Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 24: Denatus and Departure

High up in the Tower of Babel.

In a floor room constructed with the finest white marble that could be procured...held together by massive pillars that allow natural air and light to fill its vicinities...a meeting of the gods is commencing.

The Denatus.

A meeting between the numerous gods of familias based in Orario. Held every three months in order to discuss various matters in regard to the running of the dungeon city, emergency responses to disasters, the various mortal adventurers, and many more.

Though this meeting is held for the express purpose of seriously deciding important matters...most gods attending the Denatus consider it a form of entertainment...many not participating in it in the first place in order to have fun elsewhere...only a small minority of deities actually take it seriously.

But although most of the Denatus is filled with joking and negligence, the matter being presented has made even the most nonchalant of the participating gods worried and focused on the information at hand.

"During the last Denatus, with the incident of the kidnapping of Hephaestus, we initiated an investigation into the hidden sewer lines beneath Orario, as per the requests of the Hephaestus familia after they had conducted their own personal investigation..."

A god who was now serving as spokesperson to announce the information for this meeting spoke.

"The results of that investigation...seven nests of monsters named violas...and three hidden smuggling entrances that led just outside of Orario's borders..."


Upon hearing the announcements of the investigation, many gods were shocked and appalled.

It was bad enough that the border security of Orario had been breached, but for the appearance of monsters so close to the surface? These two matters were grave issues to the security of the city.

'Looks like Gray Ghost's warning wasn't false...telling us to investigate the sewers...did he find this all out himself beforehand?'

As the gods had worried looks on their faces, Hephaestus, the goddess who had propagated this entire investigation sat in contemplation. Thinking about the hero who had not only saved her but provided invaluable information.

Three months prior, a few days after her meeting with Welf and Tsubaki, she ordered a private investigation to be made using the tip provided by Bell. A joint effort between the guild, the Hephaestus familia, and the Hermes familia.

It was only meant to be a little reconnaissance, but the few discoveries they had made immediately warranted a full-scale investigation of the sewer line. An action that was approved during the last Denatus, whose results were being announced now.

"With the threat to national security at hand, the guild will be organizing a raid to completely map out any more threats lurking within the sewers lines. This action has been deemed to be non-negotiable for the Denatus"

The spokesperson god said.

"The participating familias include the Hephaestus, Goibniu, Dian Cecht, Hermes, Ganesha, Loki, and Freya familias...alongside assisting forced from the guild..."

Hearing the all-star roster assigned to carry out the task, many gods and goddesses in the Denatus became relieved. Knowing that any issue would be quickly solved with these familias involved.

But as the numerous deities let out sighs of relief, there was a single god who thought heavily upon the announcement. In an angle, a majority of them didn't even seem to look at...Hermes.

'No doubt the Hephaestus familia received the tip to investigate the sewer lines by Gray Ghost...though I feel as though he knows who the culprit is...he doesn't seem to want to tell me...but if I were to guess...'

Hermes quietly side-eyed another god who appeared to be as relieved as the other gods...something he didn't believe for a moment...Dionysus.

'I don't have any proof or dirt to connect the guy to these events...but I've always been suspicious of him since we were in Tenkai...Gray Ghost also asked me to gather information on his rival Soma...it might've just been a coincidence linking the two...but with Gray Ghost's personality...I hardly doubt it'

As Hermes continued to postulate the various facts and knowledge of the situation. Dionysus...beneath his affable veneer...was fuming.

'That damn Gray Ghost...'

Dionysus hated the vigilante with his very heart and soul...every plan...every pawn...even a single step forward...he has been backed off many times by the shadowy figure.

'Now that the viola nests are going to be eradicated...that will push back our plans for the demi-spirit considerably...that's not even to mention the destruction I was planning on wreaking with Rakia with those smuggling networks...it was a foolish decision to think Hypnos can do anything-'

A failed recruiting of the Dolos familia...the destruction of the illegal drug and smuggling network of the Hypnos familia...the destruction of his personal viola nests for the demi-spirits...in addition to many lesser victories that piled high into a mountain...

Dionysus was utterly being played like a puppet by Bell.

'How is it that this Gray Ghost knows so much of my plans?... He couldn't have been an ex-evilus familia member...all remaining members are thoroughly traced...did I leave a trail somewhere?...'

Dionysus grew worried by how Bell was able to keep constant track of his movements and plans...as if he knew the future itself.

'I've tried numerous times to have Filvis and Revis track that bastard...but he always slips their grasps...vanishing into the air then reappearing in another spot...'

The god made numerous attempts to strike down the vigilante once he had popped up on his radar. But all of his efforts were fruitless. No tracks...no evidence...no history...not even a clue as to what race he is...true to his name...it was as if he were hunting a transient ghost.

