Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 103 – Riveria Date 03.

[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]
Third Person POV
Somewhere outside Orario.



As the afternoon was coming to an end, Lucius and Riveria continued to enjoy the serenity and beauty of the place, with the sky painted in orange hues.

"It's amazing how we can be so far from civilization and yet enjoy such comfort," observed Riveria, holding a wine glass and admiring the sunset view.

Lucius smiled and raised his glass in a toasting gesture. "I hope you enjoyed the wine," he said, "It's a small part of what I wanted to share with you today."

They toasted, and after taking a sip, Riveria replied: "This wine... It's excellent. It perfectly matches this moment. You really have good taste, Lucius."

Lucius thanked her with a satisfied nod. The conversation between them flowed naturally, each sharing personal stories and experiences. Riveria talked about her youth days and the pressures of being a noble elf, while Lucius told stories of his adventures.

"Have you been to places like this before?" asked Lucius, curious about Riveria's experiences outside the context of elf nobility.

Riveria thought for a moment before answering. "Not often. Most of my life has always been full of responsibilities and expectations from my father. Moments like this, of pure freedom and relaxation, are rare for me, even now in Orario."

"Then let's make sure this moment is even more memorable," said Lucius, with an encouraging smile.

They continued to chat and laugh, as the sky turned into a spectacle of colors. Riveria opened up more, talking about her dreams and aspirations often hidden under the mantle of her responsibilities.

"You know, Lucius," said Riveria, looking at the horizon, "there's so much of the world that I still want to see and experience. Places I want to explore, knowledge I wish to acquire."

Lucius listened attentively, nodding in understanding. "You should allow yourself these experiences. The world is vast and full of wonders. And you, as a wise and curious elf, have much to gain by exploring it."

"You're right," agreed Riveria, a glint of enthusiasm in her eyes. "Maybe I should start thinking about it, maybe you would accompany me?" She suddenly suggested.

Lucius, a bit surprised by this, nodded. "I would be honored to be your travel companion."

Riveria looked at Lucius, a smile forming on her lips. "I would really like that, Lucius. Your company would certainly make any trip more interesting, as you are always unpredictable."

As Riveria had a smile on her face with some expectation, her thoughts returned to the abilities of this human, she looked at Lucius with curiosity and admiration. "You said this is spatial and alteration magic?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest as she pointed to the comfortable carpet they were sitting on and enjoying the wine that Lucius magically made appear in their hands.

"Yes, it's a combination of spatial and alteration magic. The carpet and the glasses are magic that I

can create or manipulate objects within a certain space as I inject my energy into them, I also have a storage space, where I had stored the wine," Lucius explained.

"Were you expecting something like this?" She couldn't help but smile at the joke, with the alcohol slightly affecting her thoughts.

"Of course not, your appearance this morning was a surprise, I'm just making the most of what I have, but I have other tricks up my sleeve," Lucius joked.

Riveria nodded, returning to thoughts of Lucius's abilities, quickly bombarded him with questions. "About your magic, that's incredible! Can you create anything? How extensive is the range of your spatial magic? Can you only transport small objects or is there a limit to the size and distance?"

Lucius smiled, appreciating Riveria's interest. "Well, I can create anything useful like furniture and even a forge, but I can't create weapons. The range and size of objects I can transport depend largely on how much space I have in my dimensional space, as my current space is very small, just 1 meter."

"You are amazing, Lucius, your teleportation magic is already quite surprising, but now this spell of creating objects and dimensional space? That's unprecedented. It's like..." said Riveria with some admiration.

"Hahaha. Maybe so, but don't compare me to your ancestor, Elf, he is he, and I am me." Lucius spoke, knowing what Riveria was about to say to him, the royal lineage of the high elves comes directly from him.

"But..." Riveria was going to comment, but Lucius was quicker.

"Riveria," Lucius interrupted gently, "today I would like us to set aside discussions about magic. Let's just enjoy this moment, each other's company, and this exceptional wine." He gestured.

