Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 05 – Riveria Ljos Alf

Chapter Size: 1933 Words.


• Name: Lucius Drakenar
• Race: Human
• Family/Falna: [None]
• Nickname: Loser/Useless Trash of the Family
• Level: 1

• Strength: 58 -> 60
• Endurance: 71 -> 72
• Dexterity: 63 -> 65
• Agility: 81 -> 85
• Magic: 0 -> 30

• Blessing of ?????? (Nullifies Any Mana/Mental Energy Expenditure)

• Fire Spell/Firebolt/Rank E


These new stats aren't bad; it seems like my potential has finally emerged after unlocking the system. I used nothing but magic and gained 30 points in that stat. This happened only on the seventh floor in 2 hours in the dungeon. I also gained a few points in other physical areas where I didn't exert much effort, so I can't complain.

I was still looking at the screen when I heard footsteps approaching, diverting my attention to the corridor where the noise was coming from. I became a bit cautious immediately. Inside the dungeon, you never know what might happen when adventurers encounter each other. In most cases, they just pass by without caring, but there are adventurers who hunt others for stones and equipment when there's no personal feud involved.

And I can't deny that, with my condition, I look like an easy target here. Not to mention that I'm still weak; I need time to start protecting myself, and I'll never achieve that on my first day.

When I saw the owners of those footsteps, I couldn't help but look relieved as I let out a sigh: two slender figures were approaching me. I was relieved, but I couldn't deny my shock when I realized who they were. The blonde girl was the first one I noticed. How could I not recognize that indifferent face that I always saw in the anime? It was the sword princess, Aiz Wallenstein, with her companion by her side.

This means that Bell is in the dungeon too, as they would find him on the fifth floor unconscious from exhaustion due to mental expenditure. But that makes sense, as today was when he learned the same spell as me. When he woke up, he would know he had magic and would test it like a madman, not much different from me, except I can't have Mindzero.

As I shifted my gaze to the girls, who had already noticed a Lucius leaning against the wall trying to soothe his throat, I was a little surprised. There was no denying it.

Aiz was indeed beautiful, but that woman was by far the most beautiful I had ever seen in two lives. Her name is Riveria Ljos Alf, whom I knew from the anime. I expected great beauty from them after watching the anime, and I don't remember encountering them before, except for glimpses in the distance during Loki's grand raids that stopped the city to watch, as the goddess invests heavily in her family's marketing. So, I saw them briefly from a great distance.

But looking up close, especially that elf, surpassed all the standards I had seen. But high elves are, by nature, extremely snobbish and pure, and she is no different, or was. As far as I know, she herself was extremely snobbish when she came to Orario with Loki and Finn in the early years. She had great prejudice even against Finn Deimne and Gareth Landrock, who are members of her generation and current highest-level executive colleagues, working together to strengthen and manage the family. Over time, she improved her relationship; well, that doesn't matter to me.

"Are you okay?" said a voice, not as sweet as the girls I'm used to.

I didn't notice when these women approached me, stopping in front of me. I thought I might be ignored by both as they continued up the floors.

Of course, I didn't realize they were approaching, thanks to my distracting thoughts, something I have to be careful about while I'm here in the dungeon...

I looked at Riveria, who was a few meters away from me with Aiz by her side, and sighed.

"I'm fine, but I'll be honest if you have water in your bag, I would appreciate it..." I said with a sad smile; my throat was already saturated, and I would like to drink something before going back to the fifth floor again.

Generally, these women wouldn't interact with anyone in the dungeon and would ignore all other adventurers not from their family. However, seeing a man leaning against the wall, seemingly tired, wearing nothing but dirty clothes in the middle of the seventh floor during the nighttime, caught their attention.

In the women's minds, their first thought was that this unknown adventurer had been left to die, judging by the state of his clothes and the absence of any weapon to defend himself.

She looked at me strangely for a moment; Aiz, who was beside her, looked at me with no expression. The elf seemed clean and well, but Aiz had her clothes slightly torn and showed some parts of her body that would make anyone look. I didn't even glance at her beyond recognizing her as a 2D character I had seen in my past life. As far as I remember, I hadn't really seen her in these two years that I've been in Orario as a level 1 adventurer. However, my attention was more interested in the response of the green-haired, emerald-eyed elf beside her, as I needed a drink.

"We do have some, here," she said neutrally. Her voice carried a tone of leadership or strict mentorship and was naturally indifferent. As she took out a bottle.

