Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 14: Dungeon Vigilante. Scaith

In the streets of Orario, the sun had just begun to rise. People on the streets open their windows to let in the morning air.

It was quiet all around, a rare moment of peace in the constant activity of Orario.

The air filled his lungs. The silence of the city brings him back to his childhood. Bell set forth to prepare for his first dive into the dungeon.

'Today's the day...the day I make my presence known to Orario...'

He was filled with excitement and seriousness. Every moment he spent in training, in learning, in improving. It was all going to start having meaning.

'But first...I need to meet up with Miss Eina. I promised to have a lecture with her before I enter the first floor'

Due to the limitations of his Class-I adventurer license, Bell was only limited to the 1st through 4th floors, floors known for being used by newbie adventurers.

It was very crowded due to the high influx of people using it to improve their skills but though it was so, one could make a living farming magic stones on this floor if they chose to live frugally.

'Though I have some knowledge of the floors due to the anime and light novels, they didn't go into depth with the strategies and routes for optimum dungeon diving'

This was why Bell was so eager to have Eina as his advisor. She was known for having the most intricate knowledge and advice for such things.

Most adventurers would just dive right ahead with only some basic information, choosing to rely on their natural instinct and skill, but such a decision often led to an early death.

'And since I'm planning on becoming a hidden vigilante, it would be best to thoroughly know the layout of where I will be working at...'

Bell wasn't going to just limit himself to the first four floors, however. He was capable of diving into much deeper depths. As his persona, he will roam throughout many floors in the dungeon.

'Every good masked hero needs a perfect disguise. And what better disguise for a vigilante is there than some weak adventurer?'

If he was careful, no one would suspect a thing. A mysterious figure who could take down numerous criminals swiftly? One who exhibited mysterious magic? The last one they would suspect is a Class-I adventurer who couldn't even find a familia nor have falna.

'A perfect source of needed information and a perfect cover story...'

This was what Bell had planned for the previous day, and everything went without a hitch.

'And with how eager Miss Eina is about teaching adventurers, I'm sure she would have no problems teaching me about the deeper floors...I just need to get her to trust that I won't do it as  "Bell Cranel" the Class-I adventurer'

With his plan set in his mind. Bell began approaching the guild hall to attend his one-on-one lecture with the diligent half-elf.




Within the guild's main office, there exist numerous private spaces for meetings between advisors and their adventurers, and should the guild advisor rank higher up in the organization, they can have their own private office to conduct such business.

Eina had one such private office. Though her persistence when teaching adventurers became infamous, outside of that, she was an efficient worker whom the guild could rely upon for many tasks.

If it weren't for her desire to continue working with adventurers directly, she could've moved up the corporate ladder.

Her office was filled with shelves of books and scrolls of information. Replicas of monsters and the dungeon function as learning aids.

The smell of parchment was thick in the room, it gave off a comforting atmosphere, a consequence of her reliability and tendency to care for others.

In this room, Eina was happily teaching Bell about the information needed for his first dungeon dive.

"So that is why such a path is often times used when traversing this section of the first floor...In addition to that..."

Eina spoke with confidence and in a manner that was refined to be easy to understand.

She was a natural teacher, but she was still quite strict. She refined her skills so that she would be able to cram much more information efficiently. Such a deadly combination became the nightmares of many adventurers in her care.

Eina would often see her adventurers struggle to keep pace, in spite of the numerous improvements she made to the learning comprehension of her lessons, and yet she didn't encounter one hiccup this time.

'This is a first...I never had an adventurer take my lessons so well...'

Eina thought to herself as she continued speaking and pointing toward various diagrams and maps. Bell was in front of her, seriously taking in the information presented to him, even writing down some key notes in a journal he brought.

'Seems like I was wrong. Bell really is taking adventuring seriously...'

Eina began quietly regretting her outburst the previous day. She was prone to such things throughout her dealings with difficult clients, so she resolved to improve and not get people like Bell caught in the crossfire in the future.

'But even still...with how studious and serious Bell is...why doesn't he want to join a familia?...'

Bell's decision to become a Class-I adventurer still didn't make sense to her. Though they had just met the previous day, Eina could already make some observations about the youth she was teaching.

'He's plenty serious...has the intelligence to learn and adapt quickly...though I haven't seen his skills, his body is well-built and he handled that gray bow of his with familiarity...was he a hunter?...then that would give him some experience in combat...'

