Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 22: Machia

「Trace on」

Bell projected his chained blades onto his hands and immediately charged into the horde of enemies in front of him.

'I have to thin out those minotaurs before I even start thinking of handling the Goliath...I can keep track of the Goliath while fighting the minotaurs due to its size and loudness...but I can't say the same about the opposite'

With his course of action decided upon, Bell immediately began his assault by strengthening his blades.


Magic circuits ran across the length of the chained blades, reinforcing its structure and purpose of existence to cut. Having confirmed the strength of his weapon, Bell immediately threw his chained blades toward the chest of a nearby minotaur.


The blade perfectly pierced the monster, leaving it shocked at its sudden defeat, ash particles beginning to radiate off of its body.

Bell was about to strike another minotaur, but the Goliath began charging frenziedly toward his position, stomping and crushing the minotaurs in his path.

'Just as expected-'

In a matter of seconds, the Goliath was now upon him, its fist shadowing Bell and the chained minotaur, but Bell immediately acted to move out of its way.

He pulled on the chain of the blade which struck the minotaur, the resistance in the pull was enough for Bell to begin a half-swing away to avoid the Goliaths strike, while pulling the Minotaur to certain doom.


'Thankfully, dungeon monsters only begin acting more intelligent on the deeper floors...so I'll use that to my advantage'

Bell concluded that individually taking out every minotaur in the herd would leave him too exhausted to fight the Goliath effectively.

So he would use the Goliath to help thin them out for him.

Stabbing minotaurs, using them as leverage to propel himself forward, all the while the Goliath would chase after him and crush the surrounding monsters.

'It's not the most badass method to start off this fight...but I'm not some dude with a system...I'm a vigilante...and utilizing tactics and techniques to take down my enemy is my forte!-'

Thus the deadliest game of tag began, between Bell and the wailing monster rex born from the wall of grief.




"The rear guard and the newer expedition team members will deal with escorting the group through the middle floors. All main expedition team members, take this chance to preserve your stamina. Don't try and mess around to warm up, we'll have plenty of time to do so in Rivira."

Finn commanded in a tone that reached every member of the large group, a feat made possible by his skill 「Command Howl」.

"Are my instruction clear!"

Finn shouted out, his demeanor didn't show any questions regarding his confidence as a leader.

"None, Sir!"

The crowd shouted back in reply.

Today was the day of the expedition of the Loki familia into the deep floors. Their expedition was expected to two weeks, so they made sure to bring enough supplies and personnel for any scenario.

Blacksmiths of the Hephaestus familia accompanied those of the Loki familia for the upkeep of their team's equipment.

Crowds of supported carrying bags that were almost twice their size, some being thrice. Each one carries various supplies for every situation.

Squads of trained adventurers ranging from level three and above, all fully equipped and armed.

Even more specialized personnel like cooks, engineers, cartographers, and many more were present.

Such intricate planning and coordination was something that only a veteran exploration familia like the Loki familia could accomplish with ease and consistency.

As a top familia, they were required by the guild to perform a number of mandatory expeditions befitting their familia rank and size. But even if this weren't done, the Loki familia would still perform such expeditions frequently in order to maintain their numerous operations and personnel.

'The Goliath should be spawning around today...if we're lucky, we might be able to get our newer members to combat it'

Finn thought to himself. As much as possible, he planned his familia expeditions to occur with the respawn timer of the Goliath.

It was a reliable way of training the newer and more inexperienced parts of the expedition group, and he didn't need to worry about the monster rexes of the deeper floors, due to not many familias being able to take them on.

So it was safe to assume that all deep-floor monster rexes would be ripe for the taking in any of their expedition dives to the dungeon.

But just as Finn was pondering on who to send to deal with the Goliath if no one had yet taken it, he began to hear a sound that concerned him.

'...erratic breathing...small whimpers of pain... someone is injured!-'

Finn was all too familiar with the sounds of an injured adventurer, and so were his familia members, each of them picking up on the noises after Finn.

"Third healer squad! There is an injured adventurer just up ahead! Immediately rush to their aid! Fourth escort squad, ensure their safety!"

Finn shouted out as he began moving. He would ensure the safety of the injured adventurer while the lower-leveled healers and escorts arrived.

"Captain Finn, I'll accompany you as well!"

Tione shouted as she chased after Finn.

Other members of the main expeditionary force moved as well, except Gareth, Riveria, Lefiya, and Bete.

The first three due to their lack of agility and responsibility to take point while Finn left, and Bete...simply didn't care.




"My name is Finn Deimne of the Loki familia. We have come to rescue you. You're in safe hands now miss"

Finn said as he presented his familia sigil. It was standard practice in order to lessen the wariness of an injured adventurer. There were too many instances where injured adventurers were harmed under the pretext of treatment, so identity verification became expected for most rescues.

"Those injuries..."

Tione and Tiona began to examine the injured girl. A chienthrope who was severely injured, but appeared to be safe from mortal danger. They concluded it was a potion's effect. However, there were still visible small scratches along her body.

To most people, it would seem indistinguishable, but to the eyes of a trained adventurer, they would be able to recognize its source.


Ais replied in a soft tone, she had become intimately familiar with the injuries produced by a minotaur back in the day when she would recklessly charge into the dungeon as a child.


Naaza began to try and recover a steady breath in order to relay the information she wanted to convey to Finn and the Loki familia. She was extremely relieved that she had encountered such a strong force.

"Would you mind telling us how you encountered such an injury miss?"

Finn asked Naaza.

Minotaurs weren't something that would hinder them greatly, but depending on the situation, he may need to eliminate the minotaurs if they were a large enough group.

"Pass parade...minotaur herd..."

Naaza said in a tired and exasperated tone, the Loki familia members immediately darkened their expressions.

"How disgusting..."

Tiona and Tione said in anger. Pass parades were despised by adventurers, especially high-class adventurers who knew the perils the dungeon could truly produce.

Even the expressionless Ais began to sour at its mention.

"But that is not the main point!-"

Naaza regained her breathing and began to loudly proclaim what she wanted to convey, somewhat shocking the Loki familia members.

"In the seventeenth floor...the horde of minotaurs combined with the spawning of the Goliath...the person who rescued me is still back there!"

A minotaur horde and a Goliath spawning...it was the worst situation possible that could be produced on the seventeenth floor...only a variant's spawning would surpass it.

Finn knew what Naaza wanted to ask. To help save the person who had to save her. It would be natural for him to do so...

'But...in such a situation...they're most likely dead...'

Only a level four or high level three would be able to escape such a scenario with their lives. But knowing the chienthrope's savior most likely chose to stall the monsters as she ran...unless they were a level 4 with great spatial awareness...

Knowing the expressions of sorrow on their faces, Naaza immediately raised her voice in protest of their sympathy.

"He's not dead...he's...he's..."

Finn was about to console the girl, but the words she spoke changed his mind completely.

"The Gray Ghost! The Gray Ghost is holding them off! Please! Save him!"

'The Gray Ghost-'

Finn was shocked at knowing the famous dungeon vigilante was the one holding off such a force.

'If he's the one holding them off...he might...'

