Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 45: Alliance

Securing themselves behind the tall walls of one of the many reclaimed cities by the resistance movements in the past month, the Shalzard resistance alongside the Freya and Hermes familia decided to end their escape from the horde of Behemoths.

The ominous storm of black ash stood visibly apparent in the looming distance. As the sun set and dipped below the horizon, the eerie storm of black ash continued whirling around the capital city. A despairing sight, clear for the entire resistance to see.

"Our goal was in sight. Just in reach… but now, it seems so much farther away than when we first started…"

A soldier of the Shalzard resistance commented as he stood guard over the walls of the city walls. A defensive structure that was damaged after the resistance's efforts in reclaiming the city, but sturdy enough to serve as their current line of defense.

The soldier looked out into the distance in silence, he no longer looked out in vigilance atop the walls for the presence of Warusa soldiers, instead, he now observed with a hastened pulse if the towering monstrosities of black ash would begin approaching their location once more.

But though the resistance soldier was nervous as he fulfilled his duty as the lookout, much to his and his comrades' relief, there was a reassurance in the monster's behavior that reinforced the improbability of the monster's attacking their current position.

The black beasts seemed to have given up on their desire to give chase after escaping some distance and refused to travel beyond a certain point from the capital city of Sorshana.

"After a certain point, those beasts stopped chasing and decided to head back to the capital… what exactly are those monsters planning to do?"

The Behemoths were now congregating around the capital city of Sorshana.

The rumbling of their footsteps grew quiet. Their booming and shaking roars ceased to reach the resistance's ears. The behavior of the monsters brought just as much confusion among the resistance forces as their sudden appearance in the battle.

"Nothing seems to make sense to me… does his majesty understand what is happening?"

The resistance soldier said to himself as his mind strained to come up with any reasonable explanation. Looking up into the orange sky, the resistance soldier let out a tired sight that manifested itself into a visible breath. The air cooled down the soldier's heated exhalation. The cold desert night was coming.


Sensing the end of the day coming, the resistance soldier began to recall the immense powerlessness he felt seeing the towering beasts. Experiencing such a sight firsthand, he couldn't help but feel a deepening sense of respect for the few people that were able to act in the face of such a dominating presence.

"His majesty Allum really is something to continue calmly leading us amidst those monsters chasing us… and those adventurers as well. Most of them couldn't bring them down, but they were all able to repel them effectively, not to mention the few that were able to kill those monstrosities…"

The sight gave the common resistance soldier immense perspective about his lot in life. About his uselessness on the grand scale of the world. In a world where gods roamed the lands, where monsters of immense strength lay in wait, and where powerful adventurers etched their names into the annals of history… he was just a common peasant soldier.

"I was just a simple construction worker before this war. Carrying bricks around for each new project. Living day-by-day on my monthly paycheck. Only being able to afford a modest life for myself and my family…"

The common soldier's story was one shared by many of his comrades in the resistance. A common worker of a peaceful time, thrust into the grueling fields of war. Fighting for their nation and their lives with a weapon they had never held before in all their years of existence. Compared to the incredible people that shined in such a chaotic place, he was just a forgettable throwaway.

"I suck at using my mind. I suck even more when it comes to fighting. I have relatively good eyesight… but it's undeniable that I can't even begin to reach the places those people are at right now…"

The resistance soldier looked to the boundless sky. Feeling the sinking reality of his insignificance under its grandeur. Feeling the sense of oppression that came with such a realization… but as weak and powerless as he was, devoid of spirit he was not.


Though he was unable to intelligently and calmly lead in the face of chaos like his king, or do battle with the monstrous beasts like the adventurers, he would not lose to them both when it came to his heart.

The common soldier's resolve was shared with most of his peers. Their combined efforts wouldn't amount to much, their individual strengths even less so. But though they were a people broken by the edge of Warusa's blades, and broken once more by the heel of the Behemoths but defeated they were not.

"We were so close to Sorshana… His majesty Allum, Gray Ghost, Maiden Freya. They were able to make such a pitiable resistance movement nearly reclaim the home we once lost…"

The resistance soldier looked into the distance, peering straight into the cold storm of black ash that currently engulfed Sorshana. His eyes and breath trembled at the sight. He was undeniably fearful of the towering monsters that lay in wait beyond the ominous black veil, but his heart began beating fiercely. Not out of fear, but out of greed.

"It's possible… the chance of reclaiming our home, it's possible… I just need to believe and act on what his majesty commands me to do, what battle Gray Ghost leads us to, and what resolution Maiden Freya asks us to believe in…"

The resistance soldier tightened his hands as his heart began to be filled with so much emotion that it began to surpass his instinctual fear of the walking giants of death. A feeling his king and his two aides had given to the Shalzard people. A feeling they now desperately clung to in the face of such immense despair.


"So long as incredible people like them stand at the helm… it's possible… even in the face of such oppressing monsters, it's possible to take back our home…"

The endless successes of the king and his aides brought the resistance. The electrifying feeling of conquest and victory. They delivered hope to the people time and time again without fail, so all the soldier needed to do was place his faith in the possibility that they would do it once more.

This same thought was echoed throughout the resistance. Their spirits remained unyielding. Their hope burned bright amidst the cold black ash that threatened to consume them all whole.

The Shalzard people now stood at the razor's edge of a double-edged sword known as the hope brought by a hero. A miracle of brilliant light that drew in people from all around towards itself. A phenomenon that warped reality to better themselves.

Immense glory and unending despair hung in unison over the unknown future. The two possibilities quietly tittered as every small action contributed to its swing. For the king and her aides, they were now at the point of no return. The people placed their hopes on their success and they would either be remembered as great people or as heinous fakes.

It was sink or swim.

The beautiful dream lay just ahead, an oppressing wall was all that stood against its fruition. Paradise now rests on the horizon, waiting for the one who will claim it for their own.

All they have to do is fulfill their promise of victory.

(E/D: Excalibur incoming!!! I mean what Faker is complete without a fake sword of promised victory.)



"So the horde of Behemoths was not just a simple attack on the Shalzard's resistance, but an attack to end the whole world?"

Deep within the city hall of the reclaimed territory, a meeting was being held between the important figures of the groups who currently resided within the city. A meeting between the Shalzard resistance, the Freya familia, and the Hermes familia.

"That is right your majesty. Our familia has been investigating this operation for quite some time, but we are sad to admit that when we had learned the full extent and operation of their objective, it was far too late to prevent its fruition"

A weretiger spoke in a professional tone to the question of the Shalzard king, alongside speaking to the room filled with numerous important and powerful figures.

His voice indicated that he was used to acting under such pressure, something that was only natural for a person of his station.

The assistant of Asfi, and the vice-captain of the Hermes familia, Falgar Batros currently took the lead in explaining the truth of what had just happened in the capital city of Sorshana.

Talking in depth to the Shalzard resistance and the Freya familia everything they had learned in the past few months about their investigation of the activities of Evilus in the Kaios region.


A worrying silence descended upon the leading figures of the resistance and upon Arry who was currently thinking deeply about what Falgar had just said.