Eina's eye was very keen on observing others, but the information she gathered didn't connect with the situation.

'And Bell...he's quite handsome...no cute would be better. A god or goddess would be ecstatic having a child like him...'

She blushed a little at acknowledging Bell as attractive. Eina was a serious career woman, but she was just as inexperienced as Bell in the world of love and passion. But she soon got over it when her lessons had concluded.

"...and that should be all that the information from the first floor, as long as some tidbits about the second to fourth. Though I should remind you Bell, only stick to the first floor for today alright?"

Eina told Bell in a serious tone.

"Yes Miss Eina, I promise I'll only stick to the first floor..."

Bell said as he casually grabbed a book detailing the fifth through tenth floors.

Eina saw this and lowered her eyes as she spoke.


She wanted to raise her voice, but knowing the youth in front of her, Eina decided to hold back a bit, wanting to know why he did that.

"It's alright Miss Eina. I'm not going to go deeper than the first floor. I just want to know more about the dungeon!"

Bell hid his lie with a truth. He did so as naturally as he breathed.

"Learn more about the dungeon huh?...fine...though you do some absurd things, I know you have a reason for all of them...even if they worry me"

Eina was naturally worried for Bell and wanted to understand his thoughts when choosing his actions, but she knew it would be rude to pry it out of him by force.

"I like the dungeon, Miss Eina. It fascinates me, so I want to learn more about it. Not much you can do about that in a rural village"

Another lie hid by a truth. His grandfather was the head of the familia who has explored the deepest known floors in all of Orario, but he didn't give him a gram of information, and no one would believe such an absurd story.

"...I see. I have met a lot of people interested in the dungeon. But if you don't mind me asking..."

Eina prepared to see if she could pry into Bell's mind. See if he would show it to her now that she was her advisor.

Adventurers and their advisors naturally have a confidentiality clause for whenever they meet, so Eina was hoping that would assure Bell to reveal his reasons.

"If you want to learn more about the dungeon...and I'm assuming you want to explore it...why do you refuse to join a familia? You're a very desirable recruit Bell. No doubt you could find one quickly...'

Eina waited in silence for Bell's reply, seeing that he had yet to speak Eina grew worried she pushed too far yet again.

'Maybe it's a sore spot for him...I should apologize-'

But before Eina could do so, Bell spoke, posing a question to the half-elf.

"Miss Eina, what do you think family is?... how would you define it?"

Eina was stunned hearing that Bell replied. She thought deeply about her answer, knowing that Bell was opening his heart to her. She couldn't afford to mess this up.

"Family...people who you can trust and...people who you love...they take care of you, and you for them...without the expectation of anything in return, only because they want to..."

Eina came to her answer after reminiscing on her fond past.

Her mother left her homeland to accompany a friend. Soon meeting her life partner in a land unknown to her.

She fell ill due to the difference in the air between her birthplace and her new home, but she still made an effort to do the best for those she loved,

She gave birth to herself and her younger sister, working hard to give both her daughters the best education Orario could provide.

She soon fell greatly ill, but her husband quickly took over providing for the family and caring for his wife.

Her younger sister brought smiles to her face despite her suffering, and Eina worked hard to assist her father in keeping the family finances afloat.

They all cared for one another. Wishing nothing but the best for them. Asking for nothing in return.

This was Eina's definition of family.

Bell greatly resonated with what Eina said, a smile coming to his face knowing why the half-elf pushed herself so far. He then spoke.

"Yes. That's what I also believe a family is...what a family should be...because I think so, is the reason why I don't want to immediately find a familia"

Eina was silent as she carefully listened to what Bell said. Each word carried a tone she was familiar with, a heavy tone that gave off hints of melancholy, the sound of a person wounded long ago.

Bell looked toward the window in Eina's office. The sky was blue with passing clouds.

It was the same sky that covered his home village deep in the mountains, the home where his family resided.

Despite their distance, they continued walking life together under the same sky.

"I didn't have relatives, only my grandfather...he is someone I'm forever grateful for...he raised me by himself, not thinking about his own pains...only about my happiness...even when I was being difficult, he didn't lose hope in me...he made me who I am today..."

Bell spoke with kindness in his eyes, Eina silently watching as he did.

