Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 11: Journey to Orario

(As stated in the previous chapter, I pushed all the events of Danmachi by 2 years. The canon of the anime will start when Bell is 16, so when Bell arrives in Orario, it will have events 2 years before canon.)

The confines of the deep forest. Bursting with various plantlife and trees. The light shines down amidst the cover of leaves, turning the sun's harsh brightness to a calming and serene glow. Enchanting and unchanging, such was the beauty of this forest.

But a gust of wind threatens to disturb the serenity. A figure dashes across the forest at remarkable speed. Maneuvering through the wild's various obstacles and uneven footing with ease and experience, as if it were 2nd nature.

Small sparks of blue emanate from the figure's body, which soon turns into nothing more than a blur.

The figure wore a green hood that seemed to blend in with the environment, alongside carrying a metallic dark gray bow on his back.

The figure was soon closing in on a steep rise of a nearby mountain, almost completely vertical compared to the somewhat flat forest grounds. To most, it would impede their journey, but the hooded figure didn't decrease its momentum, nor did it seem too bothered by it.

When the mountain's rise was near, the hooded figure simply jumped towards it, traversing a great height before attaching itself to the mountain.

Finding footing with ease, the figure soon began scaling the mountain just as quickly as it ran through the forest.

Using every holding it found to propel itself forwards. Eventually, it reached the top of the mountain, overlooking the surrounding area.

The figure admired the scenery for a bit, but the height of the mountain brought with it a rather intense gale of wind. The figure's hood soon flipped over its head, revealing radiant white hair.

"Gah- Almost swallowed a leaf-"

Bell Cranel, the last surviving remnant of the Zeus and Hera familias, adoptive grandson of the god of lightning, and an anomalous reincarnator who has unknowingly traversed the multiverse.

"Bleh- I can still taste it..."

Many years have since passed for the boy. Now aged at a respectable 14 years. Years of training, learning, and recently, surface-monster hunting, have allowed Bell to perform such incredible acts with ease and familiarity.

'Moving on from that leaf... let's see if we have any new victims...'

Bell took up hunting surface monsters to further improve his skills once simple spars and training routines weren't enough. Learning to track down foes, traverse rough terrain, and hide one's presence. These were the primary areas Bell wanted to improve with this training, alongside applying his skills in real-time.


Magic circuits began enveloping the skin around Bell's eyes. The mind which flowed through the circuits began reinforcing the eyes' purpose of existence, its capability of sight. Bell began seeing farther and in more detail than before. A scuffed version of Emiya's hawkeye servant ability.

'hmm...a group of 3 kobolds... it's expected but still rather disappointing'

Ever since Bell began hunting in this area, monsters have instinctually begun avoiding it, fearing that something in the area was killing off all the other monsters with ease.

Bell's hunting grounds were close to his home village, so he was glad that the village's safety was assured, but he was also annoyed that he had fewer targets to practice with.

'beggars can't be choosers...but let's play with them a bit'

Bell took the dark gray metal bow from his back. It was based on Emiya's nameless bow which he used frequently.

It was constructed to be tough. So much so that it could be used as a club in emergencies.

Its draw strength was also rather high, but Bell could always alter it should he need to shoot something more powerful.

Bell held the bow in his left hand, while he reached his right hand into the air before invoking his magic.

"Trace on"

Blue light instantly flashed in Bell's hands and disintegrated into mist shortly thereafter, leaving a black arrow in his hands.

The instant casting upon its invocation was the product of Bell's years familiarizing himself with the magic.

Now fully armed, Bell took a short breath and went into a shooting stance quickly, every movement was graceful and precise. It was obvious that experience radiated from his posture.

'Distance...wind speed...velocity...position of target...'

Bell processed the information relevant to his shot with ease and speed.

'I'll eliminate the first 2 kobolds then play around with the third'

Having decided his course of action, Bell promptly invoked his magic.


Blue light began enveloping the arrow nocked into Bell's bow. It began seeping into its structure, making it sturdier...sharper...deadlier.