'Even after all those preparations I made for the dungeon itself to kill him...he still came out of it alive...'

Dionysus had even gone as far as to communicate with the figure which laid at the innermost depths of the dungeon...a figure he knew held insurmountable power, even as a god...but even they came out unsuccessful.

'Tampering with the monster pantry to rally an insane number of minotaurs...then siccing them onto a passing group of adventurers, then quietly directing them to the wall of grief...the pass parade was unexpected...but they were luckily also heading towards the wall of grief'

He banked on the Gray Ghost's desire to save adventurers in the dungeon to lure him out for the living dungeon to deal with...but it was all in vain.

The god of winemaking and madness.

The cunning trickster who played the entire dungeon city of Orario to his whims...a person who had the last laugh even as he died in the original story...


Was having his patience and pride tested for the very first time...

Moving away from the struggling villain in the shadows, the announcements for the Denatus continued.

"In addition to the investigations results and the announcement of the raid...the guild and the Ganesha familia have successfully reclaimed two former slum districts near the west-end, and have begun to implement further patrols to uphold the safety of the area"

This announcement didn't make as many waves as the others, but it still interested the gods heavily...mainly because everyone knew who caused the reclamation of the slums to even be possible.

The Gray Ghost...yet again.

His various outings on the night of Orario had the effect of reducing crime and cleaning up local gangs and criminal hotspots. Utilizing this chance when there were little to no resistance, forces from the guild and the Ganesha familia began to clean the area up by implementing patrols and clearing the straggling criminals.

Bell would take the lead to weaken the criminals in the area, and the guild and Ganesha familia would use their sheer manpower and supplies to permanently establish their presence.

"The Gray Ghost yet again huh?...what an interesting guy...haven't heard much from him in a while though"

Said a god in the crowd, his statement perking up the ears of Hephaestus, Hermes, Loki, and Freya.

'...that's true... I and Asfi haven't heard much from the guy in recent times...'

Hermes thought as he hadn't been called for meetings by Bell in recent weeks.

'He hasn't been appearing as much...I hope...I hope he's okay...Gray Ghost'

Hephaestus thought as purely as an innocent maiden...her thoughts hidden beneath her face which exuded the confidence of a businesswoman like her.

'Odr~...I've been tracking him through my crystal ball and my familia...but I can't seem to get a read on what he's planning...I wonder what he'll do this time~'

Freya thought as she secretly licked her lips in delight. She had been watching his various exploits thoroughly...even remembering his visage when she...comforted herself.

"Gray Ghost? Who cares about that bastard!"

Loki shouted, her disdain for the vigilante apparent.

She hadn't recovered from being cucked away from her beloved Amazon. Something she was rather hurt by. She cherished the amazoness for her looks but their close bond as comrades of the flat variety...in a familia blessed...with "bountiful" women.

But though she openly disdained him, the goddess of tricksters was very interested in unraveling the mask of the vigilante.

'Though he may have cucked me. He did inspire my familia to start training harder...in addition to that gigantic Goliath magic stone, he just left behind...I wanted it for myself but Finn had to be holier than thou and give the funds to his trust fund....'

As a result of Bell's numerous acts of heroism, and the people he saved having no way to repay him, eventually made a trust fund in the guild where they could deposit their money for him to claim...if he ever did so.

'I mean...is ten million valis so important when the bastard has three hundred million just waiting for him?!-'

Many people kept contributing to the trust fund. Some do so regularly in intervals. While big familias like Hephaestus' made big donations to show their appreciation.

Outside of Loki's thoughts of how much Soma wine she could've bought with that much money,  Hephaestus and Freya didn't take too kindly to the goddess openly calling him a bastard...not that they openly showed their disdain.

"Well I mean...after that soloing the variant Goliath...if I were him I would've just taken a vacation!"

Another random god in the crowd commented.

The expedition composing the Loki familia and Hephaestus familia naturally reported their encounter with the Gray Ghost to the guild.

Though it was tried to be kept a secret, it eventually leaked and only further cemented Bell's reputation as a hero.

"A vacation? Someone like him? I doubt it!"

Another god commented.

Bell, "I'm packing my traveling bag", Cranel sneezed out of the blue as he organized his stuff.


The spokesperson god coughed as he gathered the crowd's attention once more.

"We just need to discuss a few more issues before we can end this Denatus with the giving of aliases...so...in Melen..."

The Denatus no longer presented any more exciting news afterward...and the giving of aliases was rather average this time around...no prominent adventurers were mentioned...the meeting of the gods soon finished after a few more hours.

Many of the gods look utterly tired, wanting to return to their familias or indulge in the fun activities they have come to love in Gekai.

As they all boarded the elevators to descend to the first floor...Dionysus pondered deeply as he situated himself at the back of the lift.

