Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 24.3: Loki and Freya familia

(Set a day after Bell's fight with the Goliath)

In the confines of the eighteenth floor of the dungeon.

Beneath the crystalline structure of the wall of grief lays the first safe zone that appears in the endless labyrinth.

Filled with lush forest and nature, the settlement of Rivira is populated entirely by adventurers who maintain its operations and passing-by adventurers in their dungeon dives.

The crystal roof which illuminates radiant light in the daytime is now dark as it matches the time setting of the sun outside of the dungeon.

The settlement of Rivira would usually settle down at this time of day, minus some drunkards walking down the street, but today was different...because the Loki familia was passing by in their regular expeditions.

"Pass me some ingots! I need to do a whole reconstruction of the equipment!"

The sound of fire, the shouts of busybodies, the cheers of a merry company, such were regular occurrences whenever the Loki familia were to pass by.

"Cheers!!" "Cheers!!" "Cheers!!"

Settling down near the main settlement, and setting up tents for temporary resting places.

The topic talked about amongst the veteran adventurers of the Loki familia would be interesting occurrences in their daily lives or the faintest juice of gossip...but the crowd was alight with excitement...because they had just gotten their hands on the greatest conversation topic adventurers can ever ask for.


Tiona shouted in pure glee, a large cup of beer in one hand, and her Urga in the other hand.

Shouting and praising the dungeon vigilante she admired so much as she attempted to act out his struggle with the variant monster rex.

"I mean! I mean! Did you see the way he swung from around the Goliath?! So fast...so strong...Ahh! He really is a hero!!-"

Tiona was extolling the praises of her idol once more for the umpteenth time. The Loki familia members around her merely smiled as the young amazoness indulged in her exuberance, but her sister Tione had long grown tired of her tirade.

"Quiet down Tione, we get it. You love the Gray Ghost. You don't have to repeat again and again..."

Tione generally tried to compose herself as the mature sibling out of the both of them, but Tiona knew the truth, and not taking kindly to being interrupted from her joy...she decided to snap back.

"Oh like we didn't have to deal with your constant praising of the captain. What was the thing Bete kept saying...oh yeah, kettle meet pot~"

Tiona smugly replied to her sister's hypocrisy which Tione violently defended herself to deny.

"That's because captain Finn really is amazing!-"

Picking up on the subtle message Tione was implying, Tiona replied back just as violently.

"And you're implying the Gray Ghost isn't?!-"

The two amazoness sisters began to stare each other down for the pride of having the better-admired figure, but before 「Jormungand」and 「Amazon」could engage in the smackdown of the century, the top executives of their familia luckily arrived to intervene.

"Calm down you two. I don't want to have to order a repair of the campsite this late at night..."

Finn said tiredly as he just accomplished all the tasks he needed to accomplish with the expedition and what just happened earlier in the day.

"...fine, captain. But just so you know Tione is a hypocrite and started it first!"

"Tiona, you!- I'm sorry for the inconvenience Captain Finn! I'll deal with Tiona privately later!-"

Though the sisters appeared to have reconciled...they continued to stare into each other with hate and violence itching their hands...

"𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩...Ais can you sleep in their tent tonight? I don't want them to wrestle "unconsciously" again..."

Ais, who had busied herself with eating a jagamarukun she had specially requested from the expedition's chef, agreed with a small nod as her mouth was busy chewing the delicacy.

She did so while Lefiya stared in shock and envy...wanting to sleep with Ais tonight as well...

But after contemplating how she could get herself involved in the arrangement with Ais, she quickly made conversation with Finn, Gareth, and Riveria as they settled down around the campfire to eat their dinner as well.

"U-um captain?...How come you seem more tired than usual?... Is something wrong?..."

Hearing the concerns of the reserved elf, Finn simply smiled and replied naturally.

"It's nothing to worry about Lefiya. It was just a bit of a hassle to figure out the logistics and scheduling of who to send to inform the guild about the Gray Ghost...we would be fined quite heavily for failing to report this crucial information despite having the means...that Goliath may end up becoming a normal occurrence if we're unlucky..."