'So the attack of Evilus would have happened regardless of whether I or Bell were there at that time… Sorshana, as a former hub for immense trade, stands at the crossroads between numerous desert nations and those beyond the Kaios. It would be an ideal staging point for a plan of such scale… but for a god to formulate and go through with such a genocidal plan…'

Arry's face scrunched up in disbelief that a person existed with the immense desires and capabilities to bring such an idea from thought into reality. Her scope of the world had just widened, but in a manner that she was not so thrilled.

'This whole situation has turned from a fight for independence into a fight for survival. For the survival of not just my people, but of the entirety of Gekai…'

The king now no longer thought about the fact that her people's dream of reclaiming their nation was foiled, Arry was now concerned with the horde of monsters in the distance that wished to destroy the world.

Though it wasn't an opponent that could raze the world in an instant or dispatch its inhabitants with ease, the threat posed by the horde of Behemoths if left unchecked was immense.

Arry, as a member of the desert people, knew just how deadly the black ash in the black desert was. Faced with the possibility of the black desert's corruption spreading even further, she knew full well just how dire the situation was.


Arry was unable to process all the information the Hermes familia had presented, let alone formulate a response to the threat. Scrunching up her face further in stress, Arry silently called out in desperation to Bell in her thoughts. Hoping to have her aide give his insights into the situation that she failed to comprehend… but alas, such a luxury couldn't be afforded to her at this moment.

'I can't rely on him right now… Bell is still recovering after fighting to secure our escape…'

Unable to take the continuous appearance of setback after setback, Arry began to curse in her thoughts about the absurd situation she and her people were now thrust into. She was too weak, and so too were her people. Faced with such towering odds, the only answer Arry could come up with was their resignation to fate.

𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩


As the Shalzard resistance's leader struggled to accept the reality of the situation, the Freya familia in comparison was much more composed after being given the information presented by Falgar

The strongest familia in the world went through numerous traumatizing battles and high-stakes encounters. So long as they had a weapon in hand and their goddess in sight, the adventurers of Freya wouldn't yield to any threat.


Ottar stood quietly in thought beside his goddess Freya. The Boaz beastman reflected on the encounter he had with the Grand Behemoth as he was saving Bell alongside his comrades and the Hermes familia.

'So that was the Behemoth. Though I'm unsure if it's comparable to the grand monster slain by the Zeus and Hera familias, it still was intimidating for… a foe that Zald had willingly faced and single-handedly defeated…'

Ottar would normally be thrilled to face such an opponent. A foe that was the greatest accomplishment of the man he respected the most, and a chance at personal growth after years of stagnation at the peak of level seven… but Ottar's eyes were devoid of his beastly desire to fight and grow as a warrior because the foe that laid in front of him now threatened to harm the world and his goddess in consequence.

'If those beasts pierce through the territory of Shalzard and wreak havoc in the lands beyond, even if the world were to converge as one to repel the threat… war and conflict will be an inevitability. The only question is the scope and scale of the conflict…'

Ottar's eyes narrowed as he began to envision the political and military conflict that would come after such an incident. As an adventurer who lived through the dark age of Orario, Ottar was more than aware of the consequences of a large conflict and of their effect on the person he cared for the most, his goddess Freya.

'In those days, countless numbers of our comrades would fall and die after each encounter. Allies falling around just as quickly as our enemies… I mourned for them all, but Lady Freya mourned for them more…'

Ottar recalled his goddess' composure during the reign of Evilus. Though she stood tall and composed for the familia's morale, the familia captain knew the loneliness that grew in the goddess' eyes with each report of her children's death.

Though, composed and pragmatic as she was as the head of the world's strongest familia, bereft of emotion and attachment she wasn't. The sight of Freya's sadness spurred Ottar to fight more fiercely, so that none of his comrades may fall in the battles he led. To the extent that he had even fought with Zald when he stood at the end of his blade as an enemy.


Resolving himself once more, Ottar would make sure to eradicate any semblance of sadness that threatened to reach the goddess that had raised and taken care of him for so long.

"Hedin, what are your thoughts on this situation? How do our odds fare against the Behemoth?"

Ottar spoke to Hedin who stood next to him, wishing to learn the insights of the elf that earned their familia's confidence in his intelligence. The strategist whose wisdom was the greatest asset to the familia after their goddess' beauty and their captain's strength. Hedin Selland.

"... I will be honest. It's not looking good, captain…"

Hedin spoke with narrowed eyes as he gripped his staff in frustration, the elf's remarks aggravating the tension in Ottar's mind and heart.

"The Behemoths that wandered the black desert weren't studied in depth due to the sheer danger of the task, but if I were to guess, I would place their threat level around four to five, give or take a few exceptions…"

Hedin gave such an evaluation based on the species of the monster. Though they were of the same species as the great monster of the past, it alone was an exception among the rest of its kin, but this did not detract from the natural strength possessed by each member of its kind.

"Taking into account the strength of their kind and the sheer number that are concentrated in Sorshana, those factors alone would be hard to overcome, but there are additional considerations that need to be kept in mind…"

Hedin spoke of the black ash produced by the Behemoths. The storm of black ash would block out their vision if they ever chose to do battle with the monsters, but in addition to that, every inch of ground they allow the Behemoths to tread on would be considered a small defeat that would add up over time into a considerable loss.

"Taking all these factors into consideration, it's quite difficult to formulate a road to success. No matter what approach I think of, we always end up with considerable losses…"

Hearing Hedin's analysis, Ottar began to grow worried about their chances.

In the fight against Evilus' main forces, they were matched in number and quality. With the best of the enemy forces standing around level five and the majority hovering around levels two and three.

In the fight against Zald and Alfia, though their foes were better in terms of quality, they were only two enemies against the full brunt of Orario's adventurers.

However, in this instance, they were faced with foes of both immense quality and quantity.

Though the Freya familia was the world's strongest familia, the threat posed by the horde of Behemoths was something they couldn't solve on their own.

"So what if we were to request aid from the other major familias, Hedin? Athena and Poseidon possess the two other level sevens in this world, and Loki possesses a respectable force of her own as well. Would it not be possible then?"

Ottar asked Hedin about such a possibility. Though the familia captain would've preferred to not rely on others for such a task, he was willing to accept when he and his comrades wouldn't be enough. But before the Freya familia's tactician could answer, Hermes spoke out to answer Ottar's question, the god having heard their conversation from afar.

"I'm afraid such a thing is not possible, Ottar. Until those Behemoths have done considerable damage to warrant an allied coalition through desperation, it will only be our two familias from Orario that will be dealing with this mess…"

Hermes spoke with narrowed eyes as he was frustrated with the amount of politics that restricted the possible courses of action that could be taken.

Ottar turned his attention to the annoyed god and noticed his goddess and Hedin sharing a face of understanding. He was disheartened somewhat by his lack of intelligence to perceive the truth of the matter but still wished to understand.

"Could you please elaborate on what you mean, Lord Hermes?"

Hearing the familia captain's request, Hermes then accepted to explain the political mess that led to only two familias being able to deal with the current threat. The other members who attended the meeting began to listen attentively as they too failed to understand the scope of the situation.