"My aunt. She wasn't related at all to me. She had no obligation toward me. But she raised me when my grandfather was busy with his work...constantly making herself a presence in my life...never making me feel alone or left out...kind and persistent...she was the only mother figure in my life"

Bell thought back on Idyia. There were various questions she had about her identity. He knew that there were secrets she was keeping from him.

But he knew she was genuine in her care and love, and that was all that mattered to him.

"My childhood friend and sister Medea. We would fight and bicker many times...many misunderstandings...but we loved each other all the same. She taught me the joys of companionship...showed me that life was much better enjoyed in the company of others..."

Bell's feelings for Medea were...confusing since their parting. He didn't know what to feel about her. But what he did know was that she was significant to him. She irreversibly changed him forever...for the better.

"Not all gods and goddesses are people who I could trust my everything to...same goes for mortals...not every god or goddess will have enough time to form a meaningful bond in a large familia...not every member will be able to look out for their new recruits..."

"A familia... can't always become a family...that's why I didn't join one immediately Miss Eina..."

Bell looked towards Eina with sincerity.

"Family is something I hold precious...unless it truly comes from the heart...I cannot use it lightly...even if its just a term used by the gods for their organization...this is something I can't compromise"

Eina saw Bell's brilliant blue eyes begin to shimmer.

'It's like...they're reacting in response to his resolve...to his emotions...'

"If I can find a god or goddess that I'm certain I can share everything with...then I will not hesitate to join their familia...but for now, I'll simply take my time Miss Eina"

Bell finished off his speech with a gentle smile, the sight of it warmed Eina's heart, and her protective instincts were calling her to act.

Eina slowly walked towards Bell, her steps were gentle, her gait not wanting to alarm the boy in front of her.

She then gently embraced Bell, before softly speaking to him.

"I know that must've been hard for you to go through...you must've had a hard life...I'm sorry for making you go through that for my selfishness Bell..."

Eina resolved to take a more trustful approach for Bell. She didn't wish to see him reminisce on past pains any longer.

But though she was sad at what her actions had caused, she was also immensely happy.

"And thank you...for trusting me enough to open your heart...for that...I'll do my best for your sake"

She wanted to care for Bell. She wanted to watch over him. So that he could smile longer. So that he wouldn't have to go through such sadness again.

Eina didn't know what compelled her to declare such a thing for a person she had only met the other day.

It was a natural attraction she couldn't explain. But one she didn't resist.

Eina began to slowly rub Bell's head as she embraced him.

Her years as an older sister moved her body without her knowing.

'I'll make sure of it. Under my care, I'll prepare Bell for everything. So that he could live the best life he can'

Eina felt a light breeze flow by her. The windows weren't open, so the sensation confused her.

Unknown to her, a mother who was taken away from her child too soon, thanked the half-elf in a place far beyond her comprehension.

Bell and Eina then continued their embrace in silence, uttering not a single word, the quiet being enough for the both of them.

Recreating a scene of a family that never was, but could be carried on in spirit through Eina.




'Shit. I almost cried-'

Bell thought to himself as he walked down a road frequently used by adventurers to arrive at the dungeon.

He was gathering his emotions from that heartfelt event a while ago. He did expect that Eina would sympathize with his emotions, but he wasn't expecting it to go as far as it had.

'Miss Eina's embrace and head patting... it's enough to make a grown man break down in tears...'

Bell was brought to the brink of his emotions spilling over. The gentle kindness Eina made him feel so intimately resembled a mother's kindness.

'Eina would make a great mother someday...her teaching was described as like a demonic training class...but it was much more like the preparations of a concerned parent...'

Bell was grateful that such a beneficial class for his future plans was done with such kindness, but it was also a source of guilt for him.

'Though what I said is true...it isn't the complete reason why I didn't join a familia...'

Bell was training to start lying naturally like breathing. Not to deceive others with ill intention, but because of the sensitive nature of his plans.

He was confident with enough time, he won't have to be hurt so greatly for hiding things from people who trust him. It was for the better they didn't know.

'The reason why I didn't join a familia is for two reasons...one is that I feel like I haven't reached the maximum natural potential of my abilities from Emiya...the other is my suspicions about excelia, falna, and the dungeon...'

The first reason is Bell's maximum natural potential with his Emiya abilities. If he was born with the abilities of Emiya without the assistance of Falna or a blessing, that would mean that he should have the potential to become as strong as Emiya was.

