with his hands.It seems that after taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill, the two people's bodies have become rejuvenated from the inside out, and they no longer need to worry about their bodies.When I see the Rolex on my father’s left hand, it seems that my mother has accepted all the changes in herself.

After the daughter and grandpa had a happy interaction, they each washed up and went back to their rooms. Tomorrow, they were going to their mother's house to drink their nephew's wedding banquet, so everyone went to bed early.

The next morning, everyone got up one after another.After breakfast, Chu Zemin, as a public employee, naturally went to work.Jiang Shumin confessed that he remembered to go to the banquet on time and waved him away. After that, the three of them dressed up carefully, after all, they wanted to support the scene.Especially when Chu Xiaoyue is dressed up like a little fairy descending to earth, anyone who sees it will want to take her home!Chu Yang drove the car, and his mother sat in the back holding her granddaughter. The town was not far from her mother's home, and it only took more than 20 minutes to drive there.Before setting off, Chu Yang redeemed an extended Bentley and ten Rolls-Royce Qingfeng from the system and put them on the national highway not far from Jiangjiacun, then drove to the road at the beginning of Jiangjiacun and parked there.The system is very considerate, and the car comes with a driver's 24-hour service. Of course, this costs Chu Yang some money.For Chu Yang, who has a net worth of more than 1000 nanny points, it is not too heartbreaking to spend 101 points. After all, these are eleven luxury cars. In the future, he can expand his high-end car rental business, huh!It would be good to open a car rental company, let my cousin Jiang Hao be in charge!

Driving to Jiangjia Village, I saw a row of luxury cars parked on the roadside. Next to each car stood a young man wearing a black suit, sunglasses and white gloves.There were many villagers gathered not far away, and everyone was whispering and not daring to get close.Chu Yang drove over and as soon as he stopped, the leader of the group ran to Chu Yang's car and bowed and said, "Young Master Chu! We will arrive on time as you requested!"

"Yes! Very good!" Chu Yang nodded with satisfaction, "Follow me and everyone drives in!"

"Yes!" The leader in black returned respectfully.

A row of twelve luxury cars drove into the village and arrived on the road in front of Jiang Hao's house. After the car pulled over, Jiang Hao's family, who had been waiting on the roadside early in the morning, gathered around Jiang Hao. With red eyes, he held Chu Yang's hand and thanked him constantly!Jiang Hao's parents also came up to express their gratitude. The little fairy Chu Xiaoyue naturally became the object of admiration from the stars, and Chu's mother, who was nearly ten years younger, triggered a circle of topics.As for the decoration of the welcoming vehicle, it was quickly decorated with all the relatives and friends coming to the battle, and even Chu Yang and his vehicle were requisitioned.At eight past ten in the morning, the motorcade set off on time and drove slowly towards the county seat amid the admiration and admiration of everyone.Chu Yang did not bring his daughter with him this time. After all, the wedding venue was too chaotic for fear of not taking good care of her. Moreover, her mother hugged her tightly and had no intention of letting go. Chu Xiaoyue was so immersed in the delicious food that she no longer knew who Chu Yang was. .

At [-] o'clock, the whole motorcade arrived at an old community in the county where Jiang Hao's mother-in-law's family is located. Fortunately, they knew that a group of luxury cars were coming to pick up the bride today, so Jiang Hao's wife Zhong Xiaomei's house also had red lanterns hanging high, creating a festive atmosphere. Very strong.There wasn’t any bad drama this time, maybe I was intimidated by this fleet of luxury cars!Anyone with a little bit of brain would be able to imagine that for the Jiang Hao family to be able to use such a luxurious fleet, there must be someone with great hands and eyes behind them. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable if they continue to make things difficult?

After lunch, after some procedures, the bride-to-be team left smoothly from the bride’s house and returned to the groom’s house.Then it ended successfully in a lively and harmonious atmosphere!

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