'Our current progress has been washed away by the raid on the sewer lines...and we won't be able to recuperate quickly due to the guild and Ganesha inevitably setting up patrols for the area...'

He began to calculate how much he had lost due to the Gray Ghost.

'This will push back our development of the demi-spirit significantly...and my smaller-scale operations to cause havoc have failed...with the reclamation of a number of slum districts, the operating area of the underworld has lessened...it will be harder to go undetected by authorities...that is not to say of Gray Ghost finding them first...'

It was severe...even if Bell were suddenly eliminated, his actions have made long-lasting consequences that hindered Dionysus by a wide margin.

'But the absolute worse...is that Ouranos and the other major gods know Evilus is still alive...most of these idiot gods and goddesses are too busy with their play-time to notice...but those guys definitely recognized the truth hidden beneath...'

Dionysus stared in disgust at the gods and goddesses which were around him in the elevator...if he wanted to...

'I could just kill them right now~'

Chaos...tragedy...sadness...the echoes of pain...an orgia.

He wanted badly to participate in his sick perverted desires of mass suffering.

'Ha...but now is not the time...I've been thoroughly defeated...'

But as the elevator neared the ground floor, beyond the notice of the people around him, Enyo smiled.

'Then I'll just whip out something even better...something not even you can stop Gray Ghost...oh~ I wonder how your face looks like in despair?~'





In the streets of Orario.

A few hours prior, while the Denatus was still being held.

Bell was walking down the street. Visibly tired and carrying a bag on his back, the same bag he had used when traveling from his home village to Orario.

Today was the day he prepared to leave Orario for the events he wanted to participate in, in addition to generally seeing the world of Danmachi beyond the dungeon city.

He had long prepared for this moment, a decision he came to a week after his fight with the Goliath.

'I need to gather as much knowledge about the magic of this world... it's the only way I can figure out how to improve my abilities...but Orario simply doesn't have the materials to do so...'

Bell badly needed in-depth guides into obscure areas of magic, to which his magecraft was related. But unfortunately for him, Orario generally lacked books on such topics...they lacked books on magic in general.

'Not that I blame them...magic is rather rare to acquire in the first place. so there isn't much of a demand for it...and even then, most adventurers who acquire magic don't study it thoroughly...simply applying it in a practical sense and nothing else.'

Bell knew there were magicians in Orario who delved into the study of magic like Riveria and Lefiya, but they only do so due to their unique abilities which allow them to study magic beyond the three-spell limit.

For magic that didn't require the use of falna...it was generally seen as obsolete to most people...choosing to learn it was essentially useless in the context of the dungeon due to its insanely long chant time and rather pitiful output for such a sacrifice.

'Not to mention that it's only improvable through rituals one must take as a child or earlier on in their life. So if you didn't have your foot in the gate immediately... it's impossible to expect improvement from...'

'There are also adventurers who explored the extent of their abilities and how they could be applied practically...but unless they were extremely grateful to you or trusted you, why would they share such secrets? and again...I need theoretical knowledge most, not a practical application...'

Bell needed to go somewhere that fulfilled his niche desire for a scholarly outlook into the workings of general and niche magic.

A place that was designed with that goal in mind, and cultivated magical scholars rather than combat magicians.

'Altena...the nation-type familia run by the goddess Athena...'

It was the perfect place for Bell's needs. The coastal nation boasted the highest accrument of knowledge throughout the world of Orario. Even supplying magical products like grimoires and casting gems to the dungeon city for its numerous magician adventurers.

'I thought with Orario being the center of trade for a lot of nations and the center of all the world's major events...I would've been able to find specialized books...in hindsight, I should've realized that Altena would secure its position and not allow Orario to take its place as the center of knowledge...'

It was an easy mistake to make considering how important the dungeon city was portrayed.

'Athena actually knows how to do politics and run a nation...unlike Ares...I wonder if Altena and Rakia are this world's equivalent of Athens and Sparta?...'

Bell pondered to himself as if switched directions to head for his destination quicker. The guild.

Today was the day he was planning to leave, as such, he was planning to inform all the people he was close to about his travels.

'I'll be gone for around two years? Just enough until the canon starts. I've set things up so Orario doesn't collapse when I'm gone so it should be fine~'

Bell thought as he stumbled a bit...he was a bit sleep deprived...

'I really need to take a nap when I leave...Lili didn't allow me to sleep at all when I said I was leaving...'

Bell reminisced on his experience when he told Lili of his plans...as one might expect...she didn't want him to do so.

"If Lord Ghost is leaving, please bring Lili with you!"

She constantly begged him to stay, wrapping around his body and refusing to let go until he gave her an answer she liked.

The pallum girl had gone through all the stages of grief over the course of a day...minus acceptance.

First, she denied reality by thinking what she heard wasn't real.