He didn't know the exact level of the hidden hero, but with their track record of avoiding detection and high technique...Finn knew there was a chance.


Finn was about to issue orders, but Tiona abruptly broke into a sprint, heading to the seventeenth floor with haste.

"That fangirl twin of mine..."

Tione exasperatedly said, not knowing her level of obsession was rather mild compared to her obsession with Finn. Kettle meet pot.

Finn could only wryly smile at Tione, while Ais readied herself for her captain's orders.

"Ais, carry this adventurer to the healing squad. Tione, chase after Tiona. I'll coordinate with the main force to begin diving to the seventeenth floor with haste"

Finn spoke with a confident gaze in his eyes, the two high adventurers with him immediately complying.

He then turned to the crying adventurer with a smile.

"Don't worry miss, we will do our utmost to assist the Gray Ghost"

Hearing the confirmation that she was able to find help for her savior, Naaza immediately broke down in tears once more. Now praying that Bell was able to hold out.




"Tione, Tiona! Whats the situation?"

Finn shouted as he began to see the twin amazonesses enter his view, he did so as the rest of the expedition group trailed behind him.

'Are we too late?...'

Finn expected the worse scenario from what he observed.

Tiona and Tione stood still in silence, watching from a vantage point that was known to overlook the general battleground of the monster rex.

But before his concerns continued to grow within his mind, Tiona simply spoke in awe.

"He's still fighting captain...both the minotaurs and the Goliath..."

Finn was shocked at such a discovery, and so were the other members of the expedition group.

'For that long?...even without taking into account the time it took for that chienthrope girl to reach us...how did he last so long?...is the Gray Ghost stronger than I expected?'

Finn thought. He speculated that the Gray Ghost was hovering in status between a high-end level two or level three. He had done so by taking into account the reports of each of the criminals he had taken down, something privy to him as a captain of a major familia.

But before Finn began to speculate more, he had finally come face-to-face with the scene that had left the amazoness twins speechless.


Riveria, Gareth, Ais, and Bete were silent alongside Finn.

It was because the way the battle was playing out was bizarre, something they had never encountered in all their years of adventuring.

"He's...kiting the Goliath...taking down the minotaurs with his attackers...alongside the Goliath's rage..."

Finn said in surprise.

"And he's doing it all by himself!-"

Gareth replied in a tone that showed his excitement. His warrior's blood began to boil seeing the spectacle in front of him.

Bell had been successfully employing his strategy of enemy self-sabotage throughout all this time.

Stabbing minotaurs with ease, using their bodies to propel himself. and letting the Goliath clean up the rest.

It was the employing of the deep floor dungeon strategy of kiting, where the boss' attention would be exploited in order to recover strength to continue fighting.

"Employing kiting would require numerous squads, not to mention precise coordination...so kiting the unpredictable berserk Goliath...as well as wiping out the minotaurs in the process...by himself..."

Riveria couldn't believe that anyone would even consider such a risky maneuver, much less pull it off.

She and her fellow familia members knew the amount of physical and mental finesse it would require to make such a strategy viable.

"...it requires the skill of a high adventurer"

Ais declared as she observed the fight, enraptured by it.

As the powerhouse of the Loki familia, her words carried much significance.

Earning the admiration of the 「The Sword Princess」was a feat few in the world could even accomplish, even more in the art of combat.

Tiona watched as her heart began to beat faster at the hero-like struggle unfolding before her eyes.

Gareth grasped the handle of his axe with excitement.

Tione smiled in wild glee.

Bete grasped the palms of his hands tightly.

Riveria held her staff with anticipation.

Lefiya watched in perpetual shock.

The members of the expedition group watched in silent admiration.

And Ais ignored everything else in the world as she solely focused on this adventurer.

The Loki familia has faced monsters with immense strength and deadly skill. Fought on battlefields that would traumatize a normal person. Held on to life in the most despairing situation.

But this...was a sight that would ingrain itself into their minds...more than even Balor itself.

'Just how far can you go...Gray Ghost'

Finn thought as he smiled in anticipation, a smile of a warrior which he rarely showed beyond the deep floors of the dungeon...his eyes...tinting ever so slightly red.




'Naaza...I really appreciate how far you went for me...it touches my heart, really it does...but I feel more pressure now that the Loki familia are staring at me-'

Bell thought to himself as he maneuvered around another minotaur charge, stabbing it in the head just as it was about to reach him, then vaulting over it using its head as leverage.

'Now that I think about it...isn't this scene a bit too familiar to the variant minotaur fight in the anime?-'

Bell continued thinking as he threw his chained swords, stabbing another minotaur to propel himself before the Goliath's attack could reach him.


'I'm sure it's just a coincidence'

Though the Loki familia assumed that Bell was constantly calculating his every move in his one-man kiting of the monster rex, in reality, such maneuvers had long since become second nature to the vigilante.

His numerous experiences in a one-versus-many scenario have allowed him to develop an insane amount of spatial awareness and real-time thinking.

'The minotaur horde is almost finished off...now I just need to think about dealing with the Goliath...'

The Goliath Bell was fighting wasn't the same Goliath which was shown in the anime. It had gray skin with a reddish afterglow, which was different compared to the dark black skin shown at the end of season one.

'There's no god or goddess in the dungeon, so this isn't going to become a blackened monster'

Blackened monsters were produced in response to the dungeon sensing the presence of a god or goddess within its floors. It would strengthen the monster and even bestow upon it special abilities, all for the express purpose of eliminating the god or goddess who stepped into itself.

'The regular Goliath has some regenerative abilities, but not as absurd as was shown for the blackened version...it also doesn't have a howl that commands monsters...otherwise, this would've been an even harder fight'

Bell continued to little down the minotaurs, but he was stopped in his tracks by the peculiar behavior of the Goliath.



The Goliath was now standing still, silent and unmoving.

It unnerved everyone who saw it.

"The Goliath stopped...has this happened before Miss Riveria?"

Lefiya curiously asked Riveria, but she saw a hint of concern in her teacher's eyes.

"No...this has never happened before..."



Something which struck immediate fear into the expeditionary group.

The dungeon was long known to be quite mysterious in nature, so the Loki familia took caution whenever they began to tread on the unexplored ground to them.

Their caution and vigilance would be raised to the utmost. Knowledge was key to maintaining your life in the dungeon. Fighting without it...was akin to fighting while blinded.

The unknown held huge significance for high-class adventurers...but this was an even more severe case.

'What is causing such irregular behavior in the Goliath...'

Finn thought to himself, broken out of his rapture by the peculiarity.

The unknown was something he took very seriously...but an unknown variable...in an area thought to be completely understood...explore and studied even thousands of years ago...it was frightening.

The behaviors and characteristics were studied extensively for a long amount of time. The Dungeon Oratoria, a book created by the hero Albert nearly a thousand years from the present, discussed the existence and studying of the seventeenth floor's monster rex.

For an irregularity to only appear after almost a thousand years of observation and study...

'This...isn't good...'

Finn felt a faint pain in his thumb.