Hearing the possibility that such a foe may become a regular occurrence in the dungeon, Lefiya, alongside the other familia members at the campfire became worried at the possibility...Ais particularly narrowed her eyes as she recalled the red Goliath...

Seeing the concerns of her familia members, Riveria quickly chimed in with her personal opinion in order to lessen the speculation and worries.

"Though what Finn said is a concern...from what I can observe, I believe the Goliath Gray Ghost fought was a mutation that could only apply with his encounter..."

Hearing the wise high elf give her input, Lefiya curiously asked for more of an explanation...she was her apprentice but didn't discover anything that might indicate such.

"Miss Riveria, what makes you think that personally?"

Riveria quickly replied with composure to her student's question.

"It might not have reached your attention due to the fact you haven't been exposed to such a thing...but the moment the Gray Ghost and the Goliath began to act weirdly...a form of energy began to envelop them...one very reminiscent of the ancient magics that came before spirits and falna..."


Lefiya was quickly shocked, and the rest of the familia members became quickly intrigued.

The first magic to have been made available to mortals before the interference of the spiritual and divine...ancient elf magic...a form of magic that utilized ambient magic power in nature...and through the use of absurdly long chants and various body-enhancing rituals...could invoke unnatural phenomenon...magic.

But such a form of magic has long since been driven into obscurity. Outclassed in every way by magics developed through falna, and only faintly remembered among the more long-lived races such as elves and high elves.

"Ancient magic Miss Riveria?! So does that mean...the Gray Ghost utilizes ancient elf magic for his abilities?!-"

Lefiya quickly asked. It could explain the rather wide area of abilities the vigilante had...but the lack of a long chant...and the sheer potency of the skills he used... didn't match the characteristics of ancient magic Lefiya knew.

"No Lefiya...the Gray Ghost doesn't utilize ancient magic...and neither does the Goliath...because monsters being capable of such things would be rather...disastrous"

The image of monsters being able to invoke their own spells outside of their innate abilities...the consequences of such a thing...Ais further narrowed her eyes, no longer eating her jagamarukun and focusing her attention on Riveria's voice.

Seeing the tense atmosphere radiating off of Ais, Gareth took a swig of his beer and spoke to the blonde youth. Laid back and cheerful.

"Relax Ais~ Didn't you hear what Riveria said? The Goliath doesn't utilize ancient magic...so no need to begin thinking about how to cut them down with your sword HAHAHAHA"

Ais, getting the joyful reply of Gareth, quickly recomposed herself. Lightly blushing in embarrassment at her assumption and continued to eat the fried potato.

Riveria lightly chuckled as she watched the stoic youth act her age before continuing with her explanation.

"The Gray Ghost and the Goliath don't utilize ancient magic as far as I know...the ancient magic I sensed didn't originate from them...it was if...they were acted upon by an outside force..."

"An outside force?..."

Tiona spoke in worry...she knew the changes that the Gray Ghost suddenly underwent during his fight...knowing he might've been played like a puppet...Tiona gripped her Urga tightly.

Tione saw this and looked in sympathy at her sister. Though she appeared tired of her constant admiration. She was quite happy her younger twin was able to find a person who could take her heart away...had it been Finn being controlled...Tione would exhibit exactly why she had the skill 「Berserk」...

Wanting to dissuade unwanted fears once more as a result of her words, Riveria quickly followed her previous statement.

"Though I was able to sense an outside force took hold of the two... it's not good to speculate too much on it. Simply leave that to Loki, she has quite the skill in figuring things out. Especially when it interests her...and Tiona...you saw for it yourself. The Gray Ghost broke out of that particular behavior...he broke free from control"

Finally connecting the dots that her hero wasn't simply a puppet on a string...Tiona quickly recovered from her anger to once more praise the vigilante.