"I must be dreaming. Yes! Lord Ghost wouldn't just leave! This must just be a dream! A very very bad dream! aha...haha ...hahaha!-"

Then anger.

"Is someone troubling you Lord Ghost?! Is a person or group causing you to leave?! Just tell me! Lili will wipe them out immediately!"

Then bargaining.

"Lili...Lili will give you her earnings for ten years if you stay Lord Ghost! If ten isn't enough then twenty! Take my entire life savings!-'

Then depression

"Do you 𝘩𝘪𝘤 not like Lili, Lord Ghost?... Did I 𝘩𝘪𝘤 do something wrong?..."

She hadn't even reached acceptance, simply clinging onto Bell the entire time.

It was to the point that Bell had to sleep while she stuck herself to his body.

'She even instinctually knew when I tried to leave her embrace when I thought she was sleeping...I was only able to leave a few hours ago...when the sun was already high in the sky...'

But Bell was happy in his heart...

'But I'm happy Lili cares that much about me...it really warms my heart...

Unaware of the red flags she was presenting. Perhaps he was desensitized to such behavior at a young age.

"𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰...I wonder if that was Bell?...just two more years of study and I can make good on his promise...hehe~"

Thought an elf with purple hair.

'Looks like I'm here'

Bell thought as he saw the guild begin to enter his vision.

Immediately entered the main hall, and signaled to the guild workers that he was there to meet Eina. Something the guild workers had become used to given his frequent meeting with the half-elf.

Walking down the halls until he arrived at the wooden door with a plaque that spelled out his advisor's name. Bell knocked on the door to announce his arrival.

"Miss Eina! It's me, Bell, I've come to meet you!"

Hearing his voice, Eina soon replied from within the room.

"Come in Bell!"

Promptly opening the door, the familiar fragrance of books and tea leaves filled Bell's senses. A scent he has long since associated with comfort and relaxation.

The half-elf Eina smiled gently at him from her desk. The afterglow of the morning light as it passed through the office's window and curtains gave Eina an enchanting charm.

Her gaze softening at her favorite young adventurer, she quickly asked what Bell's business was.

"You don't usually come by around this time Bell... it's a bit late for you to start dungeon diving...did something happen?..."

Bell pondered on his answer as he brewed Eina a pot of tea, something he had done on instinct nowadays.

"I guess you can call it that"

Hearing his confirmation, Eina immediately looked concerned. She wanted to protect him as much as she could so she prepared to do whatever she can do to resolve the problem her adventure had.

'This is the first time Bell has come to me with a problem...you have to do your best Eina!'

Bell was rather hard-working and quick to pick up her lessons, so she hardly had a chance to pamper the youth. With the chance in front of her, she would be remiss to say she didn't feel a bit excited to care for Bell.

"Here you go, Miss Eina. Your tea"

Seeing the fragrant tea she grew to adore, Eina thankfully accepted and began to enjoy it with small sips.

"Thank you, Bell"

Before he dropped the bombshell.

"I'm going to leave Orario for a while, Miss Eina"



Eina spat her tea with a small cough afterward.

'I probably should've told that her before I gave her the tea...my habits took over logical'


Bell thought as he immediately moved to get a cloth to wash the spat-out tea. Then proceeding to explain what he meant.

He thoroughly explained his thought process to Eina, minus the parts where he needed it to grow stronger. Saying he wanted to explore the world more, and not be restricted to a single city. That life was too precious just to spend it all the time in a single place instead of traveling.

Eina heard it all...and went through the five stages of grief just like Lili.


"No...this can't be happening...my sweet Bell isn't...he couldn't...𝘩𝘪𝘤"


"Do you have any idea how abrupt this is?! Did you plan for this at all?! Did you even consider the expenses of travel and accommodation?! How about-"


"Bell...I can get you books about the outside world y'know? We can read together while drinking tea! It's too much of a hassle to travel for just a few tourist spots anyway~"


"Is there something you don't like about Orario?...something about me?...."

Then finally acceptance...

"Alright...I'll accept your plan to travel the world Bell..."

Bell, seeing this whole scenario felt deja vu.

'I can get Lili being distraught since I saved, took care of, and taught her...but Miss Eina too?...'

Bell simply didn't know he had long since awakened the half-elf's maternal instincts towards himself. Considering himself out of her striking range since he wasn't as vulnerable and weak as the original Bell.

Eina stood up from her desk and began approaching him.

Bell seeing this immediately noticed something.

'Her shirt is exposed-'

"Miss Eina!- UMPH?!-"

Before he could tell the half-elf of her see-through shirt, Eina pulled Bell into a tight embrace, his head colliding with her chest.

'S-Soft...and...black lace?... Miss Eina is...really mature...'

Processing various emotions at once, Bell couldn't do much, and Eina began to speak as she continued to embrace the adventurer she cared so much for.