'I shouldn't be too hasty...even if it is an irregularity with the Goliath...it won't surpass at most level three...maybe even four... we will be able to handle it'

Finn wasn't too terrified, he and his familia have regularly battled with monsters ranging in the area of level 5. On rare occasions, even level 6. They weren't in fear for their own safety.

'What matters most right now is gathering information about this anomaly...and assisting the Gray Ghost if it becomes too much...'

As Finn was contemplating, Bell continued to dispatch the minotaurs that charged at him, keeping his focus on the unmoving Goliath all the while.

'Such behavior isn't listed in any of Miss Eina's books, nor from my knowledge of the story...and briefly glancing at the Loki familia, it seems they're at a loss too...'

Bell continued dispatching minotaurs until...he noticed something...


It was a small detail, probably one that evaded the notice of most of the Loki familia...


Time slowed down for Bell...as he observed the phenomenon...

'one part of his skin...is turning red...and is visibly morphing...'

Memories of a decade prior began to stir within Bell.

'it's like...that one goblin I fought in the village...its arm turned red...morphing itself into something grotesque...'

Bell's eyes began to hone in even further on the Goliath...

Something was affecting him...

It was the same feeling he had felt when he became unconscious while mounting the goblin...

'Somethings driving me...to kill it-'

Bell's bloodlust began to be leaked like crazy. Even when he faced the vilest criminals, he had never shown such bloodlust to an enemy before.

'Kill it...kill the spawn of Gaia...for the will of Alaya-'

Bell was no longer in control of himself, succumbing to an unknown force.


Mind began to fill Bell's magic circuits to the brink of their capacity as he began madly dashing toward the still-solitary Goliath.

"The Gray Ghost...what happened to him?"

Tiona questioned the sudden behavior of the hero she idolized.

"Hm? Is something different?"

Tione replied to her sister, not knowing what was wrong. He seemed normal. Attacking a monster when they're stationary and before they could do something was standard procedure for an adventurer.

"It's...he's different...this isn't the Gray Ghost..."

The Loki familia slowly but surely began to recognize the differences.

Where once the Gray Ghost fought with finesse and ingenuity...he now felt more mechanical...as if these are merely repeated movements...which served no purpose other than complete an objective...

Riveria was reminded of a similar figure that moved how Bell currently did.

'It's kind of like a golem...the magical 𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯'

Bell threw his chained swords toward the legs of the Goliath, once it pierced, he immediately propelled himself forward and began his flurry of blows.

He sliced away at the ankles and tendons which supported its weight while standing, forcing the Goliath to stagger.

Bell continued to climb the Goliath. Throwing his chained swords to his target locations, propelling himself, then damaging that area immensely.

He moved like a flash, quickly scaling the length of the monster rex, leaving a mess of fatal sword strikes.

The Goliath began to fall to its knees, but Bell simply consisted.

The upper thigh...then to the lower abdomen...to the upper abdomen...across its neck...before propelling himself to its head.

"Such a ruthless and efficient sword style...its kind of like Ais'...but as if...it was made without a goal in mind...as if was made to mindlessly cut down enemies without having to think..."

Tiona continued to comment on the fight, visibly saddened by each passing moment.

This wasn't the hero she had been admiring just a few moments prior.

The Loki familia agreed with her sentiment. They couldn't help but be taken aback by the sudden change. it was like...

𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦...𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴...𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘴.


Bell coldly invoked his magic, stuffing his weapon with the absolute maximum amount of mind it can carry, its sharpness tittering on the edge of collapsing the sword's structure.

He mechanically dragged his chained swords, pulling on the chains with immense strength.


Cutting away the arms of the Goliath with ease.

The scene shocked the Loki familia, seeing Bell's capabilities firsthand caused their image of him to change in the minds of many. Most positive, in awe of his strength. Some neutral, feeling that something was off. One was saddened, at the loss of the heroic aura she admired.

'There's something wrong about this entire situation...'

Finn thought to himself as he slowly fiddled with his thumb.

His supernatural sense wasn't aching to inform that he or his familia was possibly in immense danger, it was more so an aching Finn remembered...in situations where he doesn't have the full picture.

Riveria and Gareth noticed the behavior of their long-time comrade and began to watch even closer, hoping that they might catch something the pallum had missed.


Bell coldly looked into the eyes of the now armless Goliath, it was now time to finish it off.

He began to tug on his chains to fling his max-reinforced swords to vertically split the beast in half...


But he was instead met with a radiance of red emanating from the Goliath.

Whisps of smoke sparsely covered the body of the monster rex, before the red glow disappeared in its entirety.

The goliath had now lost its gray skin...but neither was it black...it was now red...and pulsating with brutal energy.



Bell stared into the eyes of the Goliath...

γ̴̡̻̱̠̠̄́́͗̀o̵̢͍̮͐̎͆͐̕͜ͅυ̶̱̮̘̮͖̿̐͐̾̕ ̵̪̳̺͖̗̓̈̃̈́̋ɒ̵̫̩͎̠̉̀̽̅͂ͅɿ̸̤̙̥̗̩͆̓̅͘͠ɘ̴̨̛̯̠̭̖̎̎̕͘ ̸̧͕̲̤̘̍̍̈̌̕n̴̡̺̮̟̞̑̑̌̈̽o̶͉̭͙͓͐̐̓̑̚ͅɈ̸̨̥̜͙̮̍͋̇̈́̒ ̷͔͉̺̘̯̅̋͒̽̈w̵͍̝͕̖̼̎͗̐̿̽ɘ̴͎̱̯͕͙͆̈̇͊͊l̴̠͙̼̺̼̀̇̓͘͠ɔ̷̧̛͓̻͕̜̒͐̈́͝ǫ̶̣̝͙͎̐͑̈͂̕m̷̢̻̲̻̜̄̔̓̀̌ɘ̴͔̺̲͖̑̍̊̎̿͜ ̴̨̠͔̟̠̀̎̄͆̕ʜ̴͔̤̳̞̖̄͊͒̔͑ɘ̷͔̟̫̘̙̐́̇̿͗ɿ̵̱͎̼̗̬̊̃͒̈͝ɘ̴͖͓̟̼͎̽͒̿̿͠,̵̨̗̠̮̮͛͛͑̂̕ ̴̨͚̟̭̆̀͌̓͋͜ɔ̶̦͕̻̝̣̓̏̏̕͝ö̴̟͍̣̗͖́̏̆̈́͘υ̴̲̠͍̮͈̽̓̈̎̚ǹ̵̝̱̝̼̠͊͋̍̃Ɉ̸̙͇̬̱͐̓̂̎̚͜ɘ̴͉͕̻̼̳͐̏̍̀̕ɿ̴̧̻̼̭̤͗͑͆̋̓-̸͙̝̙̹̈́̌̂͒͝ͅϱ̸̡͓̝͈̻̒̀̿̏͝ὐ̸̪̮̜̹̱̿̿͑̕ɒ̵̟͚͉̟̥͐̐̑̍͊ɿ̵̥̥͎̪̯̒̅̎̾̀ḇ̵̧͓͙͇̔̍̍͆̒i̸͇̭̻̹̍̌̓͆̚͜ɒ̵̨̹̹̙̻̈̋̌̈͝n̶̨͈̝̟͈̑̇͗͘͝

...and it stared back at him.