With all his preparation done, Bell let go of the arrow, and it flew through the air at great speed. Ripping through the air, resisting forces could do naught but allow the arrow to move unimpeded.

The kobolds were moving together as a group along a nearby river in the forest, but in an instant, an arrow blew a hole straight into the body of the leading kobold.

The arrow crushed its magic stone instantly, and the kobold's body quickly disintegrated into ash.

The black arrow did the same for the 2nd kobold in the group, before finally wounding the face of the 3rd and last surviving kobold.

It happened in an instant, the kobold was stunned. It turned its back to find a black arrow deeply embedded into a nearby boulder, before dissipating into a blue mist.

The kobold didn't have enough intelligence to mourn the loss of its group, nor to panic, it simply followed its instinct to survive. Dashing madly into the forest for cover.

Bell didn't show much emotion to this feat. He had long since performed acts like this numerous times. The spectacle of it all slowly dulled itself to him. He didn't do much but closed his eyes and began counting.


He was giving the Kobold time to run. It may seem sadistic, but Bell didn't hold much malice in his heart when doing this. It was simply another form of training for him.

Training if he ever lost track of a foe. How fast could he relocate them? How quickly could he dispatch a running opponent? This was nothing more than training for his future plans.


Bell immediately reassumed his stance, another black nocked into his bow, timing himself to how quickly he could find his target.

The kobold dashed madly through the woods. Choosing to go into areas with dense leaves and thick bushes. Once 30 seconds of no activity passed, the kobold thought it was safe, but after stepping on a nearby twig and looking towards a nearby mountain, it saw a flicker of blue.

"2.3 seconds...an average time...good enough I guess..."

"Bye now"

In an instant, the world became black for the kobold. Its body now disintegrating into ash.

Bell relaxed from his stance and started heading in the direction of his village.

'I guess that will be it today. Gotta get back before Idyia serves dinner'

Resolving to go back to his home quickly, Bell deftly put his hood back on and jumped forward, falling down the mountain to save the time of having to climb back down.




Bell leisurely walked back to his home, the sun had begun setting on his way back, so he was greeted with a scenic view of the grain fields set against an orange sky.

'I'm really going to miss this view...'

Bell knew this may very well be the last he sees of his village for a long time. Because at the break of dawn tomorrow, Bell was finally going to take the journey toward Orario.

He was very excited. The dungeon city that was so dear and close to him in his past life was not within reach. He had grown up immersed in the city, and now he would be able to do so for real.

But although he was excited to arrive at Orario, he felt sad at having to leave his home village.

'I will be dealing with events around the world for many years. I will be dealing with the black dragon, then completing the dungeon, then whatever possibly comes next...probably try and figure out what cause my reincarnation and elements in fate to appear'

Bell was extremely busy, but he wasn't bogged down by the weight of the future.

'Well, it's not as if I won't have time for a vacation. The Bell from the light novel would probably end his journey after defeating the black dragon'

'That would leave the last floors of the dungeon unexplored, and fans theorized it would be for a possible sequel after Bell's story...'

Depending on what the author of the light novel planned, there might be a time gap between Danmachi and the sequel, so Bell could utilize such an opportunity to come back and rest for a bit.

'But enough speculating on the future...time to focus on spending time with my family before I leave'

Bell stopped his habit of deep ponderings once he had reached the door. Once he had opened it he called out to the home with a phrase he had been saying for a long time now.

"I'm home! You here grandpa?"

To Bell's declaration of his arrival, footsteps coming from the kitchen could be heard, and a girl with long purple hair, and elvish ears which appeared only for Bell appeared.

"Welcome back Bell! Dinner's almost ready so Grandpa Zen and mom are setting up the table"

Medea came out of the kitchen in an apron. Her hands were covered in oven mitts as she carried a covered pot of food.

"Smells delicious...Rabbit stew?"

"Yep, since it's a special occasion, we decided to cook up your favorite"

The smell of spices and herbs filled the vicinity. Bell visibly drooled at having his favorite meal in front of him.