"You're young...but I know it isn't the best to keep people locked in safe places all the time...you need to grow and learn by falling down sometimes...it just... hurts to say goodbye...even if it's just for a while you know?"

Eina spoke in a gentle tone that conveyed the small traces of sadness to Bell clearly. She dearly cared for the adventurers she took under her wing, and though the surface monsters were weaker than those of the dungeons, strong monsters did exist on the surface.

Though Bell was confident he could survive, Eina didn't. She didn't know how strong he was, that he was the Gray Ghost. So to her eyes, he was just a kid with no powers wanting to venture into the dangerous fantasy world roaming with monsters.

"Miss Eina..."

Bell wanted to reassure her as best as he could without telling her his secret identity, but Eina cut her off.

"Shhh. It's alright Bell...you've been considerate of me this entire time...for once...let me be the one to be considerate for you...alright?"

Seeing the sincereness in her eyes, Bell immediately tightened his embrace of Eina. Thankful once again for being able to meet such a caring person.

"I'm really glad to have met you, Miss Eina...I really am"

Hearing Bell speak in a somewhat shaky voice Eina reciprocated the tightened embrace.

"Me too Bell...me too"

They passed a few minutes in each other's arms before Eina spoke out a request she wanted Bell to fulfill. Perhaps it was the fact she wouldn't see him for possibly two years which spurred her on, or perhaps it was the atmosphere. Whatever it was...Eina didn't hold back her inhibitions anymore.

"Hey, Bell?...would you mind...if you called me big sister?..."

Bell took a moment to process what she had just said...and still doubted what he had heard.

"Eh?...HAHAHA. Miss Eina, I misheard you there for a second...I thought you asked me to call you-"

But Eina pushed forward.

"I did"


Bell looked at Eina's serious face. Her eyes were wet with some tears, and her cheeks were a bit flushed.

'She isn't joking...'

Bell began to get a bit nervous...outside of the false confession Medea had given him all those months ago...this was the most intimate he had gotten with a woman his age...

His inexperience began to show...his heart began to beat faster...feelings were caught in his stomach...

'Calm down Bell...after you get stronger...then you can think about romance...after you get stronger...'

Taking a moment to calm himself...Bell readied to comply...


Before he could recoil from the cringe he just experienced. Eina's smile brightened to a level he had never seen before and began to snuggle her head against Bell's, embracing him tightly in her arms.

"One more time! One more time!"

'I feel like I've awoken another terrible thing...'

Bell felt as though a skill he never knew he had was beginning to work its magic...「Harem Protagonist EX」

"...big sis..."

Eina grew giddier.

"Yes!~ Big sis is here Bell!~"

She began to rub herself against his hair, unable to hold her motherly affection any longer. Eina has now fully let loose.

'I don't know whether I should be concerned about Eina...or the fact I'm liking it...'

Thus the two continued their embrace...before eventually parting once the embarrassment of the situation kicked in.




Late afternoon.

The sun had begun to set and the night sky was soon to come over the cityscape of Orario.

In an alleyway located near the Hostess of Fertility, Bell was meeting with someone to drop something off.

"Sorry, I'm late nya!"

"It's alright May. I know how busy you are"

Bell was meeting with the Hostess' one and only cook, May.

If Bell were asked aside from Syr who he was closest to in the Hostess, it would be a tie between Ryuu and May. They often meet up in the market or when the Hostess is closed to discuss cooking and food.

"Here's the package, May. You can give the girls and Mama Mia their parts when they're done cleaning up after hours. it can be their dinner if they haven't eaten yet"

Bell was dropping off his farewell present to the various members of the Hostess. It was a sign of thanks for all the great service and food they provided during his six months in Orario.

He wasn't sure how to go about announcing such a thing when he only met them while working, and this was the best way he could come up with.

"So you really are leaving...you stay safe alright?"

May looked a bit sad seeing her cooking buddy and assistant cook go away to travel, but she had long accepted it.

She was actually the first person Bell disclosed his decision to, except he framed it under the guise of exploring the cuisine of the world...something he would do, but not his main objective.

"Yeah, I am. The girls will probably be angry about the fact I didn't talk to them about leaving...so I'm relying on you to save my reputation alright?"

Bell jokingly said to the catgirl, who only replied in apathy.

"You reap what you sow Bell~ I'm only a delivery girl for these food boxes nya~"

Knowing she was actually serious...and knowing the hell which awaited him if she didn't help him out...Bell asked once more if she was serious...going through his own stage of denial like Lili and Eina.

"Hey...you're not serious right May?...we're buddies!"

To which May replied by sticking her tongue out playfully. Leaving the adventurer distraught at what was to befall him in two years' time.


May, hearing the shouts of Bell, giggled to herself as she happily went back to the Hostess before the dinner rush.