Its arms were regrown in an instant...and a large and heavy fist made constant with Bell.


Bell was instantly thrown away and crashed against a wall, forming an immense amount of debris.



The Loki familia reacted quickly to the sudden attack of the Goliath, but they were unable to go into the fray of the battle...because Bell quickly leaped out of the rubble's dust cloud with immense speed.

「Trace on」

Bell quickly projected more of his chained blades and began striking quickly and deftly throughout the entire body of the Goliath.

Propelling himself around to numerous different areas in an instant, leaving a trail of sword strikes in his wake.

But Bell eventually was caught by the Goliath as he attempted to propel himself once again, hit by its fist and crashing once more into the wall of the dungeon...

...and once more he leaped from the rubble and projected more swords.

The two continued to fight in such a pattern.

Bell would swiftly move in the air and strike the Goliath with quick and precise attacks...

...only to be stopped by a powerful punch...then the cycle would repeat once more.

There was no strategy nor higher thinking at play.

There was no honor or pride on the line.

It was simply as if...𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳.

The Loki familia watched over the ensuing battle, quickly growing anxious with each blow.

"If this weren't a monster rex spawn location...no doubt a juggernaut would've appeared"

Gareth stated. Juggernauts were the dungeon's natural form of defense should too much damage be detected in its structure.

This is why destructive methods of dungeon diving were not used often on the deeper floors, as juggernauts scaled in proportion to the depth they spawned in.

The exception to this phenomenon would be in the area a monster rex is spawned in.

"That's a reasonable concern...but I'm more worried if the wall of grief will be able to keep up..."

Riveria stated in concern. Bell and the Goliath had made numerous damage to the outer perimeter of the wall of grief.

Bellow the wall was the dungeon safe zone and settlement known as Rivira.

"Should the wall fail...Rivira..."

Imagining the tragedy that would ensure should such a strong Goliath fall into Rivira, Riveria shook her head to rid the thought.

"No worries Riveria...should the wall of grief begin to appear that it would collapse..."

Finn grasped his spear tightly, and Riveria could understand clearly what he meant to convey.

She also felt a touch on her shoulder, it was Ais.

"No worries Riveria...I am here"

Ais pumped her fist in order to console her friend, but Riveria merely smiled and head-patted the adorable Ais.

"It's alright...what you should be concerned about is..."


"Gray Ghost..."

Tiona said in a saddened voice.

The Goliath had struck Bell once more.

The cycle the two were locked in had been going on for a while in futility.

Bell wasn't making ground at all against the Goliath, and he slowly began having his vitality drain with each blow.


The Loki familia expected Bell to stand up once again...but there was only silence...

"Oi Oi Captain...The gray bastard isn't getting up"

Bete immediately voiced his concern, his legs already preparing to rush in.

The other members also began to slowly build up vigilance, Tiona looking as if she would rip the Goliath apart with her own hands.

"Everyone! Engage-"

But before Finn could announce his command...something had struck all of them to their core.



They couldn't describe what had just happened...but they understood it clearly...

'Don't interfere'

Such was the closest approximation one could make about what they had felt.

The Loki familia was left stunned, unable to move an inch




'What in the hell is that?...'

Freya thought as she observed the fight from her crystal ball, a product of her arcanum which allowed her to remotely view any location she kept track of.

'That hatred...the immense hatred against the divine...I only felt it once before...'

The dungeon.

Freya grew pensive. She was already beginning to worry after she saw Bell change in behavior so quickly...

'The light that had surrounded his soul...diminished in its entirety...leaving only a hazy mist of red...and smoke'

Freya knew something had happened to Bell, and whatever it was, it had hijacked her beloved's body.

'Add that disgusting feeling from the goliath...should I intervene?...'

Freya was considering doing so.

She wished for Bell to grow through immense tempering...but should he ever be at the brink of moral danger...Freya resolved to go to war for him.

Seeing the stress grow on his goddess' face, Ottar assumed a serious tone filled with the desire to rid his goddess of any inconvenience.

"Shall I go take out the Goliath and rescue Bell Cranel, Lady Freya?"

Ottar mostly asked to provide his goddess with happiness, but he also didn't wish to see the youth fade away so quickly.

'Seeing him as Lady Freya watched over him...it reignited my lost passion...my passion to grow stronger'

Ottar no longer strove to improve his strength much in this current age of Orario...only doing so in the company of a certain group...

'He reminded me...of the Zeus familia'

So just as much as he wanted to do this for Freya's sake, he also had a stake in it as well.

He wished to be challenged once more, and he had no qualms if it was the possible Lord he may serve alongside his goddess.

It was the perfect situation to fulfill his battle-lust and his desire to only have the best at his goddess' side.

Just as Freya began nearly accepting Ottar's suggestion...her eyes widened...her breath...became erratic... a flush became apparent on her face...

'I knew you wouldn't disappoint me...Odr~'

"No Ottar, that won't be necessary anymore..."


Ottar was confused as to why his goddess would go with a course of action, but she simply replied to him.

"Simply watch my dear son...at the miracles my beloved can produce~"








A flurry of strikes came down from the Goliath onto Bell who lay silently and weakly in a crater.

Hammer strike after hammer strike.

A flurry of hammer strikes targeting Bell came. One after another. Strike after strike. Impact after impact.


Though not in control of his own body anymore, faint memories appeared in his consciousness.

How he had done the same to the goblin he fought all those years ago.

Standing over it...desperate to get rid of its existence...with all its strength...attacking with a flurry of hammer strikes.


But he neither laughed, nor feared, nor commented on the dichotomy of the situation, of how the roles were now reversed.


The Loki familia watched in horror as they saw the Goliath continue to pummel Bell.


The Goliath assumed the stance for the final hammer strike, gathering his hands together...and lifting his arms above his head...a finishing strike.

Bell's grip on reality began to slip, bringing him into...a state between consciousness and unconsciousness.


He no longer felt anything...it was as if...




The light of his computer flashed against his face


The smell of blood and rubble in the dungeon filled his lungs


'Is today the day the author will post a new chapter of his story? I should check-'


'I wonder if grandpa is feeling lonely without me? I should check-'


Bell's grip on reality wasn't slipping...it was breaking...

A string of white, plain and simple...surrounded by a string of swords, infinite and sharp...they were breaking...

The string of swords continued to embed itself into the white string...tearing itself apart...it was long now...the...

Ú̸͇̲̠͚͖̊͌́̃̂ñ̴̢͇͔̣̖͑̓̕̚͝h̷̢̬͙͓̫̿̾̓͆͝ǻ̶͓͇͖̙͊̐̌͠ͅñ̵͚̘̟͉̬̂͆͆̍͒Ð̴̛̯̥̳̮̣͊̽̅͠ ̶̛̛̤̗͉̠̖̈͑̈́m̶̬͓̲̼̳͂̔̐̆͝¥̵̭̻̘̝͚̎́̏͝͠ ̸̱̦͇̪̈́̒̏̎͜§̷͖̲͙̼̤͐̇̎́͝ð̴̨̠̹̩͇͒̌͐͌̄ñ̴͎̼̬̟͓́͗͑̀͠




A new string wounded itself along the string of white...transparent...innocent...