"I cooked it myself, so you can say your thanks now Bell~"

Medea smugly stated to the starving-looking Bell. Sensing her smugness, Bell decided to kick her down a peg, though he genuinely felt great that his friend cooked for him.

"The village idol Medea cooked a meal for me?!! I could never be more grateful!- Please, Madame Medea, allow me to serve you for the rest of my life in recompense...NAY- even after death! FOR ETERNITY!-"

Hearing her nickname be mentioned by Bell, Medea became flushed with embarrassment. Through the years, Medea grew more and more beautiful, and the village kids who once only knew her as a loner kid now viewed her as a delicate flower blooming in spring.

Medea was now getting a lot of attention. Constantly being approached to form a connection with people she never spoke to before, even received spontaneous love confessions from a brave few people.

Her beauty enraptured the village folk and even the traveling merchants and adventurers who passed by. She became the symbol of beauty for the rural farming village, their queen, their idol.

And Medea wanted nothing to do with it, constantly annoyed with the entire situation.

"You know I hate that nickname..."

Medea pouted in response to Bell's tease, but she didn't spend all these years simply being teased, she learned how to fight back.

"But perhaps it's for the best. Idols are people of magnanimity, and only someone as magnanimous as myself could be friends with the oh-so-infamous Bell 'workshop' Cranel~"


Just as Medea gained a moniker for herself from the village, so did Bell. Bell "workshop" Cranel. It referred to how Bell would spend most of his days hammering away at an anvil and surrounded by swords.

He never socialized much, despite his desire to do so. He delved into training and only spoke with the people he was already familiar with.

Becoming obsessed with his work and not socializing much. Bell gained a reputation for being weird, scary, and obsessed with weapons.

"You know Bell, you could've fixed your problem by becoming friends with those guys who approached you"

Despite most people fearing Bell, some still approached him because of the fact he was the one Medea spent the most time with. But Bell quickly drove them away for obvious reasons.

"Become friends with those guys in exchange for sharing info about you? Over my dead body"

"My, what a shame, I wouldn't mind dating them if it meant you'd get out more y'know?~"

Though Medea, continued joking around, Bell suddenly became serious after hearing her remark.

"Don't joke about that Medea"

Medea got out of her joking mood after seeing Bell look towards her with a serious gaze. The sight flushed her cheeks a bit.

"I'll only accept someone who can steal your heart with their own effort. They should do that much if they want to court my little sister"

Bell placed her hand on Medea's head and began rubbing her. Something he did quite frequently since they were kids.

"And with your personality, only the best will be able to do so. Cause that is what you deserve"

Bell finished his remark with a bright smile. His genuine concern was evident to Medea, causing her to blush and quietly mumble out her true feelings.

"...but...you have already taken it yourself...for a long time now..."

Hearing Medea's whisper, Bell asked what she had said, to which Medea promptly shook her head away from his hand before replying.

"Nothing! Just worried my brother might get himself an alias in Orario as a loner-"

The words of his dear sister struck deep within Bell.

"Argh-...it hurts...what happened to my innocent teasable little sister..."

Bell spoke, tears forming in his eyes.

"You made her this way dear brother. So accept the consequences of your actions..."

Medea promptly turned her head to Bell.

"...and accept responsibility for me, 'kay?"

She then winked at the depressed boy. Bell felt his heart skip a beat for a moment but simply attributed it to how cute his sister was.

'Medea is a natural beauty. It's a shame she covered it up and grew shameful of her appearance as she grew older in Fate...I can never forgive Jason for tainting such an innocent girl'

Bell knew the multiverse existed, so if he ever gained the chance, he wouldn't hesitate to impale the argonaut captain with his projections whilst locking him in a joint lock with his pankration.

'But I won't allow such a thing to happen to the Medea I know. If she ever introduces me to a guy with blonde hair...I'm shooting in on sight-'

Done with his theoretical Jason extermination plan, Bell replied to Medea's remark.

" *sigh*...I pray for your future husband Medea"

Bell grinned, his expression showing joy but secretly hiding malice.