"...haa...I should've expected as much from May"

Contrary to her rather shy appearance, once Bell got to know her, she turned out to be one of the most mischievous members of the Hostess, even rivaling Syr.

But though he was distraught, Bell smiled at the close friendships he cultivated during his stay. Relishing the feeling. No longer aware of how he was able to stay so long without human contact in his previous life.

'Today is the Denatus as well...so Syr should be Horn instead of Freya...given that she tried to stab Bell for "tainting" her goddess with human emotions...I don't want to involve myself with her...'

Pondering the obsessive love of Freya's body double, Bell began walking down the main road of Orario..heading to the caravan he would soon ride to his first destination on his road trip.




"Oof- I really do miss modern transport sometimes...wagons and carriages lose their appeal after you ride them a couple of times..."

Bell said as he sat down on the wagon, his bag by his side, and no one beside him. He was the first to arrive for the caravan heading to a rural town near Orario.

"It's only been half a year...but it feels I've stayed here for so long...to think Bell was supposed to somehow beat the black dragon in only a year after he got a falna...protagonist cheats really are overpowered...not that I'm one to talk."

Bell chuckled a bit to himself before he reaffirmed his goals for this trip. He would sightsee if he can but would change his schedule depending on the timeline.

'Save Artemis and her familia by killing Antares. Travel to Altena to improve my magic using theoretical knowledge. Then assist Ali in her revolution...perhaps even train her to become strong'

Two of the goals he had in mind he would need to constantly look out for as it was never mentioned when specifically Artemis lost her life to Antares or when Ali sold herself as a slave to hide.

'I can fit in my trip to Altena whenever necessary...just gotta keep my eyes and ears out for any clues...'

Bell prepared to sleep as he was thoroughly tired...but wondered one last thing.

'I wonder if all of them received my presents?...'




Lili slowly woke herself up from her slumber...

"Lord Ghost...don't..."

Once she felt the lack of physical touch in her arms, she immediately stood at attention to look for him,

The room was dark as the night sky raised high beyond the window of Bell's hideout...Lili's eyes... burned red...

She was preparing herself to immediately run after wherever Bell was...but she found something on the bedside table...


A letter...and a visor...

'Dear Lili,

By the time you're reading this...I'm most probably gone. I know you want to follow me, and I appreciate all of the care and love you have for me. But this journey won't allow you to improve as much as you can be compared to Orario.

Work hard to become a spear I can be proud of...and I'll make sure to make it up to you. Wear the visor whenever you go out dungeon diving and use your skill, Ira Fianna.

It's a visor that's infused with a calming effect...another thing I picked up from my numerous criminal raids.

I look forward to when we can meet again my spear.'

Having read the letter numerous times...tears began to fall on the parchment...Lili's red eyes flickered and returned to their haze luster.

"Lord Ghost...saying such things...knowing I want to meet your expectations... it's not fair..."

Lili clutched the letter to her chest. Angry that he would use her loyalty against her...but happy he had such high expectations for him...

Placing the visor on her face...the image of a goddess from long ago reemerged...the spear of Bell...was tempered once more...with the crimson-red flames which lay beneath the visor.

Lili took it off and noticed something was written on the back of the parchment.


'P.S. I won't be able to repair your gunlance, shield, and armor...so head to this address and meet a blacksmith named Welf Crozzo. He'll be more than happy to help you'




In the confines of a workshop. With a forge whose flame was extinguished for the day. Welf Crozzo was preparing to head back to his home after another day of developing a new magic sword.

"𝘺𝘢𝘸𝘯 hopefully Lady Hephaestus and Tsubaki don't get too annoyed with how long it's taking...I might need a year or two to get this concept perfected..."

Welf scratched his head as he began to head out...


But he felt the door of his workshop bump into something as he opened it...

"...a package?..."

Welf naturally grew suspicious, but once he saw the phrase on the box, he naturally knew who it was from.

'For your sword that cuts beyond flesh and bone'

"Gray Ghost-"

Welf quickly grabbed the package and immediately unboxed it.

"A letter...and some notebook?"

Welf read the letter first

'Hey, Welf.

Hope your research is coming along. We haven't talked much but I'm plenty sure you're not the type to give up so easily on something...It takes one stubborn bastard to go so long without using their unique magic for the sake of artisanry.

To help you along... here are a few ideas I've had about what you can develop...It isn't much but it's a compilation of some original ideas I have with the limited knowledge I have on smithing...as well as a few unique magic items I encountered that could work well with your vision.'

"A few ideas huh..."

Welf immediately began to skim through some of the notebooks...and began to chuckle a bit to himself.