It began coiling along with the string of sword...twirling...combining...like a spiral...

A double helix stretching into infinity.




G̵̢̨̖̟̍̽̀̍͝ͅr̸̞̩̬̦͉̈́͂̚͘a̵̧̱̝̱̭͆̉̑̈͝n̸̡̺̰̦̰̂̈̓͂̊d̸̦͖̫̱͎̅̑̏̒͘:̶̢̛̖̞̝̩̍̔̈́̀ ̴̝̙͇̻͌̾͑̌͋͜Ṭ̴͎̬̖͗̊̓͝͠ͅh̶̨̨̨̩̲̃͂̎͒͝ȩ̶͈̩͉̮͋̍͋̌̚ ̷̨̛̲̦͓̋͊͊͘ͅS̴̗̥̠̯̰̔̋̆͂̈́ţ̴̬͚̺͐͒͑͑͜͠ả̴̢̝̬̘̞͑́͆̚ẗ̵͉̰̝̘͇́̎͑͂͝ï̶͙̻̞̤̋͐̾̏͜ȍ̸̬̩̤͉̭̈́͂͒͠n̴͔̙̟̲̤̈́͗̎̄͝ ̵̧̣͈̘̞̀͆̔̚̕ŏ̸̧̺̟̺̳̌͑̑̐f̸͈̟̟̖͕͆̓̓̾̾ ̵̛̭͓̱̤̦̄̒̊͆t̴̹̘͇̣̙́̀͛͒͘h̸̭̤̘̲̺̆̎͑̊͝é̶͉̼͉̺̙̆͌͂̿ ̶̧̤̖̬̳͗̀͂͒̐C̵̲̭̺̱̰͒̆̿͂͛ŗ̴̺̬̣̝̏͆̊̾̀o̵̞̱͓̖͂͑̓̚͜͝w̵͓̝̖̪̜̄̈́̑̃̓ṉ̴̨̧͖̰̂̀̃̚͝ ̷̘͉̣͖̞͛̒̔͗̚h̴̫̱̱̪͗͛̎̎̅͜a̵̺̜͓̦͔̐͑͂̃̔ş̸̧̺̗̝͂̆̀̑̈́ ̵̤͔̺̦̫͒̃̈̚͘t̶̢̛͚͕̳̝̐͐͠͝a̵̛̟̩͈̦͓͋̓͛̍k̵̩͈͓̬̯̈́̍͗̃͛ě̵͇͚̣̯̼̏̌͊̍n̸̪͚̜͖̟͆̋̎̇͝ ̵̝͕̣̙̎̄͛͜͝͝r̸̘̟͔͚̖̓̈̑͠͠ȏ̴̞͉̻̼͕͛͒͠͠ơ̴̧͉͓̝͎̇̃́̒t̶̩̦̰̱͓̿́̍̽̽


The Goliath's fists descended...it wouldn't be soon before he was gone...so his body moved...not off an external...but through the genuine desires Bell had accrued in this life.


M̴̹͓͚̹͙̈͐͊̊́ḙ̷̠̳̏͗̈̉͘͜ͅt̸̹̭͈̬̻͐̅͛̃͊ḙ̷̝̼̹̓̀͗̀͗͜r̵̭̻͚̩̩̓̈́̌͝͝ỉ̴̙̼̥̟̼̍̉͌͊ȧ̶̳̭̣̮̉͌͆̑͜ ̵͔̫̭̙̎͂̏͘̕ͅṛ̵̢̳͙͖͛̒́̑̕ę̴̙̗̻͇̅̃͗͘͝f̶̤̻̖͙̤̒̀̀̀͝u̷̯̲̫͙͖̔̔̒̑̈́ș̵̣̙̱̍̓̂͐͜͠e̵̢͙̥͍̬͊̈́̌̒̃s̷̨̲͈͉̬̓͂̿̀̑ ̷̣͕͓͈̳̓͋̈́̚͝t̶̼͉̩̯̼͐͐̉́̕ẖ̶͎̣̗̼͆̔͋͒͝ê̵̠̙̼͉͆͂̓͜͝ ̴͍̩̺̥͇̀́̎̑̾c̵͈̰͙̜̿̿̊̐̚͜a̵̫͕̙̝̎̆͊̋̚ͅl̶̳͓̱̥̳̊͒̽̈́͠l̸̘̯̫̘̭̿̃̋̎̚ ̵̧̢̨̩͖͆̐̒̍̇ȯ̷̭̲̲̤͎̈͗̈́͘f̸̜̲̘̰̩̈́̾͌̄͝ ̵̛̯̹̝̟̲̈̉̊̋t̵̡̡͇̱̱͆͋̾͐̉ḧ̵̻̬͖̮́̒͗͗̎͜e̶̟͔̹̗͙̍̉͑̈̃ ̶̨̨̧̛̦̦̈́͌̓̕c̵̢͉̺̠̮̿̒̊̕̕ö̴̞̱̦͍͓́̔͋͑̓ủ̴̹̙̲̲͑̐̈́͐ͅn̶̛̹͔̹̠̮͆̌̚͝t̴̨̗̠̳̣̋͒̽̋̿ę̸͚̠͇͎̈́̔͂͂͝r̷̞͙̘̱͌͐̔̓̽͜-̶̨̛̜̜͙̙͛̓̿͠f̶̢͕̲̘̺͆͛̑̈̚ṏ̸̤͎͖̱̞́͗̽͝ṛ̴̛̝̝͇͇̌̒̎͝ć̴̨͓̳͔̱̑̌̓̚e̵͈̰̳̗̅͑̊͆͠ͅ ̶̨̺̻̻̗͑̇̉̉͗ỡ̵̘̻͉̹̬͐́̋n̸̢̛͙̪̳͎̍̓̀͝ ̵̡̡̢̦̻̌̽͌̾͠ḫ̴̼͈̺͔̈̎̄́̈è̶̳̣͙͓́͐̅̐͜ŗ̴̢̻͖͎̓̈́̔̚͠ ̸͔͔̞͔̤̆̾̒̉́s̶̡̡̺̦̩̅͌̆̑̆o̶̡̪̲͙͖̒̈́̊̔̏n̷̼̰̦̤͓̈̒̔̏́'̶̨͚̘̮̝̾̓̇͠͝ś̸̨̻̰̫̪̾͋̐̎ ̶̧̜̦̥̰̓͛̆͂͘b̴͚̪̫̗̦͒̈̑̋̕e̷̬͕̺͔͙̾̂̈́̑̿h̴͍͎̬͚͆̓̐͝͠ͅạ̵͚̯̗͔͐̾͒̈́͘l̴̨̻̭͇̣͆̑̈́̓̕f̵̧̙̞̤̟͒̈́̽̔̉

Bell invoked his magic.

But all that came from it was a withered and broken projection.

Yet he raised his sword in defiance of his fate.