"It's simple really…the Empire, Rakia, and some of the Eastern nations are waiting for Orario to begin involving itself in foreign affairs"

Hermes stated with venom in his voice for the leading figures of the groups he had just mentioned. Recomposing himself a bit before continuing.

"The current balance of power is being held by the neutral stance of Orario when it comes to matters beyond its borders"

"The reason the major nation-type familias don't just go on an unending conquest with their high-level adventurers is because of the sheer power of Orario as a potential arbiter of conflict… and because of the justification of their war"

"This might confuse some people because of how Rakia operates, but their conquests only amount to powerless city-states around their territory… what I'm referring to here is the justification to wage war against more major powers in the continent…"

As Hermes spoke, the picture began to grow clearer and clearer in the heads of the people in the meeting room. The image of the frail peace that would be destroyed should Orario involve themselves in foreign affairs.

"If Orario uses the justification of peacekeeping as a means to mobilize its forces in foreign territory, that would open the floodgates for the other major nations to being following our lead"

"Telyskura would begin pillaging nearby villages for their men and resources. The predisposed dispositions of amazonesses for battle and brutality would be unleashed against numerous villages who know only of peace"

"Rakia would either capture the Dizara region's maritime nations as a staging point for an invasion of Orario via Melen or expand eastward towards the Royal Alv forest, possibly triggering a racial conflict between the elves and the rest of mortal kind…"

"The empire and the eastern nations would either begin engaging in small conflicts against one another, or in the word case scenario, ally together in a bid to get rid of Altena. Something that would throw the whole world's financial ecosystem into chaos as Altena lies at the heart of numerous sectors of trade and commerce…"

"At all costs, Orario must remain neutral in the eyes of the public in all foreign conflicts…"

Hermes declared so with conviction. But his expression showed immense disgust at the fact that the powerful familias of the world engaged in petty politics instead of focusing on major issues that plagued the world.

'Orario simply doesn't possess a great enough deterrent to strong arm such cooperation… with the fall of Zeus and Hera, though our standing still remains as a keeper of balance, we have become nothing more than a glorified peanut gallery…'

Hermes was thankful that Loki and Freya prevented the worst-case scenario of Orario's total collapse, but a new unquestionable force of power is needed to enforce stability onto the world. Such was why Hermes desperately sought out a hero. Not only to repel the monsters of the dungeon, but the monsters that lurked within mortals and gods as well.

'Though I already found a hero in Bell Cranel, he is simply too early in his development to handle such a threat. He has the potential to do so in the future, but he cannot reach such a point in a reasonable amount of time… by then, the Behemoths would have already started wreaking havoc and a temporary truce would be called to form a repelling force'

But should such a course of action be taken, a conflict will immediately proceed among the alliance members regarding compensation for even the smallest benign issues.

"Orario won't be able to send any considerable forces for assistance. Poseidon is equally constricted due to Melen's ties with Orario. Altena and Athena are reasonable, but they will require time to secure their borders before sending aid, and they would probably not commit their main forces due to the constant threat of an invasion by the empire"

Hermes spoke as slumped his back into his chair. Tilting his hat forward to hide the sheer frustration in his eyes.

"The Freya familia is currently being overlooked due to your positions as the world's strongest, and the fact that the public perceives you all as operating under Freya's orders, not those of Orario"

"As for me and my familia… the world is not yet aware that we have taken part in this conflict as of yet. That is not to mention whether we are operating independently or under command of Orario… I'm sure you can figure out the truth based on the fact that we're here after investigating Evilus"

Hermes lightly said as he exposed his familia's truth about operating in the shadows. Hermes would normally refuse to expose such a fact to any outside party beyond Ouranos and the guild, but Hermes valued the safety of the mortal world over his familia's secrets. He now fully intended to involve himself and his children in this conflict no matter what.


As Hermes finished his explanation of the situation, an oppressing silence fell upon the meeting hall. All the parties involved were willing to contribute toward any effort to repel the horde of Behemoths that loomed ominously over the horizon, but they lacked any key decisive piece to rally behind.

'Bell would normally be the point through which the resistance is rallied upon, but he is simply too lacking for a battle of this scale…'

Sitting in contemplation while thinking of the injured Bell, Freya began to analyze the situation as best as she could. Using her thousands of years of experience with politics, the goddess began to simulate numerous methods through which the Behemoth threat could be met with… but each one resulted in losses and casualties that she simply couldn't accept.

'There is only one silver lining we currently possess, the spirit Eos… according to the report of Hermes' familia and the observations of my executives, Eos' light was somehow able to influence the leading Behemoth of the horde… though possessing the means to affect the leader of the group is good, it's simply far too lacking as a decisive piece to stage a turnabout…'

Freya thought as she observed the small child-like spirit who sat awkwardly in the meeting room. Unable to comment or speak on much beyond her relationship with the Grand Behemoth.

Freya felt empathy for the spirit who had her sister taken away in such a cruel experiment formed on the whim of one of her kin, but such sentiments couldn't be afforded as of now.

'Damn it… it pains me to admit this, but only that perverted Zeus or sadistic Hera would've been able to deal with this… I'm far from reclaiming their past glory with my children…'

The goddess admitted that she was far too lacking as the current holder of the world's strongest familia.

As the meeting hall continued to stand in dead silence, a lone sound began to reach the ears of all in attendance at the meeting.

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥...

The sounds of three sets of footsteps began to resound from the hallways outside the meeting room. Two pairs of hurried paces led by a calm and composed gait. Soon, the voices from the people walking began to resound.

"Bell! It's far too early for you to move! You need to rest! Your injuries were far too severe to simply be over after a round of healing and potions!"

Hermes' ears perked up as he recognized the voice. The voice of his familia captain Asfi Al Andromeda was being released, but what took more of his attention was the person she had mentioned was walking alongside her.


The leaders of the Shalzard resistance and some members of the Hermes familia grew confused as to who was being referred to, but the rest of the people in attendance knew all too well who exactly Bell Cranel was.

"Asfi is correct! The potions we gave you weren't elixirs. Your injuries may have been treated for the most part, and your risk of mortality has decreased immensely, but you still lack the necessary energy!"

Alongside the voice of the Hermes familia's captain was a voice Freya knew. The voice of her familia's healer squad leader, Heith Velvet.

The noises from the hallway began growing more and more in volume until-


-the doors of the meeting hall erupted in sound as they were opened quickly. The act revealed the trio who had broken the silence of the meeting hall.

"... damn it"

Asfi cursed at herself for failing to stop Bell from reaching the meeting hall.

She had been by his side in a personal room provided by Arry for his treatment, assisting Heith in treating his injuries with the use of some magic items she had created previously to assist in her familia's secret operations.

"Forgive me, Lady Freya…"

Heith looked apologetically towards her goddess as she failed to let her beloved focus on his recovery.

Bell had awoken from his exhaustion-induced slumber in a panic. Heith and Asfi began to calm him down and inform him of the situation, but all of a sudden Bell began to make his way through the city hall in order to attend the meeting. Something which shocked the pair who immediately began to try and dissuade Bell from acting too rashly after being treated… but alas, the vigilante remained firm in his decision.


𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥… 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥…

Bell stood in silence at the entrance as he performed a cursory glance at the meeting hall. After performing a brief observation, he began to move forward through the meeting hall in order to reach the table where the three groups were currently convening.