'Because I'll give him hell if he gets too full of himself...'

"I'm sure your prayers have reached him, dear brother"

Medea smiled lovingly. A love of agape...with a hint of mania.

'Because I'll make sure it's you..."

Unaware of each other's thoughts, the pair walked towards the dining room, to celebrate a new chapter in both of their lives.




It was the early hours of the day. Bell and his family had eaten together. It was a festive occasion as they ate delicious food whilst reminiscing on the boy's past. But the time of celebration has ended, and it came time for parting.

A caravan of wagons gathered just near the entrance to the farming village. They had arrived the previous day to sell their wares, and are preparing to return to Orario to stock on supplies.

Bell had paid the caravan's leader to hitch a ride with their group to Orario.

Whilst the traders were busy moving crates and supplies, Bell and his family gathered together to say their goodbyes. Zeus was up first, while Medea and Idyia stood a distance away to let the pair privately talk.

"Looks like it's almost time kid..."

Zeus looked pensively at his grandson. It had only been 14 years. Such time moved in an instant for most gods, Zeus included, but it had brought about so much change in the child he had raised.

"I know you can handle yourself out there, but have this just in case"

Zeus took out a silver necklace he had hidden beneath his shirt and overalls.

Bell took the locket with a hint of surprise. His eyes unconsciously traced the item in his hands and realized one fact about it, it was brimming with mind, a magic item.

"Grandpa, this..."

Zeus, knowing Bell would be able to recognize it instantly, spoke to answer his grandson.

"Yes, it's a magic item. It was one I had received from one of the first children who had joined my familia hundreds of years ago...It allows you to turn invisible in addition to removing any tracks you may leave behind"

"Though the invisibility and stealth abilities would make it quite powerful...if you pour a bit more mind into the jewel it will allow you to teleport"

Bell was shocked. He was already surprised enough about its age, history, and stealth functions. But for it to grant teleportation...

"But don't get too excited. The teleportation magic relies on you to thoroughly understand the location you want to teleport to. With your abilities, I'm sure you'll have no problem doing that"

"The problem for you comes in its mind usage. The teleport spell already takes up a considerable amount and depending on the distance of your target location, and factors like mind resistance barriers, the cost will soar astronomically"

"So only use it in emergencies. The spell's cost and the whole process of teleporting itself would leave a level 5 exhausted"

Hearing how much Zeus signified that issue, Bell would be an idiot to take his words for granted.

"Don't worry grandpa, I understand"

Knowing that Bell had taken his words to mind, Zeus was happy.

"I'm glad...that item... its creator...my child from long ago...he made it with the wish that I would always remain safe so long as I had it around my neck...in that same way, I hope it will do the same for you Bell...just as it did me for all these years"

Zeus spoke with a feeling he hadn't heard since he was 3. Knowing how significant this whole scenario must be for the long-lived god, Bell pulled his grandfather into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry grandpa. You know I won't go down easily. I have to brag to you when I beat up that bastard black dragon after all"

Bell conveyed his love through his hug and reassured his worried parent with a light joke.

Zeus, receiving his message clearly, hugged Bell even tighter.

"HAHAHAHAHA, that's my boy!-"

The two shared a hearty laugh together. It would be their last for a long while.

Before the atmosphere could turn awkward, however, Bell whispered something to his grandfather's ear.

"I never told you this since I heard it was a non-canon story, but in a story called Aedes Vesta, you mentioned how Hera was able to track you down shortly after I left the village so...good luck~"

Hearing his grandson's warning, and with a chill running down his back at the remembrance of an obsessed goddess of marriage, Zeus immediately began sprinting back to his house whilst cursing Bell.



Bell laughed loudly as Zeus' figure faded from view.

Seeing the pair, Idyia and Medea couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

"I just knew this sort of thing would happen..."

"Nothing we could do about it mom, those 2 are just like that..."

The mother-daughter pair then approached Bell once his laughter died down a bit.