U̸̙͓͔̦͚͂́̓͒͠n̵̢̪̖͚̻̐͆̍̐́l̴̢̡͔̺͌̔̅̈͆ͅi̸̫̝̳̤̻̽͂͒̽̚m̸̞̰̫̻̣̆̍̀̎̐ĭ̸̢͇͎̠̤͆̀̊͝t̷̡̼̼̜̙͑̈́̿̾͒ȅ̴̢͎̱̱̤͘̕̚͘ḏ̸̩̰̱̥̃͗̿̾͐ ̸̠͚͚͍̬̾͛̋̔͝B̸̧͔̪͎̫̓͗̀̑̊l̷͚̙̻̻͍̽̈̔̀͐a̵̪͈̞͚̖̾̄͋̃͗d̷̡͉͖̯̟̽̌̈͠͝ḛ̸͇͈͇̟͗͑͌̄̅ ̶͉̩͖̘̙́̈́͗͋̐Ẁ̶̧̭̼̺͚̈͂͗͝o̶̘̭̺̝͙̿͊̋́́ŗ̶̡̝̗̣͂̽͑͆̚ǩ̶̨̡̺̣̠̇͊͐͘s̵̥̫͉̳̔͛̄͂̕ͅ:̸̡̛͈̮̥̋͌̆̓ͅ ̴̨̨̱̟̣̈́̎̐́͑Į̷̼̱͕̄́͛̆́͜ṇ̷̨͖̗̠̂͑̆̈́͛f̵̡̨̬̗̼́̄͒́͘i̴̘͔͚̖͊͑͒̓̏͜n̷̢̰̤̺̒̃͒͊̿ͅi̴̬̣͚̙͓͛̎̀̓̕t̴̞̖̗̘̭͛̍͌̎̑e̴̲̩̮̮̟̋̀̈́̄̒ ̶̢̮̞̘͔̐̄̊͗͑S̷̤̠̞̗̙̔̓̃͆̀ẁ̸̢̗̫̱͉̀͊͌̕o̵͔͔͔̮͎͂̉̊̆͠r̵͎̺̭̼̿̎̇̚͜͝d̵͖̺̮͎͈̏̿̅̕͝ ̷͔̥̙̳̯̄̃̄̇̕C̵͉̝̮̬̝̒͋̓̅̾r̴̛̠̩̤̭̗͐́́̒e̴̘̗̝̟̯̓̅͌̔́ǎ̶̦̙̪̥̟͊̀̎͘t̵̡̯̝͙̱́͌̚̚̕i̵̧̟̗͈͈͛͗́̌͠o̷͓̣̦̜̥̾͆̐̿͆n̷̛̤̲̖̩̼̅̄̃̀ ̷͇̬̪̳̮͐̈́̀̆̌r̴͓͈͎̰̹̉̍̀͂̾ẹ̶̩̟̝͓͂̈́̍̌͝q̷̝̦͙̠̩̈̂̑̔̔ů̴̪̣̗̘̫͌̽̂̕e̴̙̤̱̤̱̓͂̂͘͝s̵̙͈̙̱͓̔͐̄̉̌t̶͖̥̜͉̭͗̆͛̓̔s̷̮̭̬͎̺͛͋̉͑̓ ̵̛̮͙̲̖͖͊̇̆̚f̸̠͉̩͚̠͐̓̒́̏o̶͇̟̦̤̼̽̇̀̑̀ŗ̷͇̟̜̘͑̉͊́̾ ̷̨̻͓̣̰́́͑̄͝ả̴̯̼̻̼̙͊͆͆̀s̵̛͉̠̺̣̭̋̒̓̚s̵͖͓̙͚͇̏̅̋͘͝i̶̢̛̜͓̭̺̒̅̈́͝s̵̛̱̠͙̘̻̎̀́̈́t̶̡̞̰̼̟̃͊̀̊͒ã̵͍̞̫̫̖̐̒̑̋ņ̴̛̙͉͙͗̋͗͘͜c̷̡̧̲̺̠̈́͛͆̕͠e̸̻̘͍͚̪͌̑̕͝͠

Unknown to Bell, nor known to the world.

Forces beyond recognition...began moving to obey his desire to continue moving forward.

L̴̨̡͓̬̖̋̒́̓͑ȋ̵̡̡̖̩̠̐̆̊͝ḁ̴̡̛̭̮̭̂͐̐̂ŗ̵͖̩͔͔̍̋̓̽̚į̴͚͉̳̬̈̉͊͐͝ṡ̶̛̟͍̠̬̬̈͑̅ ̶̨̨̺̺̭̒́̄͆͝F̵̩̫̠̙͎͂̎͗͠͠r̴̨̦̬̲͚̈́̅͒̕͝e̸̦̩̣͙̗̒̓͆̓̇e̶͚̱͍̮̭̎̓̚͝͝s̴̢̩̳̦̪̔͆̊̕͠ë̸̞̮̥̲͚̇̄̄̎:̶̖̱͈̠̗̋̊͂̀̊ ̴̡̜̯̹̪͂͊̈́̆̉O̷̜̼̘͉̠͋͆̽̿͝ṋ̴̱̞̻͚͋̓͒̀͗ẹ̸͈̤̹̪̏̈͑̃̐-̶̠͕͍̮͚̉͑͐͝͝M̵̪͙͈͚̥̊̾́̇̊ȋ̴̺̻̫͚̠̈́̆̂̈́n̷̪̝͍̰̏̃̋͊͆͜d̸̢̦̱̗͐̐̍̍̓͜ȩ̵̞͎͍͈͊̀͋͐̕d̶̢̢̛̦̥̼͌͛̏̿ ̷̣̱̘̹̗̃̔͐͝͝P̶̛͉̹͇̰͑̉͐̐͜u̸͙̥̫̪̱͆̒͗͘͘ŗ̴̜̩̬̝͆̓͒͐̕s̸͚̖̼̦̽͊̓͒͑ͅų̴͖̗͔̲͋̈̂̚͝i̷͇̼̪̭̩͑̏̏̎͠ţ̷̯͇͍͎̔̋̀̐́ ̵̤̪͎͔̫̓͛͊̆̚&̸̛̭̥̹̹͆̓̀̋ͅ ̵̢̩͇͚͎̈̀͗̈́̓Ả̴̧̜̲̣̠̐̀̇͑r̵̨̗͓̼̰̒̓͆̓͒g̸̢̢̛̪̬̖̓͐͝͝o̸̧͔͓͔͖͒͂͌̽́n̸̨̺̦̮̳̾͗̏͌͌a̵̫͔͉̩̝̓̈́̂̓̎ṵ̵̧̱͓̖̾̀͛̈́͊t̴͕̳͖̞̰̊͒̑͊̅:̵̲̠̩̾̈́̿̎̓ͅͅ ̵̡̗̩̝́̔̿͝͝ͅT̷̨̫͕̲̒̀̈̑̕ͅh̸̡̨̫̣͈̃́̈́̆͝ę̷̣͈̦̪̿̆̑̀̄ ̸̘͎͚͌͑̒͌̓͜͜H̶̢̠̖̳̔̑̌̏͘͜ḛ̷̡̢̟̣̌̎̑͋̔r̴̨̘͚͍̞̃͒̑̐͊ơ̵͈̱̟̞̻̌̓̑̊'̵̘̺̥̬͖̊̊̏͊̊s̵̻̫̪̪͕̏̈͋̑͘ ̸̻͇̯͈͎̌͆̀̃̚Ś̴͕̫͇͎̞̓͆͗̿t̸̤̰̹̲̪̂́͋̈́̇r̵̨̥̪̺͆͆͊̎̂͜ḯ̵͉̘̬̻͓̄̀̄͆k̵̡̧̭͓̦͗̀͒͆͘ȩ̷̲̞̫̈́̄̓͘͝ͅ ̸̭̦̤̗̳̑̄͌̿̚ẖ̶̛̖͓̻̥͐͒́͐a̶̧̡̭̙͍̓̑̄̏́v̴̡̙̺͔̤͛̈́̽̕͘e̵̢̪̞͚̪͒̈́̉͌͝ ̴̧̖̲̪̣̋̍͐̌̔ȁ̸̧̝̫̗̰̇̍͗̋g̴̡͙̘̝̙̍̈̈́̍͠r̶̢̝̘̯̫̿̎́̕͝ę̷͓̤̪̝̽̂̒̃̿e̶̹̩̯̯̜͆̄͑̋͝d̷̮̞͇͔̫̔͒̅̀̕ ̶̧̠͙̠̱͑̉̑̈́͂ť̷͔̞̩̬́̚̚͝ͅo̷͇͉͙̣̤͗̀͂̒̃ ̸͓̤͎͓̣̿̌̑̈̔a̵̝̫͈͍͓͒̈́̾̀̕s̶̛̬̜̺̗̩͗̓͒̃s̴̤͇̘̭̩̔͆̈́͋i̷͍͍̗͔͕̅̄͌͌͘s̵̢͚̤͓̫̍̈́͊̄͘t̶̛̻̭̲͕̫̀̌̏͂