Riveria, initially surprised by the interruption, soon understood Lucius's intention and smiled, accepting the change in tone with a blush on her face. "You're right, Lucius. Let's enjoy."

The wine, smooth and rich in flavor, was the perfect accompaniment to the casual and relaxed conversation that followed. They continued talking about their travels, funny experiences they had, the atmosphere was light and joyful, with laughter echoing in the quiet mountainous evening.

Riveria laughed softly, agreeing with Lucius. "Alright, let's leave magic aside for today. But I must admit, you always surprise me, Lucius."

Lucius gave a mischievous smile and replied: "Life is much more interesting with a bit of mystery, don't you think?"

Riveria, now more relaxed and immersed in the laid-back atmosphere, began to tell about one of her most memorable trips. "Once, during an expedition with the Loki Familia, we came across a field of luminous flowers in the depths of a forest. It was night, and each flower glowed with its own light, creating a spectacle of vibrant colors. It was like being in a completely different world."

"I'm feeling the same as I did at that time. I felt... free, and incredibly alive. It was as if those flowers illuminated something inside of me."

Lucius nodded, understanding. "Nature has that effect on people."

Riveria looked at Lucius for a moment, she wanted to know something very important about him, "Lucius, what do you desire for your life, what do you seek in this world?"

"What I want... I want to create my legacy in this world... Live a life that I can be satisfied with before I depart for the other world." Lucius spoke, looking up at the sky that was beginning to be painted with stars as the sun disappeared on the horizon.

"You know... my father always expects things from me... even far from home... my race wants me to fulfill their demands..." Riveria surprisingly spoke in a melancholic tone that Lucius had never heard before.

"Responsibilities are important, Riveria... Although I may not be the best person to talk about this, I am still experienced enough to tell you not to live your life solely by the will of others."

"You know? Bff!" Riveria looked at Lucius's face and started to laugh.

"Hahahaha. Sorry for that, but it was inevitable. Lucius, you are known for being an enemy of almost all the families in Orario, you assaulted a god

and even went to war against two families, so I have to agree that you really know how to live on your own terms." She began to laugh at how exaggerated Lucius's life in Orario was.

"Tsk. Don't mock me..." Lucius murmured and went to pour more wine, but he realized it was finished.

"I guess the wine is finished and this needs a special touch." Lucius commented with a soft smile.

Looking at Lucius with a mix of expectation and curiosity, Riveria inquired, "What do you have in mind, Lucius? You've already created quite an impressive scenario here."

Lucius smiled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Watch..." He casually called out, "Riekling," as if speaking to the air. Riveria, initially, looked around, confused, not understanding whom Lucius was talking to.

Suddenly, to Riveria's surprise, the house elf Riekling materialized before them without any special effects. "Yes, Master Lucius? What do you wish?" asked Riekling with a high-pitched and respectful voice.

Riveria, who still had a smile on her face from laughing at Lucius, instantly changed to one of complete astonishment. She looked at Riekling, then at Lucius, trying to process what had just happened.

"Lucius, what... How...? Who is this?" she stammered, clearly impressed by Riekling's sudden appearance.

Lucius, smiling at Riveria's reaction, explained: "This is Riekling, he is no longer the common goblin he used to be, I now call him a house elf, who now has the ability to speak and helps me in various tasks with his new abilities."

Riekling bowed respectfully to Riveria. "It is an honor to see you again, Lady Riveria," he said, demonstrating impeccable etiquette.

Riveria, still surprised, but quickly recovering from her initial perplexity, responded: "Is it really you, Riekling? Your ability to appear like this... is extraordinary."

"Riekling has unique abilities that are quite useful now. He is a valued and beloved member of our team, although not strong in combat, his support is incredibly useful."

Riveria nodded, accepting the explanation. Riekling looked at Riveria with a curious and slightly worried look. "Lady Riveria, I hope Master Lucius is treating you well," he said, with a tone of voice that indicated genuine concern for Riveria's well-being.

"Hey, what kind of question is that?"

Lucius raised an eyebrow.