"If these are the notes of a beginner then most novice blacksmiths would cry Gray Ghost HAHAHA"

Detailed descriptions of compositional makeup and forging techniques, as well as descriptions of the best place for magic circuits to flow and detailed descriptions of the desired effects and references of it.

"Damn it...just when I thought I was done for the night"

Welf's spark of creativity surged once more as he began to prepare to pull another all-nighter experimenting...but he noticed an additional comment at the back of the letter.

"P.S. I have a student named Liliruca Arde. She will need someone to repair her armor because I will be gone for a while. The schematics of her equipment are included in the gray notebook. I believe you're more than capable of repairing it despite its intricacies.'




Asif and Hermes slowly walked into their familia's home. Both tired and exhausted from work...but one more so than the other.

"Aghhhh Asfiii~ Do we really have to do paperwork"

Hermes groaned in exhaustion. He simply wanted to get drunk and sleep until noon.

Asfi, too tired to physically abuse her god, simply told him to deal with it.

"Either we do the paperwork or some criminal get to run off scot-free, Lord Hermes"

Knowing he can't just deny such a thing happening, Hermes relented and slowly made his way to Asfi's office...where he found two packages waiting for him.

Hermes immediately tensed himself and so did Asfi. Asfi's office was set with numerous magics to block out intruders from entering without her permission, even familia members weren't allowed to enter without it.

So seeing something both of them knew wasn't here prior, they became cautious...but it soon faded upon seeing what was written on both of them.

'To Overworked Captain & Nonchalant god'

Names they remembered the Gray Ghost referring to them as during their numerous meeting over the past few months.

"So it's 'ol Gray Ghost huh...I wonder how he got past the defenses"

Hermes said amused, Bell had never failed to impress him time and time again.

"Let's read the letters Lord Hermes...perhaps it would be explained there..."

'Dear Hermes & Asfi,

First off...I'll be gone for a while'


Both Hermes and Asfi immediately became shocked upon knowing the Gray Ghost was suddenly leaving. Hermes tensed his eyes a bit as he continued to read.

'There are events beyond Orario that I need to take care of...otherwise, it may prove detrimental to the dungeon city in the long term. I hope you can understand.'

Seeing that it was justified but not knowing the details...the pair continued to trust in Bell regardless...he has too clean of a track record with them to even be considered suspicious.

'For Hermes. I left a series of information on the various workings and identities of criminals I have yet to deal with, Along with some common routes I use to patrol and gather information. I believe you will make the most out of this. I've done the heavy lifting, I'm sure you can hold on until I can get back'

Realizing he was basically assigned Bell's unfinished work, Hermes sighed in a tired tone.

Asfi giggled seeing her friend bring back proper retribution to her god.

'For Asfi. I'll miss our talks quite a bit. So I left a notebook with some of the ideas we discussed for magic items. I hope it will keep you occupied for a while. I'm well aware that you enjoy such things in your off time.

I also took the liberty of organizing some of your documents while you were gone. Take care of yourself Perseus'

Finishing the letter, Asfi smiled that Bell was so considerate of her even until now...only for Hermes to break the tension she made by teasing the former royalty now adventurer.

"Oh, my~ Has my dear Ice Queen finally fallen in love- ACK!-"

Hermes was immediately thrown to the wall by a swift kick by Asfi, not wanting her god to ruin the moment she was having.

"We're...just friends...Lord Hermes"

Asfi said as she looked away from him, to which he could only reply.

"That's what they all say. HAHAHA- my back-"

Hermes was playing the role of the jester once more...but in the depths of his mind he was beyond serious...having read the note Bell had left for him at the back of his letter.

'Shadow Dionysus and his familia'




High up in a tower surrounded by debauchery and carnal desire on all sides...

Solitary and quiet...a blonde Renard read a book all by her lonesome...


She laughed quietly to herself as she flipped through the pages...each one filled her with excitement...each one filled her with hope...stories of various heroes and adventurers the girl has never heard of before...

"What an interesting story...Peter Pan...I do wonder who keeps giving me these books"

For the past six months, the girl has been receiving books frequently out of the blue.

At first, she was afraid to approach them...thinking them to be a trap...but after becoming engrossed with them, she soon dropped her guard entirely.

'More and more books kept arriving...as if whoever sent them knew of my monotonous days stuck here...'

The girl clutched her chest in both anticipation and hope...but was dissuaded by disgust at herself.

'No...for a woman like me...that can't even be possible'

She threw away the possibility she had longed in her heart, though it pained her greatly to do so...

'Today was rather unique for my he-...benefactor...he would usually send me a book every few days...but he suddenly gave me a bunch of books all at once...this will take me a few years to completely finish...I wonder what happened?'

Though the girl questioned it, she simply moved on from it and resumed reading her book, trusting her benefactor had it all under control...such were the fantasies she had of such a figure...

As she continued to read, she slowly ran her finger across the cover of the book...detailing the writes which brought her so much joy...