'Creation of items with inherent magical properties...increased recovery rate of my faux-Avalon regeneration...manifesting my reality marble...'

Bell couldn't imitate the enchantments of weapons created with the assistance of the blacksmith development ability, he still needed further research to understand its workings.

Though his passive regeneration was good, he knew the original strength it had. He didn't have Avalon, but despite that, he still possessed the ability. So it should be possible for it to become strong enough to even recover lost limbs.

Lastly was the manifestation of his reality marble Unlimited Blade Works. Though he could feel his connection to it was secure, he couldn't manifest it.

Bell knew that an incantation was needed for its calling, but each incantation of UBW differed between each version of Shirou. So it would be natural that he would have his own unique chant, but he didn't know what it was.

'Perhaps it will reveal itself to me when I become stronger?...the chant came naturally to Emiya after his fight with Archer...'

The only aspect of his abilities that Bell managed to nearly master was his reinforcement magic.

It was the most straightforward area of his abilities to improve, simply train harder, understand his target's structure better, and let the magic become second nature.

'I have yet to reach the maximum potential of my abilities. It's like having a template system at 50% progress...you would naturally want to cap it out'

Bell thought so as he quickly gazed at the equipment and weapons of the passing adventurers.

His eyes glowed slightly as a blue mist quickly covered each of their weapons before just as quickly dissipating. Its structure and creation all revealed themselves to Bell in an instant.

'So that weapon has an enchantment...enchantments appear to me like a convoluted mess of foreign runes...the best I can do is copy its appearance and material make-up...but it won't be as strong...'

He was constantly observing the plethora of equipment in his vision since arriving at Orario, constantly expanding his infinite field of weapons even more with each glance he made.

As he did this, Bell moved on to his next reasoning. He didn't want to become over-reliant on excelia and falna.

'It's a blessing that can speed one's growth and bring out their maximum potential, it's a very tempting offer if I want to become stronger quickly...but some things are just too good to be true...'

Bell didn't want the majority of his strength to come from a source that could be taken away, leaving him much weaker than before.

The reason for that is the dungeon.

'Its actions simply don't make sense...It hates the gods with a passion, so much so that it spawns mutant black monsters to ensure their death if they ever detect divine energy within its floors...'

'The goddess Astraea mentioned that it negotiated with Ouranos for a ceasefire between itself and the gods until a promised time was to come, leading to the restriction on arcanum'

'An entity that can infinitely spawn monsters, varying in strength and number, all without fail'

'An entity powerful enough to negotiate with Ouranos and the gods in equal terms, even allowing the gods to benefit from its creations by gathering materials and strengthening their followers...'

'You expect me to believe it would happily do such a thing without something up its sleeve?...'

Bell was naturally cautious of such a convenience given by the natural enemy of the divine and mortals.

'It could be a monster that can scare the black dragon shitless...maybe some sort of magic that could wreck disaster on Orario and nations across the world...in the worst case...some sort of way to affect falna and excelia directly...essentially tripling most adventurers back to being normal people...'

Possibilities of such disasters came across Bell's mind. His resolve strengthened even further.

'Maxing out my natural potential will leave me capable of acting even if my falna is gone or sealed...even if I might be overthinking this, if I max out my natural potential, my growth with falna will just become more bountiful compared to if I didn't...falna and excelia work more like multiplication rather than addition...'

Bell needed to prepare for any scenario. He wouldn't accept failure due to overlooking such a possibility.

'Well even without falna, my current strength should be more than enough for my plans. I'm not All-might or Deku who simply punch their problems away'

Bell arrived at the dungeon. He entered the dungeon's entrance, taking the steps down to the first floor.

'My strength doesn't come from how hard I hit... it's my ability to overwhelm my opponents with endless weapons and attacks'

Once the light of the outside world faded, and as the natural illumination of the dungeon became the source of Bell's vision, he readied himself for what was to come.

'It's time to get to work'

The first floor of the dungeon. Covered with blue walls and illuminated with a faint light of the same color. It was the starting place of many adventurers of Orario.

Bell walked down the so-called Beginning Road. A wide hallway on the first floor filled with adventurers entering and leaving the dungeon.

Monsters rarely appear in such a densely populated area. Any that do are eliminated on sight.

Bell then took a detour from the suggested route Eina had planned for his first excursion to the dungeon.