Riveria, a bit startled by the question, but began to laugh. "Oh, yes, he is... being an excellent host," she replied, laughing timidly.

Riekling nodded, satisfied with the response. "I am glad to hear that. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I am here to serve Master Lucius and Lady Riveria, my future mistress."

"Hey, Riekling, don't say things like that!" Lucius murmured, caught off guard by his comment. Riveria also seemed stunned, but didn't seem to deny it.

Lucius sighed and finally asked for the wine he wanted. "Riekling, could you get a new bottle of wine from my room?"

"Yes, Master Lucius, Riekling will be right back!" He said and disappeared before reappearing carrying a bottle of wine.

"Here, Master Lucius." He handed it over.

"Thank you, well... could you put some background music on? Something harmonious."

Riekling, always ready to attend to Lucius's requests, nodded. "Of course, Master Lucius, I will put something romantic for the master with Lady Riveria," he said, and the next moment with a snap of his fingers, a soft and enchanting music began to fill the air with Riekling disappearing. It was a sweet and captivating melody, with notes that seemed to dance around them, creating an even more magical and romantic atmosphere.

Riveria, already impressed with the night's surprises, was even more astounded by this, looking around trying to find the source of the music.

She looked at him, her words lost in surprise. "You really thought of everything, didn't you?" she finally managed to say, a smile appearing on her lips.

Lucius, with a confident smile, replied: "I wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but Riekling's romantic choice caught me off guard." Lucius admitted, a bit flustered by the house elf.

As the music played in the background, Lucius and Riveria continued their conversation and wine, now enveloped in a more intimate atmosphere. The night began to emerge on the cliff, Riveria couldn't help but be charmed by it, and Lucius created some candles before lighting them with fire magic.

Enveloped in the magical atmosphere and continuous surprises, Riveria turned to Lucius with an expression of admiration and curiosity. "How do you manage to do all this, Lucius?" she asked, referring to the wonders he had created with his magic.

Lucius, with a mysterious smile and a playful glint in his eyes, just smiled in response, opting to keep some of the mystery. "Some secrets are better kept," he said enigmatically.

"I guess you're right, but I want to know something about you, what's your problem with your family? Why do you always avoid talking about them as if you were running away?" Riveria looked at him intensely.

"That... do you really want to know?" Lucius seemed uncomfortable.

"I did, but if it's something you don't want to talk about... we better leave it aside."

"I won't say I will tell you everything, but I also lived my entire life in a palace like you, at the age of 18, I ran away from that place." Lucius finally spoke of his life before Orario.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but I wanted my freedom." He said, looking at the stars at that moment.

The music continued to play softly in the background, creating a real atmosphere. "You know, Lucius," began Riveria, her voice soft but laden with emotion, "being here, in this place, with you... it's a real contradiction with my past. I used to spend my days confined within the palace walls, always surrounded by formalities and expectations, my father would be furious if he knew I am so close to a human in such an isolated place."

She also spoke while looking at the stars, and a smile appeared, no longer the indifferent Riveria, perhaps it was the effect of the wine, perhaps the climate and place, Lucius's own company, or all of them together, but Riveria was feeling light.

"But even knowing that, I am happy to be here, I like this... like you say, I like the freedom without the pressure of our families…" She said and looked at Lucius at that moment. "Here, now, with you, I feel free. Free from the pressures and restrictions of my previous life or my commitments in the Loki family. It's like I can breathe more easily, knowing I can just exist without worries."

Lucius looked at Riveria, he noticed her eyes reflecting the stars above in her emerald eyes, shining with a light that blended admiration and affection. He gently took her hand, feeling the softness of her skin, and slowly moved closer.

There were no words, as Lucius slowly approached, closing the distance between them. Riveria, although surprised, did not

pull away. Her eyes remained fixed on Lucius's, as if drawn by an irresistible force. Her breathing became deeper, and her slightly parted lips revealed a mix of anticipation and desire, something she had never experienced before.

Finally, Lucius tilted his head and sealed their lips with a kiss. It was a soft kiss, but filled with unspoken emotions, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them on that magical night.


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