Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 83 – Juggernaut Revenge 01!!

Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV
23 Floor, Dungeon.



After the surprising events and alliances formed in the underground hideout of the Xenos on the twenty-third floor, Lucius realized that the tension of the impending battle had given way to a sense of camaraderie at this moment. The Xenos, creatures that many adventurers feared or misunderstood, were now sharing moments of lightness and laughter with him, something that Lucius seemed to be enjoying like a bunch of kids having fun with him.

The Xeno rabbit, still floating inside Lucius's magical bubble, laughed and performed aerial acrobatics, enjoying the sensation of freedom. Marie watched, enchanted, clapping and laughing, her melodious laughter echoing through the cavern walls.

Lyd approached Lucius, a genuine smile on his lips. "I never thought I'd see the Xenos so... happy alongside a human, Lu-chi," he said, watching the rabbit do a somersault in the air. "You really are unique as Marie told us!" He said.

"Lu-chi?" Lucius raised an eyebrow at the nickname given by the lizard man.

"Don't worry about it! It's a good omen for what we have ahead of us soon!" He said with a smile.

While they talked, a Xeno resembling a wolf with colorful feathers approached hesitantly. "Lucius, right?" he asked with a gentle grunt. "I've heard of your feats. Could you give me one of those... floating bubbles?" He asked expectantly.

Lucius smiled and agreed, extending his hand to conjure another magical bubble around the Xeno wolf. With a wave of his hand, the wolf began to float, his face expressing pleasant surprise. "This is amazing!" he exclaimed, moving cautiously in the air trying to swim with his paws.

Marie laughed and encouraged the other Xenos to ask Lucius to make them float too. One by one, several of them approached, curious and eager for the experience. Lucius attended to each one, filling the cave with floating Xenos and a feeling of lightness and joy.

Gros the gargoyle, still with a scowling look, watched from afar. "I can't believe I'm seeing this..."

"Let them play, Gros. They seem to have made a fun friend." Ray spoke, flapping his wings.

Asterius and Erebus, the newest and most notable members of the community, watched the scene with distant interest. "Let's get ready for the fight." Erebus spoke, and Asterius agreed.

Meanwhile, amidst the laughter, Lucius turned his attention to Lyd. "It's good to see everyone having fun," Lucius began, "but soon we'll need to focus on the task at hand. We better prepare for the fight."

Lyd nodded, and his gaze met Lucius's. "It's true. We better be ready to face the Juggernaut that mother summoned."

As the fun dissipated, the reality of the challenge awaiting them began to firm up in the minds of those who would fight. The relaxed atmosphere in the Xenos' hideout gave way to a growing tension, mixed with fierce determination. Lucius, Erebus, Asterius, Lyd, Gros, Ray, Ranye, Let, and Four were selected to gather against the juggernaut, each aware of the weight of the fight.

Lucius chose not to use a weapon from his dimensional storage, he lost the sword Welf created for him when the juggernaut attacked him, now he must prepare by purchasing new grimoires that would help him in the fight.

Erebus, whose presence was almost as imposing as the Juggernaut itself, nodded silently, his eyes shining with an intensity that reflected the lava within him. Asterius spun a large sword, the metal singing a deadly warning to those who dared face him.

Lyd, the leader of the Xenos, checked his equipment meticulously, ensuring that each item was in perfect condition. Gros, Ray, Ranye, Let, and Four exchanged understanding glances and confirmed among themselves their readiness for what was to come.

Lucius appeared in front of everyone. "I know I'm a stranger to most of you, some don't trust me and I can understand that, but I believe that I'm not wanting to go back to the deep floors just for myself, I know the danger that monster represents and if we don't destroy it at this moment, it will attack anything in the dungeon, so I want us to join forces to face it together!" Lucius said sincerely, believing this is the best solution for them.

"Lu-chi is right! I myself saw the monster and know I can't face it. He is too powerful, he will surely come after us and we can't just wait for Fels to appear. We must act!" Lyf spoke for Lucius at that moment, and many nodded, although some remained neutral and others scowled.

"Let's face this monster!" Let, the goblin, spoke.

Erebus approached Lucius. "As expected from the human who defeated me, I hope that after all this, we can have our fight so I can prove my strength!" His voice, though somber, carried its own determination.

Asterius raised his gaze to Lucius. "We'll bring down the Juggernaut and then, I hope, my fight with Bell Cranel the next time we meet."

Lyd placed his hand on Lucius's shoulder. "Together," he said, "For both us Xenos and adventurers like Lu-chi, let's unite our forces for the first time! For a better future!"

With the preparations made, the team of Xenos and a human moved out of the hideout, leaving the other Xenos there, as this fight is too dangerous for most of them. The group moved like a silent shadow through the dungeon, sliding toward the deep floors. There were no words now, just the sound of determined footsteps and the collective heartbeat of a group ready to face one of the greatest threats the dungeon had ever unleashed in this era.