"Yeah...Yeah! Gray Ghost was so cool at that time!! Raising his sword in defiance of the Goliath's pummelling~ Then appearing behind him~ Then proceeding to beat it black and blue!~ He's so cool!!~~"

With Tiona quickly coming back to her energetic and childish self, the atmosphere around the campfire slowly returned to normal. Tione even accepted to not meddle with her twin in order to enjoy her dinner with Finn. 

"That time when he shot out all those chains and tied it down? It was so badass!"

Tiona began to recount the fight once more, this time with comments from her fellow familia members.

"Ah, that technique. It was a rather interesting and powerful magic. If mastered properly it can become quite useful strategically"

Finn commented with interest.

He was most intrigued by the employment of the Gray Ghost's chained blades to restrict a foe as powerful as a variant Goliath. 

He naturally imagined how he would employ such skill in his expedition...he quickly concluded that such a thing in their familia's arsenal could cut down the time needed to deal with certain monsters and monster rexes by a significant amount.

"That was indeed quite powerful. But if we're talking about what got my heart racing. It's got to be how the lad swung around! He was like a flying sword HAHAHAHA"

Gareth commented as he laughed with a slight buzz from the alcohol.

As a dwarf, he constantly longed for the heat of battle. Watching the sheer controlled brutality of the Gray Ghost's flurry of attacks...the scene set his warrior spirit alight.

"Ah that. It also excited me a lot...I wonder if I can do that as well..."

Tione commented.

She had noticed that the Gray Ghost used blades that were somewhat similar in design to her personal weapons. Tione wondered if she added a chain she might be able to replicate such a powerful fighting style...though she only considered it once she imagined the possible compliment she might've received from Finn.

Finn slightly shook as a sense of worry crawled up his back...something he had long developed ever since knowing Tione.

While the pallum was stricken with worry, Tiona quickly jabbed at her sister's comment.

"With your personality? You won't ever be able to replicate the fighting style of someone as elegant and refined as Gray Ghost~ ACK?!-"

Tione quickly entered into a light scuffle with Tiona for embarrassing her in front of her crush...Finn simply sighed as he continued to eat his dinner.

"...p-personally...I was interested in his mind..."

Lefiya awkwardly said to include herself in the conversation.

The elf was shocked at the orderly nature of the vigilante's mind. It was uniform and planned. She didn't know how exactly it worked, but she knew its immense benefits. Faster invocation times and lessened mind usage per cast. It was as if the magic circle she used with her development ability was ingrained into the Gray Ghosts. body. 

'If I learned how he does it...I might be able to better keep up with Ais and the others!'

Lefiya secretly thought to herself with determination. Seeing the resolve in her student's eyes grow stronger, she simply smiled. The high elf was also interested in how the Gray Ghost utilized his mind...but she was far more interested in something else...

"The way Gray Ghost utilized his mind is rather interesting...but in my opinion...and as well as Bete's...the way he dealt with the Goliath's beam of magic is much more significant"

Hearing her comment piqued the interest of them all. Riveria was quite intelligent, so anything that caught her interest would naturally be special..they also wanted to know why Bete could've been interested in it as well, as he immediately went into the forest when they arrived at Rivira...saying he had "personal stuff" to deal with.

"Oh ho? Why do you say so, Riveria?"

Finn asked with curiosity apparent.

"Yeah. It was very badass, but I could also do that will my Urga alone..."

Tiona asked in confusion, looking at the act as a mere display of sheer strength to block a blast of magic.

"It might've appeared that he just blocked the magic blast...and that would be impressive by itself...but he didn't block it...he reflected it away from himself"


The observation of the high elf naturally shocked everyone. To block was mostly a challenge of strength and endurance...but to reflect...to parry an attack required immense knowledge and finesse...but to reflect magic with a sword...was unheard of.

"R-reflect magic?! Is such a thing even possible Miss Rivera?!-"

Lefiya quickly asked, because such a thing broke down her entire theoretical understanding of magic. It was the same thing as telling a warrior to reflect a breeze of wind...how can one reflect something that was fluid and non-rigid in nature?

