Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Ou Shaowen happily responded, went back to the room to fetch the quilt, carefully divided the bed in half, and placed his own quilt and pillow.

“Don’t worry, I sleep very quietly, I promise I won’t bump into you, and I won’t make any noise.” He couldn’t restrain his little excitement, acting like a kid who was going on a spring outing the next day.

Ou Shaowen stopped talking about hugging him to sleep, the two quilts were clearly separated, and he swore there that he would not cross the Chu River-Han border, but Ou Renjin just refused to let him go, “Didn’t you say you want to hug me to sleep? Don’t touch me.” How can I hug and sleep.”

Ou Shaowen turned his head, opened his arms and patted him on the back with a “slap”, and embraced him vigorously, “Just hug him like this.”

“It’s so strange.” He said, “Every time I touch your body, I feel very happy. If I can get closer to you, I will be even happier. If only I could be so happy all the time.”

Ou Renjin: “…” He felt that this person seemed to be driving, in other words, offering an invitation cryptically.

He thought about whether to use his usual excuses to perfunctory-in fact, I am very conservative in my bones, and I would hope that everything will happen naturally after we get married.

Usually hearing his answer like this, little lovers will always be secretly happy and moved, and they will involuntarily start to look forward to being the person who will go that step with him.

But before he could open his mouth, Ou Shaowen let him go without hesitation, turned around and threw himself on the bed, he pushed himself into the quilt from the middle, and exposed two eyes at the edge, those eyes were full of satisfaction and a smile , looked at him deeply with a heavy friendship that seemed too heavy for Shengdu.

Ou Renjin’s throat was a little itchy, and he felt that he should say something at this moment.

But… what is the most suitable one?

“Good night.”

The two voices sounded together, very softly, as if they were afraid of shattering some beautiful dream.

“When are you leaving tomorrow morning, can you wake me up before you leave?”

Ou Renjin lay down on the other side of the bed, “I remember you have no work schedule tomorrow, is there anything you need to get up early?”

“Yes, I want to see you off!”

Ou Renjin laughed softly, “Look, how cute you are.”



“Then can you call me tomorrow?”

“Okay, I promise you, I will call you tomorrow.”

Later, they talked about what you said and what I said, but I can’t remember clearly.

Because of a little experience in his youth, Ou Renjin was actually very afraid of some people making noises beside his bed, as long as someone approached his bed at this time, no matter how light his footsteps were, he would be awakened. It feels very uncomfortable to be awakened like this, the heart seems to jump out of the throat, the eardrums are buzzing, and I can’t even breathe. He had to press his chest hard and try to calm down and adjust for a long time before he could return to his normal breathing rate.

The point of this problem is not sleep, but the bed. In other places, on the sofa, on the desk, in the car, although he could not sleep deeply, he would not be awakened suddenly and uncomfortable.

Therefore, Ou Renjin originally planned to sleep in another room after putting the child to sleep. Unexpectedly, during the low-pitched conversation, he quickly fell into a deep sleep, and it wasn’t until the next morning when he woke up from the bed with the sound of another person’s breathing that he vaguely recalled , It seems that there is an extra person on my bed.

He turned his head to look at Ou Shaowen, his sleeping position was very regular, he was lying face up, his hands were placed straight on his sides, motionless, a bit like a lifeless corpse.

Ou Renjin’s heart was shocked for some reason, and he stretched out his hand to push him, “Hey, wake up.”

“En.” Before Ou Shaowen opened his eyelids, he answered him first, then his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes to look at him.

Ou Renjin heaved a sigh of relief, and teased, “So you really didn’t exaggerate, you slept so peacefully all night, and you didn’t touch me from the beginning to the end.” He said, stretching out his index finger to touch his face, “Okay, that’s the only physical contact we’ll have in bed.”

Then he got out of bed and put on his slippers, and said in a serious tone as he walked to the bathroom: “If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to hug me to sleep again, what a pity.”

Ou Shaowen stared at him intently as he entered the bathroom, nodded, and responded sincerely: “Yes, what a pity.”

When Ou Renjin came out after washing, Ou Shaowen was still staring blankly in his direction, he walked straight over, raised his chin with one hand, and kissed his lips.

It’s a bit different from the feeling of skin-to-skin contact, and it’s also different from the feeling of kissing him on the face. Ou Shaowen’s poor vocabulary can’t describe his feelings at the moment. When he got up, he didn’t want him to leave just like that at all.

So, he grabbed Ou Renjin’s hand and gently pulled him to sit on the side of the bed. He caressed his neck with his other hand, not wanting him to distance himself at all.

The corners of Ou Renjin’s mouth seemed to be upturned, and he deepened the kiss obediently, although it was limited to the entanglement between the lips, it still made him very satisfied. The kid doesn’t understand anything, only knows that every time his lips want to leave, he sticks them tightly, so immature, but so cute.

“Okay.” He turned his face away, avoiding Ou Shaowen’s pursuit again, “I’m going to work, you can go back to sleep again.”

Ou Shaowen shook his head, then got up, “I want to have breakfast with you.”

So they had breakfast together again, and Ou Shaowen sent him to the car all the way, and stood at the door watching him drive further and further away.

The figure in the rearview mirror looks like a watchdog. It’s just a little bit more pampering, how could it become so clingy.

Ou Renjin smiled and glanced at the rearview mirror. Ou Shaowen was still standing there looking at the direction the car was driving away. He couldn’t help but repeat it again, how clingy!

After that day, Aunt Zhou began to sigh in Ou Shaowen’s ear over and over again, “Mr. Ou really likes you, he rarely stayed here for the night before.” “Never leave anyone in the room at night.” “”I heard that you are going to buy us a gift, I don’t know how jealous you are!” “How often do you contact Mr. Ou? Why are boys so reserved, and Mr. Ou is so busy, how often do you contact Mr. Ou?” I always count on him to contact you, I don’t know when we will meet again.”

So, Ou Shaowen finally started to try to send text messages to Ou Renjin.

He hesitated for two full days, increasing and decreasing, and finally sent a text message—

I want to kiss you, when will you have time?

Then, he added-

If you’re busy, you don’t have to come here, I can find you in the past.

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