But as Bell made his way to the table in silence, the crowd began to observe his appearance with interest. But to those who knew of his true identity, and the few who knew him personally, Bell's current appearance came with a sense of shock… because his body was far different from what they had remembered it to be.

"Bell… what happened to you?"

Arry spoke in a low voice that radiated immense concern and sadness for the person she was looking at. A sentiment shared by Hermes, Freya, and the Freya familia's executives.

Bell was currently only wearing a pair of white pants. Everything else was currently bare. Paying no mind to find a top or something to shield his feet from the ground, as he was far too focused on reaching the meeting hall.

Bell's body was riddled with scars. They all varied in shape and size, but each one indicated just how deadly and forceful each attack he had received was.

In addition to the numerous scars on his body, a series of patches of discolored skin wrapped around his right arm and back, reaching all the way to his neck. Slithering across the expanse of his skin like a snake. It was as if his body was burned beyond repair.

To the more observant people who were examining Bell, they would notice some of the patches of his white hair seemed different from the rest. Where he once possessed a head of white hair that glowed radiantly, there were now a few small patches of strands that appeared dull in comparison to the rest. As if they were bled dry of the materials that supported their structure.

And lastly, his eyes…


Freya, Arry, and Hermes widened their eyes in shock at what had happened to them. Asfi showed a face of frustration that emitted her response to what befell Bell's eyes.

Hermes began to formulate how Bell's eyes could've changed so drastically from the information he had through his personal meetings with him, and the information he had been provided with by Zeus.

Freya began to grow frustrated with herself at her inability to care for her beloved Odr. Though she was able to prevent any drastic injuries from befalling him, it still wasn't enough. Even with all her resources and capabilities, the goddess failed to fully shield her beloved.

"... Bell…"

But reacting the fiercest out of them all was Arry.

Arry constantly relied on Bell for every problem that was far too large for her to handle all at once. She had entrusted her fate to his blade. She had believed in the victory he had promised her that night in the slave markets of Lioad. She had been the one to authorize Bell's intent to serve as a distraction in their escape from Sorshana… Arry believed she was fully responsible for the pain and torment inflicted upon the man who served her so loyally until now.

The king tightened her palms in anger at herself and in the sadness of what had become of Bell.

For his once brilliant blue eyes that beautifully reflected the clear and boundless sky, were now a cold and unfeeling shade of gray. As if drained of its radiance and in fitting with his moniker as the Gray Ghost. Bell was now bereft of brilliant eyes.


Bell stood quietly as he arrived at the front of the table in the meeting hall. Feeling the numerous gazes on himself, Bell could recognize that the number of people who didn't know him far outmatched those that did.


Knowing this, Bell sighed shortly and decided to introduce himself briefly before talking about what he wanted to discuss.

"It would seem not everyone here is aware of who I am, so I will be brief… I am Bell Cranel, and in secret, I am the Gray Ghost who serves his majesty, Allum. It is nice to meet you all"

Bell said whilst performing a small bow to all the people in attendance of the meeting.


The revelation of Bell's association with the Gray Ghost shocked many in the Hermes familia and the Shalzard resistance.

For the Hermes familia, the identity of the Gray Ghost was only revealed to Hermes and his familia captain, so they were just as unaware as the resistance to the truth of the matter.

"He is the Gray Ghost? So many scars at his age…"

"We've been relying on such a youth? Is he not pushing himself too far for his age?"

"That poor kid…"

Numerous whispers began to erupt among the people who had just learned of Bell's true identity. Though his face had matured, it still showcased an appearance that indicated his youth.

This truth erupted immense feelings of shock and guilt among the observers. Shock that such a young person was capable of so much, and guilt from their reliance on a youth to defend their people's safety.

Bell heard every single one of the comments being spoken about him. He was slowly getting annoyed with the amount of pity he was receiving, but before he could voice out his desire to cease such thoughts, the three leading figures of the groups present spoke first,


The booming voice of Hermes, Freya, and Arry commanded the endless murmuring to be stopped. Particularly, Hermes and Arry spoke with an angered tone. Disappointed that their subordinates would so rudely gossip in front of the person they were talking about.


Under the cold gaze of Hermes and the heated glare of Arry, the murmurs ceased as the meeting hall descended once more into quiet.

"I apologize Bell for the rude remarks my people have given"

Arry spoke first to apologize on behalf of her subordinates. Speaking in a composed tone that befitted her position as a monarch, whilst displaying immense sincerity in her words.

"Same here, Bell. I can only apologize for their lack of tact in my children. They should be better than this… but I'll make sure nothing like this happens again"

While Hermes spoke in a more casual tone, his sincerity didn't fall short of Arry's. The god fully meant each word he had spoken.


Freya remained silent as none of her subordinates had participated in the tactless gossiping. The goddess simply joined in ceasing the thoughtless insults against her beloved's determination and sacrifice with empty words of pity.

'The Shalzard resistance had less of a reaction when I revealed myself as the head of my familia… but I suppose it's only natural given the more shocking distance between Bell and his persona as Gray Ghost…'

Freya thought as she continued to observe Bell. Her love wasn't shallow enough that it would change with the shift in his appearance, instead, the goddess was focusing more on how much pain came for her beloved's body to permanently change like that.

'I should be able to afford Bell treatment to get rid of the scars… but the discolored skin and his changed eyes are matters that I can't seem to comprehend…'

Freya began to hyper-focus on the ways she could help Bell, but as the goddess began to obsess over being useful to her beloved, Bell smiled as he saw Hermes and Arry stress over what had just happened.

"It's alright Arry, Lord Hermes, I'm not so sensitive as to hold a grudge over some gossiping"

Bell said with a light smile that immediately eased the tension in the atmosphere.

Hermes smiled in relief that his relationship with Bell wasn't affected, and Arry did the same. Though seeing Bell continue to smile and be so considerate tugged at the king's heart once more. Her guilty conscience began to quietly take over her mind.

But as that was happening, Bell's expression shifted from his light smile back into the serious expression he had worn when he first arrived at the meeting hall. Breathing in a breath once more before speaking again.

"Moving on from that, let's go back to the main issue I'm sure you were all discussing prior… you still don't have an effective answer to deal with the Behemoths, right?"


Bell's words immediately brought the meeting hall back to its previous state. Reminded once more of the monstrous threat, the members in attendance at the meeting began to show expressions that showed their frustration and inability to come up with an effective answer.

"... yes, as of this moment we have yet to decide on a proper response or strategy, Bell"

Hermes spoke in order to confirm Bell's suspicions. The answer was what the vigilante had expected. He knew all too well the political landscape of Gekai, and the capabilities of all the parties present. His knowledge as a reader of the Danmachi story allowed him to reach this conclusion.

Bell didn't condemn all the people involved for being unable to find a proper answer. This situation was utterly hopeless. As Angra Mainyu had told him, it was a disaster that was meant to force the mortal world into despair.