Ais was very much interested in Riveria's statement as well. She took immense pride in her swordsmanship skills. She naturally admired the fluid and powerful strike of the Gray Ghost. Taking every moment she witnessed and wanting to incorporate it into her own fighting style designed for slaying monsters...but a sword technique that could reflect magic?...it would increase the 「Sword Princess'」abilities immensely.

Sensing the expectant stares at herself...Riveria readied to receive their disappointment.

"I don't know"

The looks of Lefiya and Ais quickly became sullen, but Riveria carried on. 

"Of course, I wouldn't know. It must've been a sword technique that the Gray Ghost originally developed...if you want to learn it, the best bet would be asking him to teach it to you"

Hearing this statement from Riveria, Ais immediately perked up in interest. Ais was invited many times by Tiona in her search to encounter the Gray Ghost in the dungeon, fueled mainly by wanting to see how strong he was.

But knowing his abilities...and the tantalizing prospect of learning how to reflect magic with swords...Ais gained a new resolve to accompany Tiona...to become the Gray Ghost's disciple!

"Something's wrong...I can feel it"

Lili spoke as she cleaned up the hideout...she felt her position as the Gray Ghost's student was in danger...

'The way Ais looks when talking about the Gray Ghost...I'm jealous...'

Lefiya thought to herself as she watched the hint of joy and anticipation beneath Ais' stoic face. She liked relying on the swordswoman...but she also wanted to experience what it was like for Ais to rely on her...

 'Gray Ghost...from now on...you're my rival!-'

"𝘈𝘊𝘏𝘖𝘖...this has to be that trope where someone is talking about me behind my back...Eina perhaps?..."

Bell thought to himself as he ran across Orario in his regular hunt for criminals. Unaware his little sister from a past life now saw him as an enemy in the war of love. 

"Gray Ghost is more badass for making a way to reflect magic!...but how does this concern that werewolf with a stick up his ass?"

Tiona said, not failing to take a chance to insult the tsundere Bete. To which Riveria quickly replied.

"That's because Bete's niche is magic absorption...his magic「Hati」can absorb magic and use it to strengthen himself. Though in most scenarios, absorption would be superior to reflection, Bete's magic harms himself if he absorbs too much..."

"So magic reflection is the lacking skill that is stopping him from fully utilizing 「Hati」. If he can somehow control the magic he absorbs while not resorting to evasion or normal blocking...Bete can become much stronger than he is right now...and with the existence of technique proven in front of his eyes...I'm sure you can understand what he left to do now right?"

Looks of realization dawned on Ais, Lefiya, and Tione. Meanwhile, Tiona simply continued to clown on the wolf that was too wussy to just be honest.

"First he called Gray Ghost an edgelord and now he's trying to copy him. How shameless can the guy be? Hmph!-"

Riveria and the others simply smiled and chuckled at the display of Tiona, but Finn quickly spoke afterward.

"How about you Ais? What did you find interesting about the Gray Ghost?"


Ais quietly pondered while the rest simply waited in interest at what the youth would say.

"...I would say...that final strike he did...where his blade became lengthened and was covered in light..."

Hearing what Ais said, the rest understood why she would be so interested in that moment. It was the climax of the fight after all.

"Oh yeah, that moment. That strike looked immensely powerful. I'm also interested in how his sword changed shape..."

Finn commented.

"HAHAHAHA Of course that would be the favorite moment of the lass. That moment also got my heart thumping loudly as well!"

Gareth said jovially. 

"Captain Finn could do it better..."

Tione said in a quiet tone, something Finn tried to "conveniently" not hear. Not wanting to throw himself to kill a Goliath in one strike for the amazoness' fantasy...not that he couldn't but it would be quite troublesome.

"While it was a strike filled with a lot of mind...I was more interested in the sound of bells that came along with it...I wonder how it was made?"

Riveria commented in curiosity. The sound of bells accompanied the Gray Ghost as he struck down the monster rex and wanted to investigate if it might've been a magical phenomenon.  