He entered a path that wasn't popular with most adventurers, leaving it desolate and empty. Perfect for his purposes.

Once Bell sensed he was far away from detection, he began sprinting, his reinforcement magic covering his body with a quick chant.

The metallic dark gray bow on Bell's back began to fade into mist, and so did the illusion of a quiver and arrows by his waist, something he made only for appearance's sake.

His attire of a brown coat, black undershirt, black pants, and thick leather gloves and boots, began to be enveloped in a blue mist.

The silhouette of an armor began taking shape on his body as he moved.

"Trace on"

The form began to solidify. The product of his imagination projecting itself onto reality.

A dark cloak covered his body. It obscured his face in darkness, not revealing the mask that would present itself if his hood was ever removed.

A gray form-fitting armor covered his body. Constructed with a combination of materials to provide maximum protection from blunt and piercing attacks whilst remaining flexible.

Weapons covered his body, various daggers constructed with a form to maximize stabbing potential. Capable as emergency arms or as a projectile.

The most distinguishing element of this figure were the weapons around his hands. Single-edged blades that were short but wide. Emanating an aura of danger.

Attached to its hilts were a series of metallic chains, wrapping around the figure's arms and around his waist. Though it could expand and shorten in length should it be desired.


Having finished his projections, Bell invoked magic made available to him by his grandfather.

The pendant he wore around his neck, now protected beneath the armor he had projected, began glowing in response to Bell's invocation.

Beneath his mask and hood, Bell's eyes began radiating light blue.

Where once it was admired for its beauty, it now gave off a feeling of ominous dread.

His body began dissipating into a mist before...he was gone from sight...traces of his presence erased in their entirety...but he remained in the dungeon...simply unseen to all.

Unknown to death nor known to life itself.





Deep in the recesses of the dungeon. Somewhere within the 4th floor, a pair of adventurers were running down the cavernous walls of the dungeon.

Out of breath, severely wounded, and blood stains across their entire body and equipment.

"Don't look back Setanta, I can still hear them chasing us!-"

A chientrope girl to her male human adventuring companion.

"I-haa...I can tell Scaith-"

The human, Setanta, replied tiredly. Out of breath. The wound across his body evidently drained him of his strength.

If the pair did not receive treatment soon, they would lose all strength in their body, stranding them to the whims of the malevolent dungeon.

Scaith could only curse their situation profusely in her mind. Wishing she didn't do what she did.

'I knew those group of bastards were suspicious...but we were desperate-'

Scaith and Setanta were once part of an adventuring group consisting of five level-ones.

The group was able to make a living for themselves adventuring together and gathering magic stones in the first few floors of the dungeon.

But when one of their members, unfortunately, fell victim to a stray monster they hadn't noticed, their other two members retired from their familia after witnessing the death. Setanta and Scaith were desperate to find new members to delve into the dungeon with.

The base of their familia was rather shabby, but it was all they could afford with their strength. Their familia's god worked himself to the bone selling jagamarukuns on the street to ease the financial burdens.

Setanta and Scaith owed their god immensely for setting them up in Orario, so they were determined to find a group and go back to earning money through magic stones.

One day, the pair were approached by three men claiming to also be looking for additional companions to delve into the dungeon with.

They said they were veteran level-ones like Setanta and Scaith and generally gave off a pleasant atmosphere.

Setanta and Scaith, their familia behind on their bills and quickly running out of funds for even daily essentials, quickly accepted the trio without question.

Everything was going normally until the time they tallied the total magic stones gathered. Setanta and Scaith discussed the splitting of the profits before they delved into the dungeon, so they prepared to begin heading back, but they were suddenly attacked by the trio.

Setanta and Scaith tried their best to fight back, they had encountered their fair share of malicious adventurers before, but the trio proved to be too strong.

They utilized various debilitating techniques such as poisons and hallucinogenics to chip away at their ability to fight back, and the leader of the trio turned out to be a recently leveled level two.

They were outmatched, so Setanta and Scaith began to escape. Leading to their current predicament.

'Fuck. The hallucinogen is getting to me...and Setanta is slowly losing strength...'

Scaith was the captain of their familia after their previous captain had died, so she began processing and strategizing ways to survive. To make it back to their god who was no doubt waiting for their return.

Setanta and Scaith soon entered a clearing on the fourth floor, an open area that lead to many pathways.