'Tinker...Bell...I wonder...how kind your face must look like...to be so considerate...for a woman such as myself...'




In the depths of the Hephaestus familia mansion.

Entering her personal office, tired from the Denatus and organizing with the different familias for the coming raid on the sewer line, Hephaestus wanted to get some progress with some of her commissions and rest for the day.


Her captain Tsubaki had invited her for drinks, but the goddess simply refused. Leaving the cyclops to drink by herself...not that she needed the company to enjoy drinking alcohol.

'Its a wonder how Tsubaki can get any work done after drinking herself unconscious every few nights...'

Hephaestus wondered, but quickly stopped as she encountered a sword on her desk.

No packaging...no indication of who it was from...simply a sword...

But to Hephaestus...she knew what it was immediately


She immediately picked up the sword and began examining it thoroughly...

'This technique...this style... it's... it's him!"

Hephaestus smiled widely upon knowing who it was...putting the sword into its sheath in order to clutch it tightly into her chest.

'...you didn't have to do this...'

Hephaestus immediately recognized the intention of the sword upon seeing...it was a form of communication only the two of them can share in such intricacy...through their creations...through the hammering and tempering of steel upon the forge.


It was unknown why she was so giddy. Even when pestered by Tsubaki in the days following this moment, Hephaestus would refuse to give comment.

'So you'll be gone...I wanted to talk to you...a lot...into the night....until day broke...'

The goddess grew a bit pensive as she thought about what was conveyed to her through the sword. But she simply chose to trust in the person she felt such an undeniable bond for...something they confirmed together beneath the bright night sky.

"...I have to work on my commissions..."

Hephaestus deliberated what she should do, but eyeing the couch which she would often times sleep on after working...she fell to temptation.

"I worked hard enough. I deserve this. Yes. There's nothing wrong with this!"

Hephaestus said to herself as she lay on the couch, wrapped herself in a blanket, and clutched the sword to her chest.


The goddess immediately felt the tiredness wash over her in an instant...she would normally be able to handle such strains...but in the presence of his sword...she let down all of the guards and walls she had put up around herself...reverting back to a version of Hephaestus that didn't hide away her eye...nor built up a persona worthy of respect.

'I can faintly smell him from the sword...I wonder if he prefers to be the big or little spoon...hopefully big...'

She was simply a girl who knew naught of pain or suffering...simply reveling in the bliss of infatuation...

'I wonder if you two would get along?...I...should invite Hestia to descend sometime soon...'

Imagining the blissful scene of being surrounded by Bell and Hestia...Hephaestus fell into a deep comfortable slumber...one she hadn't felt...in a long...long...time.




Beneath the one sky they all shared...bonds forged through destiny...fates changed for the better...they all laid beneath it together...

On the horizon... beyond their reach...new connections will soon materialize for Bell to reach out to...

A goddess of the hunt bathes by her lonesome as she stares into the night sky, bathing in water and moonlight.

A goddess of knowledge works by candlelight. Deep in the crevices of a library she and her beloved children had built. Burning midnight oil.

A prince in hiding...a princess in truth...stares into the endless expanse of the desert...war was coming for her nation and people...she steeled herself for what was to come.

Intertwining lives that were never meant to cross...the creation of pathways between stories that were never meant to interact...

All strung together...by one strand of string.


Authors Note:

Hello and thank you for reading this chapter.

First off, to answer some concerns.

I've received some comments saying that the next coming arcs are a step backward for Bell, so I'd like to explain myself a bit,

The story of Artemis and Ali won't be training arcs. They are canon events that take place outside of Orario that I want Bell to take part in. Either to avoid a cruel end or to explore a possible new pathway for another character like I did with Ali.

These are events that will need to be tackled eventually by having Bell leave Orario. There's a lot of interesting canon material prior to the start of the canon and I want to take full advantage of it. Write a story about the world of Danmachi and not just Orario.

I had Bell enter Orario first instead of after these arcs because Orario was the best place to refine Bell's general skills. His intuition, his strategizing, his combat IQ, etc. Altena will only improve his projection quality and his understanding of magic as a whole.

I also had Bell enter Orario first so that he can set up characters to grow earlier on and improve their skills. Also to set back Dionysus as much as possible. The earlier he gets them completed, the less he has to worry about.

It will also wont take too many chapters between arcs,

However, if ur still dissatisfied with that. I'm sorry, but I want to write about the stuff that barely gets talked about in fanfiction.

Moving on from that. I messed up and forgot to include some content I planned a few chapters ago, so I'll be writing a few side stories before we move to the next arc.

Lastly...I wanna try writing my first lemon...so who do you want it to be about? Lili or Eina?

That will be all. Thank you again for reading and I hope you look forward to the next chapter.

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