Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 15- Outside Orario- Melen

After leveling up from Ouranos, Cirrus packed his stuff to travel outside of Orario. Seeing as he never had to leave the city before, he asked Hermes for some necessities since, from his past life’s knowledge, Hermes is the god of travelers.

"What would you recommend, Lord Hermes?" Cirrus asked.

"Hm. Well you need to pack at least three set of clothes, preferably something that can hide dirt and stains so no white. six pair of underwear, trust me you will thank me later. About 4 to 14k of valis for all around expenses, and some—"

"Won't all of this bog us down with it's weight? Like this sounds heavy to carry around."

"Well yes if you and everyone in my Familia didn't have a Falna. Heck you can carry a good amount with ease."

"Still what of the space?"

"What you wanna mid-max you travelling?"

'Huh? Guess the gods know what mid-maxing is huh?'

"Can you explain to me what mid-maxing is?" Cirrus said to hide the fact he was from another world.

"Well of course! Zeus said during one of his matches with Athena."

'I wonder what kind of games Zeus and Athena played?'

After everything was set, Cirrus went and informed Lenoa that he would be gone for a while.

Meeting up at the Hermes Familia’s home, they placed anything of importance to Loki’s Familia, seeing as they would be gone and they couldn’t afford to let any of their information slip into Evilus, Finn made sure of that.

They, the Hermes Familia, decided to first head to Melen and inform the Poseidon and Njord Familia as that will be the first destination before truly heading out.

"So this us Melen huh?" Cirrus said looking around the port town that is the closes settlement to Orario. "Hm." The scent of fish was strong in the air. "Why is the smell of fish so strong? I know it's a port town but still."

"I feel you." Lydia said. "But you get use to it. Say," She turned and looked down at Cirrus. She was riding on a horse while he was walking besides her. "Why aren't you on a horse?"

"I don't know how to ride, I told Lord Hermes that I—Oh he didn't tell you."

"Yeah, probably forgot while he was drinking and hooking up with girls in the Entrainment District."

"I would have invited you Lydia." Hermes turned to look at the two. "But it slipped my mind! Haha!" He said smiling brightly without a care in the world.

"I'll hold you to it. Say what do you say I teach you how to ride a horse?"

"Really?" Cirrus said surprised. "Won't you be with Lord Hermes meeting Lord Poseidon?"

"Naw, he can handle it."

"I know the old sailor and fisherman for years." Hermes assured him. "I will be fine. Besides even if you can run faster than a horse you can't match their stamina yet."

"Then I'll take you up on the offer."

They rode a bit more into town before stopping at an inn that they would be staying. Hermes left to go meet Poseidon so the rest of the Familia had free time until he returned.


Just like what Lydia said, she was teaching Cirrus  how to ride a horse.

“Easy now!” she said.

"I am. Instead, you are the one making me nervous," Cirrus said with sweat dripping from him.

“Good. Now go around the block a few times slowly alright, ill be next to you.”


Slowly riding a horse through the fishing city of Melen with Lydia helping him, Cirrus was getting used to riding a horse.





The small little movements the horse makes and bumps on the road.

"That's it, slow and steady." Lydia instructed. "Relax your grip you are a bit tense."

"Hm. I'll try."

'This reminds me when I first started to learn how to drive a car.'

Returning to the inn, they spot Hermes and another god, one with hair like light green hair with tan skin and blue eyes with a rather athletic build that fit his long black coat. Next to this god was a man with light purple hair with tan skin with a Hawaiian shirt, yet they could see a few scars on his chest. Even with a scared face he was still handsome, if anything the scars added to it.

“Ah, there you are! Lydia! Zephyr! I like you to meet Poseidon and his Captain Lance!”

Lydia helps Cirrus get off and they meet one of the gods who helps bring order to the world and his captain, one who matched blades with Zeus and Hera’s Familia and the only level 7 still alive in the world.

“It is good to meet you Autolycus,” Lance said as he held out his hand with a rather high refinement that gave them the impression of an old noble wandering knight, of course, they knew he was called Knight of Knights for a reason.

“It's nice to meet you too!” Lydia nonchalantly shakes his hand with a big smile.

“And your little adventurer? What is your name?”

“My name is Zephyr, but most in the city call me White Hide.”

“Bahahahaha!!” Poseidon laughed out loud. “I'm not Artemis or any good with land animal's but do they not know you’re a boy?”

“As far as they know from the ground, I might as well be a 400-foot-tall minotaur with pink horns and silver wings.”

“Ah, so you’re an agile one, huh?" Poseidon glanced Cirrus up and down. "Do you wish to have a spar with Lance here? It’ll be a good experience!”

“I would accept the offer, but we are busy at the moment with a job,” Cirrus says as he looks at Hermes.

Hermes himself was sweating a bit.

“Ahem so uh about that. We will stay here for a few days. Poseidon has some merchant friends coming in a few days, so we can find where some of Evilus has gone so…”

“So it seems you accept the spar!” Poseidon said with a smile on his face.




Out on an open area near the docks, there was a crowd gathering to see Lance fight.

“Are you sure you do not wish to use a weapon or put on armor?” Cirrus said.

“I am sure now show me how well they taught you, young adventure.” He said with a gentle and warm smile.

Cirrus could see around him how much they like and respect Lance. Even Cirrus didn’t really fight him from how nice he seemed.

Haaa… so be it.”

Cirrus drew his sword and got into a stance, holding his sword as if he was going for a lunge.


Lance quickly picked up that Cirrus knows how to swing a sword and slightly upped his defenses. His instincts told him to be wary.

“Impressive. That stance tells me you know what you’re doing.”

'But it's really rough, textbook rough.' Lance thought.

“Thank you." Cirrus knew compared to him, his swordsmanship might as well be a him playing around with a sharp and pointy stick. "I’m glad my effort caught your eye now.” A magic circle appeared behind Cirrus, which surprised everyone except for Hermes. “Let's get this spar on a roll! (Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)!!”

“A level 2 mage!” Lance said, surprised and shocked.

As the armor enveloped Cirrus, Poseidon could see why they called him White Hide. His mask looked like one, but its appearance made him think of a sacred animal.

“Lance!” Poseidon shouted. “Don’t let your guard down!!”

“That is too late.”


At Lance’s peripherals, he sees a white mask and golden antlers.



“Well, you're faster than one would expect,” Lance said as he caught Cirrus in mid-swing, grabbing it with his fingers. “But are you really a level 2?” he then flung Cirrus from his blade, and he regained his balance landing back on the ground.

“… It was foolish to think I can end this so quickly,” Cirrus says taking out his spear and assembling it into a single piece.

“It was I who didn’t take you seriously, but now.” He gets the short sword and gets into his own stance, holding upright with one arm.

‘This feeling… it’s like I’m facing a younger Alfia… he even resembles a bit of her captain…’

The short sword in his hands seems like a dagger but too many. It looked like a long sword, even to Cirrus. That’s how far he compared Lance's skills to himself. This was someone who truly mastered the blade, one who was given the title of Knight of Knights for a clear and obvious reason.


Lance was named after Lancelot as he was said to be the greatest knight of the Round Table.





Both of them are tan from how much they are outdoors either sailing or fishing.

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