"I guess this is farewell Bell. You've grown up so much...I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks, aunt Idyia. I'll miss you very much

The 2 hugged each other. They didn't need any more words, they were close enough to know each other's feelings without speaking.

Once they had separated from their embrace, Bell moved to see Medea. He didn't know what to say, and it was the same for her.

Sensing she was intruding on something special. Idyia quietly left the area, with a wide grin on her face.

Alone, the childhood friends began to speak.

"Guess I'll see you in a few years Medea..."

Bell went first to get the ball rolling, and Medea didn't hesitate to pick up the pace.

"Hm? A few years? You don't want me visiting you or something Bell?"

Medea replied with fake annoyance.

"W-well I mean, it's not like I'll be in Orario all the time. I do want to explore other places...And even if you do try to visit, we would have to plan it out. After I settled in, seeing if our schedules line up..."

Bell lamented the lack of instant messaging outside of specialized and expensive magic items in this world.

"You're the older brother in this relationship, are you not? Deal with it yourself- Get so famous that I can't ever possibly miss you or something like that-"

Medea continued her fake annoyance.

"Y-You're being unreasonable Medea..."

'Bell didn't think she was unreasonable at all. He was confident he could make waves in Orario in a month or 2'



The 2 stared each other down. Medea with an expression of haughtiness while Bell wore a troubled look. They both stared at each other in silence before their acts finally broke down.




They laughed loudly before stopping to continue speaking.

"Don't hold yourself back Bell, I know how much you've waited for this. There's no need to reunite in a rush"

"...where would I be without you Medea"

Bell looked in gratitude at how understanding his childhood friend was.

"Somewhere very lonely, I'm sure of it~"

Medea casually jabbed at him with a light tease, but Bell didn't deny it.

"No doubt about that"

Bell knew that Medea was the driving force, outside of his grandfather, that allowed him to break out of his shell. Wanting to convey his gratitude for meeting her, Bell moved to embrace Medea as he did for Idyia and Zeus.

But before he could do so, Medea moved closer to him in an instant.


Bell froze in an instant.

'Did she?-'

She did. On the cheek. A light but sweet kiss on his cheek.

'Her lips were...soft'

What Bell felt when Medea kissed him was vividly clear to him, even more so than when he used his reinforcement on his senses.

'Does she?...'

He looked towards Medea. Her eyelids were lowered, but her smile was wide. The expression conveyed a sense of longing, adoration, passion, wanting...of love.

Bell's heart skipped a beat once more. The tension between the 2 could be cut with a knife. Medea continued to lovingly stare into Bell's eyes. Never turning away. Simply falling deeper and deeper into his gaze.

The world froze for Bell. He no longer heard the activity of the traders. He couldn't feel the ground on his feet. He couldn't feel the cold morning air. He and Medea were all that remained in his eyes.

'This is...'

Bell was all too familiar with this scenario. He read his fair share of heart-wrenching romances. He knew all too well the signs being put out by his childhood friend.

Knowing what he did, Bell had an idea of what Medea could possibly be feeling at that moment.

Choosing to bet on it, Bell tried to speak.

"Medea do you-"

But before he could finish, Medea had cut him off.

"Sibling kiss"


Bell was stunned.

"Siblings kiss each other all the time, no? It's a sibling kiss"

Medea smiled brightly after stating that. The atmosphere had shattered.

Realization soon dawned on Bell. It was coming, and he had just invited it to his front door.

"What's wrong Bell?... Don't tell me..."

'No. Please. No. Don't say it!-'

Bell's mental health was on the verge of collapsing. He was able to tank blows from his deity grandfather, but he couldn't take this one-



But...it was inevitable.

"Don't tell me you thought I liked you?~"

Bell's mental health shattered alongside his poor virgin heart.

Disintegrating into ash, like all the monsters he had slain.


Bell fell to his knees.

'It hurts. Hurts even more than  my depression-'

"HAHAHAHA. It's alright Bell. It's cute~"

Medea tried consoling the poor boy, but it only worsened his broken heart.