The necklace around Bell's neck began to shimmer in spite of the lack of light.

The solemn wish of a family activates it beyond its owner's recognition.

T̶͙̼̭̙̳̽̿́̒̄e̶̬̹̭̞̳͊̃̐͆͝t̵̢̪̳̱̩͗̈̾̈̚ẖ̴̨̡͎̰̽͆̄̂͝e̶̛͕̼̙̰̪̐͑̈́̒r̷̨̡̹̝̭̆͑̅͑̚ ̷̜̹͇̹͕̐̉͑̈́͋t̴̨͙̻̤̂̐͗̑͆͜ö̵̡̢̧͇̥́͋̓̌͝ ̶͎̠̙͖͂̔̄̾͘ͅA̵̡̱̩̲̟̅̓̓͐̔ĺ̶͔̪̣͉̣̌͗̓͠ą̵̢̙͚͔̈́͆͆̔̀y̵̧̝̭͕̫͌̈̓̓̃a̷̦͔͚̱̣͂̀̂̈̐ ̶͉͉̬̤̫̆̅̔́̊h̵̨̢̖̳̦̐̓͒͝͠ã̵̪̦̫̹̩̎̾̓̕ş̴̟̼̳̙͂̾̎̒̎ ̴̢͙̝̫̥̈́̎̒̍̐b̵̢̟̱̼̰̓͒̋͆̕ę̸̙͉̝̪̏̀̒̀̿e̵͖̠͕̬̝͆̓̀̒͑ņ̴̩̼̖̭̊̍̽͐͛ ̴̤̠͔̟̣̍͛͌̍́s̷̱͖̦̖̠͒̓̂̈́̽t̴̘̳̺̳͈̓́͋̕̕ŗ̷̰͖̘̾̌̉͛̕ͅi̸̼͚̗̭͓͒͊̽̈́̄p̸̢͕̙̪̊̏́̄͒ͅp̷̧̛̘̦̳̊̅̄͜͝e̵̡̘͖̻͍͛̓͂̆̿d̶͓̙̤̙̔̅̊̚̚ͅ.̴̨̦͖͍̫́̿͊͋͘.̸̫̫͓̥̜̏̄͐̅̐.̵̭̟̙̥̆́͒̌͜͝t̸̡̢͈̻̐̊̎͘͜͝e̶͚͈̘̮͚̍̅͗̇̚t̷͖̣̥̱̃̈͒͂̚ͅh̸̢͎̤͎͆̀̈́̃͠ͅe̷͔̦̮̞͉͒́̅̿̎r̷͍͙͈̪̒̀̒̄͜͝ ̶̫̞͎̰̞̋̑̋͗͘t̵̼̗̗͎̱͊́̌̑͝ò̸̹͇͕̰̲̇̋̄͝ ̷̲̝̺̼̯́̾̔́͊G̴̟̟̱͍̐͌̃͆͠ͅä̶̧͔͚̼̗́͌͒̔͝ì̴̹̤̲̘̙̈́̓̽̈ă̵̡̛̳͎̩̭͒͐̕ ̶̘̰͓̖͉̃̂̃̈́͒i̵̡͍̘͚̎̿̔́̂͜s̸͎̭̪̘̄͋̍̀͘ͅ ̶̞̬̭̼̝͗̈́͂͊̚n̷̛̩̺̗̮̜͌̈́̎͌o̶̺̱̙̻̟̐̑̃̀́n̶̠͙͎̻̈̎̽̔̇ͅ-̸̭̫͍̠̮̂͌̾͊͝e̵̡̼͙͇͇̎͆́͘͠ẍ̸̧̬̮̖̯́̃̂̾͘ī̴̧̺̳̹͆̑͛̓͜ş̵̗̫̭̫̋̒̏͝͠t̴̢̥̹͉͖͑̑͛̐̑e̴̢̘͚̝͍̅̈́͛̍̌n̷̩̟̠̲̑̓̑͊́͜t̷͓̜̞͉̼́̽̌̆̄



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The Loki familia simply closed their eyes in solemn acceptance of the Gray Ghost's fate...

But Tiona simply continued to look forward at what she saw...tears threatening to fall down her face...but it wasn't over yet...


The other members of the Loki familia began to open their eyes. The scene before them shocked many greatly.

Bell's body began forming from the air...unknown to them...his necklace was burning brightly beneath his armor.

What lay before them was not something meant for this time...it was a glimpse of a possibility...of a future that was in store for the young hero...an imperfect imitation of his ideal...but it would serve him well for this moment.

『False Manifestation』

「Limited/Zero Over」

The decrepit projection Bell had held in his hand began to be enveloped in great energy. His projection becomes clearer and stronger. Becoming the chained blade he had spent so many years to perfect.

Bell moved his body, it was moving in spite of having no energy left, but it overcame the emptiness and continued moving regardless.

It was time for his rematch.

「Trace on」

Bell projected another chained blade on his free hand, the quality remaining the same.


Bell brought strength to his body, bringing the second wind he needed to move forward.

He threw his chained blades toward the Goliath, piercing its legs, and immediately using the leverage to propel himself forward.


Seeing that its prey was still alive, the Goliath roared out loudly as it reentered combat with its foe.

But Bell would no longer allow himself to be so easily blown away by the monster rex.