Scaith directed herself and Setanta to the closest route she knew that led to an often-used path for adventurers passing through the floor.

"Emille, this way! this path leads to-"

But before Scaith was able to finish speaking, she was kicked in the gut, pushing her back to Setanta.

The two fell together from the force of the blow, the figure who did so coming out of the pathway to mock them.

"HA!- Did you two honestly believe you could escape?! This isn't the first time we offed people like you y'know~"

Setanta and Scaith reeled from the pain, both coughing as they try to regain their bearings.

Scaith spoke up to question the man, Setanta being too tired to do the same as he clung on dearly to life.

"H-how the hell did you get here!?- *cough* So quickly-"

As if to humor the soon-to-be dead adventurers, the man shared how it was possible. Grinning maliciously as he did, taking pleasure in beating down those weaker than him.

"It's simple. This isn't the first time we killed and robbed desperate adventurers like you for all your worth. We know every. single. route. people like you might take to escape when we inevitably betray you~"

He spoke with fluency, this wasn't the first time he gave such a speech, and it wasn't the last one he planned on doing.

He spoke with excitement as if the situation gave him a thrill like no other.

"We perfected a method to ensure we always kill our target. To make it even better for us! I have a magic that makes me faster, allowing me to cut you off in advance. Cutting off any chance of escape. Experience. Ability. There's no way out for you guys!~"

A magic that was granted to the man upon his level up. Parva Celeritate.

A quick chant magic that granted him a small increase to his agility stat for a small duration.

A magic developed from the countless experiences this man had from running away from people stronger than himself, and mercilessly chasing down those weaker than him.

A magic of unremarkable quality through the disgusting efforts of a revolting specimen of a man.

The glare that Scaith had soon slowly morphed into dread and fear. Each second the man continued to speak, hope continued to drain from her face.

She became desperate. She couldn't die here. She couldn't let Setanta die here.

'I wanted to do so much. We wanted to do so much. Our god promised us...I...I-"


Scaith began frantically screaming for help. Desperate that her shouts may be able to reach the ears of a nearby adventurer.

She didn't want to die. Not like this.

She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her voice gradually faded as her body became weaker and weaker. Her tears streamed down her face in intensity.


Seeing the chientrope struggle to continue shouting, the man laughed maniacally at her sorrow, at her misfortune.


As fate was mocking her desire to continue living, the other 2 men who were chasing them down finally arrived. Laughing in the same mocking tone.

"B-Boss stop- I cant- HAHAHAHAHAHAH"

"Let's just put this bitch out of her misery, else I'm gonna...- PFT- HAHAHAHA"

Hearing their mocking of her desire to live. Scaith soon started crying out in pain. Her voice was now unable to produce much sound. Her dry throat struggled to convey her despair.

Seeing the chientrope girl sob in such desperation. The leader decided to finish the job, gather their earnings, and return to the surface. The guild and the people of Orario none the wiser about their crimes.

"Geez stop writhing like that. It's fucking gross. You're gonna die so at least don't make it hard for me..."

The man took out a dagger from his waist, one he had used to take the lives of numerous unfortunate souls.

"The Dolos familia wishes you a pleasant journey to the afterlife~"

He stepped forward to end Scaith's life, but before he could do so-


The sound of metal being dragged across the dungeon floor began to make itself known.



The sound of heavy footsteps accompanied the eerie noise.


Growing ever closer...as if it didn't matter if it was heard...as if it wanted to etch itself to whoever heard it.


Suddenly, the noises came to an abrupt stop...silence taking over the area...


Before anyone could react, two blades bound with chains flew out from the shadows of one of the passageways, wrapping, and binding the two of the trio.

"!- Wh-"

The chains pulled on the men with immense strength, immediately dragging their bodies into the shadowy passageway violently.

It happened in an instant. Fast enough that the bound men couldn't make a sound before being dragged away.

What followed chilled the remaining member of the trio to his very core.

Screams from his comrades. Eliciting immense pain.

He stared down at the shadowy hallway where his familia members were dragged into.

Flashes of blue light illuminated the passageway in an instant before fading just as quickly.

It was timed with noises of heavy impacts.

Strung together in a series. One after the other in quick succession.







Vestiges of a figure appeared briefly, but not enough was seen to make out a complete picture.


When the flashing lights had stopped, two sounds came out of the hallway, the sound of bodies crashing against the cold hard dungeon floor.