"I don't need your pity Medea!-"

Bell replied to her loudly, tears visible in his eyes. The tears of an innocent man who flew too close to the sun.

"Don't be so down Bell~ I'm sure there's someone out there who would appreciate you!~"


Medea reached her hand out to Bell, but he quickly stood up, grabbed his bags, and hopped into the wagon.

"SeeYouMedea.HopeYouStayWell.I'llDoMyBestToWriteBack.LoveYaSis BYEEEEEE-"

Bell quickly spoke before closing the blinds of the wagon entrance. He then proceeded to hug his knees in the fetal position before internally screaming. Cursing his naivety at thinking his childhood friend could possibly like him.

Medea was left a bit stunned at Bell's actions but quickly smiled in joy upon seeing it.

'So he can fall in love with me'

The fact her one-sided crush showed the possibility of success made her beyond giddy. Feeling bold, she decided to shout out. a reply to Bell.


It was a genuine declaration of Medea's love. But it was a kick to the emotional gut of Bell.

Seeing the wagon shake when she shouted, Medea was now satisfied.

She moved to leave the caravan group, but she noticed the traders had been staring at the 2 for a while.

Medea, though she would've taken annoyance to this, couldn't. She was simply too high in emotions to care. She simply bowed to the caravan group and said.

"Please take care of my Bell"

Followed up by a bright smile, radiating kindness.

The caravan group members were like deer in headlights at the sight of such a beauty smiling. Only being able to grunt in reply.

The purple-haired girl simply skipped happily on her way back to the village. The traders were filled with joy at being able to witness such a sight but were filled with equal parts jealousy for Bell at having such a devoted beauty for a friend.

'lucky bastard'

Was what they all thought about Bell in their heart of hearts.

Soon it came time for the caravan to set forth for Orario.




Medea made her way back to her house, still delighted at what had transpired, but it was soon cut off.

"You 2 are just adorable you know? I don't want to rush you guys, but mommy would like a grandson and grandaughter at the very least, but you can have more. The more the merrier!"

Brought back to reality at her mom's fantasy of being a grandmother. Medea quickly replied.

"M-mom!...It'll take a while..."

Seeing her daughter not being averse to her suggestion, Idyia couldn't be happier.

"I'm so happy my daughter is finally chasing after Bell!"

"I tied the knot with your father the very same way you know~"

A mist began to form around Idyia's ears, same with Medea. A purplish glow radiated from both of their eyes.

"With dedication and longing?~"

Hearing her mother waiting for her to continue what she had said, Medea could only smile, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Anything is possible~"

Idyia became even happier, her daughter was living up to her blood,

"That's my girl! But Bell is a rather special kid you know, so you'll have to work hard to keep up with him"

Medea knew her childhood love would go far in the world, so she naturally accepted that fact.

"I know. That's the entire reason why I'm becoming an adventurer after all"

If Bell wanted to travel the world, she would simply become strong enough to travel by her side. Not through Bell's emotional attachment, but through her own ability and strength.

'That's right!~ I've got your stuff already packed, alongside our family's spellbook, and a recommendation letter to the goddess who'll be your familia head!"

Idyia handed Medea a bag that carried supplies and necessities for her journey. She was ready to delve into training to stand by Bell's side as soon as possible.

"Thanks mom, but I have a question...Why do I need a recommendation letter? Does this goddess run a big familia?"

Hearing her daughter's question, Idyia causally replied.

"No. She's a rather unique goddess. She never created her own familia in her entire stay in Genkai. Choosing to travel the world to search for knowledge"

"I met her a long time ago. She is the perfect teacher for you Medea. With her knowledge and our magic, you'll definitely catch up to Bell! You might even be stronger~"

Idyia replied with an expression of knowing.

"She might refuse you at first, but she owes me quite a bit, so she'll definitely accept you as her familia member and student once you show the letter!"

Medea, seeing her mom praise this goddess so much, decided to trust in her judgment.

"Alright mom, so what is this goddess' name?"

"Hm? Oh. Its Hecate-chan"




"So he's finally starting his own journey..."