The journey to the deep floors was marked by a disconcerting quiet. The team advanced cautiously, prepared for any surprises, but what they found was a sepulchral silence as soon as they passed the twenty-eighth floor. The path was devoid of monsters, an unsettling sign that something terrible had occurred here. Each one's breath echoed off the empty walls, anticipation growing with every step taken toward the White Palace.

"It's too quiet," Erebus murmured, his deep voice resonating through the empty corridor while the sound of his heavy steps was the only thing that echoed through the corridor. "Something happened here."

Lucius, leading the group with caution with his clairvoyance magic, felt a strange sensation in the air. "Be prepared," he warned, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of the sword. "Whatever could have done this might still be nearby."

Lucius was mistaken because this atmosphere continued as they descended further and further floors until they reached the thirty-seventh floor, encountering some monster here and there, but most were hiding, and all the Xenos noticed this when they reached the coliseum floor, the atmosphere became even stranger because they couldn't find any more hidden monsters.

"My sword is no longer here..." Lucius spoke, looking at the place where he lost the sword outside the coliseum when the Juggernaut attacked him.

"Was this your battle against that monster?" Erebus spoke, analyzing the fight marks and even Lucius's own dried blood on the ground.

"I thought I was going to die for a moment..." Lucius admitted.

"What should we do now? There's no sign of that monster..." Lyd appeared next to Lucius.

"It's better if we continue, I feel that it's still here and my clairvoyance points to the White Palace, it's there." Lucius spoke, and everyone agreed.

"How scary!" Let spoke trembling.

"It's going to be okay, Let." Ray tried to calm the Goblin.

Now they continued their way, upon arriving at the entrance of the White Palace, the group encountered a scene of destruction and carnage everywhere. What was once a magnificent hall was now bathed in shadows and stained with the blood of those who fell there. The bodies of monsters were scattered, a silent testimony to the fury that had passed through there.

"The Monster-Rex," Lyd whispered, horrified by what his eyes saw. "The Juggernaut attacked it."

Following the battle marks and destruction, they approached the center of the Palace, where Monster-Rex Udaeus usually resided. There, the Juggernaut stood, imposing and terrifying, devouring the remains of what was once the ruler of that floor. Its presence emanated an aura of dominion and brutality, the sheer force of the monster they had come to face.

Asterius gripped the hilt of his sword tighter, his eyes fixed on the monstrous creature ahead. "So this is it," he said, his voice determined. "He's becoming even stronger."

Gross looked at Lucius with a serious gaze. "Human, how are we going to deal with this? This monster is beyond what we expected."

"It really is consuming other monsters to evolve... this will be too much for us, maybe we can't even fight this thing without losing some of us, Lyd, what do you think? It hasn't noticed us yet or hasn't shown interest in us, do you still want to risk your people against this thing?" Lucius couldn't remember using such a serious tone since he came to this world.

"If that thing goes to the upper floors, it will hunt us, until Fels comes, this thing will be even more powerful." He said, and Lucius nodded.

"I won't force you to fight against this thing, as you may die here, but this thing will be an even greater threat if it continues consuming old monsters." Lucius warned, and one by one, all the Xenos nodded, understanding the situation.

"Let's fight!" Ranye, the Xenos spider spoke. Lyd, Gross, Ray, Let, Four, and Erebus nodded, Asterius showed no expression, but that said a lot.

Lucius still observed the Juggernaut, assessing the situation and forming a plan in his mind. "We can't attack rashly. We need a strategy, one that uses all our combined strengths."

Erebus came to Lucius's side, "I'm ready to face it. Our attacks must be coordinated and precise."

Asterius spun a large sword, the metal singing a deadly warning to those who dared to face him. "This will be a test of true strength and courage. I am ready for this battle."

Lyd, the leader of the Xenos, checked his equipment meticulously, ensuring that each item was in perfect condition. "We need to be united like never before. Cooperation will be our greatest weapon."

Lucius then addressed everyone, "Let's focus on distracting and reducing the Juggernaut's attack capability first. Erebus, Asterius, you will lead the frontal assault. Lyd, Gross, and Ray, you will be our support, attacking from the flank and helping with healing and defense. Ranye, Let, and Four, use your skills to confuse and disorient our enemy. I have my ability to change the battlefield, I will manage them to help anyone in danger."

The group nodded, understanding the gravity and necessity of each planned action. "We fight not just for our lives," Lucius continued, "but for the safety of everyone in this dungeon. Today, we fight not as separate Xenos and humans, but as allies with a common purpose."

With the preparations made, the team positioned themselves, each assuming their role with precision and efficiency. The silence of the White Palace was broken by the sound of weapons being unsheathed, Lucius began to warp the air around him, ready to start using his new powers, he would finally use real abilities that befit the true Wizard King from Black Clover.

With one last look of shared determination, Lucius gave the signal, and as a single being, the team advanced toward the Juggernaut. The battle that would follow would test each of them to the limit, but together, they would face the terror that threatened everyone in the dungeon.


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