He needed to hinder its movements...to not allow it enough leeway to prepare a powerful strike...

...and his magic heeded his desire.

『False Manifestation』

「Sword Barrel: Full Volley」

The Goliath was once more upon Bell, but before it could wind itself up to strike the adventurer away once more.

Dozens of chained blades began to form around the Goliath, they all manifested in an instant, before being promptly launched at great force.


The numerous chained blades made violent contact with the floor, walls, and ceiling of the dungeon. Surrounding the Goliath in a prison of chains which hindered its movements immensely.



The Goliath attempted to break free from its constraints, but Bell simply filled all the chains with magic, reinforcing their structure to withstand the force of the Goliath.


It couldn't break free...and thus began...Bell's counterattack.


Bell threw two of the chained blades to the higher parts of the Goliath's body and propelled himself to great speeds.

He began leaving a trail of sword strikes along his path...deeper...faster...stronger...they began inflicting immense pain on the Goliath as it screamed in protest.


Bell moved quicker and quicker with each time he propelled himself further.

Unbounded by inertia, he kept accelerating further and further, to the point his reinforced chains were struggling to not break under the immense force of his current momentum.

He became a blur as he began to strike away at the large monster, each strike becoming stronger than the last.


The Goliath roared loudly as it broke free from its restraints, immediately moving to swat away Bell with its left arm.

But Bell simply moved in a blue across the arm's length, spiraling around it before making a deep sword cut at the shoulder, cutting the arm clean off.


Bell manifested more chained blades to constrict the Goliath's body as it writhed in pain.

Energy began to fill the structure of the chains...however it began enhancing the purpose of existence of the chains...rather than its structural integrity...reinforcing its purpose of 「Binding」.


The chains brought the proud monster rex to its knees, its head now aligned with the trajectory of Bell after he had cut its arm off. All of his magic invocation occurring in mere moments.

The Goliath stared into the eyes of Bell...


...and he stared back.

His chained blades cut cleanly and deeply through the Goliath's eyes, blinding him.


The monster rex howled in pain as it began to flail wildly, bringing immense strain on the chains which restrained him.

Bell immediately moved to debilitate his flailing by debilitating his ability to move entirely.

Bell became a blur once more, using the chains he would pierce on the Goliath's body to swing and propel himself immensely.

Leaving a trail of sword strikes before cutting away at the Goliath's limb in its entirety.

When the Goliath regenerated it back, he would simply cut it once more.

Regenerate. Cut. Regenerate. Cut. Regenerate. Cut. Regenerate. Cut-

The Goliath screamed in agony at its endless suffering but was still determined to bring Bell down.


An immense light began to gather at the opening of the Goliath's mouth.

Unable to regenerate fast enough to physically fight back against Bell, it now opted to blow him away with an immense blow of magic.

But Bell simply faces it head-on, piercing his blades onto its face, and propelling himself toward the gathering magic.


A shockwave formed as the immense beam of magic was fired.

A great light covered all of Bell's vision.

He would surely disintegrate into nothing should he brunt this attack...then he would simply redirect it.

『False Manifestation』

[Absolute Reflection: Magic Counter]

Bell tensed his right arm, as he propelled his blade forward with a thundering slash. The sword strike split the magical beam in twain, rendering it useless.

Bell emerged from the smoke of the blow, his body fastly approaching the rendered-useless Goliath.

It was the perfect opportunity to end his foe...but he was not yet capable of doing so...so he began to make it a reality.

He had the perfect attack to strike down the monster rex...but his chained blades were not durable enough to withstand the power needed to perform it...he needed to enhance his blade's strength even more...an enchantment.

『False Manifestation』

[Perfect Structural Grasp]

The various members of the Loki familia chilled in an instant as Bell cast his magic...it was as if...he was looking through them...studying their experiences...imitating it.

A blue light began to slowly envelop the weapons of the main expedition force of the Loki familia...then the second string...then the rear guard...then the escorts...until everyone's weapons had been traced perfectly.

The knowledge held within its structure and making. The experiences it had accrued in its use. It was all deposited into Bell.

[Trace on]

Magic circuits began to envelop Bell's two chained blades, they were being reforged at that moment, in the heat of battle itself.

[Sharpness] [Unbreaking] [Durability] [Resonance]...

Endless amounts of enchantment began pouring into the weapon, bringing it to the brink of its capacity.


But it was not over yet.


The finishing strike Bell had seen...required much more power to be poured into his weapons...

[Reinforce] [Reinforce]

To the point of breaking...where a single point of contact would disintegrate it entirely...

[Reinforce] [Reinforce] [Reinforce]

But a single moment of contact was all he needed...a single strike...a single moment...

『False Manifestation』

[Reinforce: Overedge]




A hero's strike.

Bell's chained swords began to morph violently. Extending in length. Its structure became sharp and broken.

But it was now powerful enough to end this battle, this adventure.

Two strikes.

The first.



A horizontal strike, wiping away the Goliath's upper body.


A flash of brilliant light filled the room for a moment, brighter than the Goliath's magical beam prior. Leaving behind the exposed magic stone of the Goliath, its upper portion destroyed entirely.

Shards of the once whole sword began shimmering as it reflected the dissipating light, soaring in multiple directions.

But the Goliath's leg still remained, and its magic stone was still untouched.

Mass of muscle and skin began to form around the exposed magic stone, desperately trying to reform the monster rex.

But Bell was already upon it.

The second...and final strike.

Bell raised his arm overhead as he quickly approached the magic stone, a brilliant trail of white-blue light emanating from his sword.


A vertical cut to split the vile magic stone in two, and spell the closure of this moment in Bell's adventure.


The wailing wall of grief. A place of absolute despair for many...was now covered with an unyielding brilliance that stripped away all darkness.

Such light...was called in with the sound of a soothing bell.





"What...the hell just happened"

Bete said faintly...the sight of what had just occurred still failed to process in his mind.


The other members of the Loki familia were just as shocked, unable to make sense of what just happened as well.

"I know..."

Tiona said as tears flowed down her face.

Faint particles passed by her vision into the air.

Bell was no longer present anymore.

"It's simple...we just saw the brilliance...the brilliance of-"




A Hero


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Hope you weren't annoyed by all the glitchy text, and I also hope you're able to decode most of what was said. I really liked the aesthetic it gave for this chapter HAHAHAHA.

Just some clarification about this chapter. What just happened was all just a momentary glimpse of Bell's future. This doesn't mean he now has all the abilities I just mentioned, he just now knows they exist. Kind of like a temporary power-up...plot armor basically.

The next chapter will either be the Denatus or a chapter on Lili, learning more on the Denatus rn tho.


Personal thing here.

I've got this idea for a fanfic about High School DXD. Don't worry, I won't be making any plans about it rn, I'll still be focusing on this fanfic rn.

"Reincarnated as Genshirou Saji"...Yes, I'm a Sona Sitri simp and I want to write about her. HAHAHAHA

So I want to ask, do you guys have any recommendations for DXD fanfics on this site? Preferably one that follows canon events and not a lot of AU elements.


That will be all. Thank you again for reading, and I hope you look forward to the next chapter!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.