'Angra Mainyu understood clearly how mortals and gods worked. Governing over all evil, he knew personal greed and pride would eclipse any good sentiment, even in the face of disaster… this plan truly was a masterpiece. It's something that even the original Bell Cranel would struggle to defeat in its entirety…'

Bell admitted to the fact that they were all now hanging on the edge of a cliff. Angra Mainyu had forced them all to a crossroad where all paths would result in some form of loss if taken. It was an idea that befitted the god's divine authority… but as difficult as it was, Bell saw a single road that could crumble it in its entirety.

'This isn't a problem I could only solve with a miracle. This battle exceeds a simple one-versus-one against a hero and a villain. This is a full-blown war with the fate of Gekai hanging in the balance…'

Bell admitted to the fact that he wouldn't be able to bullshit his way out of this situation with another divine miracle or limit-off. He had reached the end of his luck… but luck wasn't the only thing he had gained from his journeys and experiences.

'Unfortunately for you Angra Mainyu… my powers shine the most in bloody wars like these…'

Bell thought as a wide grin began to spread across his face. He no longer desired to be the hero. Such a path was not possible for him no matter what in this situation… but the path to a happy ending still existed.

'Wars are not won by individuals. All the people present here are capable of winning this war, they simply lack the means through which they can decisively reach the Behemoths… so I will become the bridge that closes the gap'

Resolving his heart, Bell began to grin even wider, something that began to fill the hearts of the people in the room with immense emotion.


Though Bell wouldn't play center stage under the spotlight, it didn't mean his ability to bring about a turnabout was diminished in the slightest. Bell only chose to be a hero as the best course of action to achieve his dreams… for his obsessions from the beginning of his reformation in his second life… has and always will be… the reaching of a happy ending for the world he so loved.

"Heh… now you're making me look like a fool for worrying so much… so what's your plan this time vigilante?"

Hermes said with a wild smile and eyes that were now filled with life. Once again, Bell had broken his preconceived vision of reality and replaced it with a blinding promise of victory.

Bell smiled in response to the question posed by Hermes, but before he could give out his answer there were a few conditions he needed all present groups to agree to in order for his plan to be effectively realized.

"I have a plan… but I can only do it if all parties present agree to two conditions"

Bell's words immediately caught the attention of Hermes, Freya, and Arry. With the promise of victory in reach, they all agreed to listen to the two conditions Bell requires.

"First, the Shalzard resistance, Hermes familia, and the Freya familia must enter a three-way alliance in the battle against the Behemoths. All resources and capabilities will be shared among all groups for the sake of securing victory"

Bell spoke of his first demand, a three-way alliance. Though it was clear who among the three possessed the most resources, Bell needed to ensure that there would be no slow bureaucracy that would hinder the war effort.

"Every moment wasted on pointless technicalities is a moment spent not honing ourselves for the Behemoths. Every single party must dedicate every resource they have to this battle… all arguments about contribution and fairness will be thrown out of the window"

Bell said with a cold tone. For the streamlined process he envisioned, no hesitation was expected from all levels of command.

"An alliance? Then I'm all for it! My familia and I have been operating under the pretext of eventually collaborating with outside forces, so it's a no-brainer for us"

Hermes accepted the suggestion for an alliance with little hesitation. Asfi had some comments about the lack of professionalism in her god with such a decision, but she, alongside her comrades in the familia, held no opposition to their god's choice.

"It would be Shalzard's honor to participate in such an alliance. Though we don't possess many resources at present, we will dedicate all that we have to this effort"

Arry was the next to have accepted the suggestion for an alliance. The king knew that her nation would be the ones benefiting the most from this proposition, and thus accepted the proposal with a humble response.


Lastly was the key player to the success of the alliance, Freya and her familia.

The Freya familia possessed the most amount of resources, capabilities, and manpower out of everyone present. Though Hermes edged slightly above them in terms of information gathering and network control, Freya's web of contacts wasn't small by any means.

The people in the meeting hall stood quietly as they awaited the answer from the goddess Freya. Seeing the tense air around the Shalzard leadership and some of the Hermes familia, Freya smiled before releasing the tension.

"Why are you all acting so tense? My beloved Odr is asking this of me, and the adorable king I have grown so close to is also in need of my help. Of course, I'll accept the alliance… right, my children?"

Freya spoke with a cold gaze that swept across her familia. The goddess' gaze was met with an intense response of obedience from her children.

"It is as you wish, Lady Freya!!!"

The Shalzard leadership was surprised a bit by the intense response of the Freya familia, while Hermes could only whistle a tune of astonishment at how loyal the goddess' children were.

"If only my captain were so loyal… instead she just beats me up on a regular basis- ACK?!-"

Hermes was about to comment on Asfi's treatment towards him, but the god's musings were cut short by a swift and unassuming jab by the level four captain.

"One more word Lord Hermes, and I'll be assuming the role of representative for my familia while you take a nice nap on the cold marble floor of the city hall"

Asfi said with a smile and in a voice that could only reach Hermes. Feeling that her threats were far from empty, Hermes quietly complied with Asfi's demands.

"Y-yes ma'am..."

Ignoring the domestic violence that was occurring on the Hermes familia's side, Bell was happy that his first condition was accepted. But such a thing was likely to happen with little to no resistance according to Bell's knowledge of all three groups. It would be the next condition he required that would cause the most amount of trouble in getting approval.

Taking another breath, Bell resolved to face the inevitable opposition that would come with his next condition.

"As for the second condition… It's for me to be the head of this alliance. Absolute control and authority over the alliance's operation and direction will be managed by myself. I will take the suggestions and insights of the members of each group into careful consideration… but it will be my call whether to authorize it or not"

Bell declared his last condition for the fruition of his plan. Absolute control over all three groups that are to participate in the alliance.


Bell's declaration of his second condition was met with a brief silence as all three parties began to consider it. There were a few silent whispers that were held, but the decision was unanimous between all three representatives.

"We accept"

Hermes and Arry were the first to accept. The two representatives only had to deal with a few questions regarding the workings of their command structure, but all-in-all the two groups held very little in the way of opposition.

Bell was an essential collaborator and trusted ally in the eyes of the Hermes familia, an individual who not only cleaned up the streets of Orario's criminal underworld but made their jobs easier and their lives much better. The Hermes familia's adventurers held only goodwill for the vigilante.

The same was for the Shalzard resistance who benefited immensely from Bell's actions in their fight for independence and sovereignty. There was no question in their mind that Bell was a person worthy of leading them.

The only problem lay with the Freya familia.

"I object"

Allen Fromel, vice-captain of the Freya familia spoke out his opposition to Bell's condition.

His declaration was met with an eerie silence from Freya and a growing killing intent from Ottar.

"Allen… speak your reasoning while I still have some sense of rationality left…"

Ottar began to emit an oppressing aura from his body. His Mind began circulating methodically throughout his body. Slowly awakening each of his muscles to the intense call to dispatch the unsightly person before him. Though they were comrades for a long time, if it came to matters of their goddess, Ottar would not hesitate to throw away even the closest of friends should it come to such a point.


Freya continued to emit an eerie silence as she awaited the answer from her child who had decided to choose for her. Though the goddess could at any point silence the cat person's opposition, her time with Bell dissuaded the goddess from immediately lashing out.