The man knew his comrades were gone, he had to act now.


Scaith, who was dazed at what was happening stared into the shadowy passage two of her pursuers were ensnared into.


The sound of the figure's footsteps began to ring out across the room once more.

Closer and closer...

The bodies of two very injured men were thrown out of the passageway roughly.

Their breaths were weak. Bones were fractured, joints were dislocated, and faint traces of blood were evident.

The figure stepped out into the clearing, his appearance now visible under the faint light emitted by the dungeon.

Cloaked and armored in gray, his face obscured by a hood and mask. His breaths were slow and light. He wasn't even winded after taking down two veteran level-one adventurers.

His knuckles dripped lightly with blood, and a sense of oppression radiated out from him.

It was silent...before he called out to the remaining member of the trio.

"You...your Dolos familia...how many are you?"

An indistinguishable voice came out from the figure. It sounded as if it was extremely warped, a bastardization of the original sound.

The man was silent before grinning to himself when seeing the figure.

"Ha!- You trying to play hero or something? Look kid, I don't have time to play your games~"

The man said snarkily while observing the figure. His equipment appeared really well made. He heard metal being scraped, but the figure had no weapons on him...a magic perhaps?

'He's probably some sort of close combat fighter...even if I can't pierce through that armor...I'm agile enough to not be caught by him...and I have bottled poison gas. He can't possibly defend against that'

The man was shocked by the figure's sudden intrusion, but he was confident he could take him down.

He didn't spare a moment to glance at his unconscious allies. His twisted nature had no qualms about sacrificing his teammates if it benefited him.

"Your equipment looks really fancy...hows about you just give up now while I give you the chance 'kay? If you don't know I'm level tw-"


Before he could finish, a chained blade flew past his head and crashed violently into the wall.

The man barely reacted quick enough to dodge, but his face was still cut.

The figure was now holding the chain in his right hand,  it wrapped around his arms and waist.

"You won't speak. Then I'll just beat it out of you"

He began spinning the chained blade on his left, letting it gain momentum before eventually launching it toward the member of the Dolos familia.


The member of the Dolos familia just barely reacted once more in the nick of time.

Tumbling to his side to avoid the path of the oncoming blade, it crashed just as violently into the wall as the previous one.

"Resistance is futile"

The figure spoke coldly, pulling the chains of the wedged blades violently before swinging them once more at the man.

What followed was a sight that shocked the barely conscious Scaith.

The chained blades kept chasing the evading Dolos familia member.

Chains flew around as it did so, restricting his movements greatly.

The chained blades kept moving at great speed, increasing even more as the figure stood in his position whipping them around with immense strength.

The breaking of the walls was constant, the metallic chains kept colliding all around the walls of the clearing. Drowning the figure's target in a flurry of deadly strikes and loud noises, slowly constricting his possible movements.

A crescendo in dedication to his imminent defeat.

'He's...playing with him'

Scaith didn't know why, she didn't know the extent of this figure's power, but she had a gut feeling she could've easily taken him out way earlier.

'It's not doing so out of malice...more like...curiosity'

It was curiosity. How far should he go, and how much effort will the road ahead of him require? Such were the thoughts of the figure that were unknown to her.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

The man who was at the center of this intense attack kept cursing in his mind. He was slowly but surely running out of places to dodge, the chains coming from the figure slowly enveloping the room.

'Just how long is that chain of his!-'

Had he known, he would've no doubt despaired, but he didn't, he couldn't.

Just when his focus lapsed a bit, he dodged a blade that was aiming for his neck. He thought he was safe, but a shadow soon loomed over him.

The gray figure was suddenly now towering over him, utilizing his focus on the blades to instantly enter striking distance. His right arm pulled back for a punch, tensing with power, the chains on his arms flying freely. He was caught-


Sauce: Kengan Ashura (Manga is dope)

The figure let out a devastating blow to the man's head, crushing it against the ground with immense force.




The member of the Dolos familia fell unconscious. His face was greatly disfigured.

Scaith sat quietly, still processing what had just happened.

The figure looked over the unconscious man, unfazed.

The chains and blades all soon dissipated into a blue mist, leaving the surroundings with numerous craters and rubble across the ground.

The hooded figure then turned his attention away from the man to the girl and her injured partner.