"I don't know but it was so badass! It's like he was tolling for the goliath that its time of death had come!"

Tiona simply brushed away the speculation to further gush about how cool her admired person was.

"T-the lights were...pretty..."

Lefiya awkwardly said, not wanting to be left out now that everyone had given their thoughts.


Ais sat quietly as her familia members continued to discuss the Gray Ghost. Lefiya had gotten the closes answer to what intrigued Ais to that singular moment. 

A bluish-white light enveloped his sword...a sword of considerable length...striking down on the opponent with immense power. 

Memories from a time she can never return to...memories of a thousand years past began to resurface in the mind of the mysterious child. 

'Don't worry Ais...papa is here to protect you...'

A figure's back filled her vision...the world...dreary and grey...the light of the sun didn't reach down to the ashen-covered earth...

Bodies littered the battlefield...swords...spears...staves...all manner of weaponry laid sporadically across the field...broken...as if to represent the hopelessness of the situation...

But her father didn't lose hope...he simply resolved himself further...his hair and scarf fluttering in the wind...she could feel her mother's embrace around her body...

Her father raised his sword to his chest...every movement radiated confidence...not a single ounce of fear was in his body...

Clasping the hilt of his sword tightly...twisting it..and with the jewel engraved upon it shining brightly...he invoked...

「—O sword, Let thee be filled」

A spiraling tower of pure bluish-white erupted from the blade...a burst of blessed twilight amidst the endless darkness of the world...

That scene which was engraved into Ais...that scene she saw the Gray Ghost reenact in a far smaller scale...that...


Ais was immediately broken out of her reminiscing, Tiona now filled her vision, a look of concern in her eyes.

"You okay? Want another jagamarukun?"

Ais looked around and saw her familia members with similar expressions. Riveria smiled with a hint of knowing.

These weren't those times...she wasn't drowned in absolute despair...she now has a chance...to avenge what she lost that day.


Seeing that Ais had returned to her previous self, Tiona went back to her jubilant self. 

"Anytime!...Now back to praising Gray Ghost!-"

The Loki familia continued to dine together in joy, but Ais had one more moment she reminisced on besides the Gray Ghost.

'That boy...'

Someone she only saw a momentary glimpse of when her goddess wanted to brag about their expedition in a pub.

An interesting youth that radiated an interesting aura...someone who made her goddess a "cuckold"...a term the youth didn't recognize and something Riveria said wasn't worth her time to learn about.

But Ais didn't concern herself with that happening...she was more entrance by the appearance of the boy she saw...

'His hair...the way it swayed in the wind...his bashful nature... it's like his...'

Ais unconsciously began to smile as she made the correlation. She wanted to meet the Gray Ghost to become stronger and learn how he did so...but she wanted to meet this youth...out of an interest in her heart...and an attraction...as if they were fated to meet...

'I hope..I can meet him again...'

Thus under the false night sky beneath the dungeon...the strings of fate began to intertwine themselves once more...




(Set a few days after the Denatus and Bell's departure)

High up at the very top of the tower of Babel. A tower built by the gods to pierce the skies and seal the dungeon that lay beneath it.

A mansion of luxury built for an existence that cemented her place with both charm and wit. 


The personal home of the goddess Freya, and the head of the undisputed strongest familia in Orario.

A place where she looked down upon the populace of the dungeon city. Not in an act of arrogance, she disdained such activities with her experiences with Hera.

No, she did so to keep constant watch if her fated lover were to ever one day arrive in Orario. Constantly observing the colors of the souls of passing people. 

But it had been a while since she had done so...for she had already found it...her fated beloved...

"Bell Cranel~...Bell Cranel~..."

The goddess gleefully spoke out. Chanting the name of her Odr always gave her a sense of joy no matter how many times she spoke it.

"Haa~...What I would give to have you in my arms...perhaps myself in yours would be a better fit~"

Freya was a person who preferred to always have the reins of control...but if it were for Bell...she wouldn't mind becoming subservient...