Though Allen was opposing Bell at this moment, unknown to him, it was only because of the vigilante that he wasn't currently dead where he stood.

'So this is the radiance of the world's strongest familia… it's hard to breathe in their presence…'

Arry commented in her thoughts as Ottar's Mind and Freya's minuscule arcanum began to fill the air of the meeting hall.

Seeing the falna-less Shalzardians struggle to remain conscious in the presence of the two figures, Heith, Asfi, and the healers of both familias began to quickly treat them with haste.


Allen stood quietly for a bit under the immense pressure of his captain and goddess, but he continued with his opposition nonetheless.

"It is simply too much to ask for Bell Cranel to take full control of the familia. Respect in the Freya familia is only earned through effort and accomplishment. Bell Cranel simply fails to live up to the standards needed to command us"

Allen spoke out the reasons for his objection, and though the rest of the familia remained quiet as he spoke, they all shared the same sentiments as Allen.

They all followed their goddess and captain in their efforts to keep track of Bell for Freya's happiness. But through each length of the journey, they all secretly harbored an immense hatred and distrust of the vigilante.

"Allen, are you trying to make little of what Bell Cranel has accomplished?..."

Ottar spoke back to Allen's comment, his anger growing more and more. Seeing the growing aura of his captain continue to dominate him, Allen had enough and began to fully share his thoughts.



Allen had shared all the anger he had held for Bell in one go. His voice echoed through the corridors of the city hall. But though his arguments were valid, there was a retinue of counter-argument that could be had in Bell's defense.

'As if you knew how much time he dedicated to roaming the dungeon and the streets of Orario. Investigating and wiping out criminal dens none of us knew about…'

Asfi thought in her mind as her eyes began to train on Allen with killing intent. Hermes doing the same. Watching the mortal give out insults as he was blinded by his one-sided affection for Freya.

'Bell took the time and effort to bring the dreams of my people into reality. He stuck by our side when everyone else had given up on us… he gave countless people the strength to continue fighting while he battles his own problems… who are you to call him weak…'

Arry thought as she began to tighten her fist in anger at what Allen had said. Her eyes began to glow an ominous violet. For the sake of the person who had given her hope in complete despair. For the sake of the single person who called her naive dream beautiful… for the person she loved with all her heart… Arry began to slowly awaken the dormant power in her eyes.


As for Freya…


The divine goddess and beauty…

"Allen… Allen… Allen… Allen… Allen… Allen…"

She was nearing the end of her patience…


Freya's hair began to float in the air as her body began to be wrapped in a divine aura. The goddess had fully thrown away all attachment she held for her familia's vice-captain. She no longer cared for the child she had raised from the remnants of war all those years ago.

For the sake of the man she loved.

For the sake of her Odr.

For the sake of her Bell.

For the sake of the only person that came to understand the goddess for who she truly was. Looking beyond all her facades and preconceived notions.

Freya would give up anything for him.

『𝘼 𝙇 𝙇 𝙀 𝙉  𝙁 𝙍 𝙊 𝙈 𝙀 𝙇』

The goddess called out to her child as her eyes radiated an ominous silver. The sight was the power that even Odin had feared. A power that forced him to collaborate with the gods of Olympus to formulate a system to restrain Freya should she become a loose cannon.

But before Freya could enter the path of no return… Bell spoke out.

"That's not necessary, Freya. Everything Allen said was true… so allow us to settle this by ourselves"

Hearing the voice of Bell reach her ears, Freya slowly but surely began to lower the output of her divine aura. Her eyes began to lose their silver sheen as her hair began to rest once more on her body.

Turning her head to Bell, Freya's expression of anger was quickly replaced with a look of concern. The goddess' face distorted in annoyance for a small while, but she eventually relented.


Freya dejectedly accepted her beloved's request, but not before turning her eyes to the vice-captain who stood with bated breath. His eyes looked both in fear and admiration of the goddess who no longer looked upon him.


Freya slowly called out to her vice-captain. Allen took a moment to gather his composure before responding to his goddess' call.

"Y-yes, Lady Freya"

Ottar's eyes narrowed at his stuttered response but paid it no heed as he simply believed his goddess would right Allen's wrongs.

"I raised you all to focus more on combat than politics, so it was my fault to have expected a bare minimum understanding of how these things work, so allow me to teach you a simple concept, my child…"

"It's all well and good to have a fiery heart, but it should only ever be paired with a cool mind… one must always keep in mind the setting and occasion in which they speak because passion doesn't win politics, its wisdom and cunning…"

"Speak when it's appropriate… because if you say the wrong things to the wrong people… I'm sure you can understand what happens next, right Allen? Or are you so hot-headed that I have to teach you basic deduction as well?"

Freya spoke so with a gentle smile on her face. The sheer difference in her expression and words brought a sense of discomfort in all who witnessed what was happening… but to Allen, he only felt the breaking of his heart. It was clear that he had lost all goodwill from his goddess and captain.

"Yes, Lady Freya"

Confirming that he had understood his goddess' words, Freya smiled even brighter as she allowed Allen to resolve his grievances with Bell.

"Good! Now head on over to my beloved! Remember everything I taught, alright?~"

Freya cheered Allen on as he began to make his way to Bell. The room was dead silent as the two began to meet face-to-face.


The two stared in silence for a while as they each began to observe one another. Allen still held an immense hatred for Bell in his heart. He simply couldn't understand what made him so special in his goddess' eyes.


Allen continued to stare at Bell with small leaks of hostility radiating off of his body. Ottar picked up on it and attempted to move, but Bell began to react to his gaze with a smile.

"Let's fight, you and me"


The people in the room began to grow shocked by what Bell had just proposed. Bell wanted to settle their grievances with a fight.

"Why are you so shocked? The reason behind your objection is that I'm not worthy enough to lead you all, right? So all I have to do is prove that I'm worthy. So let's fight"

Bell said with a smile. Allen was willing to fight Bell, it was a manner of resolving their dispute that best suited his way of thinking… but the fact that Bell said so with a smile is what unnerved him. His senses as a first-rate adventurer were screaming at him that something was amiss.

"You want to fight? Even though you're riddled with injuries and lack your full energy… you want to fight me?"

Allen spoke out in hesitation, but Bell immediately answered with a quick response.

"Yes. Let's fight"

Seeing this response by Bell, Allen was sure of it, there was something wrong. There was a factor that he was failing to conceive that gave the vigilante so much confidence in front of a level six like himself. But try as Allen might to sense and perceive what it might be, there was no trap or trick he could sense in the room that might give Bell the edge over him.


Allen mulled it over for a bit but eventually accepted Bell's proposition.

"Fine! Just don't take it back you bastard!"

Allen declared with a sadistic smile on his face as he now had the opportunity to vent his frustrations about Bell.


Seeing his opponent's enthusiasm, Bell smiled widely as he began to prepare himself for the fight.


The room watched in silence as the two began to prepare for their battle, but as they were both warming up, Allen decided to grant consideration to his weakened opponent. Something he did in hopes that it might repair what little remained of his relationship with Freya.

"I'll allow you the first move, Cranel"

Bell looked at Allen with blank eyes. There was a silence between them both for a short while. Allen was about to clarify what he had said to him, but Bell stopped him with his answer.