Zeus quietly pondered to himself as he sat on a hill, nearby to him were 2 stone graves.

One grave was constructed out of a local stone known for its sturdiness.

It overlooked the mountain rage that radiated an aura of immovability, similar to his dedication to his sense of conviction.

A grave honoring the fallen Zald.

The other overlooked a clearing in the mountain range. Giving way to a view of an endless verdant forest.

Away from the bustling village, where it stood in the beauty of nature and silence.

She was a woman who loved silence but loved her sister even more.

Though she didn't have a natural fondness for flowers and plant life, she developed her interest in it to share something in common with her beloved sister.

A grave honoring the fallen Alfia.

Bell had mentioned to him some years ago that Zald and Alfia were to fall sometime within that year.

Playing the roles of villains to encourage growth among the remaining adventurers or Orario.

Placing their hopes in the future generation to surmount the challenge that robbed them of theirs.

Zeus fell into sadness at the thought. He couldn't do anything as he was, and even if he did, he wished to respect the way his and Hera's children wished to go out. Remembering the words Meteria had spoken to him about the hope that drives mortals.

Seeing his grandfather so sad, Bell suggested building a grave for the both of them.

Though they would forever be marked in history as villains, they could at least leave behind a monument celebrating their true resolve. Remembering them as who they truly were.

Perhaps in doing so, lessen their regrets when passing and re-entering the cycle of reincarnation.

And so they did. The graves perfectly represent who they are, what they wanted to achieve in life, and what they believed in.

The spot also became a frequent place for Zeus to ponder on his past. To remember why he and Hera continue to live in Genkai instead of returning to the heavens. To make sure that the tragedy which befell them could never happen once more.

But this moment wasn't one of past pondering for Zeus. It was a celebration of the present and future.

"That grandson of mine is a stubborn one just like you Zald. No doubt you two would've hit it off swell. I could just picture you running circles around the rascal in a drinking competition HAHAHAHAHA!-"

Zeus chugged a beer as he spoke, tears forming in his eyes.

"And you Alfia...Though you disdained him when he was born, I knew you secretly looked out for him for a while. He lost the red eyes of his father, so you shouldn't have a problem looking at his mug anymore, right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

"Though the kid has my sense of humor, he just as much appreciates silence. Hell, he was the quietest baby I had ever seen in my eons of life HAHAHAHAH"

Zeus took another swig of his beer.

"You 2 would've gotten along well Alfia, no doubt....even better than he would with Zald...I just know it...You, him, and Meteria...in that church, you frequently visited...sitting in silence...appreciating each other's company..."

Imagining the family that never was, Zeus took a sip of his beer, psyching himself out of his depressive rut.

"But you 2 kicked the bucket before you could meet the lad! I don't know if you can hear me, never really associated with gods of death back in Tenkai. But if you can! Look upon Bell!"

Zeus gulped down his remaining beer, thoroughly drunk, but his words came from the heart. He gathered strength in his throat as tears ran down his face. Accepting the past, relishing the present, and hoping for the future.

To bid his grandson farewell. To pray for his safety. To celebrate his inevitable mark on history. So did the god of lightning declare.

"Look upon him! Not to watch over, but to bear witness! To the road, he will trailblaze! The birth of his eternal legend! The climax of our promised 1000-year romance in Genkai!"

The sun rise over the horizon, glistening the running tears on his face, and revealing the brightest smile he had ever worn.

"Bell Cranel. The last remnant of a dark past. The anomaly of the present. The hope of the future. Fare well! Fare well! Fare well!"

Bell had fallen asleep on the carriage, unaware of the happenings that were taking place. But this day would be remembered. The declaration of Zeus would soon come to fruition.

These were his first steps in a grand adventure the world will never see again.

The beginning of his legend, the creation of his legacy,

The true birth of Bell Cranel. The Sword of Promised Victory.

Authors Note:

And with that, we have finished Bell's childhood arc. Thank you for reading, and I hope you stick along for what comes next. Have a nice day!

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