"How long I have waited for your arrival...how long I have awaited for your embrace...how long I have awaited for us both to consummate our love in the heat of passion~"

Freya declared in a voice that many would consider a heavenly serenade.

She would usually do this to appease her longing. She wanted to wait for her beloved to grow strong enough to protect his spot as her lord...but this time...she had another purpose in doing so...

"...my lady..."

Ottar stood behind Freya...his face wrecked with guilt...he knew full well the suffering his goddess went through in her pursuit of her Odr.

Chained to Orario under the orders of Zeus and the action of Hera to assist in their three great quests. Being unable to search for the person she decided to descend for in the first place.

Taken of her familia's children by Zeus in a wager that favored the god. Stripping her away of the people she raised and helped grow. 

Ottar knew it all too well...but he simply couldn't comply in this instance...


The reason Ottar was trusted as Freya's aid was not just because he was the strongest...

"My lady Freya..."

But because, if it was for the greater good of his goddess...he could reject her desires...

"You cannot leave Orario to pursue Bell Cranel..."

Hearing her familia captain's umpteenth refusal, Freya was very displeased.



Facing the brunt of the pain that was his goddess' disappointment, the invincible Ottar winced in pain. 

"It's for your greater good Lady Freya...such a journey is simply unreasonable..."

Ottar and Freya, though they were perceived as serious and solitary figures...acted with one another like a son and his mother. 

Ottar's perception of Freya as a motherly figure rather than one of romance is what led the goddess to so quickly trust in him.

Though she didn't admit it, she grew tired of the endless attempts to steal her heart...even those of her familia...so she was rather glad she could have a more platonic relationship with someone for once. 


But even though she saw him as her beloved child...

"You know how much I hate being a bird in a cage"

That didn't mean she couldn't speak her mind...


Ottar remained silent...because she was right.

Freya had long been admired in Tenkai. Unable to stop the advances of powerful gods with their arcanum...all that she was able to do was reject them time and time again...

She wasn't assaulted for her virginity but soon gave it up in order to not become their plaything.

Freya couldn't stop them from coming...so the best she could do is keep them at bay as much as she can...she gave out sexual favors in exchange for protection from the more...extreme gods and goddesses in Tenkai...

She lamented the fact that she was no longer pure for her Odr...and simply desensitized herself to the point that she can enjoy what little bit she felt from her numerous trists...

She became locked in a cage of her own design...unable to fly free...but protected from the dangers which lurked beyond its enclosure...

But one day...hope shined down on her...she could descend to the world of mortals.

Freya had long confirmed her Odr wasn't in the world of Tenkai...so she concluded that they must be a mortal...wanting to journey in pursuit of her Odr and to enjoy witnessing the valor of heroes...Freya immediately descended.

But there too she was chained like an exotic specimen.

Utilized by Zeus to gather prominent figures for his cause using her charm.

Abused by Hera in anger for charming her beloved unintentionally.

Stripped of her freedom to fly...denied of her right to dream...Freya hated any cage she had found herself in.

"You understand clearly...don't you Ottar?"

Freya spoke with coldness in her voice...her personality warped over the years of torment and suffering...from an innocent maiden goddess of beauty...to a calculating woman of pleasure...it was the only way she could've survived...it was the only way she was permitted to live as...

"I understand my lady...but I still refuse..."

Ottar held firm in his denial. It pained him to see his goddess like this...but if it meant she was safe...

"If it meant I was safe...it would be alright...that's what you think Ottar?"

Freya spoke...disappointment in her child...apparent in her voice.


Ottar remained silent...

"Alright, Ottar...I understand...you may leave me now...you called a meeting of the familia executive didn't you?"

Freya spoke as if nothing had happened. She was a master at controlling and switching the atmosphere to whatever she desired.

"...yes...my lady..."

Ottar slowly replied.

"Then it's best you be off then. I know just how temperamental those children can be after all....stay safe..."