"You don't know how much you're helping me, elven lady!" I couldn't help but thank her happily, with a big smile. Despite my face being quite dirty from the dust and smoke I caused so far, I still had a nice smile.

I quickly took the bottle she handed me without touching it with my hands since, for elves, touch is a delicate matter; not even in their family, she has contact.

I wasted no time and opened the bottle to soothe my throat as I poured the contents into my mouth quickly.

*gulp!* *gulp!* *gulp!* *gulp!* *AHHHH!*

"That's great!" I smiled again with my relieved burst.

"Do you need help getting back to the surface?" She asked me after seeing me drink with a relieved expression. They might ignore all adventurers, but they are still kind enough to see someone struggling. Even though my issue is only with my throat, what about someone standing on the seventh floor without armor?

"No, miss, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm fine; I just needed some water to soothe my throat, which made me quite happy with this bottle!" I said confidently, but it didn't seem to stop her from asking more.

"But you're alone, without equipment or a weapon. How can you want to stay here?" She asked me quite curiously. Anyone would think that I could be on the verge of death here, but here I was, smiling and talking as if I wasn't on the seventh floor with empty hands and dirty clothes.

'How should I explain this...' I thought, and with an idea, I pointed my hand to a corner of the corridors.

"Firebolt!" I said.

I couldn't help but notice her eyes widening when she saw my palm light up and launch a small fireball, illuminating all sides as the fire went straight.


The small explosion was heard and seemed to alert other monsters in the area because, as I stood here for a while, some were born in the nearby corridors.

"Such a fast casting magic!" She couldn't help but exclaim with surprise. Such magics are rare, even among mages, as they are more suitable for adventurers focused on agility, like Aiz, who also looked surprised.

"As you can see, miss, I can take care of myself. I am a quite capable mage on the early floors. Besides being a bit tired, I can take care of myself, but I appreciate the concern. Not everyone extends a helping hand to someone in this damn dungeon," I said.

"Well... I guess you're right. Anyway, let's continue our way to the surface." She said but not before studying me first.

"May I know your name and family?" She asked.

"Well, I could say, but isn't it polite to introduce yourself before asking someone to introduce themselves?" I said, making her a little stunned.

"Well, I thought you would already know me..." She said awkwardly.

"*Cough* My name is Riveria Ljos Alf, executive of the Loki family. Beside me is Aiz Wallenstein, my pupil." She said.

"Well, I am Lucius Drakenar, as for my family, I can't say right now, maybe next time we meet, perhaps?" I said, as if I mention being expelled, it would be bothersome to explain my situation, and I am not interested in the Loki family. If by chance she thought I could join with my magical talent, I would have to come up with an excuse.

Yes, the Loki family would be a good option to join and protect me, but I value freedom, and I don't think Finn would be so open to the idea of having a lone wolf among them. She found it strange that I didn't mention my family, but decided not to ask further. Aiz, beside her, in addition to being surprised by my spell, remained silent and expressionless, simply listening to me and Riveria conversing.

"So, let's continue, I hope you'll be fine," she said.
"Before you go, let me ask, if it's not too much trouble, do you happen to have any spare bags to collect crystals?" I asked with a forced smile, not wanting to impose too much on them, but I needed it.
"Okay, we have one here leftover..." she said a bit suspiciously.
'If I had to bet, I'd say she's wondering what happened with other crystals, leaving them in the dungeon after killing monsters is a crime, as if other monsters eat them, they can evolve into a variant.' I thought.
It seems I need to carry some crystals, as people might report me to the guild, which would bring a lot of trouble to explain.

Once she handed me the bag, she said, "Anyway, let's go now, until next time, Mr. Lucius." She said as she prepared to turn around, and Aiz followed her.
"Yes, thank you, Lady Riveria. I have a slight feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, not that I have anything to complain about." I smiled with my best smile.

She looked at the bold adventurer a bit surprised, but soon her expression returned to a neutral one, and she simply nodded and began to leave with Aiz by her side.

Anyway, I don't expect to attract much attention. Maybe Riveria will mention this encounter, but I doubt it will catch Loki's attention. Casting high-speed magic for a human may be unusual, but nothing too extraordinary. And I only showed one spell; my secrets are much deeper.

I rested for 20 minutes while drinking some water I had received; now I was ready to go back and was sure to encounter a white rabbit, which should be in Mind Zero right now.

But as I started climbing between the floors, I began to reflect... "Maybe I need a family..." This encounter with the Loki family girls led me to this conclusion because even though my Falna receives automatic updates, I still need an organization/family behind me to make it more difficult for someone to want trouble with me and my secrets.

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