Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 24- Ukhara, The City Before Sand

The next day Cirrus got everything ready, and early in the morning Eupheme came and delivered the spear to Cirrus.

It surprised her that this was where he lived, finding it a rather hard place to find if one’s eyes weren’t keen enough. She stayed for breakfast but had to leave since she still had more work to do.

The two left together until they reached the plaza at Babel. Leaving towards the southern entrance of the city, Cirrus gets his horse but found that his horse was taken, he has to walk to Melen.


Arriving at the outskirts of Melen.

Haa! Haa! Haa! Haa! Disengage. Fuck me, I need to learn to take care of a horse.”

His armor dissipates into the air, leaving only his deer mask as he slowly enters the city. He reaches the docks where Poseidon and Lance were at.

“Geez, kid, did you run here?” said Poseidon.

“T-they stole… my horse.”

“Seems crime is still up, huh?" said Lance. “Shame… but your ride to Varga is here.”

“Thank you very much!”

Lance helped carry his things to the carriage, and he soon set off for Varga.


Traveling the Southwest of the continent towards Varga.

“So kid, what clothes do you have for the Kaios Desert?” said the merchant with brown skin in middle eastern attire.

“Uhh, was there anything, in particular, I should have brought? I have a robe to cover my body from the heat?”

“Hmm, let me see?”

Cirrus takes out the robe Fels gave him, and the merchant inspected it.

“… This will do. Now, before I take you there, we will stop by Ukhara to refill on supplies.”

“That’s fine.”

A few days' travel to the city of Ukhara, a city that serves as a gateway to many who wish to cross the Kaios Desert and reach one county west of it.

The architecture reminded Cirrus of some buildings of middle eastern and native American designs with bricks and wood in their construction.

“Wow, there are a lot of people here,” Cirrus said next to the merchant.

“Of course, many merchants such as myself come to and from here rather frequently… or as frequent as one could be crossing a desert filled with bandits and the like.”

“Ah… well, we should get our supplies and leave; I can feel eyes on me.”

“Hahaha!! Yes, those are the children! A rather scrappy group that steals to sell… or maybe it's some merchants looking to get rid of some competition.”

“Geez, merchants are rather cutthroat.”

“You have to be to make it! Even more so here in this region where stuff can 'happen'.”

His quotations made Cirrus a bit more on guard.

“Hmm…. but is it this intense?” Cirrus points out at a distance at a merchant carriage getting robbed in broad daylight.

“Huh… to be honest, I didn’t think it would reach that level. I'll hurry and get the supplies.”

The merchant quickly rode the carriage a bit faster to a supply shop.

“I’ll keep watch of the carriage,” Cirrus said.

“You sure? You know there are a few level 2s here?”

“Then it's fine, but do hurry. I don’t want to make a scene here.”

“Hmph! I’ll be quick.” The merchant went into the store and Cirrus looked over the carriage.

As he kept guard, a bunch of kids came out of nowhere and approached Cirrus.

“Hey, you think you can spare us some money?” said a child with ragged clothes.

“I have none now leave,” Cirrus said, giving a glare to one child trying to make their way to the back. “try to steal anything from me or this carriage and…” Cirrus moved to put his hand on his sword handle. “I’ll be sure to make stealing far harder with no hands.”

The kid's face grew red in anger.

“Get hi--!!”

Before the boy who seemed to be a leader could say his order, Cirrus punched his face, sending him reeling back with a broken nose.


Every kid quickly started to shake as around them, many people were watching.

“You should have just left.” Cirrus looked at the rest of his group and then back to the kid bleeding on the ground. “If you’re the leader, you should know who you are trying to pick a fight with. Now leave and be sure you don’t make me go through with my words.”

The rest of the kids back off and quickly ran to get their leader. The leader in question held his nose with anger in his eyes.

“I’ll be sure to get big brother Faruk and he’ll deal with you!!” shouted the boy as his friends helped him leave.

“… Tch… there always has to be some dick head trying to run shit.”

They got their supplies and quickly left to cross the Kaios Desert. Up on the high dunes of the desert, a group of bandits watches with a telescope.

“Ah… I see the kid, brown hair with a black shield on his back.” Said a brown-skinned man with tattoos on his left arm and desert attire with a scimitar on his hip.

“Yeah, that’s him!” said the boy with paper in his nose to stop the bleeding. “He has a Falna for sure!”

“Kukuku… well, let's go and deal with him. As a level 2, we can't have such a person running around hurting people. Ready up boys!! We have a kid to teach the ways of the desert!!”

“URAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” his men shouted.

‘That kid will stand no chance against Faruk!!’

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