Freya spoke as she bid him safety in his journey...she knew it was pointless as he was the strongest...but though she was disappointed in her child...a child of hers he was regardless...even if he had scorned her...Freya would still send him off as any mother would.


Ottar quietly stood up and exited Freya's quarters, a loud silence covered Folkvangr.


After confirming the door was secured and closed...Ottar quietly spoke out his reply...

"Thank you...and my apologies for doing this Lady Freya...mother..."

The boaz then quickly began to walk to the meeting room placed near the center of Folkvangr. He would have to deal with the annoying jealousy of his comrades as they discussed how to keep track of Bell Cranel outside of Orario.




"I thank you all for coming here today"

 Ottar spoke confidently at the head of a large marble table set against the scenery of a wonderfully maintained garden of green. 

"Why are we meeting captain?"

Spoke Berling Gulliver, which was immediately followed up.

"The last time we had once-"

Spoke Grer Gulliver.

"It was during the raids of Evilus"

Spoke Dvallin Gulliver.

"Have we tracked another remnant?"

Spoke Alfrigg Gulliver.

The gulliver brothers, a rare case of identical quadruplets. Knowing each other so well that they can finish each other's sentences without a miss in beat. As well as being level five executives of the Freya familia. 

"Nonsense. Had a remnant of Evilus been detected, no doubt the guild would send an announcement to our familias. The fact that this was called by captain Ottar signifies this is held for a more...personal matter..."

Spoke a bespectacled elf with long blonde hair.

Hedin Selland. A former royal elf of an island kingdom from far away, and currently the level six magic swordsman, executive, and strategist of the Freya familia.

"Is...is there a target I have to kill beneath my shadows?..."

Spoke a reserved dark elf with chuunibyou tendencies.

Hogni Ragnar. A former royal elf of an island kingdom from far away, and currently a level six of the same position as Hedin, minus the position of strategist.


A black-haired cat person remain silent as the rest of the executives spoke. Not caring to mingle with his familia and simply wanting to finish whatever mission was presented.

Allen Fromel. Elder brother of Anya Fromel whom he has cut ties with, and is currently a level six spearman, executive, and vice-captain of the Freya familia.

All the familia's executives who are well-known across Orario and beyond for their strength and valor...all these figures are gathered her under the orders of Ottar...assuming it was for the purpose of assisting their goddess...a figure all except Ottar wish to attain for themselves...

"I have gathered you all here today for a specific purpose..."

Ottar spoke as he prepared for what was to come next...

"Bell Cranel"

In an instant...the room began to be filled with tension...one only possible through the hatred and envy of multiple powerful figures all at once.

'This is why they're so annoying to handle...'

Ottar quietly complained as he witnessed his comrades be drowned in jealousy.

The executives naturally knew about the latest person of Freya's affection, they were all used to it by now...however the sheer magnitude of Freya's love in this instance...they knew it meant whoever she desired this time around was beyond compare...

Bell Cranel. An adventurer who publicly shows himself as a Class-I adventurer...a dungeon diver with neither excelia nor falna...a classification given to the rejects of the rejects...but in secret...he poses as the dungeon vigilante who protects Orario from the shadows...the Gray Ghost...


Ottar sighed as he continued to observe them all.

Upon knowing the identity of Bell Cranel, and seeing the heightened affection of the goddess they wanted for themselves. They naturally grew a jealous hatred towards him. His sheer potential as a warrior and his lists of accomplishments...made the executives fearful that they would lose the maiden they loved with all their hearts.

"Stop your childish jealousy at once"


A heavy gust of wind began to blow throughout the meeting place, originating from Ottar, and a faint red aura began to emanate from his body.

"Bell Cranel. He is the man closest to achieving the place of being Lady Freya's beloved...her Odr"

Ottar continued to speak...his aura growing denser in color as he did...

"Freya's Odr...the one who will open her cage...the one who will allow her to fly free...to experience the highest joys that life could offer...her entire reason for continuing to live despite the pain and suffering..."

"He is a man who might one day serve as our Lord should you all continue to serve Lady Freya in the foreseeable future..."