"Then I'll gladly take it!"

Bell's gray eyes radiated an ominous cold as he smiled at the familia vice-captain. Bell was smiling as everything was going how a generic fight for honor would go. During his time in his reality marble formulating weapons to fight against the Behemoth, Bell had done some self-reflecting as he hammered away against the fiery iron of his mental landscape.


Bell invoked his magic to reinforce his arm. It had yet to recover from its injuries, so in order to perform the single projection through which Bell planned to end this fight with, he needed to make sure his right arm was strong enough to handle it.

Magic circuits began to spur to life around Bell's body. The sight of his Mind glowing and forming itself into an organized pattern drew the attention of every person in the room.

'So this is Bell's ability that Lord Zeus had mentioned…'

Hermes looked in interest at the inner workings of the hero he decided to support. Asfi was just as interested as she began to understand her friend more and more.

The Shalzard resistance leadership watched in awe at the display of magic they have never seen before in the desert.

The people of the Freya familia were familiar with the general workings of Bell's powers, but they had yet to watch it operate in such detail.


Freya smiled in silence as she watched her beloved's magic spur his beautiful soul into action. The goddess fully immersed herself in admiring Bell rather than observing her child who was his opponent.

And as the goddess admired Bell, Ottar watched in interest at the youth that had managed to capture his goddess' heart. It had been so long, but Ottar could feel it deep within himself… the『King』could feel the potential of a contender for his throne.

(E/D: Fun fact: Senji does extra damage against King types.)

'I'll be waiting, Bell Cranel'

For the first time in a long time… Ottar smiled in anticipation of a worthy opponent.


And beyond all of them, Arry watched with eyes that took in every detail of what Bell was displaying.

The king's heart that wavered between him and her people slowly began to solidify as her dream moved in accordance with the truth of her heart.

Accepting both her dream and herself, Arry's dormant abilities began to slowly unravel. The truth behind the eyes of Shalzard royal that destined her for greatness in Bell's understanding.


And in response to that slowly waking talent, Eos turned her gaze away from Bell in an instant to observe the Shalzard king. The spirit took a brief glance at the soul of Arry before resolving herself.

"I found it…"

Moving from the observations of the onlookers, Bell continued to spur his magic as he quietly began to prepare his projection.

Bell knew it would take some time for him to finish, so he decided to engage in some idle banter with his opponent before the match started.

"You know…I'm not that angry about what you said, Allen. Everything you said was true. I have been nothing more than a lucky bastard"

Bell said so with a smile on his face. Though he was lambasted with insult after insult, he felt at peace. He had come to terms with the reality of his situation as he hammered away in his reality marble while he slumbered.


Allen responded in confusion. Every single person who had received his insults either broke down, fought back, or ignored him completely. Never once did someone accept the words that came from his poison-like tongue. But as the familia vice-captain fell into confusion, Bell continued to speak.

"From the moment I was born, I have been riding on miracle after miracle. I was a person who got to where he was largely through luck and the people around me. Realizing this, I finally found the last piece I needed to improve myself. The path that leads to my dream!"

Bell spoke with kind eyes and a gentle tone as his magic began to work in earnest to beat Allen to an inch of his life. The two conflicting images only sparked a single response from Allen.


Hearing his words, Bell took a moment to process them before accepting them fully.

"Yes! In many aspects, a person such as myself would be described as insane. After all, insanity is defined as the consistent choosing of a foolish, irrational, and illogical decision, right?"

"It can also be described as the deviation of normal perception and behavior… and though I wish for it to be true, it's not normal for someone to sacrifice themselves constantly for people they barely know"

"I am insane, Allen Fromel"

Bell spoke with a wide smile. Something that sent a great sense of foreboding down Allen's spine.

"Allen, throughout my time, journeying I have constantly reflected on who I truly am… and after tearing myself to shreds, understanding the world around me, and being drenched in the brutality of war, I have finally come to accept and understand who I truly am…"

"𝘼 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙙"

"For the sake of my greed to realize my dreams, I selfishly impose my beliefs and morals upon people who disagree with mine. Doing so until they accept mine as the superior choice… or they're left unable to continue resisting"

Bell said as he began to slowly approach Allen. His right arm glowed brighter and brighter as the projection he had prepared continued to form itself.

"Though there are nuances that my explanation fails to take into account, it's the undeniable essence of what I want to achieve, and it's the same for you Allen. You want Freya to be yours, so you're willing to impose that desire on me and everyone else until you get what you want… we're all just selfish bastards pushing our dreams down each other's throats, right?"

"There's no hero or villains. Those are just titles that change depending on the perspective of the observer. You're my villain for impeding my goals, and I'm your villain for ruining your love life… so let's just skip the pretenses and fight it out to see whose selfishness wins in the end. My desire for my happy ending, or your desire to claim Freya for your own-"

Hearing Bell's provocation, Allen began to move to strike at Bell who stoked his anger, but before Allen's attack could reach, Bell called out to the familia vice-captain.

"𝙃𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣"

Allen instinctively reined in his attack as Bell's piercing gray eyes stared right at him. Seeing the attack failing to push through, Bell regained his laid-back smile.

"It isn't good to break promises, Allen. This makes it two times you've broken a promise, do your best not to do it three times, alright?"

Allen's body tensed as he could feel as if Bell could look through him completely. As if he were viewing him in a manner that exceeded his understanding.

"What do you know?..."

Allen could feel that Bell knew far too much about himself than he should, so the vice-captain questioned the man who was putting him so on edge.

Hearing Allen's question, Bell simply continued to act laid back and didn't answer his question. Choosing to continue speaking his mind.

"My first attack is almost finished… So let's wrap up this talk we're having Allen. Hopefully, we could see more eye-to-eye after this… so now that you understand why I'm currently fighting you, let me address your concerns about my ability to lead you and your comrades in Lady Freya's familia"

"Yes, I have been relying on miracles and coincidences to overcome all of my insurmountable challenges… but after realizing my selfishness, and wanting to pay what little respect I can to the selfish desires I have crushed until this point, I have resolved to face them with only my capabilities alone from this moment onwards"

"𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙖 𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣"

Bell declared his determination. His gray eyes soon began to show faint reactions that responded to his emotions. Faint cracks of blue erupting from the cold gray began to erupt within his eyes.

"After facing the evil god Angra Mainyu, I felt as though my overcoming of him was half-baked. It wasn't the ideal that I wanted to achieve for myself. The same was true for every other instance where I was backed into a corner… I clung to the idea of myself as a hero and hesitated to pull out all the stops where it was needed. Thinking things would be fine as they were. Relying too much on my knowledge and understanding… so I will correct this error of my own making"

"I will enter every battle with the assurance of victory through definite and concrete means. Even if something goes awry, I will make sure that it is overcome through tangible methods, because that is the ideal I want to achieve with my dream"

"My selfish desire will only continue to grow bigger and bigger, and I can't keep relying on uncertain factors to obtain the victory I promised to those who believe in me. So watch me rise up to the occasion Allen. Though I have been nothing more than a selfish bastard who rides on miracles… I am confident in my obsession to achieve what I want"

Bell now stood directly in front of Allen. His gray eyes continued to erupt sparks of blue. Growing more and more violent as time passed. Breaking even the constraints of his body, Bell's obsession with the world he loved triumphed over the logic of his own body.

