Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 22- 8th Birthday

After a while, Lenoa and Fels entered the kitchen with a weird-looking cake.

“We’re sorry if this isn’t good.” Said Lenoa. “I’m more of a potion brewer than a cook.”

“W-well, if you made it, then I’m sure I’ll at least be healthy,” Cirrus said with a slight smile.

“Kihihihi…. I’ll go get an antidote.” She said, putting the cake on the table and going to the front of the store.

“It’s a good thing I can no longer taste… or eat, for that matter.” Said Fels, putting their gift on the table.

“That’s a bit of a shame,” Cirrus said.

“Do not worry, I have grown used to it.” They said.

“… Fels, what was the last thing you remember tasting?”

“Last thing, huh? Hmmm….” They put their hand to their chin, thinking about when Lenoa entered with an antidote, along with her present.

Fels never told Cirrus the last thing they tasted that night.

Cirrus enjoyed his small little birthday party with Fels and Lenoa. After eating the cake and almost dying from how poisonous it was and simply talking about his time in Solingen, the night ended, and Cirrus went up to his room and called it a night.

“Wait? I still didn’t open my presents?”

Cirrus got up from bed and went to his desk.

“Now… which to open first?” Cirrus closed his eyes and pointed his finger at one of the two presents. “Eni mini mani mo catch a tiger by its…” Cirrus opened his eyes to find his finger landed on Fels' gift. “Toe… let's see what it is.”

He opened the wooden box to reveal a black cloak.

“Huh? If I remember right, it makes you invisible?”

Cirrus gets it and puts it on.

‘Is it like Harry Potter, or do I have to use magic?’

Cirrus pulls up the hood, and he sees his hand become invisible.

“Huh? Neat! This will come in handy!”

Cirrus takes off the cloak and puts it back in the box for now.

“Now what did you get me, Lenoa?”

Opening the rather old-looking box, Cirrus finds a small wand.

“Huh? I guess it's to use magic? Well, ill find a use for it… though now I’m looking at it.” Cirrus looks at the corner of his room where his sword, spear, and shield are along with his armor on the desk he has the presents on. “I’m going to be strapped to the teeth at this rate... haaa, I should see if I can get some straps or something.”


The next day Cirrus went out back to test the wand.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

It equipped slightly faster than normal.

“So how’s the gift?” said Lenoa, drinking her tea.

“It's great. It helps the armor equip faster.”

“Glad you like it; I would have gone for a magic staff, but seeing as you are already armed with a sword and spear, I figured something small, and light, will do you better.”

“Well, I’m sure it’ll come in handy.” Cirrus then disengages his armor and walks back inside, with Lenoa following him.

“So, what plans do you have? You going to go see your smith?”

“Yes, I wanted her to check my gear before I leave tomorrow.”

“Hmm, make sure you keep your money close on hand. Crime is still the same as always.”

“Got it.”

Putting his gear back on along with his weapons and now wand, he left to go see Eupheme.

‘Geez, it’s the same as always…’

Walking through the streets of Orario has become a rather hazardous endeavor for people without a Falna.



‘This voice!?’

Cirrus turned to see Ai coming towards him. Her presence alone made the area safer by her sheer innocence until she—


—Head-butted him down to the ground.

‘Fuck, how hard is her head?’

“Sorry! It’s a habit!” she said, helping him up.

“You didn’t do it before now?” Cirrus said, taking her hand in and getting up while rubbing where she head-butted him.

“I was carrying a heavy bag, and I was also nervous!”

“Mmm… Well, it has been a while, Ai.” Cirrus said with a smile. “I hope you don’t continue to do that.”

“Hm!” she said, standing proudly in front of him with a smile. “I haven’t seen you for a while, so it was somewhat deserved! I also thought something may have happened in the dungeon, so I was excited to see you doing well.”

“Ah well, um, I had some quests to do. Sorry if I made you worry.”

“It’s fin—“

“Ai-chan!!” shouted Kushida with an angry expression on her face. “How many times do I have to tell you to not run off on your own?”

“S-sorry…” Ai said, seemly shrinking in size as she apologized. The fox tail tucked in and ears dropped.

Haaa… just don’t go running off okay, oh Cirrus, it's you.” Kushida looked at Ai with a glance. “Now I can see why she ran. I’m sorry if she stopped you when you’re busy.”

“It's fine, really, but I really must be going. I’m on a bit of a schedule.”

“Hm, Ai, say your goodbyes for now.”

“Bye Cirrus!” she went and hugged Cirrus.


Cirrus was shocked she gave him such a warm hug that it left him stunned for a moment.

“Y-yea, well, see you later.” He said with a smile as he hugged her back.

“See ya!” she then quickly returned to Kushida’s side waving goodbye.

Cirrus waved back until they disappeared within the crowd of adventures, heading to the dungeon.

“How the hell does she know where I’m at? I should find books on Renard’s or something… but she made my day.” He rubs the spot where she head-butted him. “How does one even develop a habit of head-butting?”


Cirrus' birthday is on May 15th, that day Fels adopted him.

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