"To serve...is to wish the best and nothing but the best for your master...to hold thoughts...of wiping away her happiness...the happiness Lady Freya has waited thousands upon thousands of years for..."

"All for your selfish desires...you would sentence Lady Freya to a life of lost hope?..."

「For my master...the world shall fall to its knees in reverence」


「Vana Arganture: Descent of the Warring Boar」


A heavy wind fell upon the area...it was as if a typhoon had manifested where Ottar stood...a living disaster...the moving fortress...the undisputed strongest...Ottar....「King 」



Knowing they were outmatched...and knowing it went against their oath of servitude to Freya...the executives reined in their jealousy and contempt for Bell Cranel.

Try as they might...they couldn't find a reasonable fault to stop him from being Freya's Odr.

The most they could say is his denseness and his philandering with other women, but such things didn't bother their goddess...and so they couldn't use it against him. 

"We get it. We get it. We understand clearly, captain. Now, what do you need us to do?"

Allen spoke in a tired and annoyed tone. He had swallowed his grievances with Bell and switched the topic to the mission. He didn't want to become a bloody mess on Ottar's hand just because he couldn't handle his jealousy...not before he could know his sister was safe and well...perhaps even...

But before Allen could finish his thought, Ottar began the briefing.

"Bell Cranel has currently left Orario...reasons are unknown...though we managed to overhear him talking to May of the Hostess about it being for being a gourmand... it's not the main reason for doing so..."

The executive quietly listened. They knew Bell Cranel wasn't a person to move rashly without reason.

"Whatever the reason...the current trajectory of the caravan he left in his destined for a town named Preblica...I need an executive to lead a stealth unit to keep track of Bell Cranel until we can form a comprehensive group with enough supplies to ensure Lady Freya won't be worn from the journey..."

Ottar wasn't sure, but he felt as though Bell was going to leave Orario for a rather long amount of time...he recalled his memories of frequently going missing from his familia when he was younger...training in secret to catch up to the Zeus familia...Ottar could sense the same atmosphere around him.

Knowing this, he didn't want Freya to exhaust herself while tracking him. So Ottar needed time to prepare the logistics and supplies for such a thing...not that he could do it himself...he simply knew from his numerous expeditions into the dungeon that such things needed such time.

Memories of Mia Grand scolding him for complaining about delays in the supply lines and him causing the familia to overextend themselves washed up in Ottar's recollection.

But before Ottar could continue...a servant who maintained Folkvangr rushed into the meeting area.

"Executives!...Lady...Lady Freya!-"

Sensing the urgency in the servant's voice, the executives and Ottar readied themselves to bolt into action.

Danger?...An intruder?.... Had she been poisoned or assaulted?...

"Lady Freya...left a note that she's left Orario in search of her Odr!-"


Ottar was shocked but at the same time wasn't. He did find it suspicious how Freya so easily let him go after their disagreement.

'So she let it go because she has the plan to escape...'

Ottar was filled with regret for having such low foresight...but was astounded at his goddess' capabilities.

"All Executives! You are to settle all affairs and immediately track down Lady Freya! Send any form of the signal once any of you have found her location!"

With the commanding voice of Ottar ringing throughout, the executives promptly replied.


They all then immediately began to prepare themselves.

'Please be safe before we can arrive Lady Freya...'




Walking down the street...wearing a red hood that obscured her face and figure...beneath wearing a white form-fitting dress that accentuated her allure...


Freya walked down in glee whilst humming a tune from a long-forgotten era...she was positively ecstatic at the moment. 

Bribing and blackmailing the guild's head in order to gain access to leave through the secret gates at Orario's border, Freya was now free to pursue what she wants...to pursue Bell Cranel...even to the ends of the planet...

'Don't worry my dear Bell~ Freya will soon watch over you~ hehehe~"

Thus a white bird flew off into the distance...in search of a promise...one that was thousands of years in the making...

Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter. This will be the end of the current side stories, and the main story will continue after this.

Hope you look forward to it!

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