This world was what kept away the darkness of his previous life, and it gave him endless blessings in his second life. He could never feel more indebted to this beautiful world he now lived in…so he will meet it with a desire to become a hero that triumphs over the original Bell's.

𝘼 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮.

"There's no going back for me, Allen. It's either I succeed or die trying. So tell me, are you willing to do the same for Freya?"

Bell spoke with a wide smile as he stared directly into the eyes of Allen. He had felt the freest he had ever been as he fully accepted everything about himself. After his self-doubt in Colchis village. After his repetition and solidification of his desires in Orario. After pushing himself to the brink in the Elsos ruins. After understanding the world in Altena. After understanding himself in Shalzard. Bell's dream now shined the brightest it had ever shined.


Allen was quiet as he stood in the face of Bell's twisted obsessions with his desires. The familia vice-captain knew that the only thing that separated the person in front of his eyes from a villain was the end result of their actions. The means and desires through which those endings are realized were one and the same.

『Trace on』

Bell invoked the bright light radiating off of his arm into reality. Solidifying the image his accumulated mind was to form into. Repeating each step of the projection process with the utmost efficiency and experience, Bell called forth the sword he would use for this fight.

『Caladbolg: The Spiral Rainbow Sword』

An immense glow began to manifest before dissipating in a near instant. Leaving only behind a spiral helix-like sword in Bell's right hand.

The weapon radiated immense power on its own, but Bell began to use his remaining energy to strengthen it further. Morphing it into an unrecognizable form from its original.

『Trace: Overedge』

Bell's energy began to twist the sword as he packed it with as much energy as he could. The spiral helix blade began to weave itself tighter and tighter, to the point that it looked like it would begin to collapse in on itself.


Allen stood in silence as Bell began to raise his sword overhead, preparing to swing it down on him.

Allen could tell that the weapon was explosive in nature and that Bell would be caught in its attack at such a close range. But after peering into his eyes once more, Allen could tell such a thing was the least of his concerns at the moment.

"Let's do this, Allen! Me and you! Let's see who's selfishness triumphs over the other! In this moment, whatever you do Allen…"

𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠

Bell's face stood mere centimeters apart from Allen's. His chaotic eyes peered deep into his soul as if he could see and understand everything that made him who he was. His past, present, and future were laid bare under the eye that observed him with a fanatical obsession.

The sparks of blue began to form a chaotic spiral as the two tones began to compete for dominance like rabid beasts. It was as if Bell's eyes had become a literal eye of the storm.


Allen continued to remain quiet as Bell pushed him further and further into an abyss where only their egos remained. Stripped off every pretense and facade, all that remained was what drove them… and in the midst of it all.


Allen blinked.


All of Allen's senses which were overflowing with stimuli began to halt in an instant as he unconsciously called out the true source of his selfishness. Something he refused to admit beneath all his bravado.

Allen wasn't driven out of love for the goddess Freya, Bell knew that all too well… so he decided to make the tsundere of the Freya familia admit it.

"Good to see that you're finally honest with yourself. It's much more comfortable just admitting what you want, you know? I won't judge. I'm the exact same… adorable little sisters are the best, right?"

Bell's manic expression shifted back to his more gentle and composed self at the realization that his goal had been achieved. Slowly retracting his broken phantasm Caladbolg from touching Allen's head of hair.

"I hope you can see that I'm worthy enough to follow. Though if you wanted to know what would've happened if I pushed through with my attack… you would most probably be swatted away to the city walls out of the sheer explosive force of my sword, I would probably be severely injured once again, and this entire meeting hall would be left in ruins… but it didn't turn out like that, so no need to think about it too much"

Hearing Bell's voice continue to reach his ears, Allen began to slowly recompose himself before speaking to him once more.

"Insane… bastard…"

But though Allen's voice held nothing but hostility for Bell, Bell only smiled as he achieved his objective. Not having to pull a miracle out of his ass to somehow defeat a level six adventurer who relied on speed and reaction as his main strengths.

'Outside of Ottar, Allen is the worst match-up with my skill set. It's kind of like Richard versus Gilgamesh in Strange/Fake… minus the sheer absurdity of Gate of Babylon on my end…'

Bell thought to himself as he took his first step with his new resolve for self-improvement. Turning away from the mind-broken Allen, Bell began to face the people attending the meeting once more before asking his question again.

"So… do you still have any problems with my second condition?"

Bell's eyes faced directly toward the members of the Freya familia.

Hedin narrowed his eyes after recognizing the monster Bell Cranel was.

Hogni averted his gaze from the scary aura he had displayed to dominate Allen.

The Gulliver brothers were still reluctant to accept Bell.

Bell recognized the glares he was receiving and decided on one last show of strength.

'I wanted to cancel out this projection and conserve my energy… but this is the only way to convince those stubborn bastards'


Bell began to strengthen his body in an instant, twisting himself to gain more momentum before releasing it all at once with an explosive burst of strength, Bell threw the cracking broken phantasm through an open window in the meeting hall.

The arrow tore through the air like a rabid beast before eventually, the structure of the project collapsed in on itself. Triggering the sword's reaction.

The remaining Freya familia members who had yet to accept Bell as their leader, widened their eyes as they saw the sword began to twist and distort space greatly before releasing an intense amount of energy into the air.


An immense explosion ripped through the sky. Blanketing the whole city in immense light and a cloud of dust from the explosion.


Turning once more back to the Freya familia members, Bell smiled once more before speaking.

"Would any of you like to stand in front of that?"

Bell's declaration silenced all opposition left in the Freya familia.

Sensing her children finally accepting her beloved, Freya smiled brightly as she responded to Bell's second condition.

"The Freya familia accepts Bell's second condition to be elected as alliance leader"

Seeing all the pieces fall into place, Bell smiled just as brightly before announcing the beginning of their turnabout.

"I will promise you that victory is all but assured under my lead… so all you need to do is follow"

Bell spoke as he pierced through all the present members of the meeting with his chaotic gray and blue eyes.

"Today will mark the start of our war against the horde of Behemoths! Evilus planned for us to wallow in despair, we will not go gentle into the good night… we will fight back with everything we have. We will rage against the dying light"

"In four months' time, I will raise you all to become the bane of the Behemoths, so keep up until then, giant slayers"

Bell declared with a wide smile as his path stood clear in his sights.

His reality marble flared deep within his mind. Pillars of fire erupt from the ground that was littered with numerous weapons Bell had created in his slumber… in the center of them all, a giant black blade.

120 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.






Thank you for reading this chapter.

Sorry for the unannounced break and the recent slew of broken promises, I'm only a month away from graduation and I was flooded by a bunch of academic requirements out of nowhere.

I had to take some time to rest from all the stress, but I should hopefully have enough time to work on this fanfic now.

This arc will end in 2-3 chapters and I have a rough draft for the DxD fanfic planned out.

Thank you for supporting this story even when I was gone, and I will do my best to deliver a story you guys will continue enjoying.

That will be all, may you all have a nice day!

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