Scaith seeing this, immediately tensed up, the gaze of the figure chilling her down to her core.

'those blue eyes...'

Scaith did her best to gather strength, wanting to let the figure know she didn't wish to fight.


She was wincing in pain as she struggled to speak, but before she could continue any longer, the figure was now near her and he took a knee to reach her height.


Scaith close her eyes in anticipation of her death, but...it never came.


When Scaith opened her eyes once more, she saw the figure extending his hand towards her, holding two potions in his hands.

"Drink. One will heal your injuries, and the other any status ailments you might be experiencing"

Scaith hesitated for a moment, but she saw the label of a reputed potion-making familia on the bottles, once she did, she quickly grabbed them and chugged them down.


A faint light began radiating across Scaith's body, her wounds recovering, and her mind clearing up from the hallucinogen she had been inflicted with.

Feeling her throat fill with moisture from ingesting the potions, her voice came back to her.

Scaith knew the figure was not hostile anymore, so she immediately went to ask for him to save his friend Setanta.

"U-uh I-"

But the figure was already ahead of her. Taking 2 more of the same potions he gave to Scaith, and dripping them both down an open wound on Setanta's body.


Setanta's body began radiating a light just as Scaith's did, but fainter.

"The boy is unconscious so he cant ingest the potions orally. External treatment will slow down the more imminent concerns, but he will soon need more treatment on the surface. He will be fine"

Scaith, hearing this felt an immense burden was taken off her shoulders.

She was no longer in danger of death, and so was her friend. Her god no longer has to wait in futility for children that would never come back.

There was a whirlwind of emotions occurring deep inside of her, she didn't know what to do now.

But in the midst of her confusion, she felt the gentle touch of a hand over her head.


Scaith looked up to see that the figure who had saved her and her friend was now patting her head.

She didn't know what to do, what to say, or what to think. The confusion of the gesture worsened her mess of emotions, but a simple phrase from him was enough to grant her clarity.

"You did well"

Words of praise.


But Scaith naturally rejected them.

"For protecting your friend..."


Scaith wanted to reject the figure's words. If he spoke anymore, she would do something she would regret.

"For never giving up..."

The hand on her head felt warmer, the figure's genuine kindness reaching Scaith.


Scaith resolved to become strong. After her former captain's death. After her other familia members left. After they were on the brink of collapse-

"Even in the face of absolute fear:

"I can't...I-"

She had to be strong for her familia. Resolute and unmoving. She couldn't be praised for her failure.

"Thank you for holding on. For allowing me to reach you"


Scaith was holding on to her tears. Trying her best not to let them overflow.

Where she once feared the blue eyes of the figure, those same eyes began to exert a gentleness Scaith couldn't help but be drawn to.

The figure saw Scaith's attempt to remain firm, but spoke slowly, wishing for the girl to grow from this experience.

"The world is cruel, and we do need to be strong to face it...but tears shouldn't be seen as weakness...they prove that you can stand back up...they prove that you can change things for the better...they are proof that you are alive"

Scaith was now at her limit, anymore...

"Be proud and cry out...because you have lived to fight another day"

In an instant Scaith lost all control of her emotions, crying under the warmth of the one who had saved her.

"Thank you....hic...Thank you!-"

Scaith profusely gave her thanks amidst the tears on her face and the emotion stuck in her throat.

The figure soon gave the girl a gentle embrace, familiar with how much emotions she must have right now, he wanted to give her the comfort he once received long ago.

And so the girl cried out to the world, breath still in her lungs. Alive and well.

This meeting has permanently intertwined the two's fate, beyond their understanding and comprehension. Birthing a bond that will be tempered through the heat of conflict and will remain firm regardless.

But such a thing wasn't important now.

This was simply the celebration of a life.

A life that kept its desire to live, even in the abyss of despair.

Authors note:

Thank you for reading until the end!

Bell has finally explained his reasonings for his actions and has begun his life as the dungeon's vigilante.

Along with the introduction of the characters Scaith and Setanta. I don't doubt you can guess where I'm going with this one~ HAHAHA

I also found a lot of people complaining about my choice to bring in Eina, so I hope this chapter can let you guys see the direction I'm planning to take with her.

Also, suggestions for Bell's vigilante alias, please.

The next chapter will have a small time skip, and depending on what I want to do, bring a certain dog and/or squirrel into the story.

That will be all